Java doesn't pick up system's DNS settings change until restarted

I have a service running on a few Linux computers. Those computers have a NIC, which is configured with a fixed IP address. So /etc/resolv.conf contains the IP address of the LAN's DNS server. But most of the time, the computers are not plugged into the LAN at all. Instead, they connect themselves periodically to the Internet by establishing a ppp connection. When it happens, the ISP's DHCP server assign them new IP parameters, including their DNS server's IP address. And /etc/resolv.conf gets updated with this address.
But it seems that java doesn't take care of DNS change taking place during a run. Which means that my program (started at boot with no connectivity at all) tries to connect to some host, and obviously trigger an "UnknownHostException" (at that point it does try to contact the LAN's DNS server). Quite logical. Later, the ppp link become active. But my program still try to contact the LAN's DNS server, despite the new configuration in /etc/resolv.conf. As such, it will forever trigger UnknowHostExceptions, until it gets restarted (it will then pick up the new settings) or it is plugged back into the LAN (it will finally reach the LAN's DNS server).
This is quite a problem as during one single execution, the machine may encounter several DNS configuration changes, and this problem basically means that it will be impossible for my application to resolve any name at all.
So is there a way to tell Java to re-read the system wide DNS configuration? Or is there some option to prevent Java to "cache" the DNS server to use?
To demonstrate my problem, I've written a simple test case, see below.
To get the problem:
1) Put a bogus DNS server into your /etc/resolv.conf
2) Start the test program. Wait for some time: it will trigger UnknownHostExceptions.
3) Fix the entry in /etc/resolv.conf, and check it actually works (eg ping
4) Test program will continue to trigger UnknownHostExceptions forever.
One interesting fact is that someone tried this test on Windows, and didn't suffer from this behaviour, eg the application reacts to DNS system settings changes dynamically. So it looks like a Linux-only problem.
Thanks in advance for your insight.
package com.test.dnsresolver;
public class DnsResolver {
    private static String urlString = "";
    public static void main(String[] args) {
         * Specified in to indicate the caching policy for successful
         * name lookups from the name service. The value is specified as as integer
         * to indicate the number of seconds to cache the successful lookup."networkaddress.cache.ttl" , "10");
         * Specified in to indicate the caching policy for un-successful
         * name lookups from the name service. The value is specified as as integer to
         * indicate the number of seconds to cache the failure for un-successful lookups.
         * A value of 0 indicates "never cache". A value of -1 indicates "cache forever"."networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl", "0");
        int loopCounter = 0;
        while (true) {
            InetAddress resolved;
            try {
                resolved = InetAddress.getByName(urlString);
                System.out.println("Loop " + loopCounter + ": resolved IP address: " + resolved);
            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                System.out.println("Loop " + loopCounter + ": UnknownHostException");
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {}

