Jaguar Server to Tiger Server

I have a Jaguar server and I want to upgrade to Tiger server. Can I just do an upgrade or should I install from scratch? I'm leaning toward installing from scratch. Is it an easy migration from Jaguar to Tiger? Are there instructions posted somewhere for me to review? Any help would be appreciated
  Mac OS X (10.2.x)  

check this:
and this
That 'll do it I supose !

Similar Messages

  • Sync Tiger Server (10.4) mail with Lion (10.7) mail

    I made a clone of my Tiger Server drive and managed to upgrade it to Lion Server. While I was upgrading to Lion Server the Tiger server continued to host email. I have everything working on the Lion Server upgrade. Open Directory is functioning and users are able to log into their accounts and access email received up to the date I cloned the drive. However, email is still being hosted on the Tiger Server. Is there a way to sync email from Tiger Server to Lion Server?

    Thanks Brian,
    It's a 2 x 2.66 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon Mac Pro.
    I do have a spare partition on the drive, would it be possible to install 10.6.8 on that parition, and then upgrade to 10.8 leaving my original Tiger Server intact (temporarily?) I've also heard you can aquire 10.8 on a thumb drive at the Apple Store, if I went went that route could I skip the 10.6.8 install?
    I don't mind setting up my services again, no real big need to migrate existing user profiles, there's only 1/2 dozen or so. It would be nice to set it all up and then test it out, and be able to revert back to Tiger if I can't get things configured easily on the new server or encounter surprises. 

  • Client Upgraded from Tiger to Leopard Can No Longer Connect to Tiger Server

    I just finished upgrading a G5 2GHz DP Powermac from Tiger to Leopard. This was an Archive and Install upgrade with importing the old settings. After verifying the account migration, including .Mac connectivity, and fixing all 3rd party software compatibilities/upgrades, I tried to connect to our Tiger 4.11 server by clicking on the server's Icon in the Shared section of the Finder Sidebar. The finder then switches to browse the the server for shares: "Connecting..." is displayed under the tool bar, with a "Share Screen..." and "Connect As..." buttons to the right.
    At this point the "Connecting..." remains displayed with the spinning circle in the bottom right of the Finder window.... spinning. This situation continues for several minutes until is seems the system gives up.
    If I click on the Path button on the Tool Bar, and go up to the Shared level, ALL the Shares on the Network are displayed, including all the Tiger Client machine shares. I can click on the triangle beside the Tiger Client's icon, and all the drives and home directories on the Mac are listed. All the client shares can be accessed without any issues. NOTE: There are no other Leopard clients on the LAN.
    Prior to the Leopard upgrade, this client could connect to the Tiger server as well. All the other clients on the LAN can access the Tiger server also.
    On the Leopard client I have tried clicking and the "Connect As..." button and using the menu "Connect to Server" and specifying the server's IP, and I get the same "Connecting..." message with a "non-connecting" result.
    I can only assume that somehow the Account Name and password are not being passed correctly. But, using "Connect As..." should resolve that. However, "Connect As..." does not give me a user/password window!
    If I check the AFP Access log on the Server, the only messages displayed are "Mounted Volume..." No messages in the error log, and no messages in the "Connections" section.
    Can anyone help me figure out why the Leopard client can not connect to the Tiger Server?
    My apologies if the description of my problem is a bit disjointed. I have been thrown into server admin and am learning "Trial by Fire".
    Any help or suggestions on how to resolve this issue will be greatly appreciated.
    Message was edited by: Gary Sumlak

    OK. A quick update.
    After waiting for about 10 minutes for the rotating circle in the bottom right corner to stop, I was able to click on the "Connect As..." button. It took another 10 minutes, but the Connect As window eventual popped up. I entered the Userid and Password (saving to Keychain) and was able to see all the sharepoints on the the server. I browsed all the connected drives and folders without issue.
    I then disconnected from the server. Reviewing the AFP logs on the server shows messages for the connection Login and Logout.
    I then tried to reconnect to the server, and again another 10 minutes wait, although this time the Leopard client eventually connected automatically with the proper User, as per the AFP logs confirms.
    Although, the client can now connect to the server, for it to take 10 minutes will be unacceptable to management, not to mention the end user. Tiger clients can connect in a couple seconds!
    Is there a way to reduce the Leopard login time to, say, a couple seconds, like it does with the Tiger clients?
    Again, any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  • Basic tiger server printing to network printer issues - HELP :)

