It's time for the TechNet Wiki Windows Phone "Great Guru Love-in"! You too can get some loving!

February at TechNet Wiki usually involves a lot of love...
We love to read.
We love to learn.
We love our gurus, for they love to give.
We love to make friends and promote great content.
We love to meet the community, and get closer to you.
We love to interview our winners, and bestow much love and honor upon them.
We love to tell the world of your achievements, and we promote those most active to inner circles!
All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
you had to solve for your own day's work today.
Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
TechNet Wiki.
2) Add a link to it on
THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
Feel free to ask any questions below.
More about TechNet Guru Awards
Thanks in advance!
Pete Laker
Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
you could win weekly awards!
Have you got what it takes o become this month's
TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!
Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
you could win weekly awards!
Have you got what it takes o become this month's
TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

1 article so far:
Windows Phone 8: control Nokia Maps (Part 3) by Carmelo
La Monica
And 2 more days to go!
Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
Small Basic,
Wiki Ninjas,
Answer an interesting question?
Create a wiki article about it!

Similar Messages

  • It's time for the TechNet Wiki Store App "Great Guru Love-in"! You too can get some loving!

    February at TechNet Wiki usually involves a lot of love...
    We love to read.
    We love to learn.
    We love our gurus, for they love to give.
    We love to make friends and promote great content.
    We love to meet the community, and get closer to you.
    We love to interview our winners, and bestow much love and honor upon them.
    We love to tell the world of your achievements, and we promote those most active to inner circles!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    1 article so far: 
    Windows Phone 8: control Nokia Maps (Part 3) by Carmelo
    La Monica
    And 2 more days to go!
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • It's time for the TechNet Wiki Small Basic "Great Guru Love-in"! You too can get some loving!

    February at TechNet Wiki usually involves a lot of love...
    We love to read.
    We love to learn.
    We love our gurus, for they love to give.
    We love to make friends and promote great content.
    We love to meet the community, and get closer to you.
    We love to interview our winners, and bestow much love and honor upon them.
    We love to tell the world of your achievements, and we promote those most active to inner circles!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    5 articles so far:
    Small Basic: Key Input by Nonki
    Small Basic: TechNet Wiki Article List by Nonki
    Welcome to Small Basic by Nonki
    Small Basic: The History of the Logo Turtle by Ed
    Price - MSFT
    Small Basic Known Issue: 29976 - Assignment
    to Array in Event Handler Needs Time by Nonki Takahashi
    And 2 days to go!
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • It's time for the TechNet Wiki VB "Great Guru Love-in"! You too can get some loving!

