ITunes must be reinstalled each time iPod sync is attempted

About a month ago I upgraded to a MacBook Pro from an iBook G4 and since my music library was transferred onto my new computer I've been having trouble getting iTunes to recognize when my iPod Touch is connected. iPhoto opens and the iPod charges, but nothing happens in iTunes. Each time this happens I do all the suggested restarts, etc. and the only solution I've found that works is to uninstall and reinstall iTunes, but it's getting ridiculous having to do this every couple of days. How can I fix this permanently?

I am having this problem also. I have searched and found many posts on the subject, but no solutions found.
Debbie at
Qtrmoon Pond

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    Your kidding, right? You really don't have 1gb or so left on your computer? I'm surprised your computer runs at all with that little space left. You really shouldn't exceed 70% of capacity if you expect things to run normally.
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    * Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\(username)\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
    * Windows Vista: \Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

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