Well, the nameservice property allowing to specify my DNS server of choice is interesting (I didn't know about those), but not very usable, as the DNS server to use is not known in advance (it may be whatever the ISP tells me to use at the time where the ppp link gets established). So no real solution there.
The fact that it caches /etc/resolv.conf content for 300s is very interesting, but having no possibility to impact on this duration really is a pity. There should be some kind of property to fix this behaviour. So as you say, a custom provider may be the only solution.
So far, the hack I use to get this working is based on code similar to this one (it is presented here in a similar form than my test case above). Obviously, reading the /etc/resolv.conf for each dns resolution is not an option in a real environment, but you get the idea.
package com.test.dnsresolver;
public class DnsResolver {
     private static final String urlString = "";
     private static final String resolvConf = "/etc/resolv.conf";
     public static void main(String[] args) {
          int loopCounter = 0;
          while (true) {
               try {
               } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
               // Parse the current DNS server to be used in the config
               String nameserver = null;
               try {
                    BufferedReader input =  new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(resolvConf)));
                    String currentLine = null;
                    while (( currentLine = input.readLine()) != null){
                         // Take care of potential comments
                         currentLine = currentLine.substring(0, currentLine.indexOf("#") == -1
                                   ? currentLine.length() : currentLine.indexOf("#") );
                         if (currentLine.contains("nameserver")) {
                              // It is the line we are looking for
                              nameserver = currentLine;
               } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                    System.out.println("Loop " + loopCounter + ": FileNotFoundException");
               } catch (IOException e) {
                    System.out.println("Loop " + loopCounter + ": IOException");
               if (nameserver == null) {
                    // No "nameserver" line found
                    System.out.println("Loop " + loopCounter + ": No nameserver found in configration file!");
               // Trim it to just contain the IP address
               nameserver = (nameserver.replace("nameserver", "")).trim();
               System.out.println("Loop " + loopCounter + ": Going to use DNS server " + nameserver);
               // At this point, we know which server to use, now perform the resolution
               Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<String, String>();
               env.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsContextFactory");
               env.put("java.naming.provider.url",    "dns://" + nameserver);
               DirContext ictx;
               try {
                    ictx = new InitialDirContext(env);
                    Attributes attrs1 = ictx.getAttributes(urlString, new String[] {"A"});
                    System.out.println("Loop " + loopCounter + ": Manual resolution: +" + attrs1.get("a").get() + "+");
               } catch (NamingException e) {
                    System.out.println("Loop " + loopCounter + ": NamingException");
}So maybe I should adapt and package this into a proper provider and specify it for Any link, info or example about how a proper provider should look like?
Thanks for your advices!

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         at DLLNode.<init>(
         at DLL.<init>(
         at Stack.<init>(
         at ParseTokens.<init>(
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         private T data;
         private DLLNode<T> successor;
         private DLLNode<T> predecessor;
         public DLLNode(T d, DLLNode<T> next, DLLNode<T> prev) {
              this.setNext(next); //line 17
           public T getNodeData() {
           public void setNodeData(T newData) {
       = newData;
           public DLLNode<T> getNext() {
                return this.successor;
           public void setNext(DLLNode<T> newNext) {
                this.successor = newNext;
                System.out.println(newNext.toString()); //zeroed in on the problem being here; throws NullPointerException; line 59
           public DLLNode<T> getPrev() {
                return this.predecessor;
           public void setPrev(DLLNode<T> newPrev) {
                this.predecessor = newPrev;
           } //manages the DLLNode objects
         private DLLNode<T> head;
         private DLLNode<T> tail;
    //other vars
         public DLL() {
              this.setHead(new DLLNode<T>(null, tail, null)); //problem is probably here; after this, java doesn't see tail as head's successor; //line 20
              this.setTail(new DLLNode<T>(null, null, head));
           public void setHead(DLLNode<T> value) {
                this.head = value;
           public void setTail(DLLNode<T> value) {
                this.tail = value;
         public boolean addAtHead(T dllData) {
              DLLNode<T> newNode = new DLLNode<T>(dllData, this.head.getNext(), this.head);          
              this.getHead().getNext().setPrev(newNode); //original NullPointerException thrown here at the first instance of this method being used
              this.setSize(this.getSize() + 1);
              return ((newNode != null) && (newNode.getNext() != null) &&
                        (newNode.getPrev() != null));
         } //manages a DLL object as a stack
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         public Stack() {
              dll = new DLL<T>(); //line 11
           public void push(T data) {
                dll.addAtHead(data); //original NullPointerException at first instance of push() being used
           } //class to actually go through the xml and list what it finds
         private Stack<Token> stack;
         public ParseTokens() {
              stack = new Stack<Token>(); //original error; line 9
         } //main
    ParseTokens parse = new ParseTokens();//line 16Thank you for any help.
    Edited by: WhoCares357 on Feb 16, 2010 5:10 PM
    Edited by: WhoCares357 on Feb 16, 2010 5:17 PM

    A user on another forum h( helped me find the problem. I had to create the head and tail first and then point them at each other. Thanks for all the help here.
    @flounder Even though I've already solved my problem I am still confused by what you're saying. The double linked list I created has two placeholders so that I don't have to worry about how many nodes are included. To connect my new node I start at the head and point at whatever is connected to the head (whether it is the tail or another node) to set the successor and predecessor for the new node. I then break the old connections (from the head to the old node after it) and connect them to the new node. I don't see a problem in this, but I am most likely not understanding your concern.
    I don't really want to let this go, because there might be a problem in my code that I don't see right now.
    @AndrewThompson64 I'll use that the next time I have a problem. Thanks.

