ITunes CD Burning Help Pleeeease!!!

Hi Chaps!
I really hope you can help me.
I've got a problem burning CDs using iTunes.
I can play any media CD using iTunes and the CD icon appears on the left iTunes pane, but when I insert a *BLANK CD* the the icon that always used to appear on the left pane of iTunes, no longer appears. In other words I can no longer burn using iTunes as it doesn't five me the burn option due to not recognising my blank discs!
I've tried using Google to find a solution but I'm totaly stuck.
Please help me guys!

The burning process has changed a little bit since previous versions of iTunes. I suggest you read this:

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    Microsoft Windows 8 x64 Home Premium Edition (Build 9200)
    Hewlett-Packard HP Pavilion g6 Notebook PC
    QuickTime not available
    FairPlay 2.5.16
    Apple Application Support 2.3.6
    iPod Updater Library 11.1f5
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Apple Mobile Device
    Apple Mobile Device Driver not found.
    Bonjour (333.10)
    Gracenote SDK
    Gracenote MusicID
    Gracenote Submit
    Gracenote DSP
    iTunes Serial Number 002AB1700B7C4780
    Current user is not an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2014-01-20 18:23:52.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
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    HDCP is supported.
    Core Media is supported.
    **** External Plug-ins Information ****
    No external plug-ins installed.
    iPodService (x64) is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently running.
    Apple Mobile Device service is currently running.
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    Any help from the community or Apple would be tremendously appreciated and I would be glad to do more testing and provide more details. Thanks!

    Hi there aaxim,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
    iTunes for Windows: Optical drive is no longer recognized, or "Disc burner or software not found" alert after install
    -Griff W. 

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    THIS... is precisely why I use Toast.
    I know that doesn't help a lot, but I have NEVER been fond of iTunes for burning.

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    iTunes tends to be more picky on windows than other programs that burn CDs on a PC. The 3 main fixes for any iTunes burning issues/problems are
    1) Updating the CD burners firmware and the PCs chipsets, BIOS ect ect, basicly any updates/patches offered on the PC makers web site for your model.
    2) Slowing the burn speed in iTunes by going to edit>preferences>advanced tab>burning sub tab. Usually slowing it from "Max" to a speed like 8x or 4x does the trick
    3) Using a different brand of blank CDs. Not all blank CD's are make from the same material, and not all burners read them the same.
    Another thing you can do is goto Help>run CD Diagnostic and copy/paste the whole resulting report here so we can see what error if any your getting and overlook your setup for anything wrong

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    mustangmaster200 wrote:
    i find it frustrating that my over 300 purchased songs are now useless to me. HELP PLEASE?
    You have two options: (1) You can use iTunes to burn the tracks onto *audio CD,* which can be used just like any other *audio CD.* (2) You can upgrade the songs to non-DRM "iTunes Plus" versions for 30 cents apiece.

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    Some older version of iTunes had the same problem. I hoped that 5.01 would solve the didn`t ! HELP !
    I use Windows XP Prof. and Nero has no problems with my burner.
    Thx !

    I'm not sure I know what you mean when you say you did a network test and it stayed connected.
    On the matter of signal strength, it is possible to have good signal strength but still experience interference.
    If you play a movie from your iTunes library, start it and pause for 20 minutes or so, how much of the movie has downloaded, if you then start it playing do you experience the same problem.

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    The attempt to burn a disc failed.  An unknown error occured (4000).
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    There seems to be a problem with the latest iMovie and purchased iTunes songs. The work around until Apple fixes iMovie is to put the song you need in a playlist, burn them to an Audio CD. Now in iMovie either try adding them directly from the CD, at which point they would be copied into the iMovie project as AIFF files or if that doesn't work (I ca not recall if you can add directly from a CD or not) then reimport the songs from the CD to iTunes (AIFF will work for sure and I have never had issues with music in MP3 format with iMovie projects) then use the reimported version in iMovie.

