Iterative calculations

i have a question as i am very new to numbers (excel too for that matter) I imported a model from excel that has circular references until i enable iterative calculations.( to do it in excel: Select ALT T, O and then on the 'Calculation' tab check the box that says enable iterative calculation.) how would i do this in numbers?

cfow wrote:
i have a question as i am very new to numbers (excel too for that matter) I imported a model from excel that has circular references until i enable iterative calculations.( to do it in excel: Select ALT T, O and then on the 'Calculation' tab check the box that says enable iterative calculation.) how would i do this in numbers?
For Numbers, a circular reference is an error, no way to change that.
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 4 mars 2011 22:15:16

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    Dear All
    I have the below error message after i ran the price iterative calcuation (KSPI)
    The activity quantities planned for cost center ABP1-4504, activity SETM45 are not reconciled for period(s) 1 - 12. The plan activity for activity type SETM45 is less than the plan activity input for this activity type through the receivers (scheduled quantity).
    System Response
    This can lead to incorrect activity prices in iterative calculation. In particular, a divergence in iteration might occur. To prevent this from happening, the scheduled quantity is used as the activity quantity. Because this is a serious error, however, the results of activity price calculation are not posted.
    Check planning for activity type SETM45 in cost center ABP1-4504 and the corresponding activity input for period(s) 1 - 12.
    I went into Activity Output/prices to change the mistake over the Plan Act qty , but even when i save and re-run the schedule acitivity still remain the previous figure and does not update into the new one!! Any idea what is wrong ?

    Hello Manish,
    I am encountering the same issue. Have you found solution on this.

  • Iterative Calculations in Xcelsius

    I'm new to Xcelsius/ Presentation Design. I'm using a plant construction excel model to create front end dashboard. My model has a Interest during construction calculation (IDC) which is iterative. Basicallt the interest charged during the plant construction is also included in the capital. In excel I have formula iterations enable and this works fine, but with Presentation Design, this does not work. Do I need to enable iterative calculations in Xcelsius/ Presentation Design? If so were can I do this.
    Any help on this matter is greatly appreciated.
    SAP Crystal Presentation Design V 6.0 Build
    Microsoft Excel 2010
    OS: Windows 7

    Thanks for the reply. I'm creating a Financial Model, which has Income statement tab and a capital tab. The Interest for the construction loan is calculated on the capital tab. Say for example if the loan is $1,000,000 and you draw it down by 250,000 per month, interest needs to be charged on the amount withdrawn. This interest during the draw down is then added to the original $1,000,000 loan. This calculation requires a iterative loop, the 1 million will become 1,001,000 for example. In excel I have it set to 100 iterations with .0001 as the maximum change.
    In my dashboard, I show a yearly EBITDA chart and the fifth year Free cash flow. The EBITDA, has no interest and shows up fine. The free cash flow (FCF) is after interest payments, and has a zerio value because of the iterative nature.
    So simply put, I want to know if xcelsius has an option to enable iterations? If so, where?
    Since I do a lot of project financing models, I need this option enable. Hope I explained my problem clearly.
    Thanks in advance for any help provided.
    When you say 'Iterative Calculations' are you talking about a specific type of formula in Excel? If yes, note that not all formulas are supported in Xcelsius. Look up 'Supported Functions' in help.
    Otherwise, could this be possible by using simple maths in a formula applied in an iterative way (a sum acting on the previous cell)?
    What does your data look like?

  • Enable Excel Iterative Calculation

    Hello everybody.
    I'm going to try to explain my issue; it could be a little bit long:
    In my Xcelsius Dashborad, the user can make a selection on a List Box component. The value selected is the prompt for a QAAWS that retrieves more detailed data.
    I refresh a graphic based upon one of the columns retrieved. And here comes my trouble: the value could be blank.
    In this case, I want my graphic remains unchanged.
    For doing this, I'm trying to create a formula that copies the value when it changes but left it unchanged (the prior value) when it becomes blank. My first try results in a circular reference
    In B1 cell --> =IF(AND(B1<>A1;A1<>"");A1;B1)
    I've found that there is a way to allow Excel to deal with that. (see this link:
    But if I allow circular references in a separete Excel template and then import it into Xcelsius, it seems that goes crazy, and becomes with an unpredictable behavior, and almost always Xcelius brakes after a while.
    So, what I want to achieve is that when a  A cell changes, copy its value to another B cell, and when A becomes blank, do nothing (left the previos value in B).
    I hope I've made understood the problem and anybody can help.
    Thanks in advance.