    February at TechNet Wiki usually involves a lot of love...
    We love to read.
    We love to learn.
    We love our gurus, for they love to give.
    We love to make friends and promote great content.
    We love to meet the community, and get closer to you.
    We love to interview our winners, and bestow much love and honor upon them.
    We love to tell the world of your achievements, and we promote those most active to inner circles!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    Does this count?   :)
    Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
    'valentines day animation
    Public Class Form8
    Private WithEvents timer1 As New Windows.Forms.Timer With {.Interval = 200}
    Private Arrow1 As New GraphicsPath
    Private count, countmax As Integer
    Private CupidGif As Bitmap = Image.FromFile("c:\bitmaps\valentine\cupid3.gif")
    Private HeartGif As Bitmap = Image.FromFile("c:\bitmaps\valentine\heart3.gif")
    Private Sub Form8_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    Me.DoubleBuffered = True
    countmax = 6
    'make the arrow
    Dim thePolygon() As PointF = {New PointF(0, 0), New PointF(3, 0), New PointF(4, 1), _
    New PointF(9, 1), New PointF(9, -1), New PointF(12, 2), _
    New PointF(9, 5), New PointF(9, 3), New PointF(4, 3), _
    New PointF(3, 4), New PointF(0, 4), New PointF(2, 2), _
    New PointF(0, 0)}
    'setup gifs
    ImageAnimator.Animate(HeartGif, New EventHandler(AddressOf Me.OnFrameChanged))
    ImageAnimator.Animate(CupidGif, New EventHandler(AddressOf Me.OnFrameChanged))
    End Sub
    Private Sub timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles timer1.Tick
    count += 1
    If count > 30 Then count = 1
    'start/stop gifs
    Select Case count
    Case Is < 5
    ImageAnimator.Animate(HeartGif, AddressOf Me.OnFrameChanged)
    ImageAnimator.Animate(CupidGif, AddressOf Me.OnFrameChanged)
    Case Is < 12
    Case Is < 17
    ImageAnimator.StopAnimate(CupidGif, AddressOf Me.OnFrameChanged)
    'ImageAnimator.Animate(HeartGif, AddressOf Me.OnFrameChanged)
    Case Is < 28
    Case Else
    ImageAnimator.StopAnimate(HeartGif, AddressOf Me.OnFrameChanged)
    End Select
    End Sub
    Private Sub OnFrameChanged(ByVal o As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form8_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
    Dim Scale As Single = 100
    Dim ScaleRatio As Single = Me.ClientRectangle.Width / Scale
    Dim ax, ay, w, x, y As Single
    With e.Graphics
    'draw cupid
    w = 0.2 * Scale * ScaleRatio
    x = 0 '-0.3 * w
    y = 0.1 * Scale * ScaleRatio
    .DrawImage(CupidGif, x, y, w, w)
    'draw heart
    w = 0.3 * Scale * ScaleRatio
    x = (Scale * ScaleRatio) - (0.7 * w)
    y = 0.2 * Scale * ScaleRatio
    .DrawImage(HeartGif, x, y, w, w)
    'draw all positions dark arrow
    For c = 1 To countmax - 1
    ax = Math.Floor(c) * (Scale / countmax)
    ay = 25 + (10 * Math.Sin(-0.7 * c))
    .ScaleTransform(ScaleRatio, ScaleRatio)
    .TranslateTransform(ax, ay)
    .RotateTransform(-20 + (ax / 2))
    .DrawPath(New Pen(Brushes.Blue, 0.1), Arrow1)
    If count > 10 And count < 20 Then
    'draw highlight arrow
    ax = Math.Floor((count - 10) * (Scale / countmax))
    ay = 25 + (10 * Math.Sin(-0.7 * (count - 10)))
    .ScaleTransform(ScaleRatio, ScaleRatio)
    .TranslateTransform(ax, ay)
    .RotateTransform(-20 + (ax / 2))
    .DrawPath(New Pen(Brushes.Red, 0.2), Arrow1)
    End If
    If count > 25 Then
    .DrawString("We Love VB", New Font("Rockwell Extra Bold", 24), Brushes.Beige, 0.1 * Scale * ScaleRatio, 0.4 * Scale * ScaleRatio)
    End If
    End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form8_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form8_Resize(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize
    End Sub
    End Class

  • It's time for the TechNet Wiki WPF "Great Guru Love-in"! You too can get some loving!

    February at TechNet Wiki usually involves a lot of love...
    We love to read.
    We love to learn.
    We love our gurus, for they love to give.
    We love to make friends and promote great content.
    We love to meet the community, and get closer to you.
    We love to interview our winners, and bestow much love and honor upon them.
    We love to tell the world of your achievements, and we promote those most active to inner circles!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    Hi Rob,
    Someone would have to decide which articles are good.
    If it was an individual who did that then they could have some personal bias - intentionally or unintentionally.
    Or they could potentially be accused of some personal bias.
    The competition uses a panel of people to rate each article in the monthly competition.
    You can see previous months results and of course those articles entered in the competition are usually the best efforts of the authors and hence pretty good.
    Substitute other months and years in a search.
    " technet wiki guru november 2014 "
    There's a page with all the results somewhere as well but, personally, I like to see all the entries.
    The criteria the judges use might be different from your own.
    If you have a particular area of interest then ( presumably that would be in wpf ) then ask.
    Hope that helps.
    Recent Technet articles:
    Property List Editing ;  
    Dynamic XAML

  • It's time for the TechNet Wiki C# "Great Guru Love-in"! You too can get some loving!

    February at TechNet Wiki usually involves a lot of love...
    We love to read.
    We love to learn.
    We love our gurus, for they love to give.
    We love to make friends and promote great content.
    We love to meet the community, and get closer to you.
    We love to interview our winners, and bestow much love and honor upon them.
    We love to tell the world of your achievements, and we promote those most active to inner circles!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    Still no C# articles!
    And 2 more days to go!
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • It's time for the TechNet Wiki Visio "Great Guru Love-in"! You too can get some loving!