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    Message was edited by: FirewalkerAHA

    I also forgot to mention that whenever I burn with iTunes now a text file named GEAREXT.WOIDENT shows up on my desktop. This is what it reads (it's obviously information sent by iTunes to the burner):
    Mastering information file to accompany premaster tapes and CD/DVD discs.
    GEAR image building and premastering software, GEAR Software 2007.
    Mastering order references (customer information):
    - Customer name:
    - Customer contact:
    - Telephone number:
    - Origination date: 12-7-2007
    - Master ID code:
    - Customer reference code:
    - Disc title:
    Disc image related information for mastering:
    - Number of tracks: 14
    - Recommended LEAD IN period for mastering: 180 seconds.
    - Recommended LEAD OUT period for mastering: 210 seconds.
    Track table for mastering:
    01 00 0000 150 CD-DA YES 2352 00 00 00 pause
    01 01 0000 11059 CD-DA YES 2352 00 02 00 audio track
    02 01 0000 36884 CD-DA YES 2352 02 29 34 audio track
    03 01 0000 17706 CD-DA YES 2352 10 41 18 audio track
    04 01 0000 8896 CD-DA YES 2352 14 37 24 audio track
    05 01 0000 13178 CD-DA YES 2352 16 35 70 audio track
    06 01 0000 11519 CD-DA YES 2352 19 31 48 audio track
    07 01 0000 17162 CD-DA YES 2352 22 05 17 audio track
    08 01 0000 30374 CD-DA YES 2352 25 54 04 audio track
    09 01 0000 20834 CD-DA YES 2352 32 39 03 audio track
    10 01 0000 25930 CD-DA YES 2352 37 16 62 audio track
    11 01 0000 21576 CD-DA YES 2352 43 02 42 audio track
    12 01 0000 8579 CD-DA YES 2352 47 50 18 audio track
    13 01 0000 13302 CD-DA YES 2352 49 44 47 audio track
    14 01 0000 20254 CD-DA YES 2352 52 41 74 audio track
    aa 01 0000 15750 CD-DA YES 0 57 12 03 lead out
    - Cue Sheet format sent to the recorder:
    Contr/Addr Track Index Data-Mode ZERO MIN SEC FRAME
    01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00
    01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
    01 01 01 00 00 00 02 00
    01 02 01 00 00 02 1d 22
    01 03 01 00 00 0a 29 12
    01 04 01 00 00 0e 25 18
    01 05 01 00 00 10 23 46
    01 06 01 00 00 13 1f 30
    01 07 01 00 00 16 05 11
    01 08 01 00 00 19 36 04
    01 09 01 00 00 20 27 03
    01 0a 01 00 00 25 10 3e
    01 0b 01 00 00 2b 02 2a
    01 0c 01 00 00 2f 32 12
    01 0d 01 00 00 31 2c 2f
    01 0e 01 00 00 34 29 4a
    01 aa 01 01 00 39 0c 03

  • Itunes will burn only 1 CD without reboot

    Itunes will burn only 1 CD, then won't recognize any other discs. Burn function for 2nd+ tries doesn't say "checking playlist" as it does normally, instead says "checking media", then just quits, takes me back to itunes. Only a reboot of the computer will help. Any ideas. This is a real pain.

    Hello minibar,
    Thank you for providing the details of the issue you are experiencing with burning a disc on your iMac.  I found some resources that I think might help:
    First, I recommend resetting the System Management Controller (SMC) on your Mac:
    Resetting the SMC for Mac Pro, Intel-based iMac, Intel-based Mac mini, or Intel-based Xserve
    Shut down the computer.
    Unplug the computer's power cord.
    Wait fifteen seconds.
    Attach the computer's power cord.
    Wait five seconds, then press the power button to turn on the computer.
    You can find the full article here:
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    If you are still having trouble with burning after that step, I recommend reviewing the section titled "Top troubleshooting tips" in the following artice:
    Disc Burning Quick Assist
    Thank you for posting in the Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

