ITunes 7.0 issue

I recently updated my iTunes to version 7.0
It seems that I can no longer play the music on my iPod via my laptop.
As it is a work laptop, I do not store music on it, so cannot sync.
iTunes v6 allowed the play back remotely from the iPod, but v7.0 just has all the files on the ipod greyed out and not playable.
Does anyone know if this is a defect or intentional?
PC   Windows XP Pro  

iTunes 7.0 upgrade
PROBLEM: playback of SOUND and VIDEO completely distorted, scratchy, skipping, cracking (like an old used 45 stored in a box of sand for 50 years).
Audio card: Creative SB can't find model.
re-installed drive on sound card.
QT 7.0 Pro - preferences, audio tab, change the hertz number and bit number, different combo's. Not certain what combo and what values of each will work. (ANYONE CAN SUGGEST SETTINGS?)
Result: funny thing: after changing the Hertz and Bit rate a number of times, it worked...for several seconds into playback of songs - then back to that old 45rpm VINYL sound quality!!! Argh.
VIDEO playback in iTunes 7.0 is also HOSED.
Play "movies" imported to iTunes under 6.0 Quicktime: they play, but screen is chopped up into little boxes (frames) of video, distortion. Note: downloaded Podcast video, it worked fine. However, prchased iTunes music videos don't playback - same issue as above. I need to play again with QT 7.0 Pro settings.
gateway 7000 1g ram, etc.   Windows XP Pro   gig ram, 400gig HD, etc.

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    Yes, but back up the library first. Note that if you're using Mac OS X 10.5.8, you won't be able to update iTunes past 10.6.3.

  • FYI!  Intego NetBarrier X5 and iTunes App Store Issues

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    Hello Everyone,
    After upgrading to Snow Leopard, and re-installing X5 (10.5.4), it looks like I may have identified the cause of this issue.
    It appears that, within X5, if you select the "+Hide my Apple ID when using iTunes MiniStore+" option (Overview --> Privacy --> Data --> Surf), it jacks-up connections to iTunes Store App/iPhone OS Updates.
    For now, I have de-selected this option, and everything seems to be functioning as it should.
    I cannot believe that something as stupid as this has caused me (and countless others) so many months of aggravation. I will be reporting this as a defect to Intego later today.
    Hope this information helps.

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    Thank you

    I was the originator of my post the other night.. "iTunes & iRadio Streaming issues, Why?" posted on October 19th. It is that another person chimed in on my topic, paulie74".
    I do not feel I was lectured, I was simply stating how you treated this other apple user, "paulie74" by stating the following. You said,
    "Also ranting about quality control will not help your cause, I use both and have absolutely no issues as do millions of others."
    Being positive and not being unhelpful is not what these forums are about, then you also mentioned,
    "perhaps you should read the Terms of Use you agreed to", I know the terms of these forums and those of the Apple company, I am not new to Apple, and would respectfully suggest that you be more constructive regarding your comments and not expresses yourself in a way that upsets others.
    And yes, I will forward all this onto Apple, for I trust they will do what's right as always.
    Thank you,

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    Try redownloading it via iCloud.
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    If the problem persists, see this article.
    How to report an issue with Your iTunes Store purchase

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    Jgreg14 you have my sympathies. 36 hours ago while using my iPad I was told that my Apple ID had been disabled. Like you I went to the forums, reset my password, and also like you, nothing changed. I have contacted iTunes support and after 24 hours they responded with this:
    Cesar here from the iTunes Store Support Team. Your inquiry is very important to me, so I have requested assistance with the issue you reported. You will receive an email after the matter has been investigated and further information is available.
    Thank you for your patience. Apple wants your iTunes experience to be as enjoyable as possible. Take care!
    Boy do I feel special. I sat on the phone to the UK helpline for 30 minutes, and have been told my case has been elevated to "URGENT".
    Basically I was wondering if you ever got your problem sorted out?

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    my podcast on iTunes:
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    The feed in use by iTunes is , not the one you list. It has one episode, whose media file URL is 3
    Your feed at has no episodes.
    You will obviously need to get this sorted out before you can proceed. Once you have the soundcloud feed working properly you will need to add a special tag to the original feed in order to transfer the Store to using the new feed. The method is decribed here:
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    I have not experienced the same - not with any iTunes update when released.

