Java Forum Tools?

I have seen some sites that present data about the forums (most posts, most dukes, etc) and I am wondering if anyone knows of other tools that can be used to view/post to the forums.
Is it available as a newsgroup? Has someone coded a more customizable reader?
Any links would be appreciated.

I would like a "Rate this response" 0-5. Each poster should then have their individual average rating next to their name.
Also, next to their name I would like a "Member since YEAR".

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    Also, if you don't want to be labeled a loser in this and other forums, please read this:
    especially these sections:
    h2. Choose your forum carefully
    Be sensitive in choosing where you ask your question. You are likely to be ignored, or written off as a loser, if you:
    post your question to a forum where it's off topic...
    h2. Don't flag your question as ?Urgent?, even if it is for you
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