Jar & CommApi problem

I have an application that uses Java Communications API (javax.comm.api) under Windows 2000. Everything works just fine when I use class files. But when I put classes into a jar file, the application can't find any ports.
The CommApi documentation says: The javax.comm.properties file must be installed to your <jdk>/lib directory. If it is not, no ports will be found by the system.
So, the problem clearly is how to make jar file that finds the specific file?
This is how i packed my jar file:
jar cfmv my.jar mymanifest.txt *.classmymanifest.txt looks like this:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: MyMainClass
Class-Path: comm.jarcomm.jar contains CommApi classes.
CommApi also needs win32comm.dll file, which should be installed into <jdk>/bin directory.
Any help will be appreciated.

Hello there,
I'm facing this problem too.
I've build an application which uses javax.comm to connect to a given virtual serial port COMx.
I've copied all 3 required files to specified paths:
-comm.jar in ../jre/lib/ext/commapi (even in ../jre/lib/ext/)
-javax.comm.properties in ../jre/lib/
-win32comm.dll in ../jre/bin/ (even in ../jdk/bin/)
And added the path to comm.jar in Compile-time Libraries in NetBeans
When I'm running the application in NetBeans, it works. I get the available serial ports and can connect to them.
But when I'm building the executable .jre file, no ports are found.
The command:
newportList = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers();leaves newportList void.
My manifest.mf file contains:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: lib/comm.jar lib/swing-layout-1.0.3.jar
Main-Class: emailtosms.eMailtoSMSgui
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.1
Created-By: 11.3-b02 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Also in /dist/lib/ directory i have both libraries (including comm.jar)
By double clicking my jar application everything works, the GUI has no problems, a database connection (MySQL) can be established,
except for the part that uses javax.comm api and no ports are found whatsoever.
Any help is greatly appreciated!

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    This is a mine field of "correct programming style."
    External jars, if very general, could be placed in the directory jre/lib/ext.
    In some cases you can unzip the external jars and add them to your own jar.
    The manifest.mf migth be looked into, and of course you need to communicate your patching!
    As you remarked, it might be a problem of class path usage.
    For that the jar tool documentation might explain it better than I.

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    there are many topics about that... and you need to be more specific plz... ;)
    try this:
    * put win32com.dll in the windows system directory...
    * put the java.comm.properties file accesible in the classpath (normally, is in the lib directory of you JRE instalation)...
    * is the comm api jar file in your classpath?...

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    Update the sign_webutil.bat to add the full path before the jarsigner line
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    for /F "eol=# tokens=1,2* delims==" %%i in (signer.properties) do set %%i=%%j
    "%JDK_HOME%\bin\keytool" -genkey -dname "cn=%DN_CN%, ou=%DN_OU%, o=%DN_O%, c=%DN_C%" -alias %JAR_KEY% -keypass %JAR_KEY_PASSWORD% -keystore "%JINIT_HOME%\lib\security\keystore" -storepass jinitiator -validity 360
    @echo Certificate created...
    for /F "eol=# tokens=1,2* delims==" %%i in (signer.properties) do set %%i=%%j
    copy /Y %1 %1.unsigned
    @echo on
    "%JDK_HOME%\bin\jarsigner" -keystore "%JINIT_HOME%\lib\security\keystore" -storepass jinitiator -keypass %JAR_KEY_PASSWORD% %1 %JAR_KEY%
    @echo Signing complete...

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    nvm, found the solution now .... they are slide buttons ..... feeling a bit stupid now 

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    <3> Second form loading shows me nothing, just explorer hanging.
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    What is the problem ?
    Thank You

    Have you read the paper on Signing JAR files for JInitiator 1.3 - it details some changes that you'd be advised to make to your HTML template and the HOST bean code to get around this problem..

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    Standard Java does not support placing a jar file within another jar.
    You can search for 3rd-party alternatives, ow write your own custom classloader.

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    We're pushing our vendor for clarification, but curious if someone here could help explain.

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    But I have yet to find a vendor that would simply add attributes to some older release and re-sign those. Perhaps they can't repeat the build / QA cycle, and would not 'trust' the re-signed jars.
    Our curse are signed Cryptographic Provider jars.
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    IMHO, Oracle failed to think this all thru - or does not care.

