Issues with Flash/MIME. Oh, how I miss YouTube.

A few days ago, I finally got around to updating my software. I received only the December '07 update of Quicktime (7.4) and Security Update (2007-009 1.1). That's it. And then my life went to shambles and flash content no longer displays on the web! This is quite silly, as right before the update I was YouTubing like crazy. So, it's pretty apparent the update did something (like ruining my life).
Here's how it goes... A website with flash content won't load, instead I get a block icon with a question mark and a message saying, "The page "Page Title X" has content of MIME type "application/x-shockwave-flash". Because you don't have a plug-in installed for this MIME type, the content can't be displayed." Sometimes I get directed to the Adobe site for Flash, which I'll download. But that doesn't do anything either.
After many hours invested in downloading all sorts of plug-ins, tweaking with QuickTime and permission settings, oh, and missing out on the video wonders of the net, I'm debating a system reboot.
So, if you could help me to avoid this hassle, that'd be swell.

Adobe FlashPlayer should first be uninstalled using the appropriate uninstaller available here: and then the latest version obtained from here: and installed.
(You can check here: to see which version you should install for your Mac and OS.)

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    While I have not contacted Adobe, I am sure the answer will be don't use Firefox 3.6.8. ( The compliment to the answer you gave. It not Firefox that has the problem but Adobe.)
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    Hi have some issues with Flash Pro:
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    Thanks a lot.

    Based on some searching and testing, it seems that if you redirect ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS5 to a location on the local hard drive, rather than the network account storage, the problem ceases.
    I hope this helps anyone else who may run into this problem.
    Take care,

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    It sounds like you may have multiple problems, but none of them are likely to be caused by malware.
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    If investigation shows that this is not a network-specific issue, then it's probably adware. See my Adware Removal Guide for help finding and removing it. Note that you mention AdBlock as if it should have prevented this, but it's important to understand that ad blockers do not protect you against adware in any way. Neither would any kind of anti-virus software, which often doesn't detect adware.
    As for the other issues, it sounds like you've got some serious corruption. I would be inclined to say it sounds like a failing drive, except it sounds like you just got it replaced. How did you get all your files back after the new drive was installed?
    (Fair disclosure: I may receive compensation from links to my sites, and, in the form of buttons allowing for donations. Donations are not required to use my site or software.)

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    Here's what you're up against guys,
    Adobe writes the base code for Flash Player, and then hands it off to Google, who adapt it to a PPAPI plug-in (it's NPAPI when Adobe writes it). It's then "PepperFlash" and Google embeds it in their Chrome browser. While Google is pushing a "webwide" move to PPAPI Flash Content, a reinvention of the wheel so to speak, not everyone "got the memo", and Google is slowly making it so that PepperFlash will block NPAPI Flash content from running properly, and you have to disable PepperFlash to force the NPAPI plug-in to work, which sometimes fixes it, sometimes not. I have a feeling this is only going to get worse. HTML5 will eventually resolve the video end but game developers need to come up with something that won't require a plug-in.
    And to the first post:  Since PepperFlash is embedded in Chrome by Google, you can uninstall and reinstall Flash Player from here until your hard drive literally seizes up.... guess what? It has NO EFFECT at all on the PepperFlash plug-in in Chrome because it's a separate file in a separate folder and the uninstaller & installers don't have anything to do with it.

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    Hi Mohan,
    Thanx for the response. below are my specs:
    Windows 7 Pro, Service pack 1, build 7601
    Intel Core i5 760 2.8Ghz
    5 GB RAM
    Nivdia Gefore GT 220
    Just tried your recommendations.
    The performance issue exists for both the stage/timeline playback as well as test movie. I tried the suggestion to close the timeline and it doesn’t seem to make any difference.
    When playing back footage, the FPS display on the timeline can be seen to fluctuate.
    I’ve also tried another thing: Closing Flash CC and opening the test movie SWF file, which opens in Flash Player 11 and it plays perfectly fine.
    Tanx.. Ram

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    Can you suggest why this is happening? Is there any known bug in Flash Player.
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    Problem Description :

    First, thanks for the video.  Having this always makes it much easier to understand the problem.  A couple of recommendations.  First, if you feel like this might be a player bug, please add a new bug report over at and if possible please include any sample code or swf's that can help us reproduce the problem internally.  Linking the video would also be great.  In addition, would you mind reposting this question over on the Flash Professional forums?  This forum is primarily for end users, the Pro forums will get you in touch with a wider developer audience who might have additional feedback.