    Same problem here. After importing an Excel model with iterative calulation enabled Xcelsius notifies of a circular reference. The app does not seem to allow the user to enable this option again (under Excel Options>Formulas>Calculation Options).
    So can Xcelsius handle iterative calulation at this stage?

  • Iterative price calculation

    Hi All
    This is my problem after i run the iterative price calculation.
    The activity quantities planned for cost center ABP1-4504, activity SETM45 are not reconciled for period(s) 1 - 12. The plan activity for activity type SETM45 is less than the plan activity input for this activity type through the receivers (scheduled quantity).
    System Response
    This can lead to incorrect activity prices in iterative calculation. In particular, a divergence in iteration might occur. To prevent this from happening, the scheduled quantity is used as the activity quantity. Because this is a serious error, however, the results of activity price calculation are not posted.
    Check planning for activity type SETM45 in cost center ABP1-4504 and the corresponding activity input for period(s) 1 - 12.
    I went into Activity Output/prices to change the mistake over the Plan Act qty , but even when i save and re-run the schedule acitivity still remain the previous figure and does not update into the new one!! Any idea what is wrong ?

    Hello Manish,
    I am encountering the same issue. Have you found solution on this.

  • Activity Price calculation

    Hi all
    Can anybody tell me how to do the Activity price calculation.
    we are doing the activity type planning by using T code KP26
    but that has to be done manually,my client want system should calculate the price automatically
    First of all can it possible,if yes please let me know the configuration

    Calculating Actual Activity at Actual Prices
    Because you carry out actual price calculation at period-end closing, no actual prices exist at the time of the actual activity posting. For this reason, the initial valuation of actual activity uses plan prices. If no plan price exists (as is the case with pure actual cost calculation), you can post the activity without a valuation. During period-end closing, the system calculates the actual prices iteratively and, provided you have made the required settings recalculates the difference between the plan and actual prices (see the example in Actual Price Calculations).
    The procedure for the actual price calculation does not differ from plan price calculation (see: Plan Price Calculation). You can calculate a purely iterative price in the actual, just as for plan price calculation. To do so, select Purely iterative price in the fiscal year parameters of the version.
    To calculate the purely iterative actual price, the system uses the actual costs and actual activity for all cost centers/activity types or business processes. The plan prices (whether calculated iteratively or entered manually) are treated by the system like manual settings and are ignored during the calculation of the purely iterative price in the actual. Actual activity inputs are initially valuated with the relevant plan price. This may result in large variances between the purely iterative actual price and the calculated actual price; activity inputs are valuated with plan prices, whereas the credits on cost centers and business processes are based on activity valuated with iterative actual prices.
    In the price report (see: Price Report) you can compare the purely iterative prices with the prices calculated through the manual settings. In this way, you can analyze the effects of price changes (in actual, the manually-set prices and the iteratively calculated plan prices) on the complete pricing framework.
    for furthur notes

  • Split Data File and Compare Events

    Hi All,
    I'm pretty new to DiAdem and the community so I apologize if this has been answered.  
    The data file I am working with is a vehicle field test and I would like to compare events throughout a single data file events highlighted by the flagged section of the attached picture.  I figured out how to flag and copy the data but I am wondering if there is an easier way to make the data line up without iteratively calculating it?  I'd like to do this without a script to be able to investigate these events before an analysis script is finalized.  Ideally I would like to select a second X-axis and slide it so the copied data lines up with the original.  

    Waveform data contains x-part and the y-part of a curve in one channel. The other way of storing data is having the x-data and y-data in separate channels. Based on your description, I think you have two channels of data, correct? When copying the data using the flags, there should be a copy of the x-data and a copy of the y-data.  From the picture, it looks like the y-data is being plotted against the original x-data and not against the copied x-data. To plot the copied x-data and the copied y-data&colon;
    Select the x-data copy
    Hold down the control (Ctrl) key
    Select the y-data copy. This will pair the copy together.
    Release the Ctrl key. 
    Then you can drag and drop the seletced pair of copied data onto the View pane, as I did in my image above. You should not have to perform analysis to shift the data over time if you use this method.
    [Edit: fixed spelling mistake]
    Taylor B.
    National Instruments

  • Activity prices maintained manually..Is KSII/MFN1 possible?

