Issue with Refresh of Transaction Iview (urg)

Hi All,
Have a urg requirement in which there is a transactional iview EX (S_ALR_87013532). Now  the customer wants that this iview has to get refreshed every 3 seconds or any other predefined interval of time.
Have already gone through the blog
The specified item was not found.
As it is just a TRANSACTION IVIEW is there any other approach. Please throw some light how to approach it, will be helpfull.

Hi Rajesh ,
you can implement using java script also
check below thread
Implementing iView auto-refresh in JSP DynPages
Koti Reddy

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    try to put RefreshCondition in the pageDef file for that particular task Flow and try to make that condition to true only when you switch between edit or add. While switching, make sure that the mapped bean properties should also point to respective values i.e. either empty for new or holds some value for edit.
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    i hope this will resolve your issue.

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    Could you please specify the following information:
    1) What do you mean by "custom refresh"? is this feature developed by the custom development team?
    2) What are the level patch and the version of the product?

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    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Rajesh ,
    you can implement using java script also
    check below thread
    Implementing iView auto-refresh in JSP DynPages
    Koti Reddy

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    Not sure, but if it is possible, complete your project update using the custom transaction and do the CJ9F afterwards seperately.

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    MIGO is use Enjoy transaction so there will be always problem with BDC.
    I will suggest you to use BAPI for same.

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    Nested AMs do not have their own DB connection and a transaction object but they use (i.e. share) the connection and the transaction object of the root AM. When you commit/rollback a nested AM instance, you in fact commit/rollback the root AM together with all its nested AM instances.
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    <Name=[EJB AccountServicesBean.submitAddressChangeRequest(AccountServicesInfo,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)],
    Xid=BEA1-0310676F13BEAC935370(464474497),Status=Rolled back.
    [Reason=weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException: Transaction timed out after 60 seconds
    seconds since begin=131,seconds left=60,XAServerResourceInfo[weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTSXAResourceImpl]=
    xar=weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTSXAResourceImpl@1baf6254,re-Registered = false),
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    WLStore_admin__WLS_managed4},NonXAResources={})], completed heuristically:
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    No connection associated with
    xid = BEA1-0310676F13BEAC935370-7765626C6F6769632E6A6462632E777261707065722E4A545358415265736F75726365496D706C)) >
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    A general rule to follow is to make sure that WebLogic Server JTA timeout (either global, specific to an EJB or for individual transactions) is set to a lower value than the shortest timeout value configured/set for a participating XA resource (e.g., XA Transaction Timeout for Oracle XA JDBC connections). Not doing so can lead to an unexpected and inconsistent distributed transaction outcome, i.e., a participating XA Resource timing out before WebLogic Server JTA as the distributed transaction coordinator. The timed out XA Resource may take action to resolve its own part of the distributed transaction before WebLogic Server can take action. This will lead to heuristic error messages at the time when the WebLogic transaction manager tries to prepare/commit the distributed transaction.
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  • Problems and Issues with Internal Order Transactions

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    Assign Asset with IO -> Create PR with account assignment to an Asset -> Create PO with Reference to PR -> Create GR.
    Once this occurs, the transaction seems to reflect in particular reports such as List: Order by Cost Element, List: Budget/Actual/Commitments, etc.
    But when another user does a similar process in PRD, it doesnt seem to reflect in these reports.
    Also while, I cant seem to pass the GR if the Internal Order has not been released. The user was able to create a GR whose IO has not been released yet.
    These problems are quite striking to me. Does anyone know the possible causes of the situations at hand? Any feedback will be most helpful.
    Thank you all and good day.

    Ok never mind, seems I found the culprit (though the reason gives more questions than answers)! Thanks anyways

  • Issue with Action in Transaction

    Hi Experts
    I have Created new action and assigned it to lead., this action is to create work flow ( WS10001011 ) for opportunities from lead if the user status is equal to "Accepted by sales". But when ever lead status is changing to "Accepted by sales". We have observed that no action is being performed and when i clicked on action push button in pop-up i am getting this message "There are no actions in the worklist"
    Can you please assist what need to be modified.
    Thanks in advance

    SAP supplies standard workflow from Lead to Opportunity which does not use actions.
    It uses events which are triggered based on user status.
    You might like to do it that way and see if it works.
    Best regards,

  • ECC Transaction iView Error on Browser Resize

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    For instance, if you have an SAP Transaction iView to an ECC system for tcode QM01 and it is accessible through the Detailed Navigation, this iView can be opened either in its own browser window, or within the desktop inner page.  If configured to pop-up in a new browser window and you click or drag to resize the browser window, the transaction refreshes, and throws the error: "Fill in all required entry fields."  This is the same error that is thrown in ECC when a user submits the transaction with no data.  Similarly, if you have the iView configured to open within the portal framework and you click on the transaction it opens in the desktop inner page.  If you maximize/restore down the browser window displaying the portal, the transaction refreshes within the desktop inner page and throws this same error, like it was submitted.
    It happens with every ECC transaction iView that I have created, but does not happen with SRM IAC iViews, Web DynPro iViews, or SUS functionality iViews.  This leads me to believe it is a problem in ITS.  Does anyone know what is going wrong, or how to fix this?
    Thanks for any help!

       Super admin has permission for end user for all the iViews. So he will be able to view the iView. As mentioned, please check if the end user permission is given for the end user to access the iView. Also check if the permission is given for that particular system. To check permissions, go to System Administration -> Permissions -> Portal permissions -> Portal Content. Check for iView and system that you have created.
    Harinin S

  • REG : Transaction iview

    Dear All,
    We're having an issue with one of the iviews that was put into production recently for the ZMGRPP transaction.  When we view the transaction through SAP and through the portal we see an a difference within the Status field.  There should be a dropdown in this field, which does appear in SAP, but this dropdown does not show in the portal.  The other field named as Reason column (directly to the right of the status column) has the same dropdown functionality but this displays correctly through the portal and SAP. 
    Pl. help

    no its not like that...look if we see  that transaction in SAP server then one field which is having dropdown is coming fine but when i have embedded that transaction in transaction iview and will check in portal by clicking its preview tehn dropdown for field didnt come.
    Can u analyse what problem it can b e

  • Labels in transaction iview

    We are facing strange problem with transaction iview.
    Field names are displayed instead of labels in transaction iview.
    1. This problem is faced by only one user.
    2. Problem exists with only one transaction iview.
    3. Labels are displayed correctly in development system but not in production system.
    What can be the problem?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Apurva,
    First, I'm a bit unsure what you mean with "Field names" vs. "Labels"?! Are we talking of technical names appearing instead of translated labels?! In this case, is the language of the one user in question different from others?
    Best regards

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