    February at TechNet Wiki usually involves a lot of love...
    We love to read.
    We love to learn.
    We love our gurus, for they love to give.
    We love to make friends and promote great content.
    We love to meet the community, and get closer to you.
    We love to interview our winners, and bestow much love and honor upon them.
    We love to tell the world of your achievements, and we promote those most active to inner circles!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    NOTE: For Visio, please post your solutions in the Miscellaneous category!
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    "How much more of this wiki junk do we need?"
    Well, probably proportionate to the forum junk, gallery junk, and blog junk!
    With MSDN and TechNet Blogs, Microsoft employees have the opportunity to post solutions. And instead of having to answer the same question each time, you can just link to the blog!
    Similarly, the Gallery gives the opportunity to post the code and host it in a nice download. Then you just link to the Gallery item instead of re-writing similar code in the forums!
    And Wiki brings the blog capability to the community! Not only can you write up a nice solution and just link to it each time, but you can also team together with the rest of the community to build a great solution!
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • It's time for the TechNet Wiki TN Wiki "Great Guru Love-in"! You too can get some loving!

    February at TechNet Wiki usually involves a lot of love...
    We love to read.
    We love to learn.
    We love our gurus, for they love to give.
    We love to make friends and promote great content.
    We love to meet the community, and get closer to you.
    We love to interview our winners, and bestow much love and honor upon them.
    We love to tell the world of your achievements, and we promote those most active to inner circles!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again, and
    you could win weekly awards!
    Have you got what it takes o become this month's
    TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!

    No Wiki/Portal articles yet.
    14 days to go!
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • It's Time for the TechNet Wiki PowerShell "Great Guru Love-in"! You too can get some loving!

    February at TechNet Wiki usually involves a lot of love...
    We love to read.
    We love to learn.
    We love our gurus, for they love to give.
    We love to make friends and promote great content.
    We love to meet the community, and get closer to you.
    We love to interview our winners, and bestow much love and honor upon them.
    We love to tell the world of your achievements, and we promote those most active to inner circles!
    All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something
    you had to solve for your own day's work today.
    Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
    This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
    1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to
    TechNet Wiki.
    2) Add a link to it on
    THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know you've contributed)
    3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
    If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the
    weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be
    interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
    Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
    Feel free to ask any questions below.
    More about TechNet Guru Awards
    Thanks in advance!
    Pete Laker
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

    2 articles so far:
    BizTalk BAM (Business Activity Monitoring) by Vignesh
    BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Instrumenting
    a custom pipeline component with ETW by Steef-Jan Wiggers 
    And 2 more days to go!
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • March's TechNet Wiki Windows Server Guru Winners announced!!

