Java OracleXML putXML & non-unique keys

I am using the XML SQL Utility for java on the client (NT) to insert multi-row XML documents into an ORACLE table. Everything works fine until I hit a row with a non-unique key. It appears insertXML throws an error and the insert stops at that point. Rows after the non-unique key row are not processed.
Is there any way to process all rows of an XML document, telling me how many read, how many inserted, how many not processed??
Also, what about update capabilities? Presently I am not needing to update from XML into ORACLE, all I can do now is insert.
Thanks in advance,

One way to make this work would be to take advantage of Oracle8i's INSTEAD OF triggers on views.
Basically, you would:
(1) CREATE VIEW someview
AS SELECT * FROM sometable;
(2) CREATE TRIGGER someview_trig
-- Check for existence of
-- row using the value of
-- :NEW.pk_column_name
IF (you-found-an-existing-one) THEN
-- Do something here like
-- NULL; to ignore the insert altogether
-- or possible an INSERT into
-- and EXCEPTIONS table...
INSERT INTO sometable
VALUES (:NEW.column1, ..., :NEW.columnn);
(3) Then point XML SQL Utility at someview
instead of sometable
and you'll be in business, as they say.

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    Hi OTN/Users, I hope you can assist me
    Given a table:
    create table t (a varchar2(30), b int, c date );
    with this data within:
    insert into t values ( a1, 40, to_date( '01-Dec-2012'));
    insert into t values ( a1, 50, to_date( '01-Dec-2012'));
    insert into t values ( a1, 60, to_date( '01-Dec-2012'));
    insert into t values ( b1, 10, to_date( '01-Dec-2012'));
    insert into t values ( b1, 20, to_date( '01-Dec-2012'));
    insert into t values ( b1, 30, to_date( '01-Dec-2012'));
    insert into t values ( c1, 60, to_date( '01-Dec-2012'));
    insert into t values ( c1, 70, to_date( '01-Dec-2012'));
    insert into t values ( c1, 80, to_date( '01-Dec-2012'));
    - I want to output the columns for each of 'a' as a single row e.g:
    a1 40 50 60 01-Dec-2012
    b1 10 20 30 01-Dec-2012
    I've almost got it right, but the 'a' col repeats 4 times for each row of output:
    a1 40
    a1 50
    a1 60
    a1 01-Dec-2012
    -I want to supress repeat output of the first column 'a' but display the rest in a straight line.
    I've tried various things (Pivot, Rollup etc), but the fact i'm keying on a table with non unique rows has complicated things perhaps.
    Any help would be much appreciated

    Pre-11g this is how you would do it :[11.2] Pri @ Bepripd1 > !cat t.sql
    with t(a,b,c) as (
         select  'a1', 40, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual union all
         select  'a1', 50, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual union all
         select  'a1', 60, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual union all
         select  'b1', 10, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual union all
         select  'b1', 20, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual union all
         select  'b1', 30, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual union all
         select  'c1', 60, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual union all
         select  'c1', 70, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual union all
         select  'c1', 80, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual
    ------ end of sample data ------
         ,max(decode(n,1,b,null)) q1
         ,max(decode(n,2,b,null)) q2
         ,max(decode(n,3,b,null)) q3
    from (
         select a, b, c, row_number() over (partition by a order by b) n
         from t
    group by a,c
    order by a,c
    [11.2] Pri @ Bepripd1 > @t
    A          Q1         Q2         Q3 C
    a1         40         50         60 01/12/2012 00:00:00
    b1         10         20         30 01/12/2012 00:00:00
    c1         60         70         80 01/12/2012 00:00:00------
    From 11g onward, you would :[11.2] Pri @ Bepripd1 > !cat t.sql
    with t(a,b,c) as (
         select  'a1', 40, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual union all
         select  'a1', 50, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual union all
         select  'a1', 60, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual union all
         select  'b1', 10, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual union all
         select  'b1', 20, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual union all
         select  'b1', 30, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual union all
         select  'c1', 60, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual union all
         select  'c1', 70, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual union all
         select  'c1', 80, to_date( '01-Dec-2012') from dual
    ------ end of sample data ------
    select a,q1,q2,q3,c
    from (
         select a, b, c, row_number() over (partition by a order by b) n
         from t
    pivot (
         for n in (
              1 as q1
              ,2 as q2
              ,3 as q3
    order by a,c
    [11.2] Pri @ Bepripd1 > @t
    A          Q1         Q2         Q3 C
    a1         40         50         60 01/12/2012 00:00:00
    b1         10         20         30 01/12/2012 00:00:00
    c1         60         70         80 01/12/2012 00:00:00Edited by: Nicosa on Nov 9, 2012 2:42 PM