  • ITunes 2131 burning error - Toshiba Patch

    There have been a lot of posts on various support sites about iTunes not burning to CDRs using various models of Toshiba Laptop - instead showing a '2131 Error'.
    I've just read on the apple support forum that Toshiba have released a patch to fix this..
    Does anyone know if it's available anywhere on the net? Or if any Toshiba Support Techs read this forum - could let me know where on the website can I find the patch?
    Thanks for your help,

    I finally got a hold of someone very helpful on the Toshiba support line, and he said that the order for this driver patch has been put in to the engineering department but he didn't have a date for me as to when the patch will be available online.
    He did say that he thought it would be within the month, which is vague but at least something.
    He said to just keep an eye on When the patch is ready, it'll be made available on that site. You can subscribe to their update list so that when the patch is made available, it'll notify you via email.
    Hope that's at least a little bit helpful!

  • I get error message "unknown error" When trying to log on to itunes via pc, help please!

    I get error message "unknown error" When trying to log on to itunes via pc, help please!

    Hello, trolle56.
    Thank you for the question.  You may find these articles helpful in troubleshooting the error received with the iTunes Store. 
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting
    Jason H. 

  • Ipod will not show up, in iTunes library please help.

    Ipod will not show up, in iTunes library please help.
         I just updated to the newest version of ITunes well, not just but a few days ago. Anyway I have windows 8, and in ITunes my Ipod 5th gen will not show up. I have tried somethings such as unpluging repluging, going to services and restarting, basiclly everything on yoyutube, none still work. It's ***** to cause I just wanted to put music on my Ipod, if anyone has an idea of what to do please give some suggestions.
    Thank you, for trying to help.

    Hello Stephen19wfwake,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    iPod: Appears in Windows but not in iTunes
    1. Try the iPod troubleshooting assistant:
    If you haven't already done so, try the steps in the iPod Troubleshooting Assistant (choose your iPod model from the list).
    If the issue remains after following your iPod's troubleshooting assistant, follow the steps below.
    2. Restart the iPod Service
    3. Restart the Apple Mobile Device Service
    4. Empty your Temp directory and restart
    5. Verify that the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is installed
    6. Change your iPod's drive letter
    7. Remove and reinstall iTunes
    8. Disable conflicting System Services and Startup Items
    9. Update, Reconfigure, Disable, or Remove Security Software
    10. Deleting damaged or incorrect registry keys
    Best of luck,

  • Since updating to I.O.S7 on my ipad2 all i get when i turn it on is a loading screen with a picture of a charger going into an ITUNES sign? HELP nothing will work not interactive at all?

    all i get when i turn it on is a loading screen with a picture of a charger going into an ITUNES sign? HELP nothing will work not interactive at all.aince updating to I.O.S7.0.2???
    What should i do currently have it on charge for several hours not done a thing and have been locking and unlocking and resetting

    Please see: for further info.  It sounds like you are already in Recovery mode so if the image in Step 4 is the one you see, skip to Step 5.

  • My itunes in computer wont let me transfer my apps to my ipad.  I have the latest version of itunes. Please help

    My itunes in computer wont let me transfer my apps to my ipad.  I have the latest version of itunes. Please help.  When I press sync it says its syncing but at the end the apps are still not on my ipad.
    I need help. Hope you could help me.

    Close your iTunes,
    Go to command Prompt -
    (Win 7/Vista) - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES, right mouse click "Command Prompt", choose "Run as Administrator".
    (Win XP SP2 n above) - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES/Command Prompt
    In the "Command Prompt" screen, type in
    netsh winsock reset
    Hit "ENTER" key
    Restart your computer.
    If you do get a prompt after restart windows to remap LSP, just click NO.
    Now launch your iTunes and see if it is working now.
    If you are still having these type of problems after trying the winsock reset, refer to this article to identify which software in your system is inserting LSP:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store

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