J2K errors - Session time outs

Need some help regarding Cold fusion Version : 9.0.1 and we recently applied Cumulative Hotfix 2 to remediate the session time outs,
Still we are getting session time outs.
Ex :Error: Element SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST is undefined in SESSION.
     Error: Element USER_LOGIN_NAME is undefined in SESSION.
These are the sample errors we are getting. Can any one help with this.
Thanks and Regards

Those are likely to be coding errors. The place to look is where you write/set the values of SESSION.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST and SESSION.USER_LOGIN_NAME for the first time. Could you show us the code?

Similar Messages

  • Session Time Out For UNLOGGED IN USER During Search -pls help SIR!

    The problem lies in searchresultscontroller.java/searchcontroller.java file under search/web/handler of an application that supports educational note sharing.
    The problem is that -
    When I search with query strings in different fields(as you will find in the above mentioned java files)..the keywords in resourcedto and get some files as search results.
    Then I click on one of the file from within the search result and visit the file.
    Here if I m logged in as an user, and the session time out is set to 1 minute in the web.xml file of the web folder not the admin folder then when I hit the BACK TO SEARCH button it easily goes back to the previous search result page along with the queries string that I had input previously.
    The problem is that when I m NOT LOGGED in as an user, and I've performed a search with queries and other dropdowns in the search panel, I get the search result page, I visit the file by clicking on one of them but when I hit the BACK TO SEARCH button I don't see the previous search result page from where I had navigated to view the file.
    Please suggest on what changes shall I make in the code so that even if I m not logged in as an user, I get back to the search result page on hitting the BACK TO SEARCH button from the file view page.Sir I m herein pasting the code of the searchresultscontroller.java file, but please feel free to ask for anyother file whose code you might want to see.SEARCHRESULTSCONTROLLER.JAVA FILE CONTENT-
    package com.mgh.sps.search.web.handler;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
    import org.springframework.validation.BindException;
    import org.springframework.validation.Errors;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleFormController;
    import com.mgh.sps.search.business.facade.Search;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.dto.ResourceDTO;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.util.SessionAttributeKey;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.util.SessionManager;
    import com.mgh.sps.fileusage.web.constants.FileUsageWebConstants;
    public class SearchResultsController extends SimpleFormController {
    * SearchResults Controller
    * @author Muralikrishna.s
    * @Codedondate DD-MM-YY=26-07-07
    * @Usecase/s associated =UC504
    private static final Logger logger = Logger
    private final static String REG_EXP = "^[A-Za-z0-9]*$";
    private final static Pattern EMAIL_PATTERN_REG = Pattern.compile(REG_EXP);
    * Spring framework method used to hold reference data
    * @param request
    * HttpServletRequest
    * @param command
    * Object
    * @param arg2
    * Errors
    * @return Map
    * @throws Exception
    protected Map referenceData(HttpServletRequest request, Object command,
    Errors errors) throws Exception {
    logger.debug("SearchResultsController.referenceData() method entered:"
    + request + "," + command + "," + errors);
    FileUsageWebConstants.TAB_SEARCH, request);
    Search search = (Search) super.getWebApplicationContext().getBean(
    ResourceDTO resourceDto = (ResourceDTO) command;
    String[] allValues = new String[7];