    Hi Experts,
    We have this scenario:
    1. Activity prices are entered manually in KP26.
    2. All Costs are maintained as Activity independent costs.
    3. For Production Cost centers, some costs (primary costs) are Activity relevant and others not relevant at all for Activity.
    4. No Splitting structure maintained so far.
    Now, we are considering calculating Actual Activity prices through KSII and then MFN1 for revaluating Process orders.
    I tried KSII in our test system, where I got the following error message # KP211. I even tried by maintaining the Actual Activity type category '01' and Actual price indicator '05' in AT master, but no luck.
    Short Text
    All activity prices are manually entered
    All activity prices in controlling area , fiscal year , and version were determined and set as manually entered prices.
    In actual price calculation, all plan activity prices, meaning those calculated automatically (activity price indicator 1 and 2) and those set manually (activity price indicator 3), are treated as if they have been set manually.
    System Response
    The SAP System cannot calculate activity prices automatically.
    Processing is cancelled.
    Check your activity type planning. To calculate the activity price automatically, you must set the activity price indicator accordingly.
    1.Given our case, is it possible to do KSII/MFN1? If yes, what configuration and master setup is required?
    2. What accounting/CO entry posted MFN1. Especially, want to know if value also posted to CO-PA?
    Thanks much for your time.

    Hi SC,<br>
    sorry for my delay.<br>
    Yes, you can process KSII even if you maintained planned activity prices manually. For this, the Activity type master should be activity price indicator "5" for Actual, hoever it's defalt value for planning (KP26).<br>
    Could you check activity planning value in your period as follows;<br>
    1. Go to transaction KP26<br>
    2. Selection screen;<br>
        Set  your version and year/period and also cost center/activity types in problem.<br>
        Push Next Layout button (Ctrl + F8) and set layout 1-204 (named "Control indicators").<br>
    3. Push "Overview screen" (F5)<br>
    You can see plan price indicator and also ACTUAL price indicator, so you have to check if actual price indicator is not "7" or "Blank". If not, please set it with value "5" or "6".<br>
    Hope you can understand what I wrote above, but if you have any queries, please feel free to ask me.<br>
    Additonaly about your question regarding "activity independent" cost planning<br><br>
    In F1 help document for field "Equivalence Numbers", there're useful description how activity-independent costs allocates activity type and activity prices calculates. If you do not use cost split or activity-depend planning, you can process activity price calculation by "Equivalence Numbers". it's easy-way to allocate cost to each activity type. you can see this field also in KP26 with layout 1-201 (sample)<br><br>
    the following passage from field "Equivalence Numbers" F1 document.<br>
    - Equivalence Numbers<br>
    Weighting factor for distribution of activity-independent plan costs of a cost center onto the available activity types.<br><br>
    - Use<br>
    This field group serves to weight the activity types created in a cost center. After weighting, the activity-independent plan costs of a cost center are distributed onto the available activity types.<br><br>
    If you want to change or create equivalence numbers in planning, this field must be defined in the planning layout. If this field is not defined, any existing equivalence numbers will be displayed, but they cannot be changed.<br><br>
    You have planned the following activity types for cost center 4420:<br>
      Activ. type    Plan quantity   Equiv. nr.<br>
      FST            400 hrs            3<br>
      REP              50  hrs            1<br>
      RST              20  hrs            1<br>
                                Total:    5<br><br>
    This cost center has planned activity-independent costs worth $20,000 . These costs are distributed according to activity price calculation onto the iteratively calculated activity prices (cost rates) of the activity types:<br>
    ATyp       Fixed costs           Fixed portion of activ. price<br>
    FST    20,000 X 3/5 = 12,000     $12,000 / 400 hrs =   30 $/hr<br>
    REP    20,000 X 1/5 =  4,000      $4,000 /  50 hrs =   80 $/hr<br>
    RST    20,000 X 1/5 =  4,000      $4,000 /  20 hrs =  200 $/hr<br><br>
    Edited by: Takashi Kotani on Feb 9, 2010 7:55 PM

  • Zero Analysis in HFM

    Hi All HFM Experts,
    As you All know, How HFM Performance could be impacted because of Zeroes.
    I would like to get ideas, How best we could track/analyze the Zero in System from FRONT End (Workspace/Thick Client) or at Database Tier
    Dilip Jain

    I have used extracts to analyze the zeros in the system.  You can leverage them in you would want to make sure to do some comparisons on zero's that are loaded and zeros that are calculated and/or consolidated so you would want to take several different extracts and compare them.  If you are pre you would need to leverage Extended Analytics to be able to extract calculated or consolidated zeros.
    Rules leveraging a write to file can also support this process as you may have zero's that don't actually get stored but calculations are still triggered on zeros depending on how the calc's are set up, and unnecessary steps get triggered.
    Zero's may not be the only item either, if you have ratios that are stored or other calculations in the rules you can watch out for very small numbers that are close to zero, if there are loops on those it can really kill performance.  I have had some excellent success in adding some rounding in various parts of the rules to ensure that iterative calculations stop after some number of iterations, or stop once it gets a few places to the right of the decimal.