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    <?xml version = '1.0'?>
    <ABC num="1">
    <R_DATE>5/21/2003 0:0:0</R_DATE>
    <GRANT_ROW num="1">
    <GRANT_ROW num="2">
    I get the following error when I run
    java OracleXML putXML ....
    oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException: 'The XML element tag 'GRANT_ROW'
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    target database object.' encountered during processing ROW element 0.

    RTF FormattingKit

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    Please report this error in detail to
    successfully inserted 3 rows into t1

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  • Can I have a primary key as a non-unique column

    Hi all,
    I have a table with 35 columns and only one column in a not null column. But this column data is not unique. I want to create a primary key with non-unique index, can I don it, if it is not possible is there any other way to it. Please help me with this.
    Thanks for your help.vinaykotha

    1) Do the 'Unique Column combination' check first, using this example. (Pl. Change the column name and number of columns you consider as candidate key.) The SQL as follows:-
    ;WITH CTE (ProductKey, CustomerKey, SalesTerritoryKey, DupRec)
      (SELECT ProductKey, CustomerKey, SalesTerritoryKey, ROW_NUMBER() OVER
         (PARTITION BY ProductKey, CustomerKey, SalesTerritoryKey
          ORDER BY ProductKey, CustomerKey, SalesTerritoryKey) AS DupRec
       FROM dbo.FactSales 
    SELECT *
    WHERE DupRec > 1
    2) if CTE Table returns no records, you are good to create a Composite CLUSTERED PRIMARY KEY, like:
    ALTER TABLE dbo.FactSales
    ADD CONSTRAINT PK_ProductKey_CustomerKey_SalesTerritoryKey 
    PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (ProductKey, CustomerKey, SalesTerritoryKey);
    If no! if NOT, Don't worry, create a Composite Index like this:-
    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_ProductKey_CustomerKey_SalesTerritoryKey] 
    ON dbo.FactSales(ProductKey, CustomerKey, SalesTerritoryKey);
    This will work still efficiently. Usually all transaction table are like that like Daily_Order table, Ship_Details table etc.

  • Primary Key supported by a non-unique index?

    Encountered a weird situation today. A utility we setup which allows Analysts to restore data into their tables, started failing when it attempted to drop an index. The index was supporting a Primary Key. Makes sense. But our script was supposed to only be attempting to drop/recreate non-unique indexes. Turns out the supporting index on the Primary Key was non-unique, and to the best of my knowledge came about as follows:
    SQL> create table junk (f number(1));
    Table created.
    SQL> create index junk_ix on junk(f);
    Index created.
    SQL> select UNIQUENESS from DBA_INDEXES where index_name = 'JUNK_IX';
    SQL> alter table forbesc.junk add constraint junk_pk primary key (f) using index junk_ix;
    Table altered.
    SQL> select UNIQUENESS from DBA_INDEXES where index_name = 'JUNK_IX';
    SQL> insert into junk values (1);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into junk values (1);
    insert into junk values (1)
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00001: unique constraint (FORBESC.JUNK_PK) violated
    SQL> select index_name from dba_constraints where constraint_name = 'JUNK_PK';
    JUNK_IXWhat I can't figure out is how a non-unique index is enforcing uniqueness. I thought that it was the key in that very same process. I thought that perhaps an index with the 'SYS_123456' was getting created, perhaps, but I couldn't find one:
    SQL> select object_name, object_type from dba_objects order by created desc;
    JUNK     TABLE
    ...How is the uniqueness getting enforced in this case? This is in Oracle

