ITunes preorder album issue

I preordered an album but it hasn't come through. I then bought it and it says purchased but I can't access it. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Hi Perky67,
Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
You may want to first make sure you're currently signed into the iTunes Store and that your computer is authorized to play content from your account.
To sign in on your computer:
Use your Apple ID with the iTunes Store
Open the latest version of iTunes.
Choose Store > Sign In.
Enter your Apple ID and password and click Sign In.
Click Review when asked to review your information.
Enter your billing information.
Click Continue after you enter your credit card and billing information. You can remove or edit your credit card information at any time. Learn more about updating your iTunes Store account information.
See this article for the steps to authorize your computer to play iTunes purchases:
iTunes 11 for Windows: Authorize a computer to play iTunes Store purchases
Once you're signed in and authorized, there are a few ways to download a pre-order.
When a pre-order item becomes available, you will receive an email letting you know your pre-order is available for download.
If you've enabled iTunes to automatically download prepurchased content, then your pre-order content may already be downloaded to your library. If not, simply click the download link provided within your email notification, and your pre-order content will begin to download. Alternatively you can use the "Check for Available Downloads" feature in iTunes on your computer by choosing Store > Check for Available Downloads to begin downloading your pre-order.
You can find the article with this information here:
iTunes Store: About Pre-orders

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    Unfortunately you've discovered too late how important it is to maintain an up-to-date backup of your iTunes library (and all other data of value).  You could, before wiping the drive, have considered making use of a commercial data recovery service that could (albeit at considerable cost) have extracted your library from the hard disk, even if virus infected.
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    I figured this out. I found that the folder and files only had "read" privileges and not "read & write" privileges. I did the following:
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    2. Selected my user and changed the rights to "read & write".
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    The new Photos app in OS X should address much of this - it greatly simplifies syncing stuff across machines. Apple has details on it up here:
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    It pains me to hear about your experience with the Home Phone Connect.  This device usually works seamlessly and is a great alternative to a landline phone.  It sounds like we've done our fair share of work on your account here.  I'm going to go ahead and send you a Private Message so that we can access your account and review any open tickets for you.  I look forward to speaking with you.
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    I too was experiencing non-full screen playback between music videos / movies. I discovered that this only happened if I had en EQUALIZER setting for the music video / movie. Once I had NONE as the EQUALIZER setting my music videos / movies all played back full screen from one to the next.
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    I think this article will help you.

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    3pg is an odd format... That or I just never seen it before. :P
    iTunes just ***** at converting videos. So far all videos I tried converting with iTunes have resulted in the same error you got.
    You're better-off using 3rd party apps, and then copying to iTunes, and then copying to the iPod.
    Unfortunately I don't know of any conversion programs for Windows.
    If you by chance have a mac, this program works great:
    The mac version of Handbrake below works great, hopefully the Windows version does, too:
    When converting with handbrake, make sure to use the iPod preset for the out-put video.
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    Are Both Macs running the same OS... i.e. Snow Leopard... ?
    Also These Links may be of Value:

  • FYI!  Intego NetBarrier X5 and iTunes App Store Issues

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    I post this information in the hope that it will resolve similar issues for others. iTunes Support, when contacted numerous times, was completely useless.
    It appears that I'm going to have to configure my firewall to allow ALL iTunes traffic to pass. Can someone please tell me where I can find a comprehensive list of ports that must be open for iTunes to function properly? I would greatly appreciate it.

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    After upgrading to Snow Leopard, and re-installing X5 (10.5.4), it looks like I may have identified the cause of this issue.
    It appears that, within X5, if you select the "+Hide my Apple ID when using iTunes MiniStore+" option (Overview --> Privacy --> Data --> Surf), it jacks-up connections to iTunes Store App/iPhone OS Updates.
    For now, I have de-selected this option, and everything seems to be functioning as it should.
    I cannot believe that something as stupid as this has caused me (and countless others) so many months of aggravation. I will be reporting this as a defect to Intego later today.
    Hope this information helps.

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