  • ITunes 7.02 issues

    Here are my biggest gripes with iTunes 7
    . i buy alot of iPods. in fact whenever a new one comes out, i pre-order it and pretty much get it the same day it comes out. And so I re-load my music onto the new iPod and everytime, no wait, EVERYTIME, at some point, where i have about 100 files queued to copy as i search the artists that i want to add from my lib, the iPod driver fails or complains about something and says there was an error. Now try and figure out what was not copied and where to start over again? FORGET IT. you are screwed. Worse is that when you do remember and you manage to backtrack and re-add the ones that failed, sure enough at some point at the gym or on my way somewhere some song fails to play or gets skipped because it is corrupted. then i have to remember to delete it and re-ad it the next time i connect to this wonderful program. iTunes should remember what was queued, where things failed, delete the last failed song and ask the user if he or she wishes to resume this SIMPLE task.
    . don't even think of plugging your iPod on the same USB hub as your external USB drive where your lib exists. if you have enough songs and you do enough copying in one session, something very bad will eventually happen. you must plug the iPod on a different hub. now this might not be an iTunes problem but a Windows issue. but still. it is annoying.
    . on the above two points. why not add to the diagnostics portion of the software, the ability to "CHECK" all songs on the iPod for integrity. sometimes they get corrupted. it would be nice to automatically find errors and fix/update the songs or ask to delete them.
    . cannot delete songs from the iPod. I want to be able to delete songs from my iPod without plugging it in. i don;t care about the debates or the reasons or the rationale or the logic or whatever. i want to delete songs off of my iPod from my iPod.
    . why can we not get a file explorer style of view where i only see artists as folders and then click to see the albums and songs as subfolders and files? oh wait, you can already do that by clicking the little "eye" button at the bottom right next to the eject button. It will show you Genres, Artist and Album. That feature is ill-designed. When I click on an artist, i then see all of the albums that they are on. So far so good. but then when i click on the album, i only see that song! if i want all of the songs from that album, then i have to go back to all artists at the top and then go to album and then search for that album again and then add it and then go back to artist and then research back to where i was and proceed again. THIS IS FRUSTRATING. Change the behavior of this. When I find a song on a particular album, make it easy for me to add that entire album without doing any funny girations.
    . on the same theme as the point above, why not give me a 3 pain view where i have artist (only listed once), then album and then song. give me the ability to turn off the sub views or put them in a separate window so when i browse an artist, i can see the albums and then the songs. or i can simply only see 3,4 or 5 columns or artists and then let me double click to see the albums. and please remember when i come back up one level to return me to the position where i was.
    . i cannot for the life of me find an easy way to list my compilations from within iTunes. i always go to the compilations folder in my lib to see what i have got. i would love to have a compilation view
    . bug: sometimes you cannot disconnect your iPod because it says it's in use. I then have to go into "Unlocker Assistant" and tell Crypserv.exe to let go of my iPod. Then it ejects without objection. I am sure someone knows why this happens. I would rather this just stop or someone within the iTunes dev team needs to take note of this and force Crypserv.exe to let go if it has taken hold. If it's another app, then it should prompt the user and say "Hey this guy won't let go, want me to make him at your own risk?"
    . bug fixed: being able to add songs directly from Windows explorer instead of the lib. thank you thank you thank you. this was broken in or whatever that version is.
    . why on Earth would anyone create an iTunes Music library folder using XML? Make an option for people who want to muck around with the data or write 3rd party apps and then make an option for those of us who would rather our CPUs not process megabytes upon megabytes of silly lenghty verbose strings. the other thing i noticed is that when u re-create the library, it takes forever because XML is not really a fast database and whoever wrote that code seems to do alot of writes ever few records. give us the choice to choose either a fast store or an open one (I am presuming some people want to look in there or write add ons or do whatever. I DON'T. I want to plug in my iPod, add/delete stuff and walk away)
    . cannot change the location of the iTune music folder (not the library). It insists on going into the My Music folder. I want to put it somewhere else. No can do.
    . Bug: if the "My Documents/My Music" folder is not available (as is the case sometimes when i forget to turn on my external e-sata data RAID array or do not require it), iTunes cannot start no matter what.
    . Every time iTunes installs, it insists on putting the Quicktime icon on the system tray without asking or remembering that I NEVER WANT IT THERE EVER. I always have to manually go and disable it.
    . I NEVER WANT QTASK to automatically start with Windows. NEVER. I always have to into Windows Defender and remove it. I don't want another pretty icon down there.
    . You cannot turn off the "Turn on MiniStore" request at the bottom of library screen!!!!! Give me an option to remove that banner so that i can get more real estate to see my library
    . it would be nice to have a feature to mark a song as "virtual" or "linked". that is if I have a compilation with a particular song and it is repeated on another album by that artist, give me the ability to determine if i want to keep both or have one link to the other so that when i open up the album the song is there but it acutally points to another album. give me a feature that intelligently reconciles this because sometimes some compilations include different versions or variations. so why not say give me a list of all matching songs where the length is only off by 3 seconds. I want this especially for compilations. LIst them all and then find all songs that appear to be repeats and then let me determine which ones to keep and which ones to delete.
    . there should be a way to create simple virtual playlists. I move my collection, i change directories or whatever, why not just intelligently remember that AC/DC "Back in Black" that was on U: drive that is 4.03mb long with the exact same MP3 tag info as this "new" song in the same album directory but on N: drive is probably the same one and I probably want to keep it or re-ad it intelligently.
    . your player takes forever to start and stop. and sure enough after sampling enough songs in my library to create a playlist for a party, at some point iTunes dies. I don;t know what it is about your player but it is SLOW and does something really funky with my systems. It's almost like someone wrote a really fancy UBER COM library that tries to do too much and it just konks out after a while. Now, i have to admit that in version 7.02 it is not as bad as before. but if you are copying songs to the iPod watchout. the erractic behavior begins. I have a Core2 Duo running at 3Ghz with 2.5Gb of ram available. it;s not a CPU issue. again, I know it's probably a USB thing but still, try to figure out a way to solve this because when I use Windows Media player while the exact same thing is happening, I do not have this problem. btw, my collection is no longer on a USB drive. only the iPod is. my collection is now on a SATA drive. so the USB bus is not being filled with tons of read write requests from multiple devices. again WMP does not have an issue playing a file while updating alot of files on the iPod. iTunes does. and it becomes jerky. something needs to be revisited.
    . if i choose to delete all of the songs in my library, why do you process each song one by one. Just turf the XML file, create a new one and say "Done" within 1 second. try it, add 10,000 songs, select them all and hit delete. what are you processing? just turf the collection. and yes I own lots and lots of CDs.
    . when I hit the eject button, it is not clear that the iPod is ejecting. sometimes you need to click it twice and wait until iTunes no longer responds. Why not put a better visual clue that you have indeed made a request to eject it and that it is being processed?

