Iterating through list

Is there is any way/tag to iterate through the values in the list, other than h:datatable???

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    The problem is that while iterating other thread can add or remove some objects from that list, and I get ConcurrentModificationException.
    How can I handle this problem. How can I be sure that I am iteration through the updated list.
    Thank you

    Synchonize on the list before iterating through it, and make sure that other code also synchronizes on the list before adding to it or removing from it. Using a list implementation that simply synchronizes all the methods (e.g. Vector) will not do that, you have to do it yourself.

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    $(".ms-wpContentDivSpace" ).each(function( index ) {
    var val=$(".ms-vb2 a").html();
    var val2=val.replace(/_/g," ");
    $(".ms-vb2 a").html(val2);
    any ideas?

    That's because
    $(".ms-vb2 a").
    is bringing back all the pieces that have that class with an anchor on the whole page, not just the ones in the .ms-wpContentDivSpace
    I don't know the exact syntax, but I think you need to iterate through all the '.ms_vb2 a' items as well - there are multiple ones, and do something like this inside your other grouping
    $(".ms-vb2 a").each(function(index) {
        var val=$(this).html();
       var val2=val.replace(/_/g," ")
    That's not quite right but maybe that will help.

  • Iterating through a generic list of unknown type

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    If the List returned by the framework isn't parameterized, Like
    public List<K> getList(Class<K> classType);
    then you have to cast it to the appropriate type. If you are not sure about the type of the Objects in the list, and you have a bunch of class types you could expect from the list, then you could use instanceof operator.
    If it could be Class A or B, then
    if (obj instanceof A){
    A castObject = (A) obj;
    else if(obj instanceof B){
    B castObject = (B)obj;
    }Even to do reflection to invoke methods, you need to know the method Names. Which tells me you have the knowledge of what could come out of the list. So cast them. Invoking methods using reflection is really slow.

  • SharePoint Online Iterating through Document Libraries CSOM

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    I am able to get the specific document library that I am interesting in, however I cannot at the moment iterate though each of the items/documents within it, but here is what I have so far:
    Add-Type -Path "Libraries\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"
    Add-Type -Path "Libraries\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"
    Add-Type -Path "Libraries\Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq.dll"
    Add-Type -Path "Libraries\Microsoft.SharePoint.dll"
    $webUrl = ""
    $username = "####"
    $password = "####"
    $securePass = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $listname = "TestDoc";
    $ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($webUrl)
    $ctx.Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($username, $securePass)
    $web = $ctx.Web
    $lists = $web.Lists
    #print web URL
    write-host `n "Web Url:" `n $web.Url
    foreach ($list in $lists)
    if ($list.Title -eq "TestDoc")
    #print list name if found
    write-host `n "Found the list:" `n $list.Title `n
    #attempting to iterate through items in the document library
    foreach ($item2 in $list.Items)
    #list the items/documents in the document library
    write-host $item2.Title
    It is the foreach loop I am having trouble at the moment as I am not sure how to loop though each of the items/documents in the document library.
    Any suggestions on the approach I should take would be much appreciated.

    Thanks for the heads up, I have re-worked my script which is simpler and now works like a charm:
    Add-Type -Path "Libraries\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"
    Add-Type -Path "Libraries\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"
    Add-Type -Path "Libraries\Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq.dll"
    Add-Type -Path "Libraries\Microsoft.SharePoint.dll"
    $webUrl = ""
    $username = "####"
    $password = "####"
    $securePass = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $listname = "TestDoc"
    $ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($webUrl)
    $ctx.Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($username, $securePass)
    #get the List/DocLib and load it for use
    $listUpdate = $ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle($listname)
    #CAML Query to get all items inclusing sub-folders
    $spQuery = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery
    $spQuery.ViewXml = "<View Scope='RecursiveAll' />";
    $itemki = $listUpdate.GetItems($spQuery)
    #iterating through the items and reseting permission inheritence
    for($j=0; $j -lt $itemki.Count; $j++)