    Hi everyone, Im after some help as im running out of ideas, here is my basic setup: (sorry i have rambled on a bit
    current 192.168.0.x network that has ADSL, PC's HP Laserjet 5Si network printer.
    Connected to that is my Tiger server with 2 lan ports, one is connected to that network and the other connected to a switch where I run all my macs - the server is a basic file and software update server.
    macs connected to the server get a 192.168.2.x address and can access the internet and each other etc - all is happy.
    now - I had my personal macbook pro connected directly to the first network to access the printer, works fine and fairly quickly but was unable to access the server (i imagine because the server thinks i was from the big bad internet from the .0.x range
    once i connected to the other network served by the mac server i could access all the files fine but printing would not work, so i thought I would have the server access the printer as it has access to both networks and just share it to the local macs.
    well when i add it and put in the address it connects and loads the GIMP HP5si driver, but when it tried to print it takes up to 5 mins to show that its finished, but only sometimes does the printer actually fire up, and the times it did it never printed the whole page...
    The only thing i can think of is that the server is trying to print to the .0.x address'ed printer but using the .2.x address range, possibly confusing the systems.., im not too familiar with all the firewall/NAT settings ,i think i have everything turned off, but its still not working..
    If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated, im not sure what else to do.
    Thank you for your time

    This sounds more like a protocol or a driver issue rather than an addressing issue. Which protocol is being used to connect to the printer? You mention the GIMP driver gets loaded, which I read that it's an automatic function rather than you having to manually browse to the driver.
    Also, I would look at trying the Gutenprint drivers from Sourceforge rather than the included GIMP-Print.
    The other thing would be to check the cups error log on the server. It could give some clues as to why the spool file is taking so long.