    You should send this to Apple.

  • Resolution to iTunes Burn ID3 issue

    Here is one resolution to not getting the ID3 tags when burning in iTunes
    Go to edit>preferences>advanced>burning> if the audio CD is checked then your CD will not have the ID3 tags. But it will play in all or most CD players.
    To get the ID3 tages you must have Data CD/DVD checked. If the music is bought @ iTunes music store and you give this disk to someone else or put it on one of your other computers you can transfer the music to your iTunes and it will have all the ID3 tags but you will have to autorize that computer to be able to play that music. You can have 3 or 5 computers authorized under your name. This is one of the ways to do it if you are backing up your iTunes.
    If you have MP3 checked you will also have the ID3 tags and I am assuming this will take care of the problems people are having using iTunes burned CD in their CD Players that display ID3 Tag info
    Hopefully this helps with some of the ID3 tag issues while burning in iTunes.

    It overwrites the Artist too, it seems.
    Do you know how it is setting the "Podcast is true" setting, and how I can disable that??
    This is all very confusing and annoying. iTunes 4.9 didn't do much of this, and it was a better podcast client in my mind. iTunes 5.0 making me consider switching to another podcast client so I can have one that makes sense.

  • ITunes 10.6 issues, artwork, etc.

    Issues I'm having with the past couple iTunes updates:
    I can't cycle through artwork on songs that have more than 1 image embedded in metadata.  I used to be able to click arrows to cycle through the images.
    I can't click the scroll bar to change my position in a list.  I can click and drag up or down, but I used to be able to click any spot on the scroll bar and it would take me to that part of the list.
    When dragging art to desktop,  the program leaves 2 copies of the image....huh?
    iTunes erases downloaded artwork for an album when some album tracks are deleted instead of keeping art for all tracks.
    If itunes is opened without an internet connection, it will not retrieve artwork once a connection is established.  The program must be closed and reopened.
    When I make an "On-The-Go" playlist with my iPod Classic, iTunes creates an extra, blank "On-The-Go" playslist upon syncing.  ?
    Sometimes iTunes assigns the wrong artwork for songs on my iPod Touch.
    I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing these issues, if they might be addressed in the next iTunes update, or if anyone has solutions to these problems.
    Thank you!!