    It has always been that way. Oracle can, and will, use a non-unique index to enforce a PK constraint, The existing index just needs to have the PK column(s) as the leading column(s) of the index:
    SQL> create table t (id number, id1 number, descr varchar2(10));
    Table created.
    SQL> create index t_ids on t(id, id1);
    Index created.
    SQL> select index_name from user_indexes
      2  where table_name = 'T';
    SQL> alter table t add constraint t_pk
      2  primary key (id);
    Table altered.
    SQL> select index_name from user_indexes
      2  where table_name = 'T';
    SQL> insert into t values (1, 1, 'One');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t values (1, 2, 'Two');
    insert into t values (1, 2, 'Two')
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00001: unique constraint (OPS$ORACLE.T_PK) violatedJohn

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    It seems that the profiler by default disables the
    'Use in relationsship discovery' when the documented datatype is non-Number.
    Is this a setting which can be configured for OWB, or is there a smart way to set this property for all columns?
    thks in advance

    Hi don't think there is a way to to automatically switch this on/off, a small script can be created to set the option on/off for all columns in the table.

  • Difference between Unique key and Unique index

    Hi All,
    I've got confused in the difference between unique index & unique key in a table.
    While we create a unique index on a table, its created as a unique index.
    On the other hand, if we create a unique key/constraint on the table, Oracle also creates an index entry for that. So I can find the same name object in all_constraints as well as in all_indexes.
    My question here is that if during creation of unique key/constraint, an index is automatically created than why is the need to create unique key and then two objects , while we can create only one object i.e. unique index.

    This is only my understanding and is not according to any documentation, that is as follows.
    The unique key (constraint) needs an unique index for achieving constraint of itself.
    Developers and users can make any constraint (unique-key, primary-key, foreign-key, not-null ...) to enable,disable and be deferable. Unique key is able to be enabled, disabled, deferable.
    On the other hand, the index is used for performance-up originally, unique index itself doesn't have the concept like constraints. The index (including non-unique, unique) can be rebuilded,enabled,disabled etc. But I think that index cannot be set "deferable-builded" automatic.

  • WHat is the best index type for non uniqueness / Varchar columns in SQL 2008 R2

    Hello All Greetings,
    Please help me here with my doubt,
    in my table i have two columns about a million rows, it has about 20 columns in it, three columns with name as Period, Gender so most of the time these two columns use in where clause,
    Gender  will contain Either M or F , Period contains YYYY-Month (2013-December, 2013-August) etc so i would like to add a Index to these two columns so that in will increase the performance, so please let me know what type of indexes i need to add to
    these columns in the table,
    please note that only one time we will add data to the table which will take only 2 minutes but we query the table every day
    so my question what is the best index type that i need to create on columns with non uniqueness values in the column.,
    Thank you In Advance,

    There is nothing whatever wrong with creating an index on a VARCHAR column, or set of columns.
    Regarding the performance of VARCHAR/INT, as with everything in a RDBMS, it depends on what you are doing. What you may be thinking of is the fact that clustering a table on a VARCHAR key is (in SQL Server) marginally less efficient than clustering on a monotonically
    increasing numerical key, and can introduce fragmentation.
    Or you may be thinking of what you have heard about writing JOINs on VARCHAR columns - it is true, it is a little less efficient than a JOIN on numeric type, but it is only a little less efficient, nothing that would lead you to never join on varchar cols.
    None of this does not mean that you should not create indexes on VARCHAR columns. A needed index on a VARCHAR column will boost query performance, often by orders of magnitude. If you need an index on a VARCHAR, create it. It makes no sense to try to find an
    integer column to create the index on - the engine will never use it.
    Check this reference:
    Mark ANSWER if this reply resolves your query, If helpful then VOTE HELPFUL
    Mohammad Nizamuddin

