IWork doesn't work after installing/ iWork 09 funktioniert nicht auf neuem MBP mid12

I have the problem, that i can not use my IWork.
I can not open created Documents or even edit new ones.
I have the write and read-rights for the files but even this doesn't help. I always get the Message "the document "...pages" cannot be opened"
I reinstalled it now 2 times (from the retail-DVD i have)
please help, i need to work!!!
bei mir funktioniert iWork nicht mehr.
Ich habe einen neues MacbookPro mit MountainLion und habe gerade IWork installiert (und abgedatet) jedoch ich bekomme es nicht zum laufen.
Immer wenn ich eine neue Datei erstellen will friert Pages z.B. ein oder eine vorhandene öffnen will kommt die Fehlermeldung "Das Dokument ....pages konnte nicht geöffnet werden.
Ich habe die Lese- und Schreibrechte an den Dateien, also daran sollte es nicht liegen...
Bitte helft mir, ich muss arbeiten!!!
Gruß Patrick

Welcome to Apple Discussions
After applying the combo updater for OS X, use Disk Utility to repair permissions. Also, another good first step in troubleshooting a misbehaving application is to delete its preference file. Go to HD > Users > (your account) > Library > Preferences, delete the com.apple.iwork.pages.plist, empty the Trash & then restart Pages.

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    Here are my best suggestions for your camera problem:
    • If Apple's http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2090
       suggestions do not help you, continue with the following.
    • Use Disk Utility to repair permissions and then
       download and apply the 10.7.2 Combo Update:
    • Repair permissions again immediately following the system restart
       that completes the Combo update.
    The Combo version of updates can sometimes correct
    strange problems like yours.
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    Help! I've spent hours researching this and can't find a solution...
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    Sorry for the long post but we need the scan function in the house for my wife's teaching purposes. Any assistance would be GREATLY appreciated.
    Very Respectfully,
    Bobby G.

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    If it suggests that you install iPhoto again, install iPhoto again. In your Macs Box that it came in there should be 2 Discs, one is an Applications CD (You need this one) And another is the Mac OS X.
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    sudo mdutil -E /
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    Try resetting the App Store and Clearing Cookies.
    Reset       Learned from Old Toad
    App Store support. There is troubleshooting and a contact link.
    Time Machine
    Inherit a Backup
    Inherit a Backup (2)

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      Do you want to run installer in repair mode?"
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    Can someone tell me how to solve this problem without reinstalling the whole CS3?
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    Why did you “upgrade” to Windows 7?
    Shouldn't have Microsoft given you free updates to Windows XP or Windows Vista to give you all the fixes that appeared in Windows 7?
    Do you expect an automobile manufacturer to retrofit at no cost to you your two year old vehicle with the latest doodads associated with the latest in consumer electronics, automated toll taking, and GPS?
    Accounting rules in the United States associated with something called “revenue recognition” limit what companies can do to retrofit products with new features after they are released/sold. Supporting significant differences and/or features in a new operating system version or for that matter incompatibilities and features in another application (such as new versions of Office) require significant modifications to accounting practices to hold reserves to account for the possibility of such updates. Furthermore, ignoring these accounting and finance ramifications, keeping an extra set of engineers working to retrofit old software versions would significantly increase Adobe's costs and hence the price charged for this software.
    Be aware that except for custom software with ongoing maintenance and/or retainer contracts, typical commercial software is licensed for use with the equipment and software environment that it was originally designed for and that fact is already built into the cost and pricing structures. The pricing of upgrades to new software versions reflects the cost of providing support for newer equipment and software environments as well as any new features.
              - Dov

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