  • Avoid iterating through everything

    Hello all,
    Hope you guys can help me with this problem. I have a program that draws anywhere from 1-300,000 letters on a canvas. Each letter is created from a class called StringState which extends Rectangle. What I would like to do is have each letter respond when the user moves the mouse over the letter by growing bigger. I figured I can just see if the letters bounds contains the point where the mouse moved to and if it does change the letters size and repaint around that letter to update the display. This works great from 1-5000 letters but getting up to 10,000 or even higher creates a very visible lag while the program is iterating through the letters to check if the mouse location intersects the letters bounds. What I was wondering is there a way to get this result without iterating through the entire collection of letters to see if it contains the mouse location? Like can I attach some kind of mouse listener to each letter or something like that? The following program just demonstrates how I create and display the letters I haven't really had a chance to create a demonstration of how they would grow when hovered over. The program i'm working on that actually demonstrates this is very large and hard to trim down to show an example so the following code is actually from a previous question I asked and was provided by Aephyr. Thanks in advance for your guys help :)
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.List;
    public class PaintSurface implements Runnable, ActionListener {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new PaintSurface());
         Tableaux tableaux;
         Random random = new Random();
    //        Point mouselocation = new Point(0,0);
         static final int WIDTH = 1000;
         static final int HEIGHT = 1000;
            JFrame frame = new JFrame();
         public void run() {
              tableaux = new Tableaux();
              for (int i=15000; --i>=0;)
              frame.add(tableaux, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              JButton add = new JButton("Add");
              frame.add(add, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              frame.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    //                frame.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseListener());
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
         void addRandom() {
                        random.nextInt(WIDTH), random.nextInt(HEIGHT));
    //        class MouseListener extends MouseAdapter {
    //            public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
    //                mouselocation = new Point(e.getX(),e.getY());
    //                frame.repaint();
            class StringState extends Rectangle {
                    StringState(String str, Font font, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
                            super(x, y, w, h);
                            string = str;
                            this.font = font;
                    String string;
                    Font font;
            class Tableaux extends JComponent {
                 Tableaux() {
                      lagState = createState("Lag", new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,20), 0, 0);
                 protected void processMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent e) {
                      lagState.setLocation(e.getX(), e.getY());
                 StringState lagState;
                    List<StringState> states = new ArrayList<StringState>();
                    StringState createState(String str, Font font, int x, int y) {
                        FontMetrics metrics = getFontMetrics(font);
                        int w = metrics.stringWidth(str);
                        int h = metrics.getHeight();
                        return new StringState(str, font, x, y-metrics.getAscent(), w, h);
                    public void add(String str, Font font, int x, int y) {
                         StringState state = createState(str, font, x, y);
                    protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
                            Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds();
                            FontMetrics metrics = g.getFontMetrics();
                            for (StringState state : states) {
                                    if (state.intersects(clip)) {
                                            if (!state.font.equals(g.getFont())) {
                                                    metrics = g.getFontMetrics();
                                            g.drawString(state.string, state.x, state.y+metrics.getAscent());
                            if (lagState.intersects(clip)) {
                            if (!lagState.font.equals(g.getFont())) {
                                metrics = g.getFontMetrics();
                            g.drawString("Lag", lagState.x, lagState.y+metrics.getAscent());
    }Here is the code that iterates through the letters to see if a letter contains the mouse location:
                if(e.getSource()==canvas&&edit) {
                    for(Letter l : letters) {
                        Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(l.x+l.xoffset,l.y+l.yoffset,l.width,l.height);
                        if(rec.contains(new Point(e.getX(),e.getY()))&&l.resizing==false&&l.defaultSize==l.font.getSize()) {
                            l.resizing = true;
                            new Thread(new ExpandLetter(l)).start();
                        else if(!rec.contains(new Point(e.getX(),e.getY()))&&l.resizing==false){
                            l.font = new Font(l.font.getName(),l.font.getStyle(),l.defaultSize);
                }However I just learned that this loop itself is taking up a huge amount of memory by saying
    l.font = new Font(l.font.getName(),l.font.getStyle(),l.defaultSize); When I take that line out the lag is reduced by a lot. Also I think that it isn't forgetting the "old" letters font that it is replacing by saying new Font() and after running this loop once my program runs slow and laggy as if it doesn't have enough memory to run fast anymore. Is there something I am doing wrong by initiating a new Font. I would have thought that it wouldn't take up anymore memory because it replaces the old font the the letter "l" has. The loop seems to have some kind of memory leak if someone could point it out to me that would be great. Thanks :)
    Edited by: neptune692 on Feb 16, 2010 8:18 PM

