J2ME for Palm GUIs

Dear all,
I just got laid off, and part of the compensation was a Palm Pilot.
So I figured I might as well learn something new and try it out and
as a Java programmer I wanted to use Java.
It seems to me at a first glance that J2ME is a bit cheap with GUI
components though. No tables etc...
So what if I want to use tables, do I convert into c programming? =)

if you are talking about MIDlets (a part of J2ME), then yes, it is a bit limited in the GUI department, mainly because it is actually targeted at resource constrained devices such as cell phones, pagers, etc (although it can be run on Palms, something called the PDA Profile is going to be specifically for Palm devices soon.
you can have fine control over the positioning of objects using the low level APIs, but for UI items like textbox, etc, you will use the High level API, where you have somewhat limited control over the placement of the items across different devices.

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    it is possible to run MIDP apps on both. OR, you could wait until the PDAP for Palms comes out, which has some similar AWT components as PersonalJava/Personal profile running on WinCE.
    to run MIDP apps on Palm/POSE:
    to run MIDP apps on Wince:

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    Is ther a player for any of the previous versions? i think
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    Normaly such devices only know MIDlets. This is becaus they do not have the power of a PC. In addition to that they are to different in hardware so an other API is to use.
    I think it is notpossible to write a VM to do the same as a PC now.
    Hope this will help you.

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    I've successfully got a java app running using the J2ME... I think there was a Palm-specific version I downloaded. Basically, it comes with a Palm micro VM, that takes up about 300K on your Palm. Then your java classes are packaged using a special utilitiy into PDB files, which you can directly run on the Palm.
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    hi jack...
    You can use ibm's wsdd(websphere device developer) as plugin to wsad(websphere application developer) for developing web applications which can be run on palm devices. It uses j9(ibm's implemention of jvm).

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    Hi venkata,
    As Cherry mentioned above you can choose any client with exception of <b>000 SAP AG</b>, <b>001 Auslieferungsmandant</b> R11 and <b>066 Early Watch</b>, you can use the rest 997 clients to setup your system.
    Hope this help!

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    The thing is that the conduits are not compatible with other Oracle client installations, which also add themselves to the path. An example is Oracle's Instant Client.
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    There's a bug on the conduits as to were to find needed DLLs. It depends on setting itself in the path via environment variables.
    The thing is that the conduits are not compatible with other Oracle client installations, which also add themselves to the path. An example is Oracle's Instant Client.
    Check your system's path to see if you have any other Oracle client directories before CalSync's directory.
    I had a TAR created for this and supposedly they will be 'patching' it for next version...

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    Thanks to the great folks over at Aceeca.com (makers of NEW PalmOS Garnet devices), USB drivers for 64bit Vista, Windows 7, and Win 8 operating systems are available.  There are many users reporting Palm Desktop 4.x is also working. 
    I have synced my TX to my Vista64 bit laptop, and Windows 8.1 HP Spectre X2 hybrid successfully via my USB cable. 
    The drivers are located here:
    Aceeca Driver Downloads
    Installation instructions (from Aceeca) for Windows 7 are included in the download.
    Basic instructions:
    1. Download the drivers and Extract them to the same folder.  Remember the folder you extracted them to.
    2. Try to HotSync your device.  It will fail.
    3. Open the Device Manager, and look for the Yellow Triangle next to either "Acceca" or "Palm Device" under "Other devices".
    4. Right-click on the device, and choose "Update Driver Software".
    5. Choose "Browse My Computer for Software" and direct it to the folder you extracted the Aceeca drivers to.
    6. Choose "Next" at the driver file location window, and then tell it to "Always trust software from Aceeca Ltd." then click the "Install" button.
    7. I received an error message (Vista64) that told me "The drivers were installed but the device couldn't be opened." I saw that my TX had timed out and went to sleep.  I tried a HotSync and it worked!!! 
    Good luck! 
    NOTE:  Palm Desktop 6.22 may only show Media and Install.  Here's how to fix that:
    If Palm Desktop 6.2.2 only shows Media and Install, try this:  Right-click on the shortcut for Palm Desktop, then choose "Run as Administrator".  The ther modules should appear.
    To make Palm Desktop Run as Administrator every time in Windows 8/8.1:
    Close Palm Desktop, if open.  (This is a very important thing to always do when using 6.2.2 - it has been known to lose data when a computer is shut down without closing the program!)
    Right Click on the Palm Desktop Icon in the Metro screen, then choose "Open File Location".  You will now see the actual file for the shortcut.
    Right-click on the "Palm Desktop" shortcut file, then Properties.  Now pick the Compatibility Tab at the top.
    At the bottom of the Compatibility Tab is a checkbox:  "Run this Program as Administrator", Click OK .
    Try opening Palm Desktop, all the parts should appear.  You may see a box open when you close the program asking "Did the program run correctly?"   I picked "Yes", and it's been working fine since then!
    If you are using a much older PalmOS device and want to try using Palm Desktop 4.x, you will need this additional patch from Pimlico Software:
    Palm HotSync Setup
    Forum member bobboffin has added this post:
    "After attempting your first HotSync and failing (as expected) you may be unable to find any trace of the device in Device Manager, making the next step quite difficult. This happened to me, and after some investigation I discovered the following tip that allows Device Manager to show hidden and non-present devices.
    Open up Notepad and paste the following two lines into it:
    start devmgmt.msc
    Save it as SetDev.bat into My Documents.
    Open My Documents in Windows Explorer and double click on SetDev.bat. Device Manager should open.
    In the View menu select Show Hidden Devices.
    You may now see under the Other heading the failed device with a yellow triangle against it.
    You can now proceed to install the drivers per the instructions.
    Note that the driver supports most Palm OS versions. I'm actually using an Aceeca Meazura 1000 ruggedized PDA running OS 4.1  --- bobboffin"
    Hope this helps!
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    Thank you so much.  I was thoroughly disappointed to see that the support telephone for paid support had been discontinued.  I thought I would need to replace my (ancient but serviceable) Z22. 
    I followed the instructions listed here and am very happy to report that I completed a sync!
    Thanks again.

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