Itunes scripts

Hi folks,
I'm new to the group and posted a question in a couple of open threads without realizing it's encouraged to start a new thread. I've searched and searched and searched the archives in an attempt to find a solution, but it appears I have a common problem that doesn't have an easy solution.
I transfered my music from notebook to external HD and la la la la ...... I now have ! ! ! in front of all my files. I'm a bit anal when it comes to playcounts, ratings, etc and I don't want to lose all that info. Of the solutions I've so far discovered, using Otto's updating script appears to be the best solution.
Below is the script and subsequent error I receive.
var iTunesApp = WScript.CreateObject("iTunes.Application");
var tracks = iTunesApp.LibraryPlaylist.Tracks;
var numTracks = tracks.Count;
var i;
for (i = 1; i <= numTracks; i++)
var currTrack = tracks.Item(i);
the variable between brackets {} are both indented once (couldn't get to do in text)
Line: 8
Char: 1
Error: object doesn't support this property or method.
I know little to none about scripting and programming in general. Has anyone else used this script (or knows how to script!) and could help troubleshoot the problem? I posted yesterday on Otto's page as well, but I'm not sure when he will find my particular comment. I'd be willing to wait patiently for his response, however I'm in a bit of a pinch. I'm taking off tomorrow to go to South America for six weeks and would really like to sync up and update my iPod before I left. I'd also like to make my library functional so my sister can use it while I am away.
Your help would be greatly appreciated,
Windows XP Pro
Windows XP Pro
  Windows XP Pro  

One more thing...
I've been doing some searching online for help and can't seem to come up with anything. However, I did come across a site that has tons of Apple scripts. Is there anyway to convert these for use on PC?

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    I tried everything.  Help.

    well, you're the first one I''m seen reporting this, so that makes me think it is unique to your PC. So I doubt an updated iTunes version is going to "fix" this.
    The way to find things like this is by using MSCONFIG as explained in these directions. But it is tedious to find it, requires a lot of PC restarting. You said it's not a big deal, so you might not want to spend the time.

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    This was extremely annoying for me, also.  I started uninstalling unneeded Sony applications to try to narrow down the problem.  It turned out not to be a Sony application... it is some functionality built into the bluetooth driver software package by Broadcom.  Uninstalling the bluetooth package (via the control panel) takes care of the problem.  Itunes also boots up way quicker.  But uninstalling it will remove features related to bluetooth and nfc.   For me, that isn't an issue, since I don't use them.  Since you said you're "computer challenged" I would probably just send an email to sony complaining about the problem.  They'll get in touch with Broadcom eventually (the manufacture of the drivers) and get the problem fixed.
    Side note: the Broadcom package is huge...  nearly 1GB in size.  Which is crazy.  I can't imagine what it does considering the size of it.  Entire operating systems can take up less storage.  Also, I have no idea how it starts an itunes plugin without placing it into the standard plugin directories.

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    No idea why it's not working. Never seen this problem before.
    Only thing I can think of is make sure the name of the Scripts folder is spelled correctly (not an extra space) /usr/library/iTunes/Scripts/.
    Post over here -> AppleScripts for iTunes (Mac)

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    Looks like this does most of what you want in that it identifies incomplete albums. You'd still have to see which tracks were missing:
    I'm assuming from the product info you're looking for an AppleScript for iTunes for OS X. If you want one for Windows I could probably oblige.

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    Have you got something like iTunes Folder Watch installed and in background monitoring mode? Other possibilities would be any plugin for Firefox/Live Messenger/Other App that posts what you are listening to.

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    I have two itunes files in library......
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    If your music indeed is located at ./Users/YourUsername/Library/iTunes/iTunes Music, it is in an odd place.
    The default location is ./Users/YourUsername/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music.
    But it does not matter, where it is located. As long as it plays fine there is no problem.
    Your iTunes scripts should be located in the path ./Users/YourUsername/Library/iTunes/Scripts, not in ./Users/YourUsername/Library/iTunes/iTunes Music/Scripts.
    If you have a recent version of iTunes, you can move your entire iTunes Music folder to the default location. Recent versions of iTunes can keep track of them.
    BTW: this does not work if you move the music to another disk. iTunes loses track of the files and you have to use another method.
    Hope this helps.

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    In 'Finder' Menu,press 'GO' and select 'Go to folder',enter '~/Library'.
    After that,locate 'iTunes->Scripts',you will find the applescripts.
    Delete it,All DONE.