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    Hello BaoBae,  Since no one knows what problem you had, since you didn't start a thread, it's difficult to offer your solution to others. Especially when you don't know what their problem is:-) There is no one fix.
    Why go thru everything you have posted here, when the problem may be a simple turning off the hardware acceleration feature? This is just one example. Or how about  an addon in the browser and disabling it and that is the solution?
    Offering a solution before knowing the problem is having the cart before the horse and really isn't helpful.
    You most likely know what your problem was, but no one else does that you are giving your solution to on the threads here.
    If this solution solved whatever issue you were having, that's great. But it won't be for everyone, nor should it be.
    Finding out the problem and then the solution is always the order:-)

  • Firefox constantly freezing due to issues with Flash. Please help.

    I was running the firefox 20 beta (and have been for a while) when in the last few days, suddenly any time I tried to open any site that used even the slightest amount of flash, the browser would freeze for minutes on end before finally releasing a "plugin error" type message about Shockwave Flash. If i clicked 'continue' it would stay frozen. If i clicked 'stop script' then sometimes it would fix it, but most of the time it would keep freezing and showing that same message over and over until I stopped the process in task manager.
    First I tried to update flash and shockwave- both are up to date. So i decided to delete the files themselves and the programs via add/remove and reinstalled them. Still did not fix the problem.
    Next I tried to do a reset firefox to default state. This didn't work. I tried doing it again with the flash files deleted/uninstalled AND I rebooted the computer and the problem still persisted.
    Finally, I tried to downgrade to a more stable version of firefox, so I downloaded 19 and it still didnt work. Tried the uninstall/re install for flash one more time and nothing.
    At this point, I cannot access about half of the pages I usually go to on the web and I need help here, please anything will do.
    One thing that I noticed that might be helpful is that no matter how many times i uninstalled or reinstalled flash, every time it would try to run, task manager would show two instances of it, each using different amount of memory.
    again, please please help. If there is any solution short of a total wipe it would be greatly appreciated

    hello, maybe it's an issue with the protected mode in the flash plugin - you could try if [ downgrading to flash 10.3] (which is still supported) or [ disabling protected mode] makes a difference.

  • Issues with flash and other adobe products.

    Ok, so i've been using flash player for quite a number of years now aswell as other products like acrobat reader when i used windows, over the years flash player has developed into a totally inneffecient and almost unusable product. on top of the security issues of past with flash player and especially acrobat reader, with remote code execution vulnerabilities, i have, as have thousands of others noticed a very large decrease in performance with flash.
    i should note that a year or two ago, i could play HD flash content no problem, both 720 and 1080 resolutions, full screen without any issue. i would expect it to take up a decent portion of cpu cycles, which it did, i use to be able to run flash content at 720 with about 30 - 50% cpu usage. now it seems with flash 10 my AMD Athlon 4000+ struggles to play even 720 videos. My cpu is by no means a top performer, it is however capable of handling somewhere in the region of a billion instructions per second. for video content to require that amount of data to be handled is rediculous.
    HD content played back on my local machine using a different codec, my cpu barely even uses 5 - 10% cpu time, not only that, these videos have roughly about the same compression rates as flash videos. i just don't understand how flash can require so much resources without taking into account innefficient and bloated code.
    today i tried to access a web page that required flash content to display images, it was not a video, but an image database, going from one page to the next took somewhere in the region of 20 - 30 seconds, while my cpu maxed out at 100% and firefox stopped responding, which is totally unnacceptable.
    it wouldn't normally be a problem if there were good alternatives, but there aren't any, im stuck with this piece of crap software if i want to view any flash content. the only real alternative is to upgrade, which i am not prepared to do if the next version of flash is just going to push those boundries even further for features i don't need.
    my proposal is to:
    1. rewrite the code with effeciency rather than new features in mind, if that means getting able programmers in, then so be it.
    2. make flash modulous, where the basic package provides capabilties to play flash content and separate plugins to provide for all the individual unnecessary features that are not required for basic flash content. surely you can build a package that provides all those plugins for regular users and a basic package + optional plugins for those who know what they want or need.
    it really makes no sense why such a large corporation with all this experience to provide a product that quite simply.. sucks, well it does actually, either your programmers are incapable of creating a stable, efficient product or you are purposly trying to push hardware upgrades onto people. lets not forget that flash content is huge business on the web, adobe flash player has a strangle hold on that market, it would be naive to think that hardware vendors have not approached adobe with specifications to further make the money wheel go round.
    sort it out, because i for one, am in the process of completely removing my dependancy on adobe flash, if the right product comes along, others will do to, in droves. it's a bubble that is going to burst and there is no way back when you have millions of lines of quite frankly, amateurish code.

    The GTX 650 would be priced slightly higher than the GT 640 - and then, the OP would have to "settle" for only 1GB of graphics RAM instead of 2GB. The GTX 650 is currently not available with 2GB of RAM.
    Both the GT 640 and the GTX 650 are based on the same GPU - the GK107, with 384 CUDA cores. The two major differences are that the GK107 on the GTX 650 is clocked higher than the one on the GT 640, and that the GTX 650 has almost triple the memory bandwidth of the GT 640 (80 GB/s versus 28.8 GB/s).

