Issue with new SyncBO

We created a new SyncBO that house some data in the SAP backend.  However, when we call SmartSyncRuntime.getInstance().getSyncBoDescriptorFacade().getSyncBoDescriptor(SYNC_BO), we get a null value. 
Somehow, we are not getting the "SyncBoDescriptor".  Our guess right now is that the Sync in the MI client did not return us the database tables for the new SyncBO.
Have anyone created a new SyncBO for your MAM application, and did you use the BOGenerator to generate Java SyncBO objects?  If so, is there anything that we need to do on the client side to be able to "sync" so that the MI Server will send us data?  Or is there something that must be done on the MI Server itself?
We are currently running MI 2.5 SP15 (Patch 5), with DB2E 8.2.1, with MAM30 SR/2.
Many thanks!

hello jeff,
i think for MAM, there are some customizations that you
need to do with the user assignment for your data to be
delivered to your client. perhaps you can refer to the
server-side settings of the MAM.
>we are not getting the "SyncBoDescriptor".
it could be that your application was not deployed properly.
or the syncbo name you specified is not a valid name as
defined in middleware.
check if you have the meRepMeta.xml file included inside
the deployed package. if your descriptors are not installed
in the client, no delta download requests will be sent to
MI server; thus no data will be retrieved regardless of
the data presence in the server. try  redeploying your application.

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    NAMESPACE :    sap
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    Any advice,
    Thanks in advance


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    Remove CUDA and see whether there's an improvement.
    To remove CUDA, triple-click anywhere in the first line below on this page to select it:
    /Library/PreferencePanes/CUDA Preferences.prefPane
    Right-click or control-click the line and select
              Services ▹ Reveal in Finder (or just Reveal)
    from the contextual menu.* A folder should open with an item selected. Move the selected item to the Trash. You may be prompted for your administrator login password. Continue with the remaining lines. Some of the items may be absent, in which case you'll get a message that the file couldn't be found. After moving all the above items to the Trash, restart the computer and empty the Trash. Don't try to empty the Trash until you have restarted.
    If you haven't already done so, back up all data before making any changes.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination  command-C. In the Finder, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.

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    I'm experiencing the same problem.
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    Well its simple. Just go to your finder and search for iphone. You will find a backup folder. But, you should just be able to restore your iphone. Then after restore it will ask which backup your will like to use. Then in the drop down menu select your phones name and it should restore all contacts,text messages and notes as well as bookmarks. It worked fine for me until I used iFuntastic and Apptap. I guess it alterd the backup file and deleted all my notes. So, unless you have "hacked" your phone it should restore and re enter your info fine.

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    I reset my router and still nothing. MBP and PS3 can get on just fine.
    Anybody else having issues?

    Reading this and the other posts on Wifi problems is disturbing. My iPhone 3G is on firmware 3.1.2 so not sure that reverting back to 3.1.2 will help as I have the same problems. It also appears that 3.1.3. will exacerbate the problem. Sounds like its time to harass Apples Support staff and developers to get a proper resolution to this issue as this problem is starting to really irritate.
    I use a Netgear WNDR3700 wifi router at home. It has support for all bands. At work I use a Belkin router (exact model not remembered) I see the same problems. At my mates house with another Netgear router (DG834G) I see the same problem.
    Until the last few weeks I can't say I've had any problems with WiFi on my 12 month old iPhone 3G (firmware 3.1.2 (7D11). However, these last few weeks this phone just can't stay connected to WiFi networks for any great period of time; sometimes minutes, sometimes seconds.
    I've tried manually adding wifi networks following hints from other users on the forums, but this doesn't work reliably.
    I've now done a full reset of the network element based on advice in Apple's own iPhone WiFi troubleshooter. I'll see how that goes.
    I don't believe this issue will be resolved without Apple's action, so come on Apple please help us. We love our iPhones, just don't like to see issues with them!

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    Hi there,
    We have similar problems plus many more. We have spoken to repair company's who will not take the job on now as they know they cannot fix any issues with Mac updates.
    The lattest fix has not fixed my mail issues since the last update either!
    Its a shambles and all my settings are correct, we have checked them three times but nothing seems to work.
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Maybe you are looking for

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