  • How to generate a Unique key based on a some String value

    Hello every one,
    I am sorry , If I post this question in wrong group... I have a requirement to generate a unique key ( what every it may be alpha, numeric or alpha numeric) based on some String..
    For ex : String str = "AbCX" - Gives a unique key based on "AbCX" value..
    Is there any way we can get the unique value using Java ?

    May be not what you are looking for, but here's may idea:
    use a sequence (db sequence) and add it the the string value. This way the value is unique, because the sequence is unique. So you could omit the string theoretically, but your requirement is met.
    It's very easy to get a unique sequence number from the db using java, depending of the technology you use (which you did not say :-( )

  • Unique Key Violation While Doing Multiple Updates And Create in EJB

    Hello All,
    I am using oracle 9i and Weblogic 7.0. I have a table that has a unique key constraint on one column , say 'Col1' and i am using a CMP to read,create and update data in this table. The problem description is as follows.
    I have JTable that display the data from the above said table. The user can modify the existing data and insert new data that will be reflected in the DB using the CMP. Let us say the following are displayed
    Col1 : 3
    Col2 : 'ABC'
    Col3 : 1 (Primary key in the table)
    Now the user modifies the above row and inserts a new record. Now the following will be the display
    ROW1 (Modified)
    Col1 : 4
    Col2 : 'ABC'
    Col3 : 1 (Primary key in the table)
    ROW2 (New)
    Col1 : 3
    Col2 : 'DEF'
    Col3 : 2 (Primary key in the table)
    When the above data is saved i do the following in the Code
    a) Session Bean
    For (all the data in the Jtable)
    catch(FinderException fe)
    When the above code is run During the first loop the update runs succesfully (i.e update old value of 3 with 4 ) but during the 2nd loop the create (i.e Insert new value 3) gives me the unique key violated exception. The following is the stack trace
    <Oct 25, 2004 11:36:22 AM IST> <Info> <EJB> <010049> <EJB Exception in method: ejbPostCreate: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (UAT_CYCLE2_1.UK_PYMT_DET_TX) violated
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (UAT_CYCLE2_1.UK_PYMT_DET_TX) violated
    at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.Oall7.receive(
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.doOall7(
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.parseExecuteFetch(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeNonQuery(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteOther(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
    at weblogic.jdbc.jts.Statement.executeUpdate(
    at de.dl.ucs.contract.entity.TerminalPaymentsCMP_kbdoop__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.__WL_create(
    at de.dl.ucs.contract.entity.TerminalPaymentsCMP_kbdoop__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.ejbPostCreate(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at weblogic.ejb20.manager.DBManager.create(
    at weblogic.ejb20.manager.DBManager.localCreate(
    at weblogic.ejb20.internal.EntityEJBLocalHome.create(
    at de.dl.ucs.contract.entity.TerminalPaymentsCMP_kbdoop_LocalHomeImpl.create(
    at de.dl.ucs.contract.helperclasses.SubsegmentMaintanence.saveTerminalPayments(
    at de.dl.ucs.contract.controller.SubsegmentSL.saveSubsegmentDetails(
    at de.dl.ucs.contract.controller.SubsegmentSL.processFinanceSubsegmentSave(
    at de.dl.ucs.contract.controller.SubsegmentSL_kgzv4j_EOImpl.processFinanceSubsegmentSave(
    at de.dl.ucs.framework.flowcontroller.ControllerBean.delegateAction(
    at de.dl.ucs.framework.flowcontroller.ControllerBean_riqvk4_EOImpl.delegateAction(
    at de.dl.ucs.framework.flowcontroller.ControllerBean_riqvk4_EOImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ReplicaAwareServerRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef$
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.handleRequest(
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicExecuteRequest.execute(
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    <Oct 25, 2004 11:36:22 AM IST> <Info> <EJB> <010051> <EJB Exception during invocation from home: [email protected] threw exception: javax.ejb.TransactionRolledbackLocalException: EJB Exception:; nested exception is: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (UAT_CYCLE2_1.UK_PYMT_DET_TX) violated
    Please help me with this, as far as i am concerned since both update and create is in the same transaction the update on the row must be visible to the create and hence there shouild not be any problem.....
    thanks in advance

