Itunes 9.1 crashes on all m4p files

I have upgraded my itunes to the latest and it will not play ANY of my 60 m4p files that I purchased years ago. It actually will not just not play, but it CRASHES every time I tray to play.
In the itunes store, it knows I purchased them and even tries to sell me a $16 upgrade to itunes plus for each. But I just want to play what I already purchased.
Another note is that I have changed my apple ID since I purchased these files because the old email went away. When I take any of the problem files and select Get Info, it says protected file, fairplay 2, and has my old apple ID showing.
Any idea on how to get these to play again?

I'm having a similar problem. I have a Mac and a PC. For years I've had my music library on my Mac. I moved my music library to the PC by creating a new library and reimporting all the audio files from an external hard disk.
Everything plays fine apart from M4P files. I've re-authorized them when I've received prompts. The files play, but are very jumpy and slow. The jumpiness is also inconsistent: sometimes you'll get 10 seconds of smooth playback and then the jumpiness resumes. Again: this happens only with M4P files. All my M4A and other files are fine.
I've tried changing some audio driver settings, including putting Quicktime into Safe Mode, but it didn't make any difference, which makes me think this is an iTunes glitch rather than an audio playback problem.

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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
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    Hello iainhoey
    Follow the steps in the article below to roll back the previous iTunes library file to get back your iTunes library.
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    -Norm G.

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    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    /var/log ▹ appstore.log
    from the hierarchical list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar. Then select the messages from the last installation or update attempt, starting from the time when you initiated it. If you're not sure when that was, click the Clear Display button in the toolbar of the Console window and then try the installation again.
    Copy the messages to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    If there are runs of repeated messages, post only one example of each. Don’t post many repetitions of the same message.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. Don't post more than is requested.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Edit it out by search-and-replace in a text editor before posting.

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    The program does not do screen captures for you, you would needs something else to help.
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    Try altering the tag for the ringtone: right-click on a ringtone in iTunes and select Get Info, go to the Info tab and make a slight change to the Artist, tap OK and try syncing again.  If it transfers to your phone do the same for the others.

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    Matt Krumwiede wrote:
    Thanks for the suggestion, but I am not sure I understand....
    Is there not a way to do a search of a disc to find all .m4p files in folders and the sub folders?
    You can use the terminal:
    Macintosh-HD -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
    mac $ ls /Volumes/Spotless/spotless.*
    mac $ ls /Volumes/Spotless/spotless* 
    /Volumes/Spotless/spotless-test.m4p     /Volumes/Spotless/spotless.png
    mac $ find /Volumes/Spotless/  -iname '*.m4p'
    Run the list command to see what files will be found.
    mac $ find /Volumes/Spotless -name '*.m4p'  -exec ls {} \;
    Be careful with this command. The rm commands will delete a file.
    mac $ find /Volumes/Spotless -name '*.m4p'  -exec rm -i  {} \;
    remove /Volumes/Spotless/spotless-test.m4p? y
    mac $ 
    It seems strange that I would need a 3rd party ap to do so.
    the Spotless facility was introduced with tiger. Spotless does not do well when searching by filename.
    I have found that spotlight is inconsistent when searching by filename. To search by filename, try:
    "This is a free program for Mac OS 10.4 and later that lets you search for files on your disks, primarily on HFS formatted ones."
    An alternative to or supplement of Spotlight and finds files, folders or contents in any file without the need for indexing.
    Sometimes I have to resort to Unix.
    Macintosh-HD -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
    I prefer to use iname instead of name because iname is case independent whereas name is case depended.
    #this command finds anything starting with python
    find / -iname 'python*'
    You can also run commands against the found file. Be careful. Always list the file before doing something.
    # this is the safe list command. No changes are made.
    find /home/robert -user robert -exec ls {} \;
    {} is the filename
    \; is the required characters for lineend
    Message was edited by: rccharles

  • I have a new hard drive as my old one crashed. Everything seemed to transfer fine except for my entire iTunes library. It shows all of my old songs, but when I click on one it states "the song could not be used as the original file could not be found

    I have a new hard drive as my old one crashed. Everything seemed to transfer fine except for my entire iTunes library. It shows all of my old songs, but when I click on one it states "the song could not be used as the original file could not be found.would you like to locate it".
    Either how do I locate it, and I've tried every trick I know, or how do I restore all of my songs from one of two sources. I have my old hard drive backedup on an external drive which should have all of my songs, and I have most of my songs on my old iPhone 3S which I'm using as a backup iPod.

    The "missing file" error happens if the file is no longer where iTunes expects to find it. Possible causes are that you or some third party tool has moved, renamed or deleted the file, one of its parent folders, or the drive it lives on has had a change of drive letter. It is also possible that iTunes has changed from expecting the files to be in the pre-iTunes 9 layout to post-iTunes 9 layout, or vice-versa, and so is looking in slightly the wrong place. In the case of a library moved from one system to another there are also potential permissions issues. See Repair security permissions for iTunes for Windows.
    Select a track with an exclamation mark, use Ctrl-I to Get Info, then click No when asked to try to locate the track. (Due to a bug in iTunes 12 you currently have to say No twice!) Look on the summary tab for the location that iTunes thinks the file should be. Now take a look around your hard drive(s). Hopefully you can locate the track in question. If a section of your library has simply been moved, a folder renamed, or a drive letter has changed, it should be possible to reverse the actions. If the difference between the two paths is an additional Music folder in one path then this is a layout issue. I can explain further if that is the case.
    In some cases iTunes may be able to repair itself if you go through the same steps with Get Info but this time click Locate and browse to the lost track. It may then offer to attempt to automatically fix other broken links.
    If another application like Windows Media Player has moved/renamed the files then the chances are that subtle differences in naming strategies will make it hard to restore the media to the precise path that iTunes is expecting. In such cases, as long as the missing files can be found somewhere, you should be able to use my FindTracks script to reconnect them to iTunes. See this post for an explanation of how it works.
    See also Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.

  • My computer crashed with all my itunes files.  I was able to get some off and transfer them to another computer.  I am afraid to sync my ipod to the new computer becaused I do not want to loose all of my playlists and other music.  Will this happen?

    My computer crashed with all my itunes files.  I was able to get some off and transfer them to another computer.  I am afraid to sync my ipod to the new computer becaused I do not want to loose all of my playlists and other music.  Will this happen?

    To import music into your iTunes library on the computer go to iTunes>Help>iTunes Help>Add items to iTunes and follow the instructions
    Delete the "songs" that do not play in your iTunes library and reimport them.

Maybe you are looking for