Issues with templates?

Hey folks,
Im working on a school project that I need to turn in tomorrow and I am trying to get a borcure I made in iWork Pages to print. I am using the "Classic Brocure" template.
The issue is that the top and right sides of the page dont print. It's just about a quarter of an inch or so, and I would move the printing area in except when I change the printing area it just moves the text... not the actual document.
How can I fix this? Is there any way?

Hi Dennis, I have come across your sage advice a few times now, and wondered if you can help me solve the problem I have about printing a brochure that I have modified from the Three Panel Brochure template that Pages offers....
When I try to print, it flips the pages so they print upside down from eachother. I can only find duplex printing as a setup option, there is nothing that says "brochure" printing.
I have just picked up a new canon mp530 printer/scan/fax, thinking the new software would help in configurations, but it prints the same as my old pixma4000....
can you, or anyone PLEASE advise?
Thanks, Neil

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    Kind Regards,

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    Hi MurraySummers...
    This is the code where I get that problem because in other page of that template all is ok...
    I hope this can help :-)
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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    <title>Tu Mente... Tu Mejor Socio</title>
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                        <h2>Sebastian Pérez</h2>
                        <p><img src="Imagenes/testimonios/prueba-foto.jpg" alt="testimonio sebastian" /> mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida</p>
                    <!--------------------historia 2 --------------------->
                    <div class="otra_historia">
                        <h2>Sebastian Pérez</h2>
                        <p><img src="Imagenes/testimonios/prueba-foto.jpg" alt="testimonio sebastian" />He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida</p>
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                        <h2>Sebastian Pérez</h2>
                        <p><img src="Imagenes/testimonios/prueba-foto.jpg" alt="testimonio sebastian" />He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida</p>
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                        <h2>Sebastian Pérez</h2>
                        <p><img src="Imagenes/testimonios/prueba-foto.jpg" alt="testimonio sebastian" /> que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida</p>
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                        <h2>Sebastian Pérez</h2>
                        <p><img src="Imagenes/testimonios/prueba-foto.jpg" alt="testimonio sebastian" />He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida</p>
                    <!--------------------historia 2 --------------------->
                    <div class="otra_historia">
                        <h2>Sebastian Pérez</h2>
                        <p><img src="Imagenes/testimonios/prueba-foto.jpg" alt="testimonio sebastian" /> en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida</p>
                    <!--------------------------------------------Area de Separador -------------->
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                    <!--------------------------------------------Area de mas historias ---------
                    <!--------------------historia 3 --------------------->
                    <div class="otra_historia">
                        <h2>Sebastian Pérez</h2>
                        <p><img src="Imagenes/testimonios/prueba-foto.jpg" alt="testimonio sebastian" /> el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida</p>
                    <!--------------------historia 4 --------------------->
                    <div class="otra_historia">
                        <h2>Sebastian Pérez</h2>
                        <p><img src="Imagenes/testimonios/prueba-foto.jpg" alt="testimonio sebastian" />lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida...He conseguido el camino a lo que quiero lograr en mi vida</p>
                    <!--------------------------------------------Area de Separador -------------->
                    <div class="separador"></div>
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    var indice = 0;
    frases = new Array();
    frases[0] = "¿<strong>Qué vista</strong> puede tener desde la ventana del éxito?";
    frases[1] = "Queremos mostrarle una realidad aparte";
    frases[2] = "Es claro para todos que se requiere un cambio";
    frases[3] = "¿Qué resultado visualiza para si mismo al estar con nosotros?";
    frases[4] = "Experimente una sensación de éxito";
    frases[5] = "Permitanos echarle una mano para sus logros";
    frases[6] = "Cuando necesite tener éxito… hablenos";
    frases[7] = "Necesitamos Escucharle para tomar acción";
    frases[8] = "¿Conoce usted el sonido del éxito?";
    frases[9] = "Estamos hablando aquí de poner en sus manos una ventaja competitiva que jamas imaginó";
    frases[10] = "Como usted puede Ver, al visitarnos Disfrutará de una experiencia de la que jamas Escuchó";
    frases[11] = "Es muy importante Decirle lo que Sentimos al Verle con nosotros";
    indice = Math.random()*(frases.length);
    indice = Math.floor(indice);
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    if (indice == frases.length) {indice = 0;}
    document.getElementById("lasfrases").innerHTML = frases[indice];
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  • Issue with templates and updating .html pages in my website

    I have taken over updating a website for the charity I work for. I have updated some eleements of the .dwt template page, however it does not seem to be updating the other .html pages for the website. I do not get the update pages box just a box saying 'You placed the editable region "breadcrumbs" inside a block tag. Users of this template will not be able to create new blocks in this region. Move the region outside the block tag if you want users to be able to do this" - I click OK and it saves the .dwt page, but does not update any other .html pages.

