Issue with Replication Latency with computed columns

We have transactional replication enabled and there are 15 tables that are replicated. Out of 15 there are 6 tables where we have computed columns that are persisted. When ever there are several writes, if the actual transaction size is 100 MB on the publisher,
the log reader agent is queuing up almost 30-40 GB of data and the latency is significantly increasing and the transaction log is getting held up by REPLICATION in log_reuse_wait. 
An example schema for a table is
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[address](
[address_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[crm_entity_id] [int] NOT NULL,
[address_title] [varchar](600) NOT NULL,
[address1] [varchar](300) NULL,
[address2] [varchar](300) NULL,
[address3] [varchar](300) NULL,
[city] [varchar](300) NULL,
[state_name] [varchar](15) NULL,
[state_non_roman] [varchar](300) NULL,
[postal_code] [varchar](60) NULL,
[district] [varchar](15) NULL,
[country] [varchar](15) NULL,
[country_non_roman] [varchar](150) NULL,
[non_roman] [char](1) NOT NULL,
[is_primary] [char](1) NOT NULL,
[parent_address_id] [int] NULL,
[vat_supply_to] [char](1) NOT NULL,
[created_by] [char](8) NOT NULL,
[created_time] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[modified_by] [char](8) NOT NULL,
[modified_time] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[address_title_uni] AS (case when [address_title] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](200),[dbo].[udfVarBinaryToUTF16](CONVERT([varbinary](600),[address_title],0)),0) end) PERSISTED,
[address1_uni] AS (case when [address1] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](100),[dbo].[udfVarBinaryToUTF16](CONVERT([varbinary](300),[address1],0)),0) end) PERSISTED,
[address2_uni] AS (case when [address2] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](100),[dbo].[udfVarBinaryToUTF16](CONVERT([varbinary](300),[address2],0)),0) end) PERSISTED,
[address3_uni] AS (case when [address3] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](100),[dbo].[udfVarBinaryToUTF16](CONVERT([varbinary](300),[address3],0)),0) end) PERSISTED,
[city_uni] AS (case when [city] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](100),[dbo].[udfVarBinaryToUTF16](CONVERT([varbinary](300),[city],0)),0) end) PERSISTED,
[state_non_roman_uni] AS (case when [state_non_roman] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](100),[dbo].[udfVarBinaryToUTF16](CONVERT([varbinary](300),[state_non_roman],0)),0) end) PERSISTED,
[postal_code_uni] AS (case when [postal_code] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](20),[dbo].[udfVarBinaryToUTF16](CONVERT([varbinary](60),[postal_code],0)),0) end) PERSISTED,
[country_non_roman_uni] AS (case when [country_non_roman] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](50),[dbo].[udfVarBinaryToUTF16](CONVERT([varbinary](150),[country_non_roman],0)),0) end) PERSISTED,
[address_id] ASC
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[address] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [fk_address] FOREIGN KEY([crm_entity_id])
REFERENCES [dbo].[crm_entity] ([crm_entity_id])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[address] CHECK CONSTRAINT [fk_address]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[address] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [fk_address2] FOREIGN KEY([parent_address_id])
REFERENCES [dbo].[address] ([address_id])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[address] CHECK CONSTRAINT [fk_address2]

