Java 1.6 Path Issue

I'm still fairly new to Solaris so bear with me. I have two users, "oracle" and "emadmin". As "oracle" I installed java 1.6 into our "/oracle/product/10.1.3/as" directory for our Application Server software. I then modified the oracle .profile file so the PATH is to the new version. When I do a "which java" or "java -version" command as "oracle" all is well and I see the new path and new version at "/oracle/product/10.1.3/as/jdk". I then copied over the "oracle" users .profile to the "emadmin" home and set it up identical but....when I do a "which java" or a "java -version" it pulls the "/usr/bin/java" as opposed to the java I set up in the PATH of the .profile file. If I echo the PATH it's identical to the "oracle" user. The two users are set up with identical profiles and are on the same box. I'm stumped as to why I can't get the "emadmin" user to point to the same java version. Help me understand.

Solved with setting of java PATH at beginning of PATH and resetting of permissions to 755 on java jdk directory

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  • Shortest path issue

    Hey guys, first...Happy thanksgiving :)
    Ok, so I'm on my last assignment for my amazingly taught Data Structures class. I battled my way successfully through recursion, binary trees, redblack trees, 234 trees, B Trees, and heaps! issues at all!....but, now I have hit graphs. I understand the concept, but my latest assignment has me a bit frustrated..Im so close to finishing I can taste it!!....I just cant find the spoon..
    Here we go:
    We are given a graph on paper. It has circles (verteci) representing cities in the USA. These circles are connected by lines (edges) representing the distance between the cities. Also, the lines have arrows pointing the direction they may be traversed.
    We are to construct the graph in the computer, and then compute the shortest path from washington (Vertex 0) to every other city.
    I managed to construct the graph, and it will find the shortest path no problem. My only issue is that, it wants us to print the path it took, not just the destination and total distance....
    I have tried using a stack to push the verteci onto as theyre visited, but im not getting happy results.
    I should also mention, this code is taken out of the book with modifications by me so that it can add edges and verteci, and it now accepts String types for the vertex labels instead of characters.
    Here is my code
    PATH.JAVA (the important part)
    // demonstrates shortest path with weighted, directed graphs
    // to run this program: C>java PathApp
    import java.lang.*;
    class DistPar               // distance and parent
    {                           // items stored in sPath array
        public int distance;    // distance from start to this vertex
        public int parentVert;  // current parent of this vertex
        public DistPar(int pv, int d)  // constructor
            distance = d;
            parentVert = pv;
    }  // end class DistPar
    class Vertex
        public String label;        // label (e.g. 'A')
        public boolean isInTree;
        public Vertex(String lab)   // constructor
            label = lab;
            isInTree = false;
    }  // end class Vertex
    class Graph
        private final int MAX_VERTS = 20;
        private final int INFINITY = 1000000;
        private Vertex vertexList[];    // list of vertices
        private int adjMat[][];         // adjacency matrix
        private int nVerts;             // current number of vertices
        private int nTree;              // number of verts in tree
        private DistPar sPath[];        // array for shortest-path data
        private int currentVert;        // current vertex
        private int startToCurrent;     // distance to currentVert
        private stack path_taken;       // stack to record path taken
        public Graph()                  // constructor
            vertexList = new Vertex[MAX_VERTS];
                                             // adjacency matrix
            adjMat = new int[MAX_VERTS][MAX_VERTS];
            nVerts = 0;
            nTree  = 0;
            for(int j=0; j<MAX_VERTS; j++)      // set adjacency
                for(int k=0; k<MAX_VERTS; k++)  //     matrix
                    adjMat[j][k] = INFINITY;    //     to infinity
            sPath = new DistPar[MAX_VERTS];     // shortest paths
            path_taken = new stack(MAX_VERTS);
        }  // end constructor
        public void addVertex(String lab)
            vertexList[nVerts++] = new Vertex(lab);
        public void addEdge(int start, int end, int weight)
            adjMat[start][end] = weight;  // (directed)
        public void path()                // find all shortest paths
            int startTree = 0;             // start at vertex 0
            vertexList[startTree].isInTree = true;
            nTree = 1;                     // put it in tree
          // transfer row of distances from adjMat to sPath
            for(int j=0; j<nVerts; j++)
                int tempDist = adjMat[startTree][j];
                sPath[j] = new DistPar(startTree, tempDist);
          // until all vertices are in the tree
            while(nTree < nVerts)
                int indexMin = getMin();    // get minimum from sPath
                int minDist = sPath[indexMin].distance;