  • Neboot, 10.5.2 image from OSX Tiger Server fails to new macbooks

    (I apologize in advance, I looked through several threads but could not find answer
    to my situation. I also apologize because I tried to get help at the Bombich forum,
    but an admin marked it "solved", when in fact it isn't.
    Thus I turn to the Apple faithful for help with this matter.)
    Using NetRestore 3.4.3, and I'm imaging MacBook (early 2008) labs,
    with 26 MBs in them.
    How I Do it: I get one MB, and using Leopard from OEM, I then patch
    up to Leo 10.5.2/QT 7.4.5/Safari 3.1 and I install the elementary apps
    necessary ( Kid Pix 3, Kidspiration 2, and Nystrom).
    I also install Office 2004, patched up to 11.4.1, and iWorks 08.
    I verify the image is correct, and then firewire connect the MB
    to my Master machine, a MBP running 10.5.2 and NetRestore 3.4.3.
    I then create the NetRestore image from the MB, and then create the NetInstall
    nbi for the image. I then copy the items from the MBP to my imaging server,
    a PPC iMac running OS X Server 10.4.11, via FW.
    I then set the Netboot options in the Server, and reboot the server for good measure.
    I then start hooking up the 25 MBs into a Cisco 2950 switch, which the
    Server is hooked into. I then boot all machines into NetBoot ( cmd-n)
    and image ( slowly) all the machines.
    The Problem:
    Once the images have been created on the machines, and after reboot,
    I then log into as the local admin, then set the server binding.
    Once the binding is complete, I log out, and then verify the binding sticks.
    I then log in as a managed user.
    This is where the image "breaks". The managed user becomes locked out
    of most Universal apps, and apps that should run under Rosetta,
    come up with their icons changed to the "ghostbusters circle"
    (Circle with line through it), and give the error " This application cannot run
    due to it not being supported on this architecture".
    However, if I log back in as local admin, the applications act as normal.
    Also, if I log in or log out as a managed user, the system often hangs,
    either at login or logout, leaving me with just the Leopard space screen,
    and will sometimes force me to force quit the
    system to get it to respond again.
    Contacting Apple, their only suggestion was to start again, but to use SUI
    from a Leopard Server Disc, which I didn't have but they were nice enough
    to send to me anyway, and create the NetBoot off of that.
    I decided however to give NetBoot one more try, and tried it again,
    this time making sure I repaired permissions on the original image
    (MB) before making the NetBoot image in NR 3.4.3.
    I still recieve the same problems afterwards.
    I then did a test in which I created both a second local admin account and
    a local standard account, and both acted like a managed account:
    apps could not be used, "ghostbuster circles" and log in/ log out hangs.
    I'm hesitant to use Leopard SIU, because I read all the reports of it's slowness,
    but is there something in 10.5.2 that breaks Netbooting?
    I've had no problems with Tiger Images in the past, so I'm pretty sure
    i got my steps down.
    Update in my testing :
    Today I decided to try and troubleshoot the image again, so this time
    I took the existing MacBook I used to make the image from,
    and I re-installed the problematic applications again,
    as well as delete the secondary admin and the standard user
    from my config, as I would add these later after the computers
    have been imaged.
    I then ran fix disc permissions on the image drive, and now I am using
    Net Restore 3.4.4, to remake the image andwhen done, I will re- create
    the nbi for the netinstall.
    I will test out the image shortly to see if it will work.
    ok, follow-up:
    after completing my new image and re-creating through NetRestore 3.4.4,
    as well as new nbi's, I copied them over FireWire to my OS X Tiger .4.11 Server.
    Set Netboot in Server Admin, made the Leopard image the default, restarted
    the server.
    Attached a new MacBook IC2D 2.4ghz to my Cisco Switch that the Server is on,
    and attempted NetBoot.
    Net Restore came on and began it's duty. 36 mins later, the image was on,
    verified, and the machine was rebooting.
    Upon reboot, I logged into the MacBook, as the primary admin,
    and verified the UniBi apps and the PPC apps would launch correctly.
    I then created the Standard account ( Student) on the machine,
    and the logged out and then back in as Student to test.
    All Privalges for Student were correct, and the UniBi and PPC apps functioned
    I then logged out as Student , back in as Primary Admin ( me) and then
    went to System Prefs and created the Secondary Admin (Teacher) for
    the machine.
    I then logged out as Primary Admin, and then logged in as Secondary
    Admin, and verified the UniBi and PPC apps would launch.
    I then recieved the "This App is not supported under this architecture"
    error with the UniBi and PPC apps under this secondary admin.
    I logged out, and then logged back in as Primary Admin (me), and everything
    still was working correctly under my account.
    I then trashed the Secondary Admin ( Teacher), and created a new secondary admin
    (called simply School).
    I then logged out as Primary Admin, logged in as School, and same errors
    occur, "This App is not supported under this architecture"
    error with the UniBi and PPC apps.
    I then called one of the PPC app makers Tech Support to see if they had seen
    anything like this under Leopard.
    Of course they hadn't, but after digging around, we decided to try this fix:
    Logged in as Primary Admin, I did a get info on the folder of the app
    that was" breaking".
    I then added the Secondary Admin to the Get Info panel and gave them
    a full ride ( rw) privalges to the folder. I then told the Panel to
    push them down ( propagate) to all children within the folder, including the app.
    I then closed out of the Panel, logged out as admin, and then logged in
    as Secondary admin. I then tested the app, and success, it launched
    So at this point, I would say there is something more to the point
    problematic with Leopard .5.2 's ability to distinguish privileges
    to non Leopard based apps. Apps like the iLife 08 suite, and
    iWorks 08 didn't exhibt any of the problems I saw with Unibi
    and PPC apps under the secondary admin account; they worked as they should.
    At this point, I will add this "fix" to my list of drudgery that I do
    in finalization of the machine, like setting binding to the local
    OS X Server for Managed Accounts, which is next on my list to test,
    as that is also problematic with these Leopard .5.2. installs.
    Ok, so in part two to continue with my problems
    with 10.5.2 image and using NetRestore 3.4.4:
    I took the image out to test in a wide deployment.
    So with my same Tiger Server having the image,
    and my trusty Cisco 2950 switch,
    I set up 8 Macbooks to begin the deployment.
    The first four I turned on and got connected to the
    Server and they began to Netboot fine.
    MacBooks five through 8, I then tried to boot them up
    and get them in line to begin netbooting, but after taking up to
    10 minutes to connect to the server, they all came up with the following
    "You do not have read privileges to the source image. Please check
    the permissions on the image and try again."
    The first four were still imaging just fine, the next four would just hang
    at that error message.
    So I waited for one to completely finish out of the first four,
    and when it did, I tried to netboot one of the second group
    of four, and after 10 minutes, it connected and began it's process.
    I then tried another in the second group of four, and got the same
    "privileges on image" error.
    So what gives?
    Why can I only do four machines at a time? I know the image is
    fine and its permissions are ok, because I can do four machines
    at a time. It's when I try to do more than that then the problem
    Is this a Leopard issue or a Net Restore 3.4.4. issue?
    Well, just for grins, I put a PPC eMac onto the CISCO 2950,
    and attempted a Netboot from it with the Leopard Universal image,
    just to see if it would mount ( the emac is 700 mhz, so it would not
    support Leopard anyway).
    It attempted Netboot, but came back with the same
    "cannot read the disc image error" as seen on the
    But the image worked fine on the first four MacBooks,
    only when I attempted to NetBoot #5 did it cause the error.
    Could trying to put on that fifth Macbook corrupted the image somehow?
    or the NBI?