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    When i click on itunes to install it, it says that there is insufficient space in the system drive to install it. also says it requires 100gb to do it.
    that's ultrakinky. itunes program file sizes total somewhere in the tens of megabytes ranges.
    let's try getting a installer log to the Discussions Hosts, so they can throw it over the fence so an Apple engineer can have a look at it.
    Start menu -> Run... In the text field of the dialog that comes up, type in "cmd" and hit return.
    In the command prompt dialog that comes up, find the iTunes installer on your desktop and drag it to this window. Then on the same line type in a space and then the following:
    /Verbose"c:\log.txt" /V"ENABLE_QTLOGGING=TRUE"
    There is no space between the e in Verbose and the double quote ("). There is no space between the V"Enable...
    Hit return.
    The installer will create two log files:
    C:\log.txt and C:\qt.log
    Find those files and send them to a Discussions Host Put the URL to this discussion thread into the email, so that whoever gets it has some context. Let them know the version of itunes you’re trying to install, too … in general, give as much info as you can.
    love, b

  • No iTunes Script

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    What am I doing wrong, how to remediate problem/error. Is there a work-around?
    Thanks for directions, tips, whatever. And thanks to all of you who contribute knowledge and experience making Apple Discussions such an outstanding resevoir of info.

    I neglected to mention in initial post that when I attempt opening the ".dmg" file (e.g.; double clicking) a pop-up displays, its banner states "The following disk image failed to mount"; below in a line-item window, the ".dmg" file line is highlighted: Image - "Re-Add Selected...", Reason -" Corrupt Image". I've deleted the ".dmg" file and re-downloaded w/same discrepant result.
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    cheeers, dave

    You don't. A DMG file is for Mac computers. This script won't work on iTunes for Windows.

  • Quiting iTunes and iTunes scripting error

    Every time I quit iTunes, it takes a long while before I get a message that "one or more applications are using the itunes scripting interface, are you sure you want to quit ? ".
    This problem has only appeared a few months after first installing iTunes on a fresh installation of Vista Home Premium. I haven't installed anything recently that would use the scripting interface, so I don't know how to stop the error message and prevent iTunes from taking a long time to eventually close down.

    There have been reports that the Logitech mx5000 wireless mouse and keyboard has caused this error.
    But if it is not that, something must be using the iTunes COM interface, that is the mechanism for other programs to access iTunes.

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    well, you're the first one I''m seen reporting this, so that makes me think it is unique to your PC. So I doubt an updated iTunes version is going to "fix" this.
    The way to find things like this is by using MSCONFIG as explained in these directions. But it is tedious to find it, requires a lot of PC restarting. You said it's not a big deal, so you might not want to spend the time.

  • Running  applescript in background (as a standalone app or iTunes script)

    I'm working on making an Apple script that syncs my currently playing track with Twitter, Facebook, and I have the syncing portion worked out, but the method in which the program receives information is not ideal.
    I was wondering if there exist a set of commands that allows my program to work in the backhround, monitoring itunes for track-changes. Once a track changes, the syncing process will begin. Once the process ends, the program will once again become a background processes. This also beckons the question: is there a command for my program to launch when iTunes launches. I know Last.FM's official client has an option that allows the program to launch when iTunes launch. I would like to know if that's easy to implement.
    Ideally, if anyone can point me to a page/book for tutorials on how to futz around with iTunes commands and background processes, I would be greatful!

    The background element of your request is fairly straightforward - use an 'idle' handler.
    In this case you want your idle handler to periodically check the state of iTunes and perform whatever actions you like once you know it's open.
    The other element - having your script open when iTunes opens, is not so easy. iTunes doesn't have the option to run a script or perform any action when it's opened. Therefore there's no easy way to achieve this - at least not via AppleScript. The typical way of doing it is to write a daemon process that sits in the background, but this isn't easy in AppleScript, or write a plug-in (which also isn't possible in AppleScript).
    As a result your best option may be to have an AppleScript app that's always running (e.g. launched at login) which sits around checking for iTunes, and kicking in once it detects iTunes has launched.
    Something like:
    -- variable to keep track of iTunes state last time we checked:
    global iTunesWasRunning
    on run
      set iTunesWasRunning to false
    end run
    on idle
      if application "iTunes" is running then
        -- it's running now, was it running before?
        if iTunesWasRunning then
          -- code here for checking track changes
          -- it's just been launched, so do whatever you need on app launch
        end if
      end if
      -- remember the current app state for the next iteration
      set iTunesWasRunning to (application "iTunes" is running)
      -- check again in 10 seconds time
      return 10
    end idle
    Now you have three places you can run code - iTunes is still running, iTunes has just been launched, and itunes isn't running at all. From here you should be able to insert the relevant code for what you're trying to achieve.

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    you might want to try EphPod.

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