                if(minDist == INFINITY)     // if all infinite
                {                        // or in tree,
                    System.out.println("There are unreachable vertices");
                    break;                   // sPath is complete
                {                        // reset currentVert
                    currentVert = indexMin;  // to closest vert
                    startToCurrent = sPath[indexMin].distance;
                    // minimum distance from startTree is
                    // to currentVert, and is startToCurrent
                // put current vertex in tree
                vertexList[currentVert].isInTree = true;
                adjust_sPath();             // update sPath[] array
            }  // end while(nTree<nVerts)
            displayPaths();                // display sPath[] contents
            nTree = 0;                     // clear tree
            for(int j=0; j<nVerts; j++)
                vertexList[j].isInTree = false;
        }  // end path()
        public int getMin()               // get entry from sPath
        {                              //    with minimum distance
            int minDist = INFINITY;        // assume minimum
            int indexMin = 0;
            for(int j=1; j<nVerts; j++)    // for each vertex,
            {                           // if it's in tree and
                if( !vertexList[j].isInTree &&  // smaller than old one
                                   sPath[j].distance < minDist )
                    minDist = sPath[j].distance;
                    indexMin = j;            // update minimum
            }  // end for
            return indexMin;               // return index of minimum
         }  // end getMin()
        public void adjust_sPath()
          // adjust values in shortest-path array sPath
            int column = 1;                // skip starting vertex
            while(column < nVerts)         // go across columns
             // if this column's vertex already in tree, skip it
                if( vertexList[column].isInTree )
             // calculate distance for one sPath entry
                           // get edge from currentVert to column
                int currentToFringe = adjMat[currentVert][column];
                           // add distance from start
                int startToFringe = startToCurrent + currentToFringe;
                           // get distance of current sPath entry
                int sPathDist = sPath[column].distance;
             // compare distance from start with sPath entry
                if(startToFringe < sPathDist)   // if shorter,
                {                            // update sPath
                    sPath[column].parentVert = currentVert;
                    sPath[column].distance = startToFringe;
             }  // end while(column < nVerts)
        }  // end adjust_sPath()
        public void displayPaths()
            for(int j=0; j<nVerts; j++) // display contents of sPath[]
                System.out.print(vertexList[j].label + "="); // B=
                if(sPath[j].distance == INFINITY)
                    System.out.print("inf");                  // inf
                    System.out.print(sPath[j].distance);      // 50
                    String parent = vertexList[ sPath[j].parentVert ].label;
                    System.out.print(" (" + parent + ") ");       // (A)
            System.out.println("PRINTING path_taken");
            DistPar thing = null;
            while((thing = path_taken.pop()) != null)
                System.out.println(" " + vertexList[thing.parentVert].label + " "+ thing.distance);
    }  // end class GraphSTACK.JAVA (my stack class)
    // demonstrates stacks
    // to run this program: C>java StackApp
    class stack
        private int maxSize;        // size of stack array
        private DistPar[] stackArray;
        private int top;            // top of stack
        public stack(int s)         // constructor
            maxSize = s;             // set array size
            stackArray = new DistPar[maxSize];  // create array
            top = -1;                // no items yet
        public void push(DistPar j)    // put item on top of stack
            stackArray[++top] = j;     // increment top, insert item
        public DistPar pop()           // take item from top of stack
            return stackArray[top--];  // access item, decrement top
        public DistPar peek()          // peek at top of stack
            return stackArray[top];
        public boolean isEmpty()    // true if stack is empty
            return (top == -1);
        public boolean isFull()     // true if stack is full
            return (top == maxSize-1);
    }PATHAPP.JAVA (test program..builds the graph and calls path())
    class PathApp
        public static void main(String[] args)
            Graph theGraph = new Graph();
            System.out.println("Shortest Paths");
    }Im mostly having trouble comprehending the file. A few friends and I stared at it for a few hours and couldnt get it to do what we wanted...
    path_taken is the stack I added in to try and push/pop the verteci as theyre traversed, but with what I stuck in right now, it still just prints the most recently visited vertex, and the sum of the distances.
    Any help is greatly appreciated!
    Thanks :)