    There are 3 columns involved with that table . Out of whihc one is a Primary Key (string) , The other column (Number) has a unique key constraint defined on it and the last column stores a value corresponding to the 2nd column.
    The reason for me to do a create in the Finder exception is as follows.
    I Loop through the Data present in JTable. As given in the example let us assume that there are 2 rows in the JTable. Out of whihc the First row needs an updation and the second row , which is a new row needs to be created. So During the First iteration of the loop, The findermethod does not throw any exception (Because it is a modfied row) and hence the update gets fired successfully. During the second iteration , since it is a new row the findermethod will throw a finder exception and hence create will get fired.
    I understand that this is not a good coding style but then it is not 100% wrong and i need to find out as to why it is not working.
    Hope am clear in explaining my problem

  • Unique Key Violation error while updating table

    Hi All,
    I am having problem with UNIQUE CONSTRAINT. I am trying to update a table and getting the violation error. Here is the over view. We have a table called ActivityAttendee. ActivityAttendee has the following columns. The problem to debug is this table has
    over 23 million records. How can I catch where my query is going wrong?
    ActivityAttendeeID INT PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1,1)
    ,ActivityID INT NOT NULL (Foreign key to parent table Activity)
    ,AtendeeTypeCodeID INT NOT NULL
    ,ObjectID INT NOT NULL
    ,EmailAddress VARCHAR(255) NULL
    UNIQUE KEY is on ActivityID,AtendeeTypeCodeID,ObjectID,EmailAddress
    We have a requirement where we need to update the ObjectID. There is a new mapping where I dump that into a temp table #tempActivityMapping (intObjectID INT NOT NULL, intNewObjectID INT NULL)
    The problem is ActivityAttendee table might already have the new ObjectID and the unique combination.
    For example: ActivityAttendee Table have the following rows
    AND the temp table has 2,1
    So essentially when I update in this scenario, It should ignore the second row because, if I try updating that there will be a violation of key as the first record has the exact value. When I ran my query on test data it worked fine. But for 23 million records,
    its going wrong some where and I am unable to debug that. Here is my query
    SET AA.ObjectID = TMP.NewObjectID
    FROM dbo.ActivityAttendee AA
    INNER JOIN #tmpActivityMapping TMP ON AA.ObjectID = TMP.ObjectID
    FROM dbo.ActivityAttendee AA1
    WHERE AA1.ActivityID = AA.ActivityID
    AND AA1.AttendeeTypeCodeID = AA.AttendeeTypeCodeID
    AND AA1.ObjectID = TMP.NewObjectID
    AND ISNULL(AA1.EmailAddress,'') = ISNULL(AA.EmailAddress,'')