    I'm starting to think these issues are related to my OS version.  I'm guessing these sorts of bugs aren't important to fix if they only happen in Leopard.
    No one has any comments?


    am using a Dell XPS GEN 5 PC with Windows Vista Premium Edition as the current OS installed. I have latested up date for Itunes and QuickTime (7.1.6) Installed. I have recently bought and downloaded 3 of the Original Star Trek Tv Shows from Itunes. When I try and play one of them, they don't work. The Screen comes up, the show starts, then stops. Sometimes the sound keeps on playing, and then stops. Sometimes it just dosent even come on. I'm guessing (as a highly advanced Windows PC User) That this ia a "video/playback issue, related to a Apple/Vista Compatibility problem. I would like help solving this problem.

    hi slideaway!
    my computer has a right proper meltdown, switching itself off and restarting to a "Windows has recovered from a serious error" sort of message.
    good lord. are you getting any sort of blue screen? if so, what numerical and text codes are you getting with it? (ie 0x[zeros/letters/numbers] CAPSANDUNDERSCORES)
    here's a reference on the sorts of things i'm asking about:
    Troubleshooting Windows Stop Messages
    if you're not seeing a blue screen (or just a flash of one), we can use this technique to make hidden blue screens appear for us:
    1) Open your system control panel (Start->Control Panels->System).
    2) Select the "Advanced" tab.
    3) Click the "Startup and Recover" section's "Settings" button
    4) Verify that under "System Failure" the "Automatically restart" checkbox is not checked.
    love, b

  • IPhone 5S/iTunes (Win7) sync issue: this computer is no longer authorized for purchased items that are on this iPhone

    I am trying to synch my iPhone 5S and iTunes for the first time since upgrading.  I get the following error message: The iPhone ... could not be synced because this computer is no longer authorized for purchased items that are on this iPhone.  To be clear, all I want to do is take the media on my Windows 7 PC and put on my iPhone.  When I authorize my PC, I receive a message that the PC is authorized (making 2 of 5 authorized computers).
    All of the iTunes purchases were purchased under the same Apple ID, I've never had another Apple ID.  Some of the PC media is Amazon mp3 purchases, but this has never been a problem in the past.  I have the latest iTunes installed.
    I tried to fix the problem doing the following:
    1.  Authorizing my computer, retrying to sync.
    2.  Logging into iTunes on my PC, then authorizing the PC, then syncing.
    3.  Not an Administrator account issue (my login is the Admin account)
    4.  I turned off user account controls in Win7
    5.  I removed the SC Info folder in iTunes
    Very frustrating, I've been working on this issue for the past several days.  After purchasing a 5S, with a high end PC/Win7, and the latest version of iTunes, I shouldn't have to make such an effort to access my purchased content.  Please help.

    I found the solution in another post.  By deleting all my apps, I was able to sync the phone.  I hope I don't have to delete all my apps every time I want to sync my phone, but at least now I am able to sync my phone.

  • Secure Link to itunes store failed issue

    I cannot access the itunes store or even authorize my computer.  I have been working on this for months.  Done everything that Apple support emailed me and I am ready to go crazy.  My diagnostic shows secure link to itunes store failed.  Can anyone help?

    Many thanks.
    With those symptoms, I'd try the following document:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
    (If there's a SpeedBit LSP showing up in Autoruns, it's usually best to just uninstall your SpeedBit Video Accelerator.)

  • ITunes Wifi Sync issue

    I canceled a wifi sync session (pressing the x in the area in which iTunes shows what it is currently syncing to/from my iPhone) and ever since doing so my iPhone is no longer recognised in iTunes.
    It doesn't show up on the device list.
    Things i tried:
    1.     Quit iTunes (Finder > iTunes > Quit iTunes)
    2.     Restart computer
              --> also restarted the iPhone before trying again
    3.     plugging in the USB cable.
    4.     Go to Preferences --> Devices --> option "prevent iPod, iPhone, iPad to sync automatically" isn't checked.
              --> Makes sense, since my iPad is connected and syncing properly. Double checked it anyway.
    5.     Searched on Google: not finding anything useful. searched on words like: osx + itunes + wifi sync + not showing
    System spec's:
    iMac 27" 3,4 GHZ i7, 16GB ddr3, SSD. OSX Lion 10.7.2 installed. iTunes 10.5.2 (11) installed. Latest updates installed, completely updated.
    How do i fix this issue ?

    This Apple article might help ya out -> iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Is the Apple Mobile Device Service running?
    You may want to try uninstalling the security software or following along with Apple's article.

Maybe you are looking for