    If your graph is G(V, E), and you're trying to get to vertex v_end, then create a new graph G'(V', E') whereV' = (V x N) U {v_end'}
        (v_end' is a new object)
    E' = {((u, t), (v, t + f(u, v, t))) : (u, v) in E, t in N} U
         {((u, t), (u, t + 1)) : u in V, t in N} U
         {((v_end, t), v_end') : t in N}G' is infinite, so you'll need to use a lazy graph structure. Then just use Dijkstra from (v_start, 0) to v_end'.

  • Regarding Sun Java System Application Server Issue with JVM

    Regarding Sun Java System Application Server Issue with JVM
    I have installed SJSAS9.1 on solaris system. I m trying to deploy war file which i compiled in windows enviorment by jdk1.5.0_05. Every time i got the following error :
    type Exception report
    descriptionThe server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: PWC6033: Unable to compile class for JSP
    PWC6199: Generated servlet error:
    [javac] javac: invalid target release: 1.5
    [javac] Usage: javac
    [javac] where possible options include:
    [javac] -g Generate all debugging info
    [javac] -g:none Generate no debugging info
    [javac] -g:{lines,vars,source} Generate only some debugging info
    [javac] -nowarn Generate no warnings
    [javac] -verbose Output messages about what the compiler is doing
    [javac] -deprecation Output source locations where deprecated APIs are used
    [javac] -classpath Specify where to find user class files
    [javac] -sourcepath Specify where to find input source files
    [javac] -bootclasspath Override location of bootstrap class files
    [javac] -extdirs Override location of installed extensions
    [javac] -d Specify where to place generated class files
    [javac] -encoding Specify character encoding used by source files
    [javac] -source Provide source compatibility with specified release
    [javac] -target Generate class files for specific VM version
    [javac] -help Print a synopsis of standard options
    note The full stack traces of the exception and its root causes are available in the Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 logs.
    I have cheked jvm version on both system the only difference is :
    Solaris points to jdk 1.5.0_09
    Windows point to jdk1.5.0_05
    Even i tried to run blank jsp also but again i got the same error.
    Can any help me to sort out the problem or give me any idea so i can do something by my own.
    Thanks in Advance

    Do you have ANT installed and available?

  • Air Application URL Path Issue

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    Version : Flash builder 4.5,Flex3.6 sdk and Air 2.7.
    for this am using the below code..
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
    //request.url = ('file:///c:/params.txt'); - This is working fine
    request.url = ('file:///');  // its not working
    trace("Unable to load URL: " + request);
    var variables:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    variables.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
    variables.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
    The same part of code ,I tried in Flex application is working .but in Air application its not working.
    Its urgent requirement,If any one know the way to resolve this path issues.
    Kindly let us know.
    Thanks in Advance !!

    I tried in the following URL but no use ..
    its throwing ioError and textError and stream error.
    3. //
    Is there any other solution for this issue ?