    While patiently waiting to see if anyone else is having my same issues,
    I tried a Firewire hookup to my 10.4 server directly
    of Macbooks 5 and 6, and tried a Netrestore through Firewire to the Macbooks
    off the same image in my NetBootSp0's Resources/Disc Image folder,
    and it restored fine to both , with only one error, that came up when it
    tried to auto-restart, but I suspect that having to do with it
    being unable to shut down the 10.4.11 Server more than anything else.
    1. the Image is valid, I can firewire restore from it at the server level
    no problem.
    2. It did do four MacBooks before saying it was "corrupted" and
    "Could not read the image".
    3. The Machines all boot into the Leopard NetBoot screen just fine
    through the Cisco 2950 switch, and get the nbi to bring up, but
    at the point it should auto run, it throws up the "corrupted" and
    "Could not read the image" errors.
    Unfortunately, I am under a deadline to image 540 MacBooks within the
    next 30 days, and my patience is wearing thin......

  • Windows 7 beta can't authenticate to Tiger Server PDC

    Currently our Windows XP Professional clients authenticate to Tiger Server running as a Windows Primary Domain Controller without issue. I'm testing Windows 7 beta (having skipped Vista) and when I try to join the client to the Windows domain I am told that my domain can't be found (this is after inputing my domain administrator credentials to Windows 7).
    Can anyone enlighted me as to why this might be failing?

    I've tried relaxing a bunch of security-related settings according to this:
    The various registry and policy changes are near the bottom of the message. Unfortunately, it still fails with the same message, though.
    It's probably a good idea to use the "Send feedback" app in Windows 7 beta to let them know.

  • How can I share a Tiger server's User database to a Panther server?

    I need some help to set this up. Keep in mind I do not have a DNS server.
    I have a Tiger server with Xserve and an older Panther server, both on the same local network. I have a whole bunch of users setup on the Tiger server. The Panther server does not have any users setup on it. I do not want to have to type in all the users all over again in the Panther server. What I'd like to be able to do is somehow share and syncronize the user database on the Tiger server with the Panther server.
    I looked into the Open Directory settings but I do not understand what to do. How do I configure the Tiger and Panther servers respectively so the Panther server can sync with the Tiger server's users database. Is this possible? It seems like it with Open Directory, one being the Open Directory Master and the other being the Open Directory Replica? But I just don't understand how to set this up. Also the Panther OD settings seem quite different than Tiger's in Open Directory.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Message was edited by: robocub1