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    Thanks for your response.
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    the service is started
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    String Resource Dir=D:\PROGRA1\SAPMDM1.5\IMPORT~1\LangStrings\
    Log Dir=D:\PROGRA1\SAPMDM1.5\IMPORT~1\Logs
    Automap Unmapped Value=True
    Unmapped Value Handling=Add
    Always Use Unmapped Value Handling=False
    -- Verbose OFF:     0x0000
    -- Verbose ON:      0xFFFF
    -- FI  Verbose:     0x0001
    -- XML Verbose:     0x0002
    -- MAP Verbose:     0x0004
    -- THRD Verbose:    0x0008
    -- PARSER Verbose:  0x0010
    -- STRUCTX Verbose: 0x0020
    -- VALUEX Verbose:  0x0040
    -- IMPORTX Verbose: 0x0080
    String Resource Dir=C:PROGRA1SAPMDM1.5IMPORT~2LangStrings
    Log Dir=Logs
    SLD Registration=False
    Wily Instrumentation=False
    NCS Library Path=D:\PROGRA1\SAPMDM1.5\IMPORT~1\
    Wily Instrumentation Level=1
    Chunk Size=50000
    No. Of Chunks Proccessed In Parallel=5
    Log Protocol Transactions=False
    Chunk Size=50000
    No. Of Chunks Proccessed In Parallel=5
    Log Protocol Transactions=False
    what should be the file name in the directory ? could this be the problem ?

    Hi Kaushik,
    For picking up the file file ready folder you need to do the following steps:
    1) Creation of users and assinging password to the users.
    2) Creation of maps in import manager for importing the data.
    3) Creation of ports. In this you have to mention map name which you have made for importing the data, format of the file present in ready folder and your processing type as automatic.
    4) Mention user name and password in the MDIS.ini file. Also mention the time interval.Save this file.
    Now you can find that import server is picking up the data from ready folder.
    If you are still facing some problems please go through this URL: []
    Hope I am able to solve your problem
    Dilmit Chadha

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    Okay, this morning it happened again. I unplugged my iphone, surfed some pages fine. Five minutes later I woke it up again, tried to go to the app store. Nothing.
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    Network reset, restore iOS, all other typical help steps, never cured it.
    That's a bug.
    Lets put it on

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    my first post is for talking about this infamuos error of java.
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    Caused by: open HTTP connection failed.
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
         at Method)
         ... 10 more
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    I try also Safe Mode with networking... eheh...
    nothing... java doesn't do NS.
    It's a big bug... i use the latest java 1.05_05.
    I'm not behind a proxy, i use firfox 1.0.7 and ie 6.0 sp2.. and windows xp... All give the same errors.
    If someone managed the error please could help me? I read the other posts but it seems to me this is a open bug.

    It's not difficult understand the topic.
    The actual DNS resolution implementation of Java is faulty.
    It's the ONLY service in my Windows machine that couldn't do a correct DNS resolution, stand alone application, Internet Explorer and Mozzilla web pages with applet-
    If i use IPs all go fine... when i use domain java fail.
    ALL java... non only applet. Also Java Web Start fail.
    I controlled proxy, there isn't. i say to java to do a direct connect.
    The only thing in my net configuration of strange is the router, a zyxel 660hw... nothing else... my pc work fine with all the rest of the programs that use IPs. Only java is faulty.