    The results for March'sTechNet
    Guru competition have been posted! <- results page!
    Congratulations to all our new Gurus for March!
    We will be interviewing some of the winners and highlighting their achievements, as the month unfolds.
    Below is a summary of the medal winners, the last column being a few of the comments from the judges.
    Unfortunately, runners up and their judge feedback comments had to be trimmed from THIS post, to fit into the forum's 60,000 character limit, however the full version is shown in the link above.
    Some articles only just missed out, so we may be returning to discuss those too, in future blogs.
     BizTalk Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Tomasso Groenendijk
    Using BAM in the ESB Toolkit
    Ed Price: "Incredibly valuable and very well written! Great article!"
    Mandi Ohlinger: "A custom BAM dashboard - LOVE it! Another great ESB addition to the Wiki."
    TGN: "Nice one, I really liked this one, explains how to use the ESB together with BAM, great work and well explained!"
    Steef-Jan Wiggers
    Windows Azure BizTalk Services: Pulling Messages from a Service Bus Queue
    Ed Price: "This is amazingly well written with beautiful images and formatting. Great job!"
    TGN: "Azure, Azure, Azure! Nice one Steef-Jan, people are waiting on articles like this. Good job, and thanks for the contribution!"
    Mandi Ohlinger: "A very informative How To. Screen shots are very helpful."
    Detecting a Missing Message
    Mandi Ohlinger: "GREAT addition to the Wiki and to any user who suspects missing messages. The BizTalk support team can use this orchestration. "
    Ed Price: "I love the visuals on the orchestration implementation! Important topic!"
    TGN: "Nice article, great to see a solution to detect missing files."
     Forefront Identity Manager Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Eihab Isaac
    FIM 2010 R2 BHOLD: Non-BHOLD Approval Process
    Ed Price: "Very thorough explanations! Great formatting and colors on the tables and code snippets! And the images are also helpful!"
    PG: "Nice article, we need more of these."
    Micah Rowland
    FIM:How To Use PowerShell to View a Metaverse Object's Connector's Attribututes
    Side By Side
    PG: "Nice article, nice format. well written"
    Ed Price: "Good code snippet and use of code comments. Could use more explanations and maybe breaking the code into sections with more information about each section. Good job!"
    Giriraj Singh
    FIM:Delete Bulk Expected Rule Entries Using FIM OTB features
    Ed Price: "Good procedural steps! It could benefit from more explanations, a grammar pass, and some images. Good article!"
    PG: "Short but nice article."
     SharePoint 2010 / 2013 Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Matthew Yarlett
    SharePoint: Use PowerShell to find Fields using a Managed Metadata TermSet
    Jinchun Chen: "Good article."
    Ed Price: "Although this is Matt's shorter article this month, this is an incredibly important topic, and the code is perfect! As Dan says in the comments: "Matthew Yarlett has done it again!! IMHO when it comes to SharePoint powershell
    you are second to none." This is a great article!" 
    Rahul A Shinde
    SharePoint 2013: Deploy and apply theme to SharePoint sites with PowerShell
    Ed Price: "Fantastic explanations and use of images!" 
    Matthew Yarlett
    SharePoint: Testing Email Alerts in UAT and DEV Environments
    Jinchun Chen: "Nice! It can be used for troubleshooting SharePoint Incoming/Outgoing related issues too."
    Ed Price: "Wow! This article is astonishingly thorough!"
     Small Basic Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Nonki Takahashi
    Small Basic: Centering Text in Graphics Window
    RZ: "Clearly written explanation with nice graphics to go with it."
    Ed Price: "I love having the three options like this! And the images really bring it to life! The links to the shared programs (with their source code) really help if you want to dig deeper and learn more!"
    Nonki Takahashi
    Small Basic Known Issue: 23589
    - Controls.GetTextBoxText() Returns CR+LF as Newline from Multi-Line Text Box in Local but CR in Remote
    RZ: "Bugs are always hard to track down, especially the unknown unknowns :( Good job on hunting it down!"
    Ed Price: "This acts as a valuable KB article! Great addition to the troubleshooting library!"
    Nonki Takahashi
    Small Basic: Expression
    RZ: "Good introduction to expressions"
    Ed Price: "Short and sweet intro to Expressions. Thanks, Nonki!"
     SQL BI and Power BI Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Michael Amadi
    A Practical Example of How to Apply Power Query Data
    Transformations on Structured and Unstructured Datasets
    NN: "This is a terrific tutorial on Power Pivot with very helpful images. Great article"
    Ed Price: "This is a fantastic combination of Power Query and Power Pivot... a valuable contribution!"
     SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - March 2014  
    chandra sekhar pathivada
    managing database backups across all the instances without maintenance plan
    Samuel Lester: "Chandra, outstanding contribution and information! Your SSIS package handles many of the shortcomings of Maintenance Plans. MPs were originally created to assist DBAs with the more common administrative
    tasks, but as the scale continues to grow across enterprise environments, we're all forced to write our own enhanced versions such as this. Thanks for the addition and please do add to the Gallery if you haven't yet."
    Jinchun Chen: "Nice. It is suggested to add error outputs in the package to handler unexpected errors."
    NN: "Good article. The SSIS solution can use a bit more explanation. Also See Also section is missing"
    DRC: "This is good article, The only this which can be corrected is : ==> This can be achieved using “maintenance Cleanup Task • Maintenance Plan has a control flow item “maintenance Cleanup Task” to delete the old backup files based
    on age of the backup, but it creates the problem when it deletes the full database backups based on n no.of days leaving all the dependent intermediate differential and transaction logs which are useless. "
    Understanding Logging in Tempdb.Is Tempdb re-created or rebuilt after SQL
    Server restart
    NN: "Very good article with an interesting analysis"
    DRC: "This article is good and provides lots of detailed information along with sample query and screenshot. The screenshot of few need few more details (files of model are missing) This article can be broken down into 2 1) understanding
    tempdb recreation 2) Logging in Tempdb 1) understanding tempdb recreation:- This is not concluded properly. The article doesnt talk about the physical files which are recreated even if we delete the tempdb files "
    Samuel Lester: "Shanky, very nice article on the internals of TempDB! It was tough judging this month as both articles were very informative contributions!" 
     System Center Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Mr X
    How to manage VM pinning within a Hyper-V cluster by
    combining the use of System Center VMM and Orchestrator
    Ed Price: "Mr. X, this is another incredibly thorough article! Fantastic job!"
    Idan Vexler
    Create Custom XML For OSD In SCCM  
    Ed Price: "Love the list of requirements! Very thorough in dividing each step!"
    Omar Lopez (loplim)
    SCOM 2012 - Create Alert / Monitor Based on Windows event ( Administrator login
    alert )
    Ed Price: "Good use of images. Could use a TOC with sections and more descriptions. Good job!"