    It may be best to set up your 10.4 Server as an Open Directory Master first and then use Directory Access on your 10.3 Server to connect to the Tiger Server so as it can use the same User Database. This should be possible. OD Master/Replica relationships are not possible if the OS versions are different, even if the Master was 10.4.11 and the Replica was 10.4.10. You have no chance when its 10.4 and 10.3.
    The link is for 10.5 but the basics are the same. This is a recent post that describes how to set up an OD Master:
    I'm guessing that your 10.4 Server is Standalone and is serving simple file services only (AFP and possibly SMB/Windows). If this is the case (and I can't see how it can't be) then your users will be in the local NetInfo node. This will be the default node that is presented to you in WorkGroup Manager. You always get a warning that your are working in an invisible node (if you have not disabled this) when working in the Server's local node. Don't worry there is nothing wrong with the warning. WorkGroup Manager on Panther (10.3) Server works the same way.
    You could if you wanted to simply export the Users and Groups from WGM in 10.4 and import them into WGM on 10.3. This should save you having to key them all in again. If the prospect of configuring internal DNS Services and all that goes with it seems to much for you then this is probably the simplest option. How do you do this? Launch WGM (its the same for both versions), select the Server Menu and select Export after first selecting desired users. Do the same for Groups. Use the same procedure in reverse. The Users and Groups files are not very big and can easily be transferred using a memory stick etc.
    There are differences between the two versions which are mostly to do with Server Admin. In 10.4 Server there are more services. One of the Services will be Open Directory. In 10.4 Open Directory will only show a green light by the side of the service if it is in any role other than Standalone. Server Admin on 10.3 Server will always show the green light by the side of the Open Directory Service. This does not mean that it is an OD Master, you have to click on Settings and inspect the Role to see what it actually is.
    You should be able to connect to a 10.3 Server with 10.4's Admin tools but don't be tempted to use Server Admin to configure/change anything on the 10.3 Server. You should not be able to go the other way 10.3 > 10.4 using the same tools.
    Internal DNS Services are a requirement for LDAP Services (and pretty much everything else) on Servers generally, although for simple file services not absolutely necessary. Internal DNS Services do not have to be configured on the Server itself just as long as they are configured on another server, for example, on the same network. If these are the only two servers on the network then you will have to configure DNS Services on either one or both of them depending on what you want.
    Not available on your 10.3 Server but is on your 10.4 Server are Access Control Lists (ACLs). This is a permissions model that is in addition to the standard POSIX permissions. Think carefully about how you provide permissions to your network clients if there is a mix of client OS, 10.3, 10.4 etc.
    Hope this helps, Tony

  • Darwin Streaming Server on Tiger Desktop?

    Is it possible to run Darwin Streaming Server on Tiger desktop. I don't have the 10.4 server. I make a lot of FCP videos and need to use DSS for testing.
    I dowloaded the binary from ADC. That site says it only runs on the server, Linux, BSD or Intel.
    Alternatively could I compile the source for 10.4 Desktop with XTools?

    Yes you can intall DSS on a TIger machine, this is what I have done however I haven't really tested it out yet

  • Leopard client controls view of tiger server share point

    Hi, recently purchased a Mac Mini running Leopard all patched. Connected via afp to a Xserve RAID, Xserve running a sharepoint using ACL's. In list view the leopard client controls the list view on the Xserve, meaning that all the other Tiger clients see the leopard clients folder structure when they connect to the sharepoint. I have not changed any settings on the Xserve, just re-propogated the permissions and ACL's.
    Any ideas would be great,

    ipb1962 wrote:
    BUT When I use the DHCP service to specify my DNS to a Leopard Client from (Tiger Server on a G5)
    it does not resolve to any internet address.
    Can you clarify what you mean here?

  • Leopard client, Tiger server & ACLs

    I've been reading many discussions on improper ACL settings due to a Tiger client being upgraded to Leopard. I'm having a similar issue, just a different setting. I'm using a Tiger server and did a fresh install of Leopard on all the clients. Everything so far has worked beautifully for the last few weeks. Today I just having a problem with ACLs that are in place from the Tiger server on a shared drive. For example, if there's an ACL that states a particular group has Full Access to that folder, it seems to work but I still have the "You have custom access" and an "unknown" user in the Get Info in Leopard's Finder. If I remove that ACL and make that group the actual Group of the entire folder, it recognizes that perfectly and I seem to have no problems. (By the way, it only started really becoming an issue with FileMaker Pro DBs. Sometimes they couldn't open, and if they did halfway through they would stop saving.) Anyone have any thoughts on how to manage this. We don't have any particular reasons to upgrade to Leopard server yet, besides potentially this issue, so I'd rather not spend the money if I don't have to.

    You could try running the Terminal command recommended by Apple on the client machines:
    That might take care of the problem.

  • Tiger Server boots but refuses all connections

    I've had a trusty old Powermac G4 (AGP) running Tiger Server (10.4.11) for almost a year now. We use it to serve OD, NFS homes, MySQL & printing. Apart from the occasional issues setting up the mobile home folders, it has been doing great. It has 896 MB of RAM and 3 HDD (two 500 MB and one 80MB one).
    However, after suffering a power outage, the machine has stopped accepting any kind of connection to it (ssh, web, vnc, OD, nfs,...). Morever, although it seems to boot ok, we can't get past the login screen. Neither network nor local accounts are accepted.
    I've booted from an external installation media to check the system drive (repair disk and permissions) and things are still not working.
    Any ideas?