  • Issues with Flash Player Plug in

    Hi i have had my mac book pro since oct of 2008 and since the beginning it will not work properly with an flash player plug in. I have had several people tell me to remove it then re-download it and i have done that several times. now here is my issue with the flash player on my computer it shuts down the internet randomly and gives my an error message that says this shut down and may be due to flash player. and if i take it off i cant see any video. i want to fix this issue is there any way of doing that? thanx for your time

    Just to assure you that you are not alone - Flash Player constantly crashes the internet connection on all of our office Macs. It's completely random and doesn't seem to be related to hardware or software configurations at all. It can go for weeks or months with no problems, and then the same random crashes with the same error message.
    It does work better in Safari than it does in FIrefox.
    You can check out the adobe forums, but I'm not sure you will find a tremendous lot of help...
    One thing -- removing and installing Adobe Flash by itself is usually not enough to clear out the system. You might want to get a 3rd party program that deletes programs and all their residuals. You can find them by doing a search of
    Normally, you would then also need to reinstall a fresh copy of Safari as well. Make sure you back up your bookmarks before deleting and reinstalling Safari. Follow the directions on the Apple Support forum on how to fix Safari problems.

  • MacOS Lion 10.7.1 Still issues with Flash Player Settings windows

    Hi Everyone, and Adobe,
    I have tried almost anything now, but it still doesn't work... I have a few workarounds but non really working
    I'm only having this issues with my iMac not my MacBook Pro... how is that?
    Using, MacOS Lion 10.7.2 with Flash Player version
    I'm still not able to invoke / click on the Flash Player Settings windows in the Browser (Safari) -- I can as described, workaround the Allow and Denied issue by using the System Preferences Flash settings… but I can not change cam setting, from Web CAM to my external Cam. !!
    Is this ONLY me having these issues or ?? or wasn't the issue suppose to have been fixed in the latest version af Flash? or … is this issues only related to the Video Card within my iMac (ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256 MB) ? 
    Some that someone, hopefully Adobe can help me here
    hope for some greate feedback ...

    This is a known issue with particular iMac machines having ATI Radeon HD cards. Currently, we found iMac 7/8 with ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro are the most common victim of this issue. We are working with both Apple and ATI to fix this problem. For now, we summarized some work arounds in below forum thread, hope it will be helpful to you!

  • Issues with logging in to CC and missing features

    My team is using CC on corporate environment PCs, Win 7 64bit. Some of the problems we have seen are:
    When we buy a new adobe license for a new user our IT department has to install the Creative Cloud desktop manager and software on their PC. They do this by using an admin windows account and the new adobe login. Everything works fine for them, they are able to log in to CC and install the software, When the user logs in with their windows account and try to log in to CC with the same adobe id then they get the common issue with the sync button just turning and never logs them in. In some cases this is fixed by deleting the OOBE folder from the admin local profile allowing the other user to log in to CC but most times the IT has to resolve to rebuilding the PC and starting again.
    We also hotdesk in my team.I found that when i work on my laptop or another desktop pc in the team everything is fine but if i have to use a different PC for the day i log in but don't have all the features (I can get the home feed, fonts, etc, but not the app installers)
    Another member of my team works fine on that same PC but on a different PC she doesn't have all features. She gets the app installers, but not some of the other features.
    It all seems to be a bit random as to who can access what.
    Our corporate firewall is open to most Adobe servers, unless there is something we have missed. PCs have Adobe Air
    These issues have been happening for months now and IT have spend hours to resolve.
    Anyone else has issues using Creative Cloud in a corporate environment and are there any suggestions we can use please?

    There isn't any capability for the OpenBootProm prompt
    (the OK prompt you might see on your screen)
    to ask you for a username or a password.
    The OBP is a firmware level of the SPARC platform, not an OS nor a mini-OS.
    If you have consoled in through the SF280R's RSC card, it might have its own password prompt, but the OBP itself can't do that. Additionally, the RSC doesn't show you the OK prompt either (certainly not to the extent that the more sophisticated LOM, ALOM, ILOM or System Controllers of other system designs might have.).
    You made mention that you eventually see a cursor that is sitting at a prompt that shows:
    Happy@solaris11 $If that is what you see, then I think you're already logged into the OS. That would seem to be a C-shell prompt, with you logged into a fully booted system named "solaris11" as username "Happy".
    Consequently, I'll be asking that your post be moved out of the Servers'General hardware forum, and into the General Solaris 11 forum. You don't seem to have a hardware issue, but perhaps just an issue with being unfamiliar with Solaris. (You didn't describe your experience level in the initial post.)

Maybe you are looking for

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