     Transact-SQL Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Jayakumaur (JK)
    Understanding IDENTITY in SQL Server
    Ed Price: "Wow, what a competitive month! This article is amazing, with thorough explanations in each section!"
    Richard Mueller: "A good tutorial on an important feature of T-SQL."
    Durval Ramos
    Paging a Query with SQL Server
    Ed Price: "Durval's article is fantastically thorough and easy to follow!"
    Richard Mueller: "Very useful concept when populating controls from a query, which should improve performance. I like the images. Well done."
    Naomi N
    T-SQL: Split String with a Twist
    Richard Mueller: "Very intersting problem with an original solution."
    Ed Price: "A very powerful and well-articulated solution from Naomi!"
     Visual Basic Technical Guru - March 2014  
    The Thinker 
    Exporting and Importing Wireless Settings Using Netsh in VB.NET
    SB: "Code could be formatted better, task is something I can see as potentially useful although I would prefer a bit more narrative description and comments in the code explaining why it was done a certain
    way, although the code is simple enough to work through." 
    MR: "Great tool code!" 
    Ed Price: "This is a good contribution! One way to improve an article like this is to explain the parts of the code more in depth, as a way to introduce each snippet (and maybe dividing a block up more). Then you could link to the Gallery
    iteam if the reader wants to access the entire snippet at once. The images are also very helpful! Great job!" 
    Richard Mueller: "Perhaps this code should be in the gallery. There should be more explanation in a Wiki."
     Visual C# Technical Guru - March 2014  
    João Sousa
    ASP.NET WebAPI 2 - Stream Windows Azure blobs
    NN: "Very nice tutorial and also can be downloaded from the Gallery"
    Ed Price: "I love to see this ASP.NET content! Each step is very clear! Great code formatting!"
    Raghunathan S
    C# Code Compilation at Runtime from C# Windows Forms Application
    Ed Price: "Good descriptions and code formatting. It could benefit from a TOC. Great article!"
    NN: "This looks like an interesting article, but too short and the code is hard to read in its present format"
    Raghunathan S
    Creating a Simple logging class with System.Diagnostics namespace in C#
    NN: "Good article, but too short"
    Ed Price: "This is a pretty good article. It could benefit from a TOC and more descriptions around what the code is doing and why. Good job!"
     Wiki and Portals Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Matthew Yarlett
    Wiki: Basic Image Formatting using Pixlr
    BL: "This deserves credit as much for the idea as for the actual article - many authors contribute from computers that may not have authoring tools installed and this simple online solution has the potential to iprove
    quality a lot."
    Richard Mueller: "Excellent explanation of a useful tool for Wiki authors. A "See Also" section would be useful."
    PG: "Nice artilce, well done, nice layout. Great!"
    NN: "Good article"
    Durval Ramos
    VBA & VBS Portal
    NN: "Very good new portal about VBA. Introduction may be improved a bit"
    Richard Mueller: "A great collection of Wiki articles. Excellent use of recommended features in a Wiki article."
    PG: "Nice article good start!"
    BL: "Another great initial compilation of relevant resources. Would be very interested in seeing how this develop over time."
    Mr X
    Wiki: System Center Orchestrator Portal
    NN: "Good new portal. Missing See Also section with links to other portals"
    Richard Mueller: "A good collection of articles. This Portal adds a lot to the TechNet Wiki."
    PG: "Nice and neat article? Suggestion to add more references to related articles and platforms on Wiki."
    BL: "great initial compilation of SC Orchestrator resources. Hoping this will grow over time as the product has a few other active Wiki contributors."
     Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Isham Mohamed
    Pin Windows Phone 8 app to start screen on first launch.
    Peter Laker: "A very useful and informative article! Also, Nice use of fonts and images."
    Ed Price: "Good explanation, but it could benefit from a TOC and tweaked formatting. Good job!"
    Ibraheem Osama Mohamed
    Coming from an background, let’s build our first Windows Store Application
    Ed Price: "Great job on the formatting, explanations, and code snippets!"
    Peter Laker: "Excellent primer for those moving from and all beginners."
    The Performance Analyzer Paradox
    Ed Price: "This is a good philosophical article, but it would be richer with examples and visuals. "
    Peter Laker: "Nice story, good reading, very worthy entry and gratefully received!"
     Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Magnus (MM8)
    WPF/MVVM: Handling Changes To Dependency Properties In The View
    Ed Price: "Nice, thorough topic with good explanations! Could benefit from code formatting. Great article!"
    Peter Laker: "A nice primer on a fundamental aspect of xaml. Great layout, images, descriptions, etc."
    dev hedgehog
    Trick To Use StaticResource With Path
    Peter Laker: "A very useful and commonly pondered subject. Thanks for a great contribution!"
    Ed Price: "This is a great solution with good code formatting and code comments!"
     Windows Server Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Mr X
    How to manage your DC/DNS servers with dynamic IPs in Windows Azure
    JM: "This is an excellent article, however you need to change all instances of the term "on-promise" to "on-premise.""
    JH: "really detailed, very complete with scripts added"
    Richard Mueller: "This might be the best article I have judged. Code formatting could be improved, but otherwise an outstanding contribution."
    Mr X
    How to assign a private Static IP to a Windows Azure VM
    JH: "excellent, concise, good topic"
    Richard Mueller: "Excellent documentation of the use of very new tools to manage IP addresses."
    JM: "Another excellent article, thanks much for your contributions!"
    Mahdi Tehrani
    Customize DST time zone configuration across the forest with GPO
    JM: "This is an excellent article, however you need to change all instances of the term "Daylight Time Saving" to "Daylight Savings Time.""
    JH: "good info, great illustrations and writing"
    Richard Mueller: "Original work for an tricky problem. I think the script should run as a Startup script instead of a Logon script on the clients. A "See Also" section and links would help."
    ----------------- 8< -------------------
    As mentioned above, runners up and their judge feedback were removed from this forum post, to fit into the forum's 60,000 character limit.
    A great big thank you to EVERYONE who contributed an article to last month's competition.
    Read all about THIS month's competition [usually in a stickied post] at the top of this forum, otherwise there is usually a list of forum links for this month's theme/announcement at the bottom of the submission page below:
    Best regards,
    Pete Laker
    More about the TechNet Guru Awards:
    TechNet Guru Competitions
    Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to the one and only
    TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! You'll never get archived again!
    If you are a member of any user groups, please make sure you list them in the
    Microsoft User Groups Portal. Microsoft are trying to help promote your groups, and collating them here is the first step.

