Java Training Book for CAD API

I am a CAD Design Engineer, and my CAD system (Pro/E) uses a Java application called J-Link for accessing the CAD system's API, apparently because this CAD system originated on the UNIX platform, although we use it on Windows. The Windows-based CAD systems I have used in the past used VBA for this purpose, with which I have a reasonable amount of training. I now need to gear up on Java to program for Pro/E. I could use some help in locating a book that would cover my needs. Most of what I've seen so far is considerable overkill, and does not deal with accessing an application's API through Java.
I had the unfortunate past experience of naively taking two VB courses, thinking this would cover any possible topic in VBA (which I mistakenly thought was basically a VB-lite) only to find that it didn't, and I eventually found a good book on VBA that covered my needs. Nevertheless, I wasted a lot of time learning a lot of stuff which was not pertinent. I would like to avoid this with Java for J-Link.

That CAD API doesn't sound like Sun code. (If it is, I'm not aware of it.)
J-Link sounds proprietary to ProE. I'd be shocked if there were books available on it. You should look into documentation from Parametric Technologies.
VB is NOT Java, that's for sure. If you don't know Java already, start with the Sun tutorial before you try to tackle this ProE API.

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    WalterLaan wrote:
    And if you recompile one with a method removed that the other use and then run the other you would get a NoSuchMethodError (or more generally just an error sub class of LinkageError).
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    OnurTaco wrote:
    Zhiqun Chen 's [Java Card Technology for Smart Cards|] has been very useful and informative for me.
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    There's a lot of online reference available, too:
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    Hi padma,
    Check this link.
    <a href="">Web Dynpro Sample Applications and Tutorials</a>
    Re: Guides for new entrant to Webdynpro


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    Abhay Sagar

    Take a look through these and see which ones work for you.
    Sun's [basic Java tutorial|]
    Sun's [New To Java Center|].Includes an overview of what Java is, instructions for setting up Java, an intro to programming (that includes links to the above tutorial or to parts of it), quizzes, a list of resources, and info on certification and courses.
    [|]. A couple dozen code examples that supplement [The Java Developers Almanac|].
    jGuru. A general Java resource site. Includes FAQs, forums, courses, more.
    JavaRanch. To quote the tagline on their homepage: "a friendly place for Java greenhorns." FAQs, forums (moderated, I believe), sample code, all kinds of goodies for newbies. From what I've heard, they live up to the "friendly" claim.
    Bruce Eckel's [Thinking in Java|] (Available online.)
    Joshua Bloch's [Effective Java|]
    Bert Bates and Kathy Sierra's [Head First Java|].
    James Gosling's [The Java Programming Language|].

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    The user should enter the user name  - it works fine
    The user should select the data from the choice list
    The requirement is , I need to limit in each  day of the training 20 seats (20 booking only) only
     Can you advise how to do so.
    [email protected]

    check below post and video on how to build the event receivers
    My Blog-|
    If a post answers your question, please click Mark As Answer on that post and Vote as Helpful

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    Get them both, use the first to learn and the second as a reference.

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    Any help in this regard would be appreciated...

    Dear Amit Hingher,
    The B1 JCO is a java wrapper for DI API so basically you could refer to DI help for all objects, methods and properties.
    Here the jave sample for connection function:
    package test;
    public class ConnectSAP {
         // company interface
         public ICompany company;
         private SBOErrorMessage errMsg = null;
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              ConnectSAP company = new ConnectSAP();
         //method make connection andinitialize company instance
         public int conn() {
              int rc = 0;
              try {
                   company = SBOCOMUtil.newCompany();
                   company.setUseTrusted(new Boolean(false));
                   rc = company.connect();
                   if (rc == 0) {
                   } else {
                        errMsg = company.getLastError();
                             "I cannot connect to database server: "
                                  + errMsg.getErrorMessage()
                                  + " "
                                  + errMsg.getErrorCode());
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   return -1;
              return rc;
         public void freeConnection(){
    Best Regards
    Jane Jing
    SAP Business One Forums team

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