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    private ImageIcon getImageIcon(String iconName){ //gets icon from a file
    ImageIcon icon = null;
    ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
    java.net.URL imageURL = cl.getResource("/ExcelInterface/rsrc/"+iconName);
    if (debug) System.out.println(imageURL.toString());
    if (imageURL != null) {
    icon = new ImageIcon(imageURL);
    }catch (Exception e){
    return icon;
    } // end of getImageIcon(String iconName)
    this works fine on windows.
    On linux everything looks fine (i.e. there are no exceptions, the URL looks fine...) BUT the Icons are not displayed on the buttons.
    Anyone have an idea why?

    I do something similar and although I've never had any problems on Linux only the server side stuff runs there so I've never tried exactly what you are doing. Anyway, my code doesn't have the leading "/" on the URL and the URL is the full path name from the class root, literally "com/inqwell/any/client/arrowup.gif" in my case. Try that and see if it works.

  • Hot Deploy Servlet in JAR file problem

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              installed. I have things working fine with individual servlet class files. I
              decided to try hot deploying with jar files.
              I created a servlet, added it to a jar file, and then added the jar file to
              the 'weblogic.http.servlet.classpath'. I then restarted the server. I
              started the console and was able to hot deploy the servlet. So far so good.
              My next test is what failed. I modified the servlet, and rebuilt the jar
              file. I went back to the console, selected the servlet and hit the redeploy
              button. I went back to the browser and hit refresh - nothing, still the old
              It appears that WLS isn't reloading the jar file and the updated servlet.
              Everything works with individual class files.
              Does anyone know how I can cause the reload of updated servlets embedded
              within a jar file?
              Weblogic group - If there is no way now, will support be added soon?

              If I use weblogic.servlet.ServletServlet to try just the servlet , It
              works correctly.But When I develop it in a web application , there is a lot
              of hypelink to this servlet,thus I can't use the relative path reference to
              that servlet.I try to set the name of weblogic.servlet.ServletServlet same
              as the webapp,It doesn't work,how do I solve this problem?
              Thank you
              Subject: Re: Hot deploy Servlet in webapp
              > http://www.weblogic.com/docs51/classdocs/API_servlet.html#134798
              > It even explains why you shouldn't use it in production environment.
              > Dimitri

  • Session EJB with external jar dependacy problem

    I have a Session EJB that I am having trouble adding to my Creator 2 project. The session bean is developed with netbeans 5.0, ejb2.1, for sjsas 8.2 PE. It has one external jar which is compiled into the ejb jar. When I try to add the session bean to my creator 2 project I get a java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException. Creator 2 is not finding one of the Exception external jar.
    The only way I have been successful in added the session EJB is also add the external jar. But the project fails when you load the page with javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: No object bound to the name java: xxxxxx I believe the EJB is failing at instantiation.
    Has anyone had this problem and overcome it?

    Finally I found solution.
    Instead of deploying ejb jar to ear I've created a new ear deployment profile (so now I have ejb jar profile and ear profile).
    It contains ejb jar + external jar library and custom manifest.mf with class-path to ext. jar.
    Difference between this and previous version is the old one ear cointained ejb jar and the ejb jar contained ext. jar.
    Now ear contains both ejb jar and ext. jar.

  • Deployment Plan / weblogic-ejb-jar.xml:  Problem

    I am trying to use a deployment plan to override the principal name in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.
    The deployment-plan looks like this (showing only the important sections)
    <value>MY PRINCIPAL 1</value>
    The security-role assignment in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml looks like this:
    I 've tried to override the element-value of <externally-defined> (a valid tag in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml ) with help of a deployment-plan.
    When trying to deploy my application (which is organised in the directory-structure: inst_dir/APP inst_dir/PLAN
    the following error occurs:
    VALIDATION PROBLEMS WERE FOUND problem: cvc-complex-type.2.4a: Expected element 'principal-name@http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/10.0' instead of 'externally-defined@http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/10.0' here in element security-role-assignment@http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/10.0:
    This has surprised me, as externally-defined is (according to the documentation) a valid tag.
    I have tried to replace <externally-defined> with an empty <principal-name> tag (which works fine when deploying the application), but causes a security exception, when trying to use the EJB.
    Has anybody an idea if there is a workaround for this problem?
    IMHO the Validatio Problem is not justified at this place then why should an otherwise valid weblogic-ejb-jar.xml (when not using a deployment-plan) suddenly become invalid when a deployment plan is used?
    Thanx a lot in advance!
    Edited by: user10672779 on 02.12.2008 04:09