    >> I am having problem with UNIQUE CONSTRAINT. I am trying to update a table and getting the violation error. Here is the over view. We have a table called Activity_Attendee. <<
    Your problem is schema design. Singular table names tell us there is only one of them the set. Activities are one kind of entity; Attendees are a totally different kind of entity; Attendees are a totally different kind of entity. Where are those tables? Then
    they can have a relationship which will be a third table with REFERENCES to the other two. 
    Your table is total garbage. Think about how absurd “attendee_type_code_id” is. You have never read a single thing about data modeling. An attribute can be “attendee_type”, “attendee_code” or “attendee_id”but not that horrible mess. I have used something like
    this in one of my busk to demonstrate the wrong way to do RDBMS as a joke, but you did it for real. The postfix is called an attribute property in ISO-11179 standards. 
    You also do not know that RDBMS is not OO. We have keys and not OIDs; but bad programmers use the IDENTITY table property (NOT a column!), By definition, it cannot be a key; let me say that again, by definition. 
    >> ActivityAttendee has the following columns. The problem to debug is this table has over 23 million records [sic: rows are not records]<<
    Where did you get “UNIQUE KEY” as syntax in SQL?? What math are you doing the attendee_id? That is the only reason to make it INTEGER. I will guess that you meant attendee_type and have not taken the time to create an abbreviation encoding it.
    The term “patent/child” table is wrong! That was network databases, not RDBMS. We have referenced and referencing table. Totally different concept! 
    CREATE TABLE Attendees
    (attendee_id CHAR(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 
     attendee_type INTEGER NOT NULL  --- bad design. 
        CHECK (attendee_type BETWEEN ?? AND ??), 
     email_address VARCHAR(255), 
    CREATE TABLE Activities
    (activity_id CHAR(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 
    Now the relationship table. I have to make a guess about the cardinally be 1:1, 1:m or n:m. 
    CREATE TABLE Attendance_Roster
    (attendee_id CHAR(10) NOT NULL --- UNIQUE??
       REFERENCES Attendees (attendee_id), 
     activity_id Activities CHAR(10) NOT NULL ---UNIQUE?? 
      REFERENCES Activities (activity_id)
     PRIMARY KEY (attendee_id, activity_id), --- wild guess! 
    >> UNIQUE KEY is on activity_id, attendee_type_code_id_value_category, object_id, email_address <<
    Aside from the incorrect “UNIQUE KEY” syntax, think about having things like an email_address in a key. This is what we SQL people call a non-key attribute. 
    >> We have a requirement where we need to update the ObjectID. There is a new mapping where I dump that into a temp table #tempActivityMapping (intObjectID INTEGER NOT NULL, intNewObjectID INTEGER NULL) <<
    Mapping?? We do not have that concept in RDBMS. Also putting meta data prefixes like “int_” is called a “tibble” and we SQL people laugh (or cry) when we see it. 
    Then you have old proprietary Sybase UODATE .. FROM .. syntax. Google it; it is flawed and will fail. 
    Please stop programming until you have a basic understanding of RDBMS versus OO and traditional file systems. Look at my credits; when I tell you, I think I have some authority. 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • Problems Engineering Surrogate Primary Key with Unique Key

    SDDM with 2 problems (at least so far).  I am hoping that the problem is with this SDDM rookie and I have overlooked some setting. PROBLEM 1 I don’t want to start a religious debate about surrogate vs. natural keys but I am having a problem engineering both correctly from the logical model.  I am a rookie when it comes to SDDM but have many years of experience with Designer. By default I like to have both a natural UID  (UK) and a surrogate key based primary UID (PK) which is used for foreign keys.  The problem I am having with engineering is I can successfully engineer the surrogate PK’s, engineer the FK’s using the PK’s but cannot get the unique key to contain the surrogate keys in the child table.  If I check the identifying property in the relations, the PK columns and the UK columns are included in the child PK and the UK contains no columns. The Setup I have defined two reference entities, PROBABILITY and SEVERITY with natural unique keys defined.  I also have a child entity RISK_ASSESMENT with relationships back to the PROBABILITY and SEVERITY entities and both have the “Use surrogate keys:”: check box checked.  The unique key for the RISK_ASSESMENT entity includes the relationships back to PROBILITY and SEVERITY.  None of the entities have a PK or surrogate key defined and they all have the “Create Surrogate Key” check box checked.  In addition the following preferences are set: Data Modeler/Model/Logical   NOT Checked - Use And Set First Unique Key As Primary Key   NOT Checked – Name – Keep as the name of the Originating attribute   Checked – Entity Create Surrogate Key   Checked – Relationship Use Surrogate Key PROBLEM 2 When the foreign key columns are engineered I want the names to have a prefix “FK_” but they don’t.  Templates are set as follows: Data Modeler/Naming Standard/Templates   Foreign Key:  FK_{child}{parent}   Column Foreign Key:  FK_{ref column} Engineer to Relational Model/General Options   Checked - Apply name translation Marcus Bacon