We have transactional replication enabled and there are 15 tables that are replicated. Out of 15 there are 6 tables where we have computed columns that are persisted. When ever there are several writes, if the actual transaction size is 100 MB on the publisher,
the log reader agent is queuing up almost 30-40 GB of data and the latency is significantly increasing and the transaction log is getting held up by REPLICATION in log_reuse_wait. 
An example schema for a table is
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[address](
[address_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[crm_entity_id] [int] NOT NULL,
[address_title] [varchar](600) NOT NULL,
[address1] [varchar](300) NULL,
[address2] [varchar](300) NULL,
[address3] [varchar](300) NULL,
[city] [varchar](300) NULL,
[state_name] [varchar](15) NULL,
[state_non_roman] [varchar](300) NULL,
[postal_code] [varchar](60) NULL,
[district] [varchar](15) NULL,
[country] [varchar](15) NULL,
[country_non_roman] [varchar](150) NULL,
[non_roman] [char](1) NOT NULL,
[is_primary] [char](1) NOT NULL,
[parent_address_id] [int] NULL,
[vat_supply_to] [char](1) NOT NULL,
[created_by] [char](8) NOT NULL,
[created_time] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[modified_by] [char](8) NOT NULL,
[modified_time] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[address_title_uni] AS (case when [address_title] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](200),[dbo].[udfVarBinaryToUTF16](CONVERT([varbinary](600),[address_title],0)),0) end) PERSISTED,
[address1_uni] AS (case when [address1] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](100),[dbo].[udfVarBinaryToUTF16](CONVERT([varbinary](300),[address1],0)),0) end) PERSISTED,
[address2_uni] AS (case when [address2] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](100),[dbo].[udfVarBinaryToUTF16](CONVERT([varbinary](300),[address2],0)),0) end) PERSISTED,
[address3_uni] AS (case when [address3] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](100),[dbo].[udfVarBinaryToUTF16](CONVERT([varbinary](300),[address3],0)),0) end) PERSISTED,
[city_uni] AS (case when [city] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](100),[dbo].[udfVarBinaryToUTF16](CONVERT([varbinary](300),[city],0)),0) end) PERSISTED,
[state_non_roman_uni] AS (case when [state_non_roman] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](100),[dbo].[udfVarBinaryToUTF16](CONVERT([varbinary](300),[state_non_roman],0)),0) end) PERSISTED,
[postal_code_uni] AS (case when [postal_code] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](20),[dbo].[udfVarBinaryToUTF16](CONVERT([varbinary](60),[postal_code],0)),0) end) PERSISTED,
[country_non_roman_uni] AS (case when [country_non_roman] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](50),[dbo].[udfVarBinaryToUTF16](CONVERT([varbinary](150),[country_non_roman],0)),0) end) PERSISTED,
[address_id] ASC
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[address] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [fk_address] FOREIGN KEY([crm_entity_id])
REFERENCES [dbo].[crm_entity] ([crm_entity_id])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[address] CHECK CONSTRAINT [fk_address]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[address] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [fk_address2] FOREIGN KEY([parent_address_id])
REFERENCES [dbo].[address] ([address_id])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[address] CHECK CONSTRAINT [fk_address2]

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    Hello Gurus,
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    Thank you very much for above code I  made minor changes to the code that finally worked. I created 4 different text variables needed for Calender date range 1, 2 ,3 ,4. Please find the code below for the text variable that worked in the system
       READ TABLE I_T_VAR_RANGE INTO loc_var_range
        IF loc_var_range-LOW = '#'.
          dt_low = 'Not Assigned'.
          dt_high = 'Not Assigned'.
          CONCATENATE dt_low '-' dt_high INTO l_s_range-low.
          CONCATENATE loc_var_range-low+4(2) '/' loc_var_range-low+6(2) '/' loc_var_range-low+0(4) into dt_low.
          CONCATENATE loc_var_range-high+4(2) '/' loc_var_range-high+6(2) '/' loc_var_range-high+0(4) into dt_high.
          CONCATENATE dt_low '-' dt_high INTO l_s_range-low.
            L_S_RANGE-SIGN = 'I'.
            L_S_RANGE-OPT = 'EQ'.