    I cannot answer your question(s), I have only hearsay experience, but I can offer some links on where to get information regarding Flash SEO...
    and the O'Reilly book: Search Engine Optimization for Flash by Todd Perkins, ISBN: 978-0-596-52252-0

  • Dreamweaver CS6 file update issue with template

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    It's hard to say what you could have missed, if Templates aren't done just right, things can go wrong fast.
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  • Really annoying issue with templates

    I just bought and installed FCPX. No templates are showing up in the titles, generators and theme browsers.
    Just some effects show up in the effects browser. All templates exist if looking inside the Final Cut file.
    Anyone got any idea?

    Just a few thoughts:
    1) Quit FCP X and Trash preferences (this is usually the first thing to try when FCP X misbehaves) - download the free Preference Manager from Digital Rebellion to do this easily
    2) Restore default layout. Go to Window->Revert to Original Layout
    3) Trash the layouts folder (inside ~/Library/Application Support/Final Cut Pro) - to access the (hidden) Library folder in your home folder, hold down the option key when using the Go menu in the Finder.
    4) Trash the application and download it again from the Mac App Store.

  • RTF templates- Issue with inconsistent outputs

    Hi All,
    I have an issue with rtf templates.We are on XML Publisher 5.6.3 with EBS with Bursting.Bursting is set at G_HEADERS in the contorl file.
    I am using the <?start@last-page-first:body?><?end body?> function.It displays amount total for single page output and amount total only on the last page for multiple pages output.The above logic works perfectly when I have single header data in the XML file(single G_HEADERS).
    Lines Data(tree sub levels)
    Lines Data(tree sub levels)
    Lines Data(tree sub levels)
    However when there are multiple headers(G_HEADERS) in the same XML data file at the same tree level, all the outputs get generated as minimum 2 page outputs.Even though the data fits in 1 page for some of the G_HEADERS, it shows continued on the first page and just prints the total on the last page along with the header.
    I appreciate your help with this.

    I'd like to know if anyone out there has come across this issue before..

  • Issues With PDF Template Mapping

    Hi all,
    Oracle BI Publisher for Windows
    Oracle Publisher Desktop
    Adobe Acrobat 5.0.5
    Broswer IE 6.0.29
    I have created a report based on a single database table (DEMO.PRODUCTS) but am experiencing problems when I try and map the form fields in PDF Template to my sample XML file.
    I created a PDF Template and uploaded this template to my Layout. This PDF Template has two form fields on it (PRODUCTNAME and UNITPRICE, which incidentally are the names of the database columns I want them to map to).
    I have also uploaded my sample XML data file and therefore have access to the Map Form Fields button on my report definition. However, when I click on the button a new window opens with the Map PDF Form Fields and a dialog to "Click on each highlighted...." and then hangs. When I close the window I receive a message about an Adobe Acrobat error.
    If I try and do the same thing in Firefox then I receive a message in the JavaScript Console:
    Acrobat Database Connectivity Built-in Functions Version 5.0
    Acrobat EScript Built-in Functions Version 5.0
    Acrobat Annotations / Collaboration Built-in Functions Version 5.0
    TypeError: app.execDialog is not a function opened this in Adobe Acrobat
    Any suggestions or comments appreciated.
    Many thanks,

    Hi Aashish,
    I suggest you to check the RTF Template of your report if your xml output file on submit request form--->diagnostic --->view xml generated ... it means that your data defination file is perfectly fine but there is issue with your rtf template....may be some of grouping or tag is not put properly...
    one thing i want to suggest you to pls save that data file as .xml extension and upload in rtf u designed on youe desktop.... check theprview if its coming fine or not.
    let me know if u still facing the same problem.
    Ratnesh P

  • Web Template Nav Block issue with a characteristic

    Hi folks,
    We have an issue with one of our web templates. In one of the navigation blocks there are some characteristics, for example, some are like as below.
    G/L Account
    Cost Center
    WBS Element
    Cost Center (Accoung string -correct object)
    Sales document
    The second object from bottom supposed to show as 'Account String' since the char is accounting string itself, insted, it is showing as Cost Center which is not correct.
    The web template has 'personalization' checked.  It is based on a BEx query.
    This issue is happening with one user id. For other users (using their logon credentials), it is showing correctly.
    I really appreciate any inputs.

    The parameter ID column is blank for this user.
    However, the same query displays same for other users.
    By the way, we are on BW 3.5 now.
    Thanks for your input.

  • RDP Users seeing display issues with SharePoint Online Template

    I originally posted this in the SharePoint Online forums, but they referred me to the RDP forums as it appears to be an issue with RDP, not SharePoint Online: Original
    I've been able to verify this only happens in RDP when opening a Word Template with embedded Excel table  from SharePoint Online within the local Word 2010 application.