    Congrats to Mr X and Mahdi:
     Windows Server Technical Guru - March 2014  
    Mr X
    How to manage your DC/DNS servers with dynamic IPs in Windows Azure
    JM: "This is an excellent article, however you need to change all instances of the term "on-promise" to "on-premise.""
    JH: "really detailed, very complete with scripts added"
    Richard Mueller: "This might be the best article I have judged. Code formatting could be improved, but otherwise an outstanding contribution."
    Mr X
    How to assign a private Static IP to a Windows Azure VM
    JH: "excellent, concise, good topic"
    Richard Mueller: "Excellent documentation of the use of very new tools to manage IP addresses."
    JM: "Another excellent article, thanks much for your contributions!"
    Mahdi Tehrani
    Customize DST time zone configuration across the forest with GPO
    JM: "This is an excellent article, however you need to change all instances of the term "Daylight Time Saving" to "Daylight Savings Time.""
    JH: "good info, great illustrations and writing"
    Richard Mueller: "Original work for an tricky problem. I think the script should run as a Startup script instead of a Logon script on the clients. A "See Also" section and links would help."
    Ed Price, Power BI & SQL Server Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • Can't join the Technet Wiki

    First, excuse my English.
    When I
    go to
    the Technet
    Wiki while
    connected to
    the forums,
    a "LiveID
    Create User"
    page is displayed.
    I filled
    completely the form,
    the button
    of validation isn't totally visible,
    but I can click it,
    however a
    "A user
    with this
    email address
    already exists"
    error is
    What can I do ?
    Best regards,
    Yan Grenier