    if (null != (String[]) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(
    SessionAttributeKey.allValues, request)) {
    allValues = (String[]) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(
    SessionAttributeKey.allValues, request);
    + resourceDto.getQualification());
    String flag = (String) request.getParameter("id");
    logger.debug("SearchResultsController.referenceData() method exited:");
    return search.retrieveReferenceData(resourceDto);
    * Spring framework method used to hold OnSubmit
    * @param request
    * HttpServletRequest
    * @param response
    * HttpServletResponse
    * @param command
    * Object
    * @param arg3
    * BindException
    * @return ModelAndView
    * @throws Exception
    protected ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors)
    throws Exception {
    logger.debug("SearchResultsController.onSubmit() method entered:"
    + request + "," + command + "," + response + "," + errors);
    Search search = (Search) super.getWebApplicationContext().getBean(
    Map dynamic = (Map) getServletContext().getAttribute("config");
    ResourceDTO resourceDto = (ResourceDTO) command;
    //changed by sreelatha on sep21
    //String key = request.getParameter("keywords");
    //logger.debug("&&&&&&&&&&&&& key &&&&&&&&&&&&" + key);
    String keywords = (request.getParameter("keywords"));
    if(null!=keywords) {
    keywords = keywords.trim();
    // changes end
    String[] allValues = new String[7];
    //changed by sreelatha on sep21
    //allValues[0] = request.getParameter("keywords");
    allValues[0] = resourceDto.getKeywords();
    //changes end
    allValues[1] = request.getParameter("country");
    allValues[2] = request.getParameter("universityName");
    allValues[3] = request.getParameter("subjectArea");
    allValues[4] = request.getParameter("qualification");
    allValues[5] = request.getParameter("yearLevel");
    allValues[6] = request.getParameter("specificType");
    allValues, request);
    if(null!=keywords) {
    keywords = keywords.trim();
    String words="";
    for(int i=0;i<keywords.length();i++) {
    String key=String.valueOf(keywords.charAt(i));
    if(key.contains("*")) {
    key = key.replace("*"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("?")) {
    key = key.replace("?"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("[")) {
    key = key.replace("["," ");
    } else if(key.contains("{")) {
    key = key.replace("{"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("(")) {
    key = key.replace("("," ");
    } else if(key.contains(")")) {
    key = key.replace(")"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("+")) {
    key = key.replace("+"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("
    key = key.replace("
    } else if(key.contains(" ")) {
    key = key.replace(" "," ");
    } else if(key.contains("_")) {
    key = key.replace("","");
    } else if(!EMAIL_PATTERN_REG.matcher(key).matches()) {
    key = key.replaceAll(key," ");
    words = words + key;
    keywords = words;
    SessionManager.setSessionAttribute(SessionAttributeKey.test, search.setInputValues(resourceDto, dynamic), request);
    String name = (String) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(SessionAttributeKey.tempName, request);
    String flag1 = request.getParameter("id");
    String status="";
    if (flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("loggedInUser"))
    return new ModelAndView();
    if (flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("loggedInUser")){
    status = "redirect:SearchResults.htm?id=loggedInUser";
    }else if(flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("nonLoggedInUser"))
    status = "redirect:SearchResultsnlu.htm?id=nonLoggedInUser";
    ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(super.getSuccessView());
    logger.debug("SearchResultsController.onSubmit() method exited:");
    return mav;