  • Leopard + Numpy + Scipy: Path Issues Remain

    +This post has been cross-posted on the pythonmac-sig mailing list.+
    I've been reading about the python path issues with Leopard and have tried the different methods outlined for addressing this problem with no good result. Currently I am using a combination of .pth files and a modification to my ~/.profile. One nagging problem is that SUDO commands do not maintain these settings. When I install wxPython, these go into the /System folder, not my /Library/Python folder. Also, when installing scipy, numpy.distutils.core cannot be found.
    sudo python scipy_dir/ install
    I've installed numpy 1.0.4 and this is placed in /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages. I've also installed the MacPython from When running python from a Terminal window, the correct version of numpy gets loaded (1.0.4). However, as has been documented before, sudo overrides these settings, so when I attempt to install scipy, the following error shows up:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 55, in <module>
    File "", line 29, in setup_package
    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
    ImportError: No module named numpy.distutils.core
    Has anyone found a way around this?
    Just for good measure, I've included my current sys.path (after a sudo call):
    ['/code/libs/scipy-0.6.0', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/plat-darwin', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/plat-mac', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/plat-mac/lib-s criptpackages', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/lib-tk', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages' , '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ wx-2.8-mac-unicode']

    Hi, newbie730
    On my system, the numpy module is not found in
    but rather in
    /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Extras/lib/python ...
    perhaps your sys.path is missing an element?
    To elaborate a bit more, the solution that worked for me was to either just use the default version of python (/usr/bin/python), in which case numpy works just fine with no further tweaking, or if I want readline support to use the interpreter from fink (/sw/bin/python), and set the environment using the PYTHONPATH variable:
    (all these should be exported)
    # for python:
    PYTHONPATH=/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Extras/lib/p ython/:$ROOTSYS/pyroot:$ROOTSYS/lib
    # 'base' files, including numpy and scipy installed by apple + ROOT stuff
    PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/Documents/Code/python #add my own modules
    I'm not sure if that answers your question...

  • Pathing issues in Flash CC

    I believe I have some pathing issues and was wondering how I can change the pathing so that is can be view publicly. The problem is my videos are being played from my local folder and can't be access via web browser for other users.

    It's in the code area, and I tried pasting it (didn't show anything) and then executing the code, and it didn't do anything.
    I then tried creating a text area on the page, and went to the Edit menu - and "Paste Special" was the only available option. So I tried that, and it says "Source: Unknown Source" and the only option I have is to Cancel.
    I then went into Flash CS6, and copied a line of code from that. I tried pasting it into the Flash CC 2014 actions console, and it did nothing. I then went back to my text area (still in Flash CC 2014) and it pasted the code in there fine. 
    So, it looks like I still cannot copy from or paste into the actions panel Flash CC 2014, which is what I need. But, maybe this sparks another idea? Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.

  • %PATH% issue sending job

    11g grid control, 11g agent, 9i database
    installed agent, echo %PATH% and dont see the agent binaries there.
    created a job locally on machine for rman, runs ok from command line and scheduled tasks but fails from grid control when I created an OS task job. server has dbschedule as its preferred credentials
    Put some logging in, can see it logged on as dbschedule.
    however the %PATH% now has my 11g agent install path at the front of the path so is failing as the 11g binaries are incorrect for the 9i database.
    I can get round this by setting the paths and homes in the script. However.....
    If I send an RMAN specific job down from grid control it fails as well but this time it forces grid control to lose its configuration with the 9i database. Im pretty sure its related to the PATH issue above.
    anyone know why this is happening and how to fix? Im pretty sure its the logon interactive and logon as a batch job are the issues but dont know why the PATH would be different.

    answered this myself in case anyone else comes across it. If you call an OS job from grid control ,the agent on the server that your calling, prepends the path with the agent version binaries, so if your path on the agent server is d:\oracle\9i and youre using an 11g agent
    calling the OS job from GC means the PATH gets changed to d:\oracle\11gagent\bin;...more 11g paths;d:\oracle\9i so the wrong binary is used for sqlplus or RMAN or whatever tool you wanted to use
    Should always be putting paths in any OS script anyway but interesting to note the behaviour.

