Jar: How-To

Hi All,
I have an applet of about 25 class files,30 images,
and an XML file to read the data. Could somebody show
how to make these into two jars one containingthe
images &
XML data and one that contains the class files? I'm not sure if this is possible. Perhaps I would have to have the two jars inside of one jar so they would both tranfer at the same time? If not maybe you could show me how to add them all into one jar that can be executed from a webpage and how to execute it.

jar cmf myJarName1.jar *.class *.xml
jar cmf myJarName2.jar *.jpeg
jar cmf myJarName *.*
can't remember if it's *.* or just plainly *

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    What NetBeans version do You use and what kind of project do you have?
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    I'd recommend you deploy these 3 components together in an EAR file. THe utility jar file could go in APP-INF/lib, or you could reference it via manifest class-path entries.
    -- Rob
    WLS Blog http://dev2dev.bea.com/blog/rwoollen/

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    M Fazal Ur Rehman

    Excellent question. I don't see any client-jar in your EAR file structure. So I am assuming you are writing a separate client application which will talk to the ejbs deployed as part of this EAR. You need to do the following:
    Write another EAR file with the following structure:
    client.jar should have a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and that should contain Class-Path:util.jar and value for Main-Class attribute.
    Now deploy this new ear to your application server and execute it using Application Client Container that comes with your app server.
    If you don't want to write another EAR file, then bundle th client.jar in your original EAR file.
    Points to note are:
    you have to repackage util.jar again inside this ear file.
    For portability reason, you should use Class-Path manifest entry in client.jar. Refer to http://java.sun.com/j2ee/verified/packaging.html and J2EE platform spec section #8.2.
    Hope this helps,

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    I'm not saying it's pretty... but there's a horrible quick & dirty way of checking for debug info
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    i got an issue to add jar file's to applt's classpath,
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    That's a long time I haven't written applets, but if I remind well, we are able to set multilple jar in the classapth parameter, separated by semicolon.
    Look the page http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/deployment/applet/html.html
    Edited by: jswim on Dec 6, 2007 3:51 PM

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    [permissions_collection_operator]: domain[apps//ecs.com/com.ecs.aii.af.tc.ra/connector/connectors/adapter.rar/adapter.jar] not removed, because is not registered
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    |-|-...some xmls and manifest files
    |-MY_EXTERNAL_JARS (for example xercesImpl.jar)
    |-|-|-...some xmls and manifest files
    How can I prevent this???
    Thank you very much for your help!!
    Best regards, Christian

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    sample Adapter
    [sample_ra.sda] also brings up this errors!
    Can anybody tell me whats going wrong here??
    Thanks in advance!
    Best regards,

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    how to get thid jar file.

    You should have com.sap.portal.admin.wizardframework in your SharingReference:
    <property name="SharingReference" value="com.sap.km.application, com.sap.portal.admin.wizardframework"/>
    Pls check this link,
    Hope this helps !
    Srinivasan T

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    Thanks for the suggestion...I did read up on the count function, but I don't think it will give me what I want. I need a a counter that increments for each payment made to a supplier, not a total of the number of payments made to that supplier.
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  • How to get the com.sap.portal.admin.wizardframework_api.jar file

    Hi this is related to the wizard creating component required .jar file. Can any body tell me , how to get this jar file. I have searched in my IDE plug-in's folder. But i have nt find this.
    how to get thid jar file.

    You can access the above mentioned par file from this location,
    System Admin -> support -> Support Desk->ROOT/WEB-INF/deployment/pcd (download this folder)
    ->com.sap.portal.admin.wizardframework.par.bak->extract the file
    u can find the same in,
    Thanks & Regards,
    Ramganesan K
    Keane Inc

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    1) Let them install JRE: but it's 10+ Mb and they would need to download it separately from my program.
    2) Let them use somehow their browser's JVM..(should I turn my application into applet for this? I guess so)
    3) Make an .exe: I know there are many programs to make .exe from java but they would make a one-platform-based file.
    Also there were many hints about using .jar files to get things easier.
    Is there a 4th option in which users have to download only a few mbs to use the application?
    And about .jar, how should I use it?
    Thank you very much for all your help :)

    Simply put - the users must download or be supplied the JRE. This must be installed before they can execute your java application.
    As to distributing the application itself - You can jar (Java Archive) your classes into a single file.
    You could as has been suggested create an EXE, but these generally are very large and tend to severely restrict the range of java technologies able to be used (EG Serialization, RMI, Reflection, class loading, ...)
    Java is not intended for little tools that get installed separately - It is intended for larger applications or small applets in which case the download of the JRE is a minor concern.
    Note that applets targeting Java 1.1.7 functionality work fine with most old browsers inbuilt JVMs - Your customers browser may not however have an inbuilt JVM and the user will still need to download the JRE to execute a SWING based applets.

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