    I have been switching between SD 4 EA1 and SDDM 3.3 trying to get things to work and trying out the template table for adding audit columns (really nice!).
    Concerning Problem1.  No matter what settings I use and whether I use SDDM 3.3 or SDI cannot get the FK columns to be included in the UK even though the relations are included in the UID in the entitty.  When I open the properties of the child table and click on the naming standards button and click ok it complains that the UK is not complete.  I add the FK columns to the UK and all is well including the naming standards.
    Concerning Problem 2.  Sometimes it engineers the names for FK's from the template and sometimes it doesn't.  Didn't see a pattern.  Gave up trying and used Naming Standards button.  I still had to change a few.
    The good new is, that after make changes needed in UK's and Column names of 18 tables, I know have everything deployed to Test except FK Indexes.  I think I have to do those by hand.
    Marcus Bacon

  • Help : excess private key

    I require help for the exception " excess private key"
    When i am trying to generate digital signature using PKCS7 format using bouncyCastle API, it gives the " excess private key" exception.
    The full stack trace is as follows excess private key
    I had tested the program under following scenarios...
    The Java Program for generating the digital signature independently worked successfully(without any change in policy files or file) I have tested this independently on Sun's JDK 1.4, 1.6
    For IBM JDK 1.4 on Windows machine for WAS(Webshere Application Server) 6.0, The Program for generating the digital signature using PKCS7 works fine, but it required IBM Policy files(local_policy.jar, US_export_policy.jar) and updation in file
    But the problem occurs in Solaris 5.10, WAS 6.0 where Sun JDK 1.4.2_6 is used.
    I copied the unlimited strength policy files for JDK 1.4.2 from Sun's site(because the WAS 6.0 is running on Sun's JDK intead of IBM JDK)...
    I changed the file as follows(only changed content)
    I have used PKCS12(PFX) file for digital signature
    which is same for all environment(i have described as above)
    I copied the PFX file from windows to solaris using WinSCP in binary format so the content of certificate won't get currupted.
    I can not change the certificate because it's given by the company and which is working in other enviroments absolutely fine(just i have described above)
    I have gone though the "" and other URLs too. but none of them helped...
    So what could be the problem for such exception?????
    I am on this issue since last one month...
    I know very little about security.
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: user10935179 on Sep 27, 2010 2:47 AM
    Edited by: user10935179 on Sep 27, 2010 2:54 AM

    user10935179 wrote:
    The Java Program for generating the digital signature independently worked successfully(without any change in policy files or file) If the program was working fine without changing the policy file, why have you changed it to put the IBM Providers ahead of the SunRsaSign provider?
    While I cannot be sure (because I don't have an IBM provider to test this), the error is more than likely related to the fact that the IBM Provider implementations for handling RSA keys internally are different from the SunRsaSign provider. Since you've now forced the IBM provider ahead of the original Sun provider, you're probably running into interpretation issues of the encoded objects inside the keystore.
    Change your policy back to the default order, and put your IBM Providers at the end of the original list and run your application to see what happens.
    Arshad Noor
    StrongAuth, Inc.

  • Non-standard keys

    How can I respond to input from non-standard keys, like the forward and back keys on some keyboards? I've tried using the KeyEventDemo, but it doesn't record any events. Any ideas?

    Try this:
            new KeyEventDispatcher() {
                public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) {
                    return false;
    });It will detect all keyevents and print the correpsonding keycode. If this code does not react when you press those arrow keys, then you cannot detect them using pure java.

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