    Cross-posted in many forums. Don't answer this one.

  • Session Time Out For UNLOGGED USER During Search -pls help

    The problem lies in searchresultscontroller.java/searchcontroller.java file under search/web/handler of an application that supports educational note sharing.
    The problem is that -
    When I search with query strings in different fields(as you will find in the above mentioned java files)..the keywords in resourcedto and get some files as search results.
    Then I click on one of the file from within the search result and visit the file.
    Here if I m logged in as an user, and the session time out is set to 1 minute in the web.xml file of the web folder not the admin folder then when I hit the BACK TO SEARCH button it easily goes back to the previous search result page along with the queries string that I had input previously.
    The problem is that when I m NOT LOGGED in as an user, and I've performed a search with queries and other dropdowns in the search panel, I get the search result page, I visit the file by clicking on one of them but when I hit the BACK TO SEARCH button I don't see the previous search result page from where I had navigated to view the file.
    Please suggest on what changes shall I make in the code so that even if I m not logged in as an user, I get back to the search result page on hitting the BACK TO SEARCH button from the file view page.Sir I m herein pasting the code of the searchresultscontroller.java file, but please feel free to ask for anyother file whose code you might want to see.
    package com.mgh.sps.search.web.handler;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
    import org.springframework.validation.BindException;
    import org.springframework.validation.Errors;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleFormController;
    import com.mgh.sps.search.business.facade.Search;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.dto.ResourceDTO;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.util.SessionAttributeKey;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.util.SessionManager;
    import com.mgh.sps.fileusage.web.constants.FileUsageWebConstants;
    public class SearchResultsController extends SimpleFormController {
         * SearchResults Controller
         * @author Muralikrishna.s
         * @Codedondate DD-MM-YY=26-07-07
         * @Usecase/s associated =UC504
         private static final Logger logger = Logger
         private final static String REG_EXP = "^[A-Za-z0-9]*$";
         private final static Pattern EMAIL_PATTERN_REG = Pattern.compile(REG_EXP);
         * Spring framework method used to hold reference data
         * @param request
         * HttpServletRequest
         * @param command
         * Object
         * @param arg2
         * Errors
         * @return Map
         * @throws Exception
         protected Map referenceData(HttpServletRequest request, Object command,
                   Errors errors) throws Exception {
              logger.debug("SearchResultsController.referenceData() method entered:"
                        + request + "," + command + "," + errors);
                        FileUsageWebConstants.TAB_SEARCH, request);
              Search search = (Search) super.getWebApplicationContext().getBean(
              ResourceDTO resourceDto = (ResourceDTO) command;
              String[] allValues = new String[7];
              if (null != (String[]) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(
                        SessionAttributeKey.allValues, request)) {
                   allValues = (String[]) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(
                             SessionAttributeKey.allValues, request);
                        + resourceDto.getQualification());
              String flag = (String) request.getParameter("id");
              logger.debug("SearchResultsController.referenceData() method exited:");
              return search.retrieveReferenceData(resourceDto);
         * Spring framework method used to hold OnSubmit
         * @param request
         * HttpServletRequest
         * @param response
         * HttpServletResponse
         * @param command
         * Object
         * @param arg3
         * BindException
         * @return ModelAndView
         * @throws Exception
         protected ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request,
                   HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors)
                   throws Exception {
              logger.debug("SearchResultsController.onSubmit() method entered:"
                        + request + "," + command + "," + response + "," + errors);
              Search search = (Search) super.getWebApplicationContext().getBean(
              Map dynamic = (Map) getServletContext().getAttribute("config");
              ResourceDTO resourceDto = (ResourceDTO) command;
              //changed by sreelatha on sep21
              //String key = request.getParameter("keywords");
              //logger.debug("&&&&&&&&&&&&& key &&&&&&&&&&&&" + key);
              String keywords = (request.getParameter("keywords"));
              if(null!=keywords) {
                   keywords = keywords.trim();
    //          changes end
              String[] allValues = new String[7];
              //changed by sreelatha on sep21
              //allValues[0] = request.getParameter("keywords");
              allValues[0] = resourceDto.getKeywords();
              //changes end
              allValues[1] = request.getParameter("country");
              allValues[2] = request.getParameter("universityName");
              allValues[3] = request.getParameter("subjectArea");
              allValues[4] = request.getParameter("qualification");
              allValues[5] = request.getParameter("yearLevel");
              allValues[6] = request.getParameter("specificType");
                        allValues, request);
                   if(null!=keywords) {
                   keywords = keywords.trim();
                   String words="";
                   for(int i=0;i<keywords.length();i++) {               
                        String key=String.valueOf(keywords.charAt(i));
                        if(key.contains("*")) {
                                  key = key.replace("*"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("?")) {
                                  key = key.replace("?"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("[")) {
                                  key = key.replace("["," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("{")) {
                                  key = key.replace("{"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("(")) {
                                  key = key.replace("("," ");
                             } else if(key.contains(")")) {
                                  key = key.replace(")"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("+")) {
                                  key = key.replace("+"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("\\")) {
                                  key = key.replace("\\"," ");
                             } else if(key.contains(" ")) {
                                  key = key.replace(" "," ");
                             } else if(key.contains("_")) {
                                  key = key.replace("_","_");
                             } else if(!EMAIL_PATTERN_REG.matcher(key).matches()) {
                                  key = key.replaceAll(key," ");
                        words = words + key;
                   keywords = words;
              SessionManager.setSessionAttribute(SessionAttributeKey.test, search.setInputValues(resourceDto, dynamic), request);
              String name = (String) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(SessionAttributeKey.tempName, request);
              String flag1 = request.getParameter("id");
              String status="";
              if (flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("loggedInUser"))
                        return new ModelAndView();
              if (flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("loggedInUser")){
                   status = "redirect:SearchResults.htm?id=loggedInUser";
              }else if(flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("nonLoggedInUser"))
                   status = "redirect:SearchResultsnlu.htm?id=nonLoggedInUser";     
              ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(super.getSuccessView());
              logger.debug("SearchResultsController.onSubmit() method exited:");
              return mav;

    Cross-posted in many forums. Don't answer this one.

  • Session Time out - Relogin not redirecting

    If I am in a particular page of an application, and session times out, I get Page Expired window. On click of that, it takes me to login page. After I relogin, it is NOT redirecting me to the page where the time out happened. It just redirects to the Application Main page. Is there a way to let ADF redirect to the page where time out happened?