    neptune692 wrote:
    can I attach some kind of mouse listener to each letterTry this:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.font.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class SimplePaintSurface implements Runnable, ActionListener {
        private static final int WIDTH = 1250;
        private static final int HEIGHT = 800;
        private Random random = new Random();
        private JFrame frame = new JFrame("SimplePaintSurface");
        private JPanel tableaux;
        public void run() {
            tableaux = new JPanel(null);
            for (int i = 15000; --i >= 0;) {
            frame.add(tableaux, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            JButton add = new JButton("Add");
            frame.add(add, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
            frame.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
        public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) {
        void addRandom() {
            Letter letter = new Letter(Character.toString((char) ('a' + random.nextInt(26))));
            letter.setBounds(random.nextInt(WIDTH), random.nextInt(HEIGHT), 16, 16);
        public static void main(final String[] args) {
            SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new SimplePaintSurface());
    class Letter extends JLabel {
        Font font1;
        Font font2;
        private final FontRenderContext fontRenderContext1;
        private final FontRenderContext fontRenderContext2;
        public Letter(final String letter) {
            font1 = getFont();
            font2 = font1.deriveFont(48f);
            fontRenderContext1 = getFontMetrics(font1).getFontRenderContext();
            fontRenderContext2 = getFontMetrics(font2).getFontRenderContext();
            MouseInputAdapter mouseHandler = new MouseInputAdapter() {
                public void mouseEntered(final MouseEvent e) {
                    Rectangle bounds = getBounds();
                    Rectangle2D stringBounds = font2.getStringBounds(getText(), fontRenderContext2);
                    bounds.width = (int) stringBounds.getWidth();
                    bounds.height = (int) stringBounds.getHeight();
                public void mouseExited(final MouseEvent e) {
                    Rectangle bounds = getBounds();
                    Rectangle2D stringBounds = font1.getStringBounds(getText(), fontRenderContext1);
                    bounds.width = (int) stringBounds.getWidth();
                    bounds.height = (int) stringBounds.getHeight();

  • Iterate through list

    i have a list and i want to iterate through the list and get the names of the classes present in that..
    i have the following code
    Iterator it= list.iterator();
    String value;
         Object obj=;
         Class cls= obj.getClass();
         value = cls.getName();
    now if i want to check whether a class called test is present in that list how to do that...pls help

    mgv wrote:
    i have a list and i want to iterate through the list and get the names of the classes present in that..
    i have the following code
    Iterator it= list.iterator();
    String value;
         Object obj=;
         Class cls= obj.getClass();
         value = cls.getName();
    now if i want to check whether a class called test is present in that list how to do that...pls help
    Object obj =;
    if(obj instanceof test){
        //do something

  • Display report through List-export-spreadsheet

    I am outputting a report using REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY and my reports are outputting correctly.  And also when I download directly through excel also my reports are coming out correctly.  But the users wanted to download it through list-export-spreadsheet at that time, the fields like amount, quantity gets sorted into one group which I do not want.
    Is there a way for me to ungroup this and make it display in the format that it gets displayed on ALV.  Pls help
    thank you very much.


  • Iterating through View Object RowIterator Bug.

    I use this code to loop through the rows of a view object (As described in javadoc of RowIteratior).
    public String checkIterations() {
    String res = "Iterated through : ";
    RowIterator view = this.getDepartmentsView1();
    Row row;
    while ((row = != null) {
    System.out.println("rownum: " + row.getAttribute("RowNum"));
    res += row.getAttribute("RowNum") + " ";
    return res;
    Yet this code never goes through the first row if the executequery has been performed for view object.
    Is this a bug?
    Edited by: mkonio on Jul 28, 2009 11:41 PM

    Thanks Andrejus and Steve.
    Its a development bug
    problem and solution described in:
    Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle ADF
    9.7.6 What You May Need to Know About Programmatic Row Set Iteration

  • Iterating through RWBTreeOnDisk

    Is there any way to Iterating through RWBTreeOnDisk, My problem is that i have 100 records in RWBTreeOnDisk and i want to fetch only first 20 records, how should i proceed to do the same, instead of getting all the records using applyToKeyAndValue(), i need to fetch particular number of records in the tree.
    Plz suggest me the way to proceed.

    We use sqlite for this sort of application. It gives you the power of sql but acts on files directly rather that via a server. see

  • Iterate through List and return (the names) of all the classes

    I've got a List and want to see what kind of classes are in this List.
    List list = getList();
    Iterator it = list.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
         Object ob =; // get the next item. Is this the right approach for my problem?
            // Her I want to check the Object what classses it holds,
            // assuming that this is the right approach for my problem

    that's what I did:
    List list = getList();
    Iterator it = list.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
         Object ob =; // get the next item. Is this the right approach for my problem?
             Class cLass = ob.getClass();
             System.out.println("\t" + cLass.getName());
    }This returned java.lang.Object as mentioned.
    - Can an Object hold several types of classes? If so, how can I iterate them?
    Mabe this makes things a little clearer:
    Why am asking this? I'm returning a List from a (Hibernate)-query. I can access one Class without problems. Another class that should be returned, I can't access. Thats why I want to know what I'm dealing with.