    Access it from another FireWire Mac via Target Disk Mode and then follow my standard instructions:
    Backup first
    It is always best to have a full bootable backup before you install. If you fail to do this you will be unable to return to this OS if you decide you don't like the new OS. Also there is a slight chance that an install could lose everything on the Mac. The backup must be to an external hard disk or another Mac. Preferably use Carbon Copy Cloner to make a bootable backup of the whole disk. If you do not have a disk or partition without an OS it will probably not be practical to produce a bootable OS at this stage so backup to a sparse disk image for the time being and ensure that you have sufficient partitions in future.
    Erase before the install
    Once you have a bootable backup on an external disk it is best to erase the internal disk with the new installer DVD before you install. I prefer to split disks into two partitions with a full OS on each so that one can be used to maintain the other.
    During the install
    Preferably do not import any data or preferences from earlier OSs during the install process as this can reintroduce bugs.

  • Will "Tiger Server - Xserve Install DVD" install on non-Xserve Mac ?

    Hi All...
    I had four G5 Xserves (now sold) but I still hold and own the Tiger Server DVD and Licences. I am buying an old Mac Mini that had Tiger originally installed, but has been upgraded to Leopard... my question is will my old DVD "Tiger Server - Xserve Install DVD" let me install on a mac OTHER THAN an Xserve... I am suspicious as the Licence starts off with "XSVR-...." which makes me think it may be a special install DVD configured for the Xserve only... ???
    Appreciate a confirmation either way..

    Thanks very much for your comments... It does not have any other comments on it other than Version 10.4.3 and Mac OS X Server Xserve Install DVD.
    I think you are likely correct and I will give it a try
    Thnx again !!

  • Tiger Server: Default MySQL works for phpMyAdmin but not command line ? ? ?

    Greetings all,
    I followed the excellent instructions at
    on upgrading PHP to version 5 and getting (the preinstalled) MySQL setup with phpMyAdmin
    I can connect through the phpMyAdmin, create new dbs, etc. Problem is that now I CAN'T connect from the command line. (I originally set my new root password from the command line and that's the last time I could connect from there!
    Now I get the dreaded ERROR 2002 when I attempt:
    /usr/bin/mysql -h localhost -u root -p
    If I use the IP address or hostname instead of "localhost" (after -h) I get a ERROR 2003. Dropping the -h and hostname from the line above still gets me a ERROR 2002.
    My phpMyAdmin config is a connect type "TCP" not socket, which might be one reason it works and the command line doesn't, but I still don't know where I've gone wrong.
    My /var/mysql/* is all owned by mysql and group www.
    I'm finding lots of people asking about the ERROR 2002, but not finding any solutions (particularly for Tiger Server). I'd prefer to use the preinstalled MySQL to installing a new installation (the thread referenced above says upgrading or removing the MySQL installation is too hard to do) and there has GOT to be a reasonable explanation for why it works with phpMyAdmin, but not the command line.
    Thanks in advance for any replies!
    Many   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    You know what? I think when I started mysql_safe, I did it with sudo. Maybe that is my problem?
    If so, what user do I want to start it as? I've seen one suggestion of doing this:
    ./bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &

  • Mac Tiger distribution upgrade to Mac Tiger Server

    Hopefully this is a quick question. Is the upgrade from the basic distribution of Mac OSX Tiger to Mac OSX Tiger Server a destructive one? In other words, will I lose all of my current information if I load Server on top of the current OS or is there a simple upgrade path?

    The ports are correct. The default is 25 and that is what the mac is using.
    I guess I should have added this before - The outgoing works, but the incoming is the part that errors.

  • Tiger Server can't be replica from Panther Server?

    I had an error message when tried to make a replica from my Panther Server in my new Tiger Server... so I search in Google and found some people with the same problem.
    Server Admin began having trouble getting the status of running services after I was messing with Software Update settings. I logged out and back in and the status recovered from spinning wheel. Looked like a problem connecting to open directory server. Tried to do a replica and got error "incompatible software versions" (my directory master is 10.3.9) so it won't replicate to 10.4.
    Is there any way to solve this?
    Thanx a lot.

    The LDAP database formats are not compatible between 10.3.9 and 10.4. All of the replicas must be on the same base OS.

Maybe you are looking for