J2ME RMS and Palm OS

I am trying to capture data entered by the users in RMS. I have no trouble doing so in the phone emulators of the J2ME Wireless Toolkit, but the Palm emulator does not save the data. I tried blocking flush()- as someone suggested to me, but no success. Can someone look at my code or give me some ideas? Thanks
if (command == saveCommand) {
String vt = vType.getString();
int vtID = Integer.parseInt(vTypeID.getString());
String shp = shape.getString();
String mk = make.getString();
writeRecord(vt, mk, shp, vtID);
public void writeRecord(String vt,String mk, String shp, int id)
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
byte[] record;
record = baos.toByteArray();
valveTypeStore.addRecord(record, 0, record.length);

did u call the closeRecordStore() method of RecordStore??

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    You've done nothing wrong with your code that I can see. I have run into the same problem on both the Kyocera and the Samsung palm OS phones. If you take the same code you have written here and put it on a motorola phone you will see a huge difference.
    I can only suspect it has to do with the single threaded nature of the palm OS itself. Luck.

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    I understand now. On the user's phone you want to delete the RMS. My bad. Well, the only solution I could come up to right now, is to incorporate into the application a 'one time task' which at the beginning of the application, looks for the RMS and deletes it. Remember, it should be a one time task, maybe done in a separate thread than the main one.
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    The communication should be done through these ports: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/6de9c3f0-2841-4a74-80bb-46a02779124b/which-tcp-ports-does-a-workstation-use-to-authenticate-to-ad-and-get-group-policy?forum=winserverNIS
    To have better visibility, you can setup a network sniffer like Wireshark and observe the traffic.
    As the ADFS and DCs will be located in the same LAN then it should be okay as no filtering should be done (Unless if this is done on local firewalls of the servers).
    This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
    Ahmed MALEK
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    If the information is in iTunes on the computer you have synced with in the past another sync, being sure you select the items you want on the iphone, should copy those things back to the iPhone.

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    Unfortunately the version of the handheld products we have today do not support the Policy Server. I have passed your comments onto the Product Manager for future consideration.

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    Hi..  Welcome to the Palm forums.  What it is asking is, for Calendar, Contacts, Tasks and Memos do you want them to sync with palm desktop OR outlook?   Its all four or nothing.  When it is both what it means is if you sync with outlook, calendar, contacts, tasks and memos will sync to outlook all others, media, all your settings etc will go to palm desktop.  The main 4 can NOT be seperated its all or nothing.

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    Best regards,

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    Hmmm... proven design patterns, well, as I've found standard Java DP can't be used in J2ME, cause you need to do everything with small amount of memory and processing power. Object programming is cool, but it makes big impact on speed of code and on size of generated classes.
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    There is no easy way to do this. You must manually reconfigure the conduits each time you want to move from one environment to the other. [But, see the note of caution at the end of this message.] Also, reinstalling the Palm Desktop after iSync is installed and configured can create problems, so if you want to move from one evironment to other, do this:
    Locate the active Conduits and Disabled Conduits folders, here:
    Macintosh HD:Library:Application Support:Palm HotSync
    To activate the Palm Desktop, move this conduit to the Disabled Conduits folder:
    • Apple [that's the Finder name of the iSync Palm Conduit]
    To activate the Palm Desktop, move ONLY these conduits to the active Conduits folder:
    • Calendar Conduit
    • Contacts Conduit
    • Memos Conduit*
    • Tasks Conduit
    The analagous but outmoded Address, Datebook, Memo and ToDo conduits should remain in the Disabled Conduits if they are present at all in your configuration.
    *If activated, the Memos conduit will synchronize memos with the Palm Desktop. iSync has no memo function, and the older Memo [singular] conduit should always remain inactive if present.
    To reverse the process, do just the opposite to restore iSync and deactivate the Palm Desktop. As explained above, however, leave the Memos conduit active if you wish to synchronize memos at all.
    A word of warning: the SyncServices framework is complex, and subject to sudden and unexplained data errors due to corruption of actual data or the handlers which push and pull it to and from the truth database. Every time you act in a manner which increases this complexity—such as moving back and forth from one synchronization environment to another—you greatly increase the likelihood that you will corrupt your data, and you place your synchronization scheme at greater risk of failure.

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    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    Very excited in what Palm has accomplished in so short a time. I've remained much more positive than you seem to have become prior to CES, but I'm definitely as excited after. Maybe more so.

  • Courses about RMS and RIB

    You know the name of a company that offers courses of RMS and RIB besides Oracle

    Hi Vijay,
    Go to the Log files of the respective installations. You can find the URL's of those applications in the log files.
    Anvesh Reddy

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    Thanks in Advance.
    Go to Solution.

    I just use the Basic Averaged DC-RMS.vi.  It returns the DC value of a waveform.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

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    Jason Yates

    Hi Jason,
    I suggest you download this word document:
    AD RMS with AD FS Identity Federation Step-by-Step Guide
    In addition, here is another article:
    Federating AD RMS
    I am sorry that I wasn’t able to find step by step documents which are dedicated to Windows Server 2012, though most steps in above documents should also be applicable.
    Best Regards,

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    So I'm not the only one!!!
    I have the exact same problem. I have a new MacBook, iPod, and Palm TX. I set them all up (using Missing Sync for the TX, and iTunes for the pod), and everything worked like a champ until one day I opened iCal and discovered it had dumped everything (ALL calendars), so I recreated the calendars & events (didn't have a backup yet), and since then, both Missing Sync and iTunes both show the old (now non-existent) calendars to sync -- not any of my new calendars are avaliable in either program's menu to sync.
    I too have emailed MarkSpace (no answer yet) thinking it was originally a Missing Sync issue, but then discovered that iTunes was doing the same thing, so the problem must be in iCal? My updated Address Book contacts sync on both the TX and the iPod like a champ, so the issue must be with iCal I guess...
    Glad to hea I'm not the only one who's run into this; thanks in advance for any ideas!

  • Reinstall WinXP and Palm Desktop - Don't Want to Lose Data ??

    Hi - searched for this in the forum, but didn't find any answers to my particular situation.  Just need to make absolutely certain I don't lose anything.
    Had to perform a format/reinstall of XP in December.  All up-to-date with service packs, etc.
    Now need to reinstall all my Palm stuff.
    I have all the files from my pre-format stored in a massive hard drive backup on a separate drive.
    My Centro is up-to-date as of December right before re-install; I have added some additional contacts/appts in the Centro since then.
    I have added some other data in Outlook 2003.
    Now, after I install the Palm desktop:
    How would I perform my first hot-sync?
    How do I get all my programs etc. back?  They are on the Centro right now - I don't want to lose them.  Some don't need to sync with computer and some do.  I can't afford to lose the data in these programs.  Will syncing with the phone (overwriting the desktop) allow my programs to stay the way they are on the Centro right now?
    Do I need to do something with the backup I made?  Is it even useful?
    Thanks in advance, and let me know if I'm not making sense.
    Post relates to: Centro (Sprint)

    Fresh reinstall of Windows and Palm Desktop?  If so then all you need to do is plug the cable into the phone and hit the black button.  Palm Desktop will prompt create new user, just hit yes and your all set!  The hotsync process auto does a handheld overwrite sync style for this inital process.  If you already created the username in Palm Desktop that is the same as the Centro and have not yet hotsynced, rename that user to whatever and then do that sync.

Maybe you are looking for

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