  • Iterating through entrys of HashMap

    I have a HashMap that is already populated. I'm iterating through the entrySet and want to get the keys and values and use them to create another object. I've searched the forum and googled but can't quite seem to find what I need. Here's the code I have so far.
    Iterator iterator = map.entrySet().iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    if ( != null) {
         reasonsList.add(new DropDownData(key, value)); // here's where I'm not sure what to do
    }The DropDownData object accepts twos strings, one for the key and one for the displayed value. These strings should be the key and value from my current HashMap entry. But I can't seem to figure out how to do it.
    thanks for any help/suggestions

    iterating over the not-null entries or iteratingover
    gotten entries that are not null is equivalent,maps
    return "null" for unexisting keys...
    I do not understand what you are saying here.
    It is not required that Map implementations return "null" for non-existent keys.
    It just happens to be the way the implementations in the JDK are implemented.
    The documentation specifically says that Map.get(key) could be allowed to throw a NullPointerException. )
    I would add that map's structure suggests it's the
    way to go (I mean, mine of course ;))
    That's a matter of interpretation.
    what's the point in iterating over the values when
    you need the key ?When you need the keys and the values (as in the case of the OP), then there is plenty of point in it.
    the only way (the API should define) to iterate over
    a map is through the key (hence the "map" name),
    entrySet is (as far as a I reckon) a twisted bypass...It's in the API. It works well. It's useful. So there's no reason not to use it when it is applicable.

  • DriverManager iterating through driver lists, will it create an overhead ?

    Folks, i read this on a website:
    "You need a database connection to manipulate the database. In order to create the connection to the database, the DriverManager class has to know which database driver you want to use.
    It does that by iterating over the array (internally a Vector) of drivers that have registered with it and calls the acceptsURL(url) method on each driver in the array, effectively asking the driver to tell it whether or not it can handle the JDBC URL. "
    So does it mean whenever we try to create a db connection, the driver manager would iterate through the entire list of drivers which have registered ??
    In case the number of drivers registered are substantial, won't this create an overhead ?

    So does it mean whenever we try to create a db
    connection, the driver manager would iterate through
    the entire list of drivers which have registered ??
    In case the number of drivers registered are
    substantial, won't this create an overhead ?The number of drivers is never substantial.
    Problems in your code are much more likely to cause more overhead than this feature ever will. Add this one to the "don't worry about it" list.

  • Iteration through a list of map entries

    I am facing a situation in which i have to write a rule to iterate through a list of map entries within a map and again iterate for a given attribute through a map of attributes within the selected map entry.
    Can anyone throw light on any function or expression in the XPRESS language in the Identity Manager to accomplish this.
    thanx in advance,

    I cant help you out with full code at this point. But do make use of the following to determine the equivalency between GenericObject and HashMap as shown below.
    Basic Operations
    � map.keySet() == genObj[*].name
    � map.entrySet() == genObj[*]
    � map.get(attribute) == genObj.attribute
    � map.get(attribute1).get(attribute2).get(employeeNumber) ==
    genObj. attribute1. attribute2.employeeNumber� if attribute1 indexes a list object in the preceding example ==
    genObj. attribute1[attribute2].employeeNumber� Searches
    � find the object with the attribute fullname = �John Smith� ==
    genObj[fullname=John Smith]� get John Smith�s employeeNumber == genObj[fullname=John
    Smith].employeeNumber� List Operations
    � get the names of all permanent employees ==
    genObj[employeeType=permanent].nameFor your requirements, I figure that you can iterate through the list in the beginning and assign the initial result to a <defvar>. Then use the reference of this to determine the required attributes next.

  • Iterating through a list in BPM

    I have a element which is unbounded and i want to loop over it.I could not find any function in BPM for the same.Can you pl tell me as how to iterate over a list.

    Hi Mansish,
    Please find a similar discussion Select entry out of a list
    I think you need to create an EBJ function, here is a link to a help document for EBJ functions
    Best regards,

Maybe you are looking for