    This forum is for discussions and questions regarding profiles and Microsoft's recognition system on the MSDN and TechNet sites. It is not for products/technologies.
    As it's off topic here, I am moving the question to the "TechNet Wiki Discussion" forum.
    When you see answers and helpful posts, please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer
    My Blog:
    My Book:
    Windows PowerShell 2.0 Bible
    My E-mail: -join ("6B61726C6D69747363686B65406D742E6E6574"-split"(?<=\G.{2})",19|%{[char][int]"0x$_"})

  • My folders take forever to open and then the docs within take a long time for the icon to pop up. the same thing with moving itmes from the desktop to a folder, and also emptying the trashh

    my folders take forever to open and then the docs within take a long time for the icon to pop up. the same thing with moving itmes from the desktop to a folder, and also emptying the trashh

    Don't know if that would be a failing hard drive, but it may be that you are out of available space. How much hard drive space do you have available? Please highlight the Macintosh HD icon and then press Command and I for a get info window. Once open, please copy and post the following:
    Mac OS requires a minimum of 10 - 15% of total hard drive space available and empty at all times in order to operate properly.

  • Error: We apologize for the inconvenience but Windows did not start successfully

    when i open my desktop computer,it dosent start up normal
    i get this message
    ( we apologize for the inconvenience ,but windows did not start successfully. a recent hardware or software change might have caused this. 
    If your computer stopped responding, restarted unexpectedly, or was automatically shut down to protect your files and folders, choose Last Known Good Configuration
    to revert to the most recent settings that worked. 
    If a previous startup attempt was interrupted due to a power of failure or because the Power or Reset button was pressed, or if you aren’t sure what caused
    the problem, choose Start Windows Normally. 
    Safe Mode 
    Safe Mode with Networking 
    Safe Mode with Command Prompt 
    Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked) 
    Start Windows Normally 

    Try starting in Safe Mode.  Once it is up and running, do a normal restart and then see if it will work.  Many times this is all that I have had to do to get it working again.  If not, then repost with more details.
    Please do not read this sentence. Please ignore the previous sentence.

  • HT3702 why did i get charged three times for the same purchase? is it because i use my apple id on three devices.. two iphones, and ipad... and and macbook geez apple i support you enough can i just pay for one copy of the audiobook

    why did i get charged three times for the same purchase? is it because i use my apple id on three devices.. two iphones, and ipad... and and macbook geez apple i support you enough can i just pay for one copy of the audiobook

    These are user-to-user forums, you are not talking to Apple here.
    If it was an audiobook then they are one-time only downloads, to get it on your other devices you need to sync it to them and not re-download it oneach. You can try contacting iTunes support and see if they will refund or credit you for the second and third downloads : - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

  • I like to watch tvcatchup or sky go or I player on my iPad while falling asleep, the problem is that the iPad then stays on all night. I would like to find an app that allows me to set a timer for the iPad to switch itself off automatically.

    I like to watch tvcatchup or sky go or I player on my iPad while falling asleep, the problem is that the iPad then stays on all night. I would like to find an app that allows me to set a timer for the iPad to switch itself off automatically, like the sleeper function on a TV.
    Does such an app exist? Can anyone help me? Thanks

    You can try the Sleep Timer.

Maybe you are looking for

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    I have a HP Pavilion DV9702ea, which I've had for just over two years now. It worked absolutely fine for me in every way since I got it until about one month ago when I installed some software that required me to restart Windows. The laptop shutdown

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    I recently got a Kanex iAdapt Thunderbolt to HDMI adapter and an Amazon HDMI cable to hook up my MBP to a Samsung notebook. I am getting a picture on my monitor (I saw on the boards that the most commom problem was not getting any picture at all), it

  • Need to run Disc Utility - But dont have Boot disc to hand

    Hi, I have run Disc Utility in OSX on my main hard drive and it says it needs repairing, so I need to boot of one of the install disc's, unfortunately I don't have these to hand at the moment (there at home & I'm not) There must be a way round this e

  • Creating QRFC failed

    Hello! I would like to set up qRFC for Business Process Monitoring in SAP Solution Manager. When I enter tcode RZ21 --> Technical Infrastructure --> Configure QRFC Monitoring I can see entry "SAP" with "X". Unfortunately it is not possible to deactiv

  • Explain TO_CHAR(),TO_DATE(),TO_NUMBER() with examples

    Hi All, I have little bit confusion on TO_CHAR(),TO_DATE(),TO_NUMBER(). Can any one please explain when will use that functions with examples. Thanks & Regards,