  • Can not receive Mac mail -error Outlook cannot find the server. Verify the server information is entered correctly in the Account Settings, and that your DNS settings in the Network pane of System Preferences are correct.  Account name: "MacMail"

    Can not receive Mac mail -error Outlook cannot find the server. Verify the server information is entered correctly in the Account Settings, and that your DNS settings in the Network pane of System Preferences are correct.  Account name: "MacMail"
    What are the correct mail account settings and more importantly the correct DNS settings
    Thank you for any help you may be able to provide
    Chris (iMac i7)

    Do not delete the old account yet. sign up for an iCloud account if you haven't.
    I understand .mac mail will still come through. Do not delete the old account yet.
    You cannot use .mac or MobileMe as type of Account, you have to choose IMAP when setting up, otherwise Mail is hard coded to change to & to, no matter what you try to enter.
    iCloud Mail setup, do not choose .mac or MobileMe as type, but choose IMAP...
    On second step where it asks "Description", it has to be a unique name, but you can still use your email address.
    IMAP (Incoming Mail Server) information:
              •          Server name:
              •          SSL Required: Yes
              •          Port: 993
              •          Username: [email protected] (use your address from your iCloud account)
              •          Password: Your iCloud password
    SMTP (outgoing mail server) information:
              •          Server name:
              •          SSL Required: Yes
              •          Port: 587
              •          SMTP Authentication Required: Yes
              •          Username: [email protected] (use your address from your iCloud account)
              •          Password: Your iCloud password
    Also, you must upgrade your password to meet the new criteria:  8 characters, including upper and lower case and numbers.  If you have an older password that does not meet these criteria, when you try to setup mail on your mac, using all of the IMAP criteria listed above, it will still give a server error message.  Go to         then follow directions to change your password, then go back to setting up your mail using the IMAP instructions above.
    Thanks to dpepper...

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    You can create a role menu as remote enabled remote menu.
    The authority checks will happen on the remote side, also against objects which don't exist in the calling system as the music is on the other side.
    On the RFC client system side, you only need the parameter transaction to start the remote transaction in the remote system.
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    This is however a rather antiquated technology... it is more popular to use a SAP Portal or webdynpro applications for this sort of thing (the user does not notice the difference) or later versions of such integration such as Fiori UIs or imbedded links within the Business Client.
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    If there is no loading bar, it's usually a problem with a third party kext file in OS X itself.
    You can press the power button down to force a hardware shutdown, then reboot holding the shift key down on a wired or built in keyboard, this will disable them and you go around and update your third party software.
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    Transport Protocol: FTP
    Message Protocol: File
    source directory: /test or test ( <b>either one works</b>)
    file name: * or . or *.txt <b>nothing works</b>
    server: ftp server name
    port: 21
    data connection: passive
    user: ******
    pass: ******
    connect mode: permanently
    transfer mode: text
    QOS: exactly once
    poll: 10 secs
    processing mode: archive ( <b>changed to test and delete as well, but made no difference</b>.)
    archive dir: dir path
    file type: text
    adapter specific attributes:
    checked: set adapter specific attributes
    and file name.
    status: active.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • PO Output - Simple Mail.

    Hi, I configured new PO output type for simple mail.  I cannot get the output type to default onto the PO.  In the determination analysis screen within the PO messages screen, it finds the condition record, but also has another error: Message 539:  N

  • Why do I have to keep "Stopping + Refreashing" every page load?

    Lately it seems every time I go to a new page I Safari stops for about 20 or 30 secs before it loads unless I hit stop and then refreash. Any ideas Please? Thanks tons T

  • Query related to OAM protected resource error

    Hi All, I am working on OAM 10g. In that when a User tries to access a protected page and he tries to login with invalid credentials the url is appended by default with the OAM error message which looks like %3DErrNoUser% or %3DErrWrongPassword% base

  • What to do when losing an iPhone ? Is there any chance to lock the data I had in ? And to get the data back ?

    Could somebody help me ? I lost my iphone yesterday and i am afraid people will have access to my personal data such as photos etc....