    Hi Aluvala,
    Based on the current description, I understand that you would like to change the error message to custom message. The issue relates to Render Extension. Currently, the behavior which changes the error message to custom message is not supported. Therefore,
    I would suggest you submitting a wish at
    https://connect.microsoft.com/sql. Connect site is a connection point between you and Microsoft, and ultimately the larger community. Your feedback enables Microsoft to make software and services the best that they can be, and you can learn about and contribute
    to exciting projects.
    If you still want to make custom render message, you can try to create custom render extension while it is not easy.
    Hope this helps.
    Heidi Duan
    Heidi Duan
    TechNet Community Support

  • Session time out when working in application level

    We are upgraded our PROD environment from to R12.1.3
    When end user working at application level then it is throughing the session time out error, end user is not idle state he active and working on application level
    I have checked the profile ICX:Session Timeout it is 30

    Please see:
    Re: Inccreasing the timeout  parameter for the Oracle R12 session
    Also see:
    How AutoConfig sets ICX: Session Timeout [ID 307149.1]
    How To Manage Timeout at Responsibility Level [ID 412224.1]

  • Session time out in ADF 11g application.

    I am working for the ST BPO Project. We have one ADF application that is migrated from 10g to 11g.And our application is deployed on the weblogic server.
    we are facing some session time out issues in the application which is intermittent and whenever we leave the web page for some times, the session get timed out and page gets errored out.
    We have set the session time out parameter in web.xml as well as for AM.
    Session Management:
    Following are the parameters which we have set already.
    1.     Web.xml
    We have put the following session time out in web.xml:
    2.     bc4j.xcfg
    We have set the timetolive property of AM as:
    <AM-Pooling jbo.ampool.timetolive="10000000" jbo.pooltimetolive="10000000"/>
    3.     Also for the DB we have set the session time out to 180 mins.
    But if we leave the page for say some times around 5-10 min, the session of the page expires and it throws error.
    Also, as per our investigation : After some times the view id of the page gets expired and hence the issue comes. Also the behaviour is only on the weblogic server and we don't face any issues in the local set up.
    Kindly help us in solving this problem. Also let me know if any further details is required.

    suggest you also contact customer support on this issue. The version of your JDeveloper 11g release may matter as well

  • Form based login, iframes and session time out

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to create a site using form based login.
    The site contains a page protected page, default.jsp that have a logout button/link (clicking it invalidates the session), and a navigation bar with links linking opening them in iframes inside the default.jsp page:
    I have also a login.jsp page and and a error.jsp page
    Everything works fine I can login, I can logout. My problem occurs when the session times out and the user tries to access protected contents in the internal frames. He then is promted for a new login. The problem is that the login,jsp page now turns up inside the jframe designatet for my contents.
    I woud have liked the login page to turn up at the top level i.e. filling the entire browser window (i.e on the same level as the default.jsp page). Is this somehow possible?
    Uno Engborg

    Easy answer: use JS to jump out iframe.
    Best answer: don't use iframes, but use server side includes like jsp:include. Iframes have too much disadvangages, topping the extremely bad SEO and UX.

  • Error "Session Timed Out" When saving  webi report as PDF

    I am getting below error when saving  report as PDF
    The Session Timed Out.The document *.wid has been auto saved  in the Favorites~WebIntelligence Folder..Click Restore to retrieve it.
    (ERROR : WIJ600001).
    I get above error in PROD  but works fine in DEV.
    Version :  BOE 3.1 SP7 (DEV & PROD).
    Session Time out  set as  one hour.
    Report runs for 3 minutes .once I get the data if I try to save it as PDF immediately I get the above mentioned Error.

    The default Webi auto-save is every 600 seconds, which is 10 minutes.  You could increase it to 3600 seconds (1 hour) in CMC -> Applications > Web Intelligence > Properties > Auto-save Settings on "Auto-save time delay".
    See KB 1297132 - Error: WIJ 60001 after the Web Intelligence Java Report Panel is left inactive some time on http://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/1297132.
    Hope this helps,

  • BSP Session times out in Portal iView

    I have a stateful BSP Application with two pages. First BSP Page navigates via a POST to third party site from which, the request returns back to the original BSP to the second page. I pass the url of the application, along with the session information, with the name of the second page to the site, using which the site posts the request back to the BSP. I have increased the session time out in ICF to 10 minutes. This works fine when executed as a standalone application.
    I use the same BSP, as an iView in the Portal, and i get the Session Timed out error. I have selected the checkbox for the property "Supports Portal integration" in the application.
    If i do not pass the session information, then the user is prompted to provide the credentials for the SAP system when the request returns from the third party site in the Portal.
    Please provide your inputs/help on this.

    Can you share how did u solve?
    Raja T

  • SSO Partner Application and Session Time out

    Hi ,
    We have an application on forums.oracle.com which is implementing the Authentication scheme as SSO, that is working well, now we want to implement Session Time out if the user is idle for some time and ask him to login again after the session fails, I have tried to implement this feature as given by Scott in the thread session timeout , well the problem is since we dont have a login page here how do we set the cookies owa_cookie.send(
    name => 'HTMLDB_IDLE_SESSION',
    value => to_char(sysdate+(20/1440),'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),
    expires => null,
    path => '/',
    domain => null
    and where is the current point to implement it.
    Any help on this is greatly welcome.
    Thanks in Advance.