  • Servlet error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: path must begin with a "/

    I have just deployed my web app to the oc4j 10 g latest release and whenever I try to log into the webapp I get the following error.
    Servlet error
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: path must begin with a "/"
         at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.HttpApplication.getRequestDispatcher(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.doInclude(
         at org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor.processTilesDefinition(
         at org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor.internalModuleRelativeForward(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processForward(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.unprivileged_forward(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.access$100(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher$2.oc4jRun(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forward(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.doForward(
         at org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor.doForward(
         at org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor.processTilesDefinition(
         at org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor.processForwardConfig(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.janes.jf.filter.LoginFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ]
         at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ]
         at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    Can someone please help me?
    Thanks in advance.

    add this after your action-mappings section of struts-config.xml
    <!-- ========== Controller Configuration ================================ -->
    <!-- The "input" parameter on "action" elements is the name of a
    local or global "forward" rather than a subapp-relative path -->
    <set-property property="inputForward" value="true"/>
    <set-property property="processorClass" value="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor"/>

  • Replacement path issue

    Can anybody please help me with a replacement path issue which I have been struggling with for days, and I am completely lost
    now and close to despair!
    Here's what I am trying to do. I have a simple query with one key figure (let it be Presence) and three items in structure in rows: 0EMPLOYEE, 0PROFIT_CTR and variance. The idea is to show the result both for the person (0EMPLOYEE), and compare it with their overall profit centre result, and calculate variance.
    For example:
    John Doe: 50% (presence)
    Profit centre which John belongs to: 40% (presence)
    variance: 10%
    The only variable I want to input is John's name, and the query is supposed to find his current (time dependant) profit centre (0EMPLOYEE_0PROFIT_CTR) and use it to calculate the profit centre result. Is there any way that I can achieve this?
    Once the query is done, I want to set it up on the Broadcaster to run for all the people in the firm.
    Please please help me,

    You need two queries to achieve this
    Query 1 u2013 ( this gets Profit center of that employee to feed into Query 2)
    Column Presence(key figure)
    Row u2013 profit center
    Employee u2013 Employee variable that is user entry
    Query 2 u2013
    Column u2013 Presence
    Row Structure u2013 Selection 1- Title- Employee u2013Restriction should be employee with user entry variable
    Selecton 2 u2013 Title For entire profit center u2013 Restriction should be Profit center u2013 Variable should be-Replacment path Variable- fetching Profit center from Query 1
    Selection 3 u2013 Selection 1-Selection 2 this could be a cell defination.
    Hope this helps

  • Cs5 "local disc" and .js path issues

    Trying to add what appears to be a simple .js script to my doc:
    I add the script to my <head>, which then shows next to my Source Code and other scripts. But it doesn't work, and when I click to open the file there, I get the message 'not on local disc', and 'Get' which doesn't work either, even though the file is in my local file view/f8. One would think when the script name pops up next to Source Code, the doc. path is correct, but that obviously isn't the case. So what is the deal with this 'local disc'?
    I added a clearbox last week after pulling my hair out over the similar path issues, and after much trial and trib it finally worked. Would rather just like to understand it. Can anyone help? Thank you.
    The .js' Column' script I'm trying to add is here if it helps:

    I also would like to know how to do this!

  • Eclipse 3.1.2 Bundle JBoss-IDE1.6 -  Java Build Path issue

    I set test/WEB-INF/classes as project output folder , why I can not find
    "WEB-INF/classes" in Eclipse "Package Explorer'. is it normal or issue?
    Thanks ahead!

    You don't need to know about the /classes folder. The classes from the Javasource will be compiled automatically into this folder.
    If you really want to see it, use the Navigator view instead, or setup it in the filters of the Package Explorer.

  • Possible 'Class Path' Issues

    Hi Guys,
    I have problems compiling a file and I suspect it could be something related to classpaths. I am using NetBeans 6.9.1 as my IDE. When I set JDK 1.6 as my platform and complile, there are no issues, the programs compiles fine.
    My 'classpath' and 'path' are as follows:
    .;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_07\lib\ext.;c:\java\classes;
    \....\....\....C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_21\
    If I were to set the JDK as in 1.5, I seem to get the follwing error:
    ' cannot access org.red5.server.api.IScope
    bad class file: C:\Program
    class file has wrong version 50.0, should be 49.0
    Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.
    import org.red5.server.api.IScope;
    1 error
    To rectify the problem I maded changes to my classpath and path, and yet the problem persists. The changes I made
    are as follows:
    .;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_07\lib\ext.;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_22\lib\ext.;c:\java\classes;
    \....\....\....C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_21;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_22;C:\....\
    I hope someone can advise me on how I get rectify the problem and get the program to compile with JDK 1.5. Thanks.