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    Hi William,
    In a "Design" view in v.10, the table (which is 1 cell) looks like a big rectangular box.  I've turned off the border (cell or table border), so the border appears in gray. 
    Put mouse focus on this 1-cell table, then grab an edge with the mouse. 
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    Hi tyler260,
    I'm sorry to hear you are having issues with the Yosemite update. If you are having unusual power or battery issues on your MacBook Pro since the install, you may want to try resetting the System Management Controller (SMC), as outlined in the following article:
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    Try opening a copy of the Typewriter title in Motion and see if you can identify the problem. Remember that all of these effects, generators and such are motion files and we have full access to their innards. You can also publish any parameters to the Rig that you would like to have access to within FCPx,
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    Hi All,
    I have a table(Revenues) and a view(locations) using which I have created a crosstab report
    which has a date as a  column in the table and rows contain Region and location and Summary column has the revenues.
    Due to some issues I have again created another view which took data from both these (view and table) and I replaced the view in crystal report and build the cross tab.
    Now I am unable to change the date time format ( Cross tab column) in the new view as it shows datatype as string.
    I need to convert the date i.e this string in form ( yyyy/dd/mm hrs:minutes:sec ) to  (mmm - yy)
    How can i Acheive this.??
    Thank you,

    I have solved that Issue By making changes in the view.
    But now I am struck with some thing else...
    Here Is the Scenario.
    Revenues Table has Three Colums ( Date, Revenue, Site _CODE)    >>>>  It has 650 rows
    Locations VW has these columns ( Site_Code, site_DESC, Region,...................)  It has 65 Rows.
    For a cross tab I need Region and Site_Desc as Rows and Date as a Column And revenue as Summary column ( for month)
    I was unable to retrieve all the Site Desc for a region in crystal reports ( Also tried outer joins in LInks tab)
    So i have created a new view from both of the above which has ( date,Revenue, site_code,site_desc,Region) and updated it in the Data source  location of crystal reports.
    I am getting all the data from past 5 years (which has 65 rows in the crosstab)
    But when I am trying to filter it to 2010 data  It gives only 24rows of data ( I am loosing site desc in the regions.)
    I need all the site Desc in table whether they have a revenue or not.
    How can I do this.
    I have tried applying the select expert but got no luck.
    Your assistance will be appreciated.
    Thank YOu.

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    Any pointers/guidance on how to overcome this issue is much appreciated.
    Blog: |

    Thanks for the suggestions. 
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    background: #FFF url(../images/faux_background.jpg) repeat-y 50% 0;
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    I'm using Firefox and I don't see a white line.  Not entirely sure why you need a background image at all for this layout  since the entire page is white.
    See a live example of Faux Columns
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    Hello Siddharth,
    Thanks for you reply. Still the same issue. Following are the config I did till now:
    In the PCD I created a new business object (SWF_WIOBN), an operation linked to the object (NAVIGATE).
    I did create an iView (powl) in the custom folder, I integrated the operation within iView. I created a page that contains the iView.
    In the properties of the iView I gave:
    Application Name: HAP_MAIN_DOCUMENT.
    Launch in New Window: "Display in separate Headerless Portal Window".
    System: SAP_ECC_HumanResources
    I added the required entries in tables:
    I saw in the code of linked feeder class: CL_IBO_INBOX_FEEDER_WI  that it's checking something called "Launch_Editor".. Is it a property that we can set somewhere?
    Following are the parameters retrieved by system:
    BO_NAME       =  SWF_WIOBN
    LAUNCHER_PARAMETERS ->  empty.??
    LAUNCH_EDITOR  empty where must be set?
    At the end I still get the error:
    There is no iView available for system "": object "SWF_WIOBN". For more information, contact your administrator.
    Any advice,
    Thanks in advance

  • Issue with GetSchema("Columns") of Oracle driver from ODBC DSN

    I have installed Oracle Express Edition and have created a windows System DSN for Oracle driver 'Oracle in XE'. From my .Net application using ODBC connection string, I am trying get the schema of columns of a particular table in Oracle DB and the sample code is given below.
    dtSchema = odbcConn.GetSchema("Columns", new string[4] { odbcConn.Database, null, strTableName, null });
    Does Oracle driver accept the restrictions to be passes as paramenter to GetSchema() method?
    Please help me ASAP.
    Sasi Rekha.

    Even If create table manually in the Oracle Database using varchar2 but still when i copy the data query mysql database it shows spaces in the value column.

Maybe you are looking for