ITunes data rate?

Before buying music from the iTunes store I'd like to get an idea of what quality to expect. My wife and I are audiophiles and music lovers and are somwhat particular about quality. We've discovered that when encoding CD's to MP3 we generally have to encode at 192 kbps or higher to get decent quality without too many artifacts, expecially with complex music such as orchestration or with lots of bright sounds like cymbals. (we've tried several different CODEC's). Some people here have said that AAC/.m4a produces better quality for a given data rate than MP3, but most of the serious objective tests I've seen indicate that any difference is either trivial or nonexistent.
So what is the bitrate for music on the iTunes store?
Thanks in advance.
iPon Nano   Windows XP Pro  

At present the bit rate for iTMS tracks is 128 KBPS
One other thing to keep in mind is that the iTS store sells songs encoded at 128 kbps with the AAC codec which Apple claims is equivalent to a 160 kbps mp3-encoded file.
I'm not trying to sell you anything here because in the end it's going to be your ears that will decide whether the audio quality is acceptable or not but you could buy one or two tracks to see hear what you think. If you're happy with the quality, you can proceed to buy more. If not, you can write the whole thing off as a fairly inexpensive learning experience.
And if you're interested in a more technical comparison of the AAC and MP3 formats, have a look at this article .

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    Look into this app - it seems written for you:

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    Some place, you have set the Data-rate above the DVD-spec. of 10 MB/s for ALL Assets, or have spikes above that. Now, since this is for all streams, Audio + Video, something below 8 works best. Then, if there is a momentary spike, it falls below the threshold of 10. In your Export settings, this has been set to high, either by you, or the program. PE is pretty smart about spikes, but can get fooled by the Assets, sometimes.
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    Hello Nousernamebrah
    Well get get your music from your old computer to your new computer, the old computer would have to work and turn on to access the files to be copied over. You also can access any previous purchased music and download it to your new computer as well. Check out the articles below for more information. 
    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer
    Download past purchases
    -Norm G.

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    Here are a couple Knowledge Bases that address this performance specification. I just posted the knowledge bases today so they might take a day or so before they are live. Hope that helps. Have a good day.
    What Are The Performance Benchmarks For The High-Speed I/O - NI 653x
    PCI-6534 pattern input while streaming to disk benchmarks
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    According to this document: Data Storage Options for CompactRIO, depending on many conditions, such as complexity of processor
    requirements, USB data can be transferred off the controller at
    approximately 700 KB/s.
    Also, you don't need a driver to get a USB mass storage device to work on the cRIO. Have a look at this document:
    Utilizing Features of the USB Port on My cRIO-901x or My cFP-22xx Controller
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    A computer with itunes is a basic requirement for iphone.  It is not a stand alone device.
    Changing the account  is covered in the settings section of the manual:
    iPhone User Guide (For iOS 4.2 and 4.3 Software)

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    Hi Toboggan,
    If you are looking to restore your iTunes data from a backup, you may find the following article useful (while it is focused on moving between computers, many of the steps should also apply to your situation):
    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer
    - Brenden

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  • I have a question about Data Rates.

    Hello All.
    This is a bit of a noob question I'm sure. I don't think I really understand Data Rates and how it applies to Motion... therefore I'm not even sure what kind of questions to ask. I've been reading up online and thought I would ask some questions here. Thanks to all in advance.
    I've never really worried about Data Rates until now. I am creating an Apple Motion piece with about 15 different video clips in it. And 1/2 of them have alpha channels.
    What exactly is Data Rate? Is it the rate in which video clip data is read (in bits/second) from the Disc and placed into my screen? In Motion- is the Data Rate for video only? What if the clip has audio? If a HDD is simply a plastic disc with a dye read by "1" laser... how come my computer can pull "2" files off the disc at the same time? Is that what data transfer is all about? Is that were RAM comes into play?
    I have crunched my clips as much as I can. They are short clips (10-15seconds each). I've compressed them with the Animation codec to preserve the Alpha channel and sized them proportionally smaller (320x240). This dropped their data rate significantly. I've also taken out any audio that was associated with them.
    Is data rate what is slowing my system down?
    The data rates are all under 2MBs. Some are as low as 230Kbs. They were MUCH higher. However, my animation still plays VERY slowly.
    I'm running a 3GigRam Powerbook Pro 2.33GHz.
    I store all my media on a 1TB GRaid Firewire 800 drive. However for portability I'm using a USB 2 smartdisk external drive. I think the speed is 5200rpm.
    I'm guessing this all plays into the speed at which motion can function.
    If I total my data rate transfer I get somewhere in the vicinity of 11MBs/second. Is that what motion needs for it to play smoothly a 11MBs/second data connection? USB 2.0 is like what 480Mbs/second. So there is no way it's going to play quickly. What if I played it from my hard drive? What is the data rate of my internal HDD?
    I guess my overall question is.
    #1. Is my thinking correct on all of these topics? Do my bits, bytes and megs make sense. Is my thought process correct?
    #2. Barring getting a new machine or buying new hardware. What can I do to speed up this workflow? Working with 15 different video clips is bogging Motion down and becoming frustrating to work with. Even if only 3-4 of the clips are up at a time it bogs things down. Especially if I throw on a glow effect or something.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Data rate DOES make a difference, but I'd say your real problem has more to do with the fact that you're working on a Powerbook. Motion's real time capabilities derive from the capability of the video card. Not the processor. Some cards do better than others, but laptops are not even recommended for running Motion.
    To improve your workflow on a laptop will be limited, but there are a few things that you can try.
    Make sure that thumbnails and previews are turned off.
    Make sure that you are operating in Draft Mode.
    Lower the display resolution to half, or quarter.
    Don't expect to be getting real time playback. Treat it more like After Effects.
    Compressing your clips into smaller Animations does help because it lowers the data rate, but you're still dealing with the animation codec which is a high data rate codec. Unfortunately, it sounds necessary in your case because you're dealing with alpha channels.
    The data rate comes into play with your setup trying to play through your USB drive. USB drives are never recommended for editing or Motion work. Their throughput is not consistent enough for video work. a small FW drive would be better, though your real problem as I said is the Powerbook.
    If you must work on the powerbook, then don't expect real-time playback. Instead, build your animation, step through it, and do RAM previews to view sections in real time.
    I hope this helps.

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    Music Rescue also works as far as restoring your playlists etc. I've used it twice, you can use the Quick Recover mode, but have to click continue trial (something like that) allot, cp. to purchase option. Otherwise diesel is right as far as restoring via  your purchase history.
    Here is a review of Music Rescue.

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    I would like to use my iphone to instal and restorel all my phone data to a new computer. I lost the back up  of my old computer itunes data. How can this be done?

    Syncing to a new iTunes library or computer will erase your iPhone. Only if you back up your phone manually before syncing, you can restore your device from that backup again. A manual backup does not include the sync process.
    Do this to back up manually:
    Disable autosync in iTunes, connect your phone to your new computer and right click on it in the device list and choose backup. iTunes will backup your device without syncing.
    Transfer your purchases the same way, choosing "transfer purchases" this time.
    When you connect your phone for the first time, all media content will be erased. But you can restore your settings and app data from your manual backup afterwards.
    Don't forget to set up at least one contact and event on your new computer to be able to merge calendars and contacts when you sync the phone for the first time.
    Music is one way only, from the computer to your device, unless you bought the songs in itunes and transferred your purchases.
    There is 3rd party software out there, but not supported by Apple, see this thread:
    About backups and what's saved: iTunes: About iOS backups
    How to back up and restore:
    How to download apps for free again:
    Saving other data is also described here. How to back up your data and set up as a new device

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