    I don't remember how the solution works. But if you don't have a login page you can usually put code in the post-authentication process of your authentication scheme to do whatever the login page process would have done.

  • Session time out when trying to redeem card!?

    hi, I have tried to redeem my card 5 times now, and itunes keeps saying "session time out your sessions has timed out please try this operation from beginning" I am dualbooting windows xp and windows 7, I have used both OS's and still the same thing. when I try to redeem it on my ipod touch it tells me I have the wrong code. I do not have a mac availble im on vecation and only brought the PC laptop.
    if it matters im using the itunes canadian store.

    This worked for me:
    Establish in her router a WEP 128 bit data encryption password. (Post back if you need help on this). Apparently macs have slightly different Airport drivers and work better with WEP 128 bit than with WPA although this doesn't explain why my friend's MB had your mum-in-law's problem but could connect to my WPA protected network - go figure! Anyway, try a different password encryption and see if that works.
    As for not sending mail, check with your Mail Server what the SMTP setting should be.

  • Session time out app store

    I keep getting session time out whenever I try to purchase apps on iPhone 5. It keeps asking me to verify my credit card security number and then when I click DONE, it tells me session time out. Anyone can help?

    Having problem with internet connectivity on WIFI - anything that depends on DNS for data whether it is a web browser or an app while using WIFI.  I call this problem "WIFI Lockout".
    This happens on iphone 4, ipad 2 and ipad 3 that has been updated to iOS 6.
    I am not talking about the issue of the missing apple page (day 1) or the inability to turn on/configure WIFI after updating to iOS 6.
    This is what i have discovered so far.
    You could be in the middle of surfing or using any app that makes data calls based on DNS (when you type google.com that is translated in the background so your device knows where to go - summary only) and suddenly you can go no where or do nothing!
    Sometimes conectivity goes trouble free for long periods, other times it is repetitive "WIFI Lockout".
    Yea sure, you can restart the WIFI connection, but WHO wants to CONTINUALLY do that?
    Interestingly enought the device is still successfully connected to the internet via WIFI, but DNS request fail to pass successfully from the iOS 6 device.
    Apple (or any curious iOS 6 user that wants to see my point), when this happens "WIFI Lockout" open up a browser before you reset the WIFI  connection and type type (google) and then “go” (I tried both safari and chrome).  A google search page will come up and you will be able to execute a search (of course any link you click on will not work as it is dependant on DNS resolution).
    The above IP connection to google proves NON DNS traffic works, so the issue is not the WIFI connection to the access point that is the problem.  It is not an access point configuration/firmware or security protocol issue either because data does pass when the above steps are followed.

  • Session time out

    Is there any way to set ovm manager gui session time out.
    as of now, if there is no action in gui for 2 mins,
    session gets timed out.
    Importing a template takes lot of time and session is
    getting timed out just after 2 mins.
    I have another question. Even if session times out,
    does importing template continue?

    887506 wrote:
    Is there any way to set ovm manager gui session time out.There is a way to increase the WebLogic timeout, but I'm not 100% sure on the process. Best thing to do is open an SR with Oracle Support so they can provide the exact steps.
    I have another question. Even if session times out,
    does importing template continue?Yes, this all happens on the Server/Manager side and doesn't require you to remain logged into the UI while the job runs.

  • Session time out in EP & webdynpro

    Hi can any body tell me how to control webdynpro session & portal session?
    I have created a webdynpro application & integrated in EP. I want to control the session time out for my application because if i run my application in Ep & the session time is out, i need to refresh my dynpro application.
    I want to control this session time out.

    Hi siva..
    Chk this link..
    Tabstrip: navigate with buttons instead of tabs

  • Session time out problem

    Hi guys
    I am using WSAD 5.0. the problem that i am having is that i have a properties file where i give the session time out value along with many other things. and when a user logs in a servlet takes those values from the properties file and sets the session time out value, using session.setMaxInactiveInterval(). but the problem is the session is still maintained even after the stipulated inactive time. Can any one tell me what could be the problem.
    Note: when i say session.getMaxInactiveInterval(), i get the value that i have set in the properties file.

    You're sure you specified seconds rather than milliseconds?
    - Saish

Maybe you are looking for