    Thank you for the input.  Its rather odd, but it appears the users who are seeing this problem are connecting via RDP on laptops with widescreens, with screen resolution set much higher than the 1290x1084 we use on the terminal servers.  Turning
    the resolution down on the laptops did keep the table from becoming oversized and most of it running off edge of document.
    However, it appears even turning down the resolution of the client machine still affects how the font is displayed in the document. The font size and type are different than the template document, they get saved that way and appear that way to other users
    who do have their screen resolution set correctly.   It seems there is something else going on here, thoughts?

  • Web ADI on Issue with migrating templates desktop ADI to WebADI

    Applied patches:
    Migrating FSG templates from desktop ADI to WebADI. When we open an existing template, we put the template name in the file and then upload we have the following issues:
    - The template does not have headers.
    - If we change the template at all, the columns get left justified instead of right justified.
    - numeric value is showing for date and time instead of standard format for date and time.
    - Column widths are not holding.
    - Cannot get column headings to show up.

    Have you applied all pre-req. patches?
    Please see the following docs and make sure you have all the patches applied.
    How To Determine Which FSG Patches Have Been Applied In Release 11i, 12.0 and 12.1 [ID 549289.1
    Unable To Publish Report In Excel After Applying Patches 7375915/7350414 [ID 789725.1]
    Unable To Publish FSG Reports When Content Sets Are Used [ID 787289.1]
    How To Use Content Sets (Parallel Types) in Report Manager to Display FSGs in Multiple Workbooks [ID 881532.1]
    FSG: Error : Content Set ID Is Not Empty And It Is An FSG Submission When Using Content Set [ID 1294149.1]
    What Are the Patch Numbers for Prerequisites for Patch 5377946? [ID 945032.1]
    Fsg Column Headers Are Offset, Date Format is incorrect after applying FRM patches [ID 834860.1]

  • 163;  There seems to be an issue with the template that the site is using as there is a code to replace the pricing.

    There seems to be an issue with the template that the site is using as there is a code to replace the pricing.
    // Script to extract the currency and decimals from the price
    var price = "{tag_saleprice}";
    var priceWithoutCurrency = price.replace( /^\D+/g, '')
    var decimals = priceWithoutCurrency.substring(priceWithoutCurrency.length - 2, priceWithoutCurrency.length);
    var roundedPrice = priceWithoutCurrency.substring(0, priceWithoutCurrency.length - 3);
    $('.image-with-price.big span').html(roundedPrice+'<sup>'+decimals+'</sup>');

    Here are the screenshots for what it's worth.
    Not sure why I can't post them in the original post.<br>
    <sub><b>Mod edit: See [ bug 718813]</b></sub>
    '''Again, when I set my DNS server to automatically detect the servers both problems disappear and I have no issues at all.'''
    IMO opendns is either doing this on purpose (unlikely) or they're under some sort of attack/being used to attack the specific torrent sites although I'm open to other explanations. I believe using the automatic setting for DNS is using my own ISP's DNS servers (which again, work fine... but still...)
    I'd rather not use Google's public DNS servers as Google is to commercial these days and I think there's potential privacy issues.
    '''Again I have changed the setting for DNS servers back and forth several times to duplicate/verify the issue(s)... and the issues only happen with the opendns servers.'''

Maybe you are looking for

  • Clip notes output module missing

    Hi there I have a big problem. Clip notes output module is missing in after effects. Clip notes play fine on the pc in acrobat reader but after effects says the output module is not installed. Have tried to reinstall after effects and adobe reader. N

  • MS Office Document Cache keeps failing repeatedly...

    The thread under title "The Microsoft Office cache encountered a problem (with Office 2013 ProPlus Preview/Beta)" described exactly my problem, but discussion on that thread has been locked without any solution to the problem. I'd like to add one sym

  • CRMXIF_ORDER_SAVE to create orders

    Hi, I'm trying to find ways to create sales orders in CRM via RFC calls. I would like to know from your experience: 1- Where I can find documentation, for precisely an example of how to fill the structure. I've seen but I've got no clue h

  • Is there a way to save an IRS fill-in PDF form as a Word document?

    I preparing a large number of IRS Form 8282.  I would think that saving the form as a Word document and being able to merge my data would be the most efficient way to prepare these forms.  Is there a way to save the form in Word?

  • Pictures in pdf

    Since upgrading to iOS 8, when I put a PDF of a magazine into iBooks any pictures copy themselves further down the page. It doesn't matter if the file is downloaded on the iPad itself or via a PC then transferred. Anybody seen this and have a solutio