    Hi again,
    I tried it with the weblogic 10 Namespace Declaration but got then this error:
    failed to load java type corresponding to e=weblogic-ejb-jar@http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/weblogic-ejb-jar/1.0/weblogic-ejb-jar.xsd
    and following Exception:
    <02.12.2008 20.00 Uhr CET> <Error> <J2EE> <BEA-160197> <Unable to load descriptor D:\exportapps\tb.ear\app\tb_flowcontrol.jar/META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml of module tb_flowcontrol.jar. The error is weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorException: Unmarshaller failed
    at weblogic.descriptor.internal.MarshallerFactory$1.createDescriptor(MarshallerFactory.java:152)
    at weblogic.descriptor.BasicDescriptorManager.createDescriptor(BasicDescriptorManager.java:292)
    at weblogic.descriptor.BasicDescriptorManager.createDescriptor(BasicDescriptorManager.java:260)
    at weblogic.application.descriptor.AbstractDescriptorLoader2.getDescriptorBeanFromReader(AbstractDescriptorLoader2.java:774)
    at weblogic.application.descriptor.AbstractDescriptorLoader2.createDescriptorBean(AbstractDescriptorLoader2.java:395)
    at weblogic.application.descriptor.AbstractDescriptorLoader2.loadDescriptorBeanWithoutPlan(AbstractDescriptorLoader2.java:745)
    Caused by: com.bea.xml.XmlException: failed to load java type corresponding to e=weblogic-ejb-jar@http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/weblogic-ejb-jar/1.0/weblogic-ejb-jar.xsd
    at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshalResult.getPojoBindingType(UnmarshalResult.java:329)
    at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshalResult.determineTypeForGlobalElement(UnmarshalResult.java:296)
    at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshalResult.determineTypeForGlobalElement(UnmarshalResult.java:306)
    at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshalResult.determineRootType(UnmarshalResult.java:287)
    at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshalResult.unmarshalDocument(UnmarshalResult.java:153)
    at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(UnmarshallerImpl.java:65)
    at weblogic.descriptor.internal.MarshallerFactory$1.createDescriptor(MarshallerFactory.java:141)
    Searching the net couldn't supply me with another answer as to use the 90 Namespace Declaration again...
    I think I forgot to mention I am using an exploded directory.
    This all seems very strange.

  • OTA Error code 37 ( jar downloading problem)

    Hi all,
    I am new to j2me and recently creates an apps ..my apps works fine on OTA Provisioning if default url is used for downloading jad/jar....but when i used tomcat server it gives an error while downloading jar file OTA error code 37...i have also configure the mime type in tomcat's web.xml file...and try differnt ways....but still problem not resolved....please anybody help me to remove this error...Thanx in advance

    did you add these 2 MIME types?
    application/java-archive - jar
    text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor - jad

  • Jar command problem

    I am trying to create a jar for my java project. I am using NetBeans so at first i thought that i could have NetBeans create it for me. But the help function just tells me that it is generated automatically in a folder called "dist". The problem is that the dist-folder does not contain any jar-file.
    Then i though i could create it from the command line using the
    jar cf MyJar.jar MyClass.classcommand. But when i try this i get a message saying "'jar' is not recognized as an internal or external command". I tried to re-install my JDK but no luck. My guess is that both the netbeans problem and the command line problem are because of the same reason.
    Anyone know how i could solve this? All answers are appreciated.
    Thank you

    update your PATH variable.
    see 4. Update the PATH variable (Optional) here http://java.sun.com/javase/6/webnotes/install/jdk/install-windows.html

Maybe you are looking for