  • Microsoft excel 2013 stops working and getting very slow when I work in one file

    I am using windows 8.1 pro in my office and I have excel 2013,
    When I'm working on excel generally there is no problem, but I have an excel file which I work on in it's too slow and stops working, I have also tried to open the same file in another computer which is having the same problem.
    while I was using Office 2010 it was working very fine, I can also share my file with you if you want in order to be checked and resolved.
    I appreciate if you help me,

    You can share the file with us by sending it to GBSD TN Office Information Collection [email protected] Be sure that you have the private information hidden.
    Meanwhile, since it works fine in Office 2010, we can try to open the file in Excel 2010, then go to File > Options > Formulas, check if you have enabled iterative calculation. If so, uncheck the check box and switch the workbook calculation to Manually.
    Then, save the changes and then open the modified excel using Excel 2013 to see the result.
    Please let me know the result.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Making a cursor always visible on a x y graph

    I have what I'm sure is a very simple to fix problem, but I'm afraid I'm too simple my self to find the answer. I have a VI that makes an iterative calculation and then displays it on a graph. The user then uses a cursor to select an area of the graph to pick a value for further calculations.
    This works fine but the cursor is not always visible to use for selection as it does not seem to move with the auto scaling. So if the calculation produces values that are significantly different to the previous time the cursor is lost.
    Does anyone know how to get the cursor to change postion with the auto scale and ideally always appear in the middle of the graph?
    Many thanks,

    You use two properties:
    First, the graph's Active Cursor property selects the property you want to operate on. The cursors count from the top to bottom, starting with zero.
    Second, the Cursor/Cursor Position/All Elements property lets you set the cursor's position.
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • CJN2 Revaluation at Actual Prices

    I would like to know what CJN2 Revaluation at Actual Prices is being used for.

    Depending on the procedure use,  the cost & actvities of the period are analysed separetaly ( periodically diff. price) as total values ( average price ) or as values cumulated up to the analysis period ( cumulated price) Based on on CO settings.
    However, since the actual price calculation is not executed until the period-end closing, iteratively calculated actual price is not available when the actual activity posted. Therefore, the activities arenormally valuated with planned prices initially. After the actual price are claculated, you can make the relevant adjustment postings. in other workds revaluation at actual price for your projects.
    CJN1 : is  Revaluation at actual price : Project / WBs / Netwrok single processing
    CJN2 : is  Revaluation at actual price : Project / WBs / Netwrok mass  processing
    ( for the use of CJN2 ) you have to define variant in CJ8V txn.
    Weather to use the revaluation at actual price in SAP is normally decided by CO consultant.
    Please go through this link. Opne link and click on revaluation at actual price.
    Edited by: Nitin  Patoliya on Dec 17, 2008 9:34 AM

  • Retaining a calculated value for iterative calculatio​n

    Dear LabVIEW Forum Members,
    This may appear to be a trivial question however I am having difficulty trying to solve this problem using the LabVIEW vi's & environment.  I explain as follows:
    I need to calculate and display, in graph form, the contents of a Hopper that is initially filled to 100 tonnes.  The hopper is being discharged and filled at the same time, I have the values of filling and discharging in 1 second intervals.  The contents of the Hopper is a simple mass balance calculation, Hopper Contents = Inlet material - Outlet material.  Below are the first few data sets:
    Material Into Hopper         Material out of Hopper        Theoretical Hopper contents
                   0                                     0                                                 100
                   0                                     1.534057                                   98.465943
              0.345                                  5.250186                                   93.560757
              0.6                                       6.801075                                   87.359682
    How can I iteratively calculate and use the 'Theoretical Hopper contents' calculation from the Hopper inlet and outlet ?  I am using the Simulation & Control Frame so I cannot use the For Loop within this frame.  Attached is me vi program so far and the Build XY Graph2 is where I'm wanting to display this Hopper contents data.
    Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
    Go to Solution.
    Plant_Simulator (15-05-2013).vi ‏338 KB

    Hi bunnykins,
    You've asked a LabVIEW question on the DIAdem Discussion Forum.  Please repost to the LabVIEW Discussion Forum.
    Brad Turpin
    DIAdem Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Problem with binding value on the UI  from a calculated column in the view

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    Thanks for your help,

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    In that case the for loop would be:
        for (var i = 0; i < 8; i += 1) {
            sum += +getField("Total." + i).value;
    So initially, the counter i is equal to zero, so the field name used with the getField method is:
    "Total." + 0, which results in the string "Total.0". With each iteration, the variable i is incremented by 1, so the subsequent field names are the following:
    The script gets the value of each field, converts it to a number, and adds the number it to the running sum.

Maybe you are looking for

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