Items leave traces on 30'' acd

hello. I just bought a used 30'' ACD, and realise that light objects displayed for an hour or so on one spot leave traces when removed. A Text Edit window sitting there for an hour leaves the area somewhat lighter than the surroundig (desktop background is grey). So do even the files and folders sitting on the desktop. Now, I don't assume that's a software issue. But is there anything to be done about this? Thanks.

thanks. That's both interesting and helpfull. Interesting is the part where it's “some Apple LCD displays”—meaning: bad luck if you got one of these. Btw, it seems that with a black instead of grey desktop, the problem doesn't occur as much.

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    Hi Navin,
    Why its not possible to use CRM_ORDER_SAVE only once. I think its possible. Call CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN in loop for all the line item in transaction and after that call CRM_ORDER_SAVE once. Pls follow the below sample code.
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    Interesting to me that the smaller menu has twice the possible buttons!
    Thanks again Ann!
    Thoughts on this part?
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    Edited by: apteajeet on Dec 21, 2010 11:17 AM

    The best way to delete this would be from the source - which is the backend system.
    For leave requests, you will see an Index:0 .... exception if these are not deleted.
    You can also schedule a batch job to do a periodic check of the completed tasks and get rid of them.

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    Discoverer desktop
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    I'll chime in on this one - we're seeing this same behavior as well. I can reproduce the problem at will like so:
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    2) Pick a table, any table, that has a data point.
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    9) Click on View->SQL Inspector, and observe the detail item is still in the SQL. That's wrong!
    If that's not a bug, I'm czar of all the Russias.
    // Discoverer Desktop
    // Discoverer Desktop Client
    // EUL Library
    // EUL

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    Doesn't really sound like YDB if the background is white....
    Did you apply a drop shadow or some other effect, perhaps, without meaning to? It wouldn't be difficult to have made drop shadow a default for all objects you add, for example, by clicking the drop shadow button on the control panel when no object was selected.

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    In VTAA
    QT to OR at header level
    Then system will genrate new item numbers in targer document.

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    I'll chime in on this one - we're seeing this same behavior as well. I can reproduce the problem at will like so:
    1) Create a new sheet.
    2) Pick a table, any table, that has a data point.
    3) To this new sheet, add the DETAIL of the data point, and one other attribute.
    4) View the results - they are good.
    5) Realize you made a misteak, go to Edit Sheet, remove the DETAIL and replace it with the SUM of that same data point.
    6) View the results, and become dismayed that they are not grouping at all.
    7) Click on View->SQL Inspector, and observe the detail item is still in the SQL (along with the SUM) despite having removed it in the sheet editor.
    8) Edit sheet - remove all items leaving absolutely everything blank (no selected items, no columns, no calculations, no sorts, nothing)
    9) Click on View->SQL Inspector, and observe the detail item is still in the SQL. That's wrong!
    If that's not a bug, I'm czar of all the Russias.
    // Discoverer Desktop
    // Discoverer Desktop Client
    // EUL Library
    // EUL

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    have worked with cisco tech since 1/19/2011 to resolve.  Am waiting for an escalation at this point
    error message seen:
    23:59:31 pg14A-pim1 Peripheral 23 sending OPC PIM_OK_ACK acknowledgment for command PIM_CONFIGURE_REQ (TransID=0).
    23:59:31 pg14A-pim1 Trace: TcpHandler::ConnectTcpClient: Connect Socket=8320
    23:59:32 pg14A-pim1 Trace: TcpHandler::PosterThread: FD_CONNECT error code=10061
    23:59:41 pg14A-pim1 XactDriver::Activate: Open  failed, retCode=2
    23:59:41 pg14A-pim1 Peripheral 23 sending OPC PIM_ERROR_ACK acknowledgment for command PIM_SET_ACTIVE_REQ (TransID=0).
    23:59:41 pg14A-pim1 ProcessPIMSetIdleReq: Peripheral 23 going idle.
    23:59:41 pg14A-pim1 Trace: TcpHandler::TCP_CLOSE: Destroy Connect Socket=8320
    23:59:41 pg14A-pim1 Trace: XactDriver::Idle: Close failed, error = 10057
    23:59:41 pg14A-pim1 CrtDriver::Idle:Close failed, retCode=1
    Any ideas would be appreciated.

    You will want to either move this question or re-post it to the Unified Communications Applications-->Contact Center forum to get the correct focus on your Spectrum PG issues.
    Thank You,

  • Synchronize with Item Problem

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    portion of MYDATE.
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    leaving the date item base table, referencing MYDATE.
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    I enter the time... 0100 (the item is formatted HH24MI)
    when I tab off the time item the date changes to the current
    date. I'm assuming it's pulling this from the time item.
    Anyone know how to do this?

    on view object editor screen, put your cursor on "Attributes" (left side of the screen) then click "NEW" button (on the right side of the screen), then fill in Attribute Name, check the "Map to column or SQL", and fill in query column. You are done.

