ITunes corrupt and can't install a new versions

Out of the blue, I clicked on iTunes to use it and got the following error message:
  "The program can't start because MSVCR80 is missing from your computer.
    Try reinstalling the program to fix the problem."
I uninstalled the corrupt iTunes and downloaded another one, and now more error messages:
   "Service Apple Mobile Device failed to start.  Verify you have sufficent privileges to start system."
What the heck is Service Apple Mobile Device?  Never had to install this before.  I am the sole user of this
computer so why don't I have sufficient privileges?
Please help!

Try the following user tip:
Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates

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    The error message means, that a different AppleID has been used to buy iPhoto '11 or to accept it to the AppleID, when the Mac first has been set up.
    If you are now using a different AppleID then the one you used, when you set up your Mac, launch the App Store and sing into the AppStore with  the old AppleID (in the "Store" menu).
    If your Mac has been set up by someone else, ask this person to sign into the AppStore and update iPhoto for you. If you bought the Mac second hand  and cannot contact the previous owner, delete iPhoto from the Applications folder and buy it using your AppleID.
    If none of this applies, and you bought the Mac as new, and never used a different AppleID, contact the store that sold you the Mac. They may have sold you a refurbished Mac, with the iLife apps still tied to a different AppleID.

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    msi problems can usually be fixed with the Microsoft Installer Cleanup utility.
    Unfortunately the Microsoft Installer Cleanup utility has been with drawn by Microsoft because of compatibility issues with Microsoft Office so you will need to find a copy elsewhere – the installer is msicuu2.exe. You need version 3.
    Google msicuu2.exe download
    mydigitallife in the above search has a copy of version 3
    Check for malware before installing it.
    After installing, To run the program – All Programs>>Windows Install
    If you get permission denied error, Try Run as Administrator – an option if you right click on the program.
    Use the Cleanup Utility to remove any instances of the problem program, i.e. iTunes.
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    it downloaded fine but said installation failed because the "older version of apple software update" or something like that.
    Download and install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility from Microsoft:
    [Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility|]
    Now run the utility ("Start > All Programs > Windows Install CleanUp"). In the list of programs that appear in CleanUp, select any *Apple Software Update* entries and click "Remove".
    Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC, and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

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    Unfortunately, Safari cannot be updated past 5.1.10 on a Mac running v10.6.8.
    So, the options are to upgrade to a newer OS X or use Firefox or  Chrome.
    Be aware, Apple no longer support Snow Leopard v10.6 > pdates-1558393
    See if your Mac can run v10.9 Mavericks >  OS X Mavericks: System Requirements
    If so, you can download and install Mavericks for free from the App Store.
    Read prior to upgrading >   Upgrading to 10.7 and above, don't forget Rosetta! | Apple Support Communities

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    Use this download.

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    Check this Apple support page for when you forget your passcode.

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    OK - I was under the impression that you had a brand new machine and did not have to restore any data stored already.  If it were me - I would back up all of my data - not with True Image - but just back it up.  Then I would do a clean install of Windows 7  (getting rid of all those partitions) and either create one or two.   I just use one and then do regular images wtih Acronis True Image - but you could create two - one for the OS and applications and another for all your data directories. 
    I don't know how you would do a new install while trying to create the partitions exactly the way Lenovo has them when the machine is delivered.  (I don't think Lenovo does either)  So - I would make it simple and just get rid of them all after your data is backed up.   If you have new applications loaded, I would just install them again.  Not the most convenient but in the long run you will have an easier system to back up and manage. 
    I'm not a fan of Lenovo's instant restore proceedure, because A: it is complicatied, and B: it doesn't buy you anything if you crash your hard drive anyway.  It is really only good if you A: do regular backups with the instant restore, and B: either have a virus or corrupt some data and need to use it.  You can do the same thing by using the Microsoft system restore point proceedure.  So - to me it is just a gimick and makes your drive a mess wtih hidden partitions, etc.  
    That would be my approach.  I would NOT try to backup your current configuraton with Acronis before installing a new OS.  It can be done - but I think it will be very messy.  A much better approach would be just to delete all of those partitions with the Windows 7 install proceedure - then create just one or two new partitions as you install the new OS.  Then start using Acronis to do regular images on your drive.  You can also do incrementals so it only takes a couple of minutes each day. 
    Installing Windows 7 is a piece of cake as it finds all the drivers for you.  Just make sure you have it connected to an ethernet cable.  Then install your applications and then load your data back.  Very straigtforward. 
    The advantages you will get will be:  A:  You will get use of your entire hard drive space.  B:  It will be much easier to manage and back up.  C:  Using Acronis to backup your drive will be simple  D: If you ever lose data you can simply use Acronis to restore the directory or data file, or E:  If you lose your entire hard drive you simply get a new one and then restore from the Acronis CD and point it to your last backup image. 
    I hope this helps.  Good luck. 

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    If the installation was successful you should have 2 version Adobe Lightroom CC (2015) and Adobe Lightroom 5.x - you'd have to deinstall Adobe 5.x to remove it.
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    I be very greatful.
    Computer is a generic computer
    with Windows XP 
    Celeron 2.4
    1gb memory

    Hi pilotjoe,
    Welcome to the HP Forums.
    I see that you are having some issues with getting the printer reinstalled back on to your xp computer.
    I do have a few steps that we can try in the attempt to resolve this issue.
    First off, please make sure that you have the printer power cable connected directly to a wall outlet and not a power bar/strip. Here is a document that uses a LaserJet printer as an example but it is meant for HP products in general. Please click on the following link that explains the Issues when Connected to an Uninterruptible Power Supply/Power Strip/Surge Protector.
    If you have the printer connected to the computer with a usb cable, please remove the cable from both pc and printer and leave it disconnected until further notice.
    The next link that I am going to give you is the All-in-One Software Removal Utility.
    Once the removal is complete, please restart the computer so that all the changes take affect.
    The next link I have for you is the HP Officejet and PSC Full Feature Software and Driver.  Save this download to the Desktop of the computer so that it creates its own icon.  This will make it easy for us to find once the download is complete. 
    Double click the new icon and follow the installation instructions.  You will be prompted as to when to connect the usb cable so please do not connect it before hand.
    Let me know if you have any other questions.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" at the bottom of this post to say “Thanks” for helping!
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    W a t e r b o y 71
    I work on behalf of HP

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    Yvan's account often is out of bandwith. I have put a copy on my account in the iWork folder. Download uninstall iWork ', decompress it, open it in AppleScript Editor and click the Run button.

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    Hi charbelhoyek,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    The steps in this article can help if you are not able to authorize your computer to play iTunes Store purchases:
    iTunes repeatedly prompts to authorize computer to play iTunes Store purchases
    All the best,

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    How do you know your iPhoto version if iPhoto 9 (11)? Use the Finder window in the Applicaition folder to see what version you have:
    Also iPhoto 9 in now only available thru the App Store and it would not have let you download and install it if you didn't have the right system version.

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