    he wants to use JDK 1.5.Do read the thread before you post. He is* using JDK 1.5 when he gets the error message. He said so. This is the problem.* Not the solution. When he uses 1.6 he doesn't get the error.
    His environment is a bit messed up because he has PATH entries for both JDK versions.There is precisely zero evidence for that assertion.
    If he wants to compile and test with JDK 1.5, then removing 1.6 would make sense.No it wouldn't. He is using classes compiled for 1.6 with a 1.5 compiler. His problem is with red5.jar(org/red5/server/api/IScope.class) whose class version is 50.0. It's all written there above. If he wants to use that .jar file he has to use 1.6. Or else recompile that .jar file with 1.5, if he has the sources.

  • Registration of Business system for the Integration Engine Java in the SLD issue

    We have completed the installation of PI-AEX 7.4 SR1 then we ran the below wizards successfully.
    - Configuration Wizard: PI-AEX initial setup
    - Configuration Wizard: PI Self Test for AEX
    However when we were Checking the AEX Configuration as per
    Check the registration of a business system for the Integration Engine Java in the SLD:
        Enter https://<host>:<port>/sld .
        Choose Start of the navigation path Business System Next navigation step Integration Engine Java <SID> Next navigation step Integration End of the navigation path.
        The pipeline URL must be: http://<host_fully_qualified>:<port>/XISOAPAdapter/MessageServlet?ximessage=true .
    More information: SAP Note 1435392
    for us the Pipeline URL is as below
    and the rest " ?ximessage=true "  is not there.
    Also we ran the below wizard
    Configuration Wizard: PI Self Test for AEX
    and it finished successfully without any issue.
    Any Suggestions what could be missing.
    Ahmed Mohammed

    I found the below SAPNOTE which confirms that the Pipeline URL should be
    1564449 - PI CTC Wrong Pipeline Url after AEX Initial Setup
    However on it is different.
    Any one experienced the same ?
    Ahmed Mohammed

  • RMI Server Class path issue

    hi ,
    i am facing classpath issue when try to run rmi server. i have a jar file
    (RmiServer.jar) for rmi server , which contain some other jar file .
    when i run this jar file it throws ClassNotFoundException
    the java classloader are not able to load class from jar(RmiServer.jar)
    file. pls. tell me what i did wrong .
    Brajesh K

    Actully you dont understand my problem.
    i have 2 jar file RmiClient.jar and RmiServer.jar
    when i run RMIserver.jar it throws following exception.
    Caused by: java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: RmiServer_Stub
    the RmiServer.jar contain all the class file (stub/skelton,remote,etc) whichever needed.
    even i set class path to that folder where RMIserver.jar is placed
    inspite of that it throws ClassNotFoundException : RmiServer_Stub
    i dont undersatand why classloder , not able to load class file from Rmiserver.jar.
    any idea.
    thanks in advance
    Brajesh K

  • Class path issue with spring when deploy in oracle app server

    Hi there,
    i am using spring in an web application using jdeveloper. it is working perfectly for me in jdeveloper. when i trying to deploy it in appserver ( oracle enterprise manager 10g) i am getting following error,
    Failed to deploy web application "china". Failed to deploy web application "china". . Nested exception
    Base Exception:
    Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.access.BootstrapException; nested exception is:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.beans.factory.access.BootstrapException. Class not found: org.springframework.beans.factory.access.BootstrapException; nested exception is:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.beans.factory.access.BootstrapException
    i guess the problem is with classpath of these xml,
    <!-- j2ee parent config file-->
    <!-- parent context key defined in the config file -->
    i don know how to fix this issue. it is working fine in local jdeveloper. does any one have some idea please help me out..

    do you deploy the Spring classes with the application ? I suggest to try the OracleAs forum as well to ensure this has to be in a specific path to be loaded. A list of forums is available from here

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