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    Appreciate your comments on the above.

    Hi SF,
    Yes there is a workaround for dealing with the Approved and Disapproved Records by using the Process step instead of the Approve step.
    Kindly follow the Elearning session below which will explain you how to go about this:
    You can also refer the other related links that discusses such common problems:
    Re: SRM MDM catalog
    Hope It Helped
    Thanks & Regards
    Simona Pinto

  • Loop ResultEvent for items

    hello everyone this would seem rather simple to do but im having a hell of a time trying to acomplish this.
    I  noticed that when i make a webservice call to my webservice the  ResultEvent is basically an array collection. i would like to basically loop this  array collection looking to see if there are any values being returned from the webservice.
    when i i debug  i see that the hierachy has this ms.utils.objectproxy   and it works down from there. I cant quite understand how does one go about accessing the objects being returned from the webserivce. i have tried several methods but im at a lost here. Can anyone point me the right direction I would really just like to evaluate the arraycollection being returned from the webservice to see if there are items being returned. i have also tried to change my resultformat of my webservice to "e4x" but sadly i just dont know where to got from there either.
    I have tried to do this also but all i get is [object object]trace(event.result.source[0].toString() , "right here")
    bottomline does anyone know how to loop throught the nodes of the ResultEvent? and or display them with a trace statement. i know i can just see the values when i debug but i would really like to evaluate the items being return for null or not ...
    thanks in advance for any help you guys can offer.

    First you should have some idea of what is being returned by the web service. If it is XML, then set the resultFormat to e4x and use e4x syntax to process the data.
    If the data is being returned as an Array, then you can loop through it like this:
    for each(var item:Object in event.result as Array){
    If the trace is [object Object], then you may need to drill down into the data, lie maybe this:
    for each(var item:Object in event.result as Array){
    If this post answers your question or helps, please mark it as such.
    Greg Lafrance - Flex 2 and 3 ACE certified
    Flex / AIR Development, Training, and Support Services

  • Delivery created for STO, is not taking all the items of the STO

    I have created a Stock Transport order and in that I have created 3 line items of the same material each item having 1 EA quantity.
    Then I tried to create a Outbound Delivery using transaction VL10B. The delivery was created with only one item and a batch e.g. it only took the 1st item of the STO with 1 EA.
    This material had sufficient stock in the delivering Plant with different batches.
    Please could you let me know the possible reason why it did not take the other items of the STO ?
    Could it be a system performance ?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Sumanta Deb

    Hello Friend
    YOu mean the delivery dates in all of those 3 line items are same and still system is creating delivery document for only one line item leaving behind rest of the line items.
    Did you check whether system has summed up Quantities and created deliv doc as one line item

  • Oracle 9i - Is there any way to trace the amount of rollback statements ?

    we're running Oracle and we would need to monitor the amount of rollback statements executed on a specific table.
    Turning on traces for "set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 1'" would be too much invasive given the current load of the system so that was wondering if there was any quicker way to do that.
    Thanks in advance!

    Did not want to raise another issue :)
    We have a few huge tables which we need to monitor in terms of activities so that we're using triggers to update some oracle sequences keeping track of the action performed on them.
    basically the trigger only increase the sequence value.
    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER xxx_Summary_Trigger
    AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE or delete ON xxx
    declare dummy number(10);
         IF :New.xxx_Status = 'used' THEN
              SELECT used_plus.nextval into dummy from dual;
         ELSIF :New.Card_Status = 'activated' THEN
              SELECT activated_plus.nextval into dummy from dual;
         END IF;
         IF :Old.xxx_Status = 'used' THEN
              SELECT used_minus.nextval into dummy from dual;
         ELSIF :Old.xxx_Status = 'activated' THEN
              SELECT activated_minus.nextval into dummy from dual;
         END IF;
    So that each time the xxx_Status is updated we have an updated sequence (nocache) which allows us to get the overall distribution without a long scan on the table (hosting more than 200M records).
    I know triggers are not the best way to approach, not to mention they fire before a commit, so that in case of a rollback the resulting sequence would be showing a wrong value.
    But this was only a quick and dirt approach, which works fine for the time being. I just wanted to confirm the inconsistencies we are encountering are due to some rollbacks which mislead the trigger, that's why I was interested in getting a stat on the rollback statement execution.
    We get discrepancies every now and then, so that leaving traces on for a long time may be disruptive.

Maybe you are looking for

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