Java 'while' Looping

Write a program to read the bicycle wheel radius (a "double") the number of teeth on the front sprocket (an "int") and then to read repeatedly the number of teeth on a rear sprocket (an "int") and compute and print the effective radius until a value of zero is encountered.
At every calculation except the first, print the ratio of the newly computed effective radius to the previous effective radius.
MY problem is how i can use while loop in it to make it zero. well i m going to try different way to use while loop inside to get value zero and then get ratio to work. any help would be usefull.I m well so i will try just need guide line if its possible.
Thanks all for reading
public class BicycleGears {
public static void main(String[] argv)
double wheelRadius=0.0f;
float eftRadius=0.0f;
int frontSprocket=0;
int rearSprocket=0;
float pRadius=-0.0f;
double eftRadius1;
float ratio=0.00f;
//Prompt and read the number;
System.out.println ("Please enter the wheelRadius");
wheelRadius = UserInput.readDouble();
//produce an error message and end program
if(wheelRadius <= 0)
System.out.println("Error, invalid value");
//Prompt and read the number;
System.out.println("Please enter the frontSprocket");
frontSprocket = UserInput.readInt();
//produce an error message and end program
if(frontSprocket <= 0)
System.out.println("Error, invalid value");
//Prompt and read the number
System.out.println("Please enter the rearSprocket");
rearSprocket = UserInput.readInt();
//produce an error message and end program
if (rearSprocket <= 0)
System.out.println("Error, invalid value");
// calculation for radius
eftRadius1 = (wheelRadius*frontSprocket)/rearSprocket;
//print radius
do {
System.out.println("The effective radius for radius" + wheelRadius + "and sprockets" + frontSprocket + " and " + rearSprocket + " is " + eftRadius1 );
} while (eftRadius1 > 0);
System.out.println("The effective radius for radius" + wheelRadius + "and sprockets" + frontSprocket + " and " + rearSprocket + " is " + eftRadius1 );
its work fine & run up to zero value But its start my calculation from E.g ( The effective radius for radius 27.5 and sprockets 55 and 23 is *65.77* Right ) But its give me result from here
The effective radius for radius 27.5 and sprockets 55 and 23 is *42.77* ( Wrong ) till it go 0.
} // end of main
} // end class

when i run i dont get any error thats the problem :)
but only if some one run the code then they can understand my problem
on above code my looping working fine but when i run, it give me wrong result. and Blue J dont give me any error..i asked teacher they said go & work out out yourself :( ...
anyway i m working on it...but really thanks for your time man.
------------------------------------------My result which is wrong ----------------------------------------
The effective radius for radius : 44.76087
The effective radius for radius : 43.76087
The effective radius for radius : 42.76087
The effective radius for radius : 41.76087
The effective radius for radius : 40.76087
The effective radius for radius : 39.76087
The effective radius for radius : 38.76087
The effective radius for radius : 37.76087
The effective radius for radius : 36.76087
The effective radius for radius : 35.76087
The effective radius for radius : 34.76087
The effective radius for radius : 33.76087
The effective radius for radius : 32.76087
The effective radius for radius : 31.760872
The effective radius for radius : 30.760872
The effective radius for radius : 29.760872
The effective radius for radius : 28.760872
The effective radius for radius : 27.760872
The effective radius for radius : 26.760872
The effective radius for radius : 25.760872
The effective radius for radius : 24.760872
The effective radius for radius : 23.760872
The effective radius for radius : 22.760872
The effective radius for radius : 21.760872
The effective radius for radius : 20.760872
The effective radius for radius : 19.760872
The effective radius for radius : 18.760872
The effective radius for radius : 17.760872
The effective radius for radius : 16.760872
The effective radius for radius : 15.760872
The effective radius for radius : 14.760872
The effective radius for radius : 13.760872
The effective radius for radius : 12.760872
The effective radius for radius : 11.760872
The effective radius for radius : 10.760872
The effective radius for radius : 9.760872
The effective radius for radius : 8.760872
The effective radius for radius : 7.760872
The effective radius for radius : 6.760872
The effective radius for radius : 5.760872
The effective radius for radius : 4.760872
The effective radius for radius : 3.760872
The effective radius for radius : 2.760872
The effective radius for radius : 1.7608719
The effective radius for radius : 0.7608719
ratio is 0.23912811
Please enter the Rear Sprocket
-----------------------------------------------------------right code should give me result ----------------------------------------------
The effective radius for radius : *65.77*
The effective radius for radius : 64.65
The effective radius for radius : 63.56 etc till i get zero value
The effective radius for radius : 0.7608719 should be 0.00
ratio is 0.23912811 how i hide ratio here i dont need show ration on first radius ( At every calculation except the first, print the ratio of the newly computed effective radius to the previous effective radius.)
Please enter the Rear Sprocket
I am trying to explain you. As such i dont get any error to run code..may b some calculation wrong or i m sure thats problem coming from looping. if you c first code i point error lines

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    sir i am using datasocket read ,i am communicating with java but my problem is that bcz im using while loop to see if value has changed my labview consumes all the processors time ,sir i want a event like thing so that while loop is not in continuous loopHi Sam,
    I want to pass along a couple of tips that will get you more and better response on this list.
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    Trying to help,
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    Ben Rayner
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  • Running java process in a while loop using Runtime.exec() hangs on solaris

    I'm writting a multithreaded application in which I'll be starting multiple instances of "AppStartThread" class (given below). If I start only one instance of "AppStartThread", it is working fine. But if I start more than one instance of "AppStartThread", one of the threads hangs after some time (occasionaly). But other threads are working fine.
    I have the following questions:
    1. Is there any problem with starting a Thread inside another thread?. Here I'm executing the process in a while loop.
    2. Other thing i noticed is the Thread is hanging after completing the process ("java ExecuteProcess"). But the P.waitFor() is not coming out.
    3. Is it bcoz of the same problem as given in Bug ID : 4098442 ?.
    4. Also java 1.2.2 documentation says:
    "Because some native platforms only provide limited buffer size for standard input and output streams, failure to promptly write the input stream or read the output stream of the subprocess may cause the subprocess to block, and even deadlock. "
    I'm running this on sun Solaris/java 1.2.2 standard edition. If any of you have experienced the same problem please help me out.
    Will the same problem can happen on java 1.2.2 enterprise edition.?
    class AppStartThread implements Runnable
    public void run()
    Process P=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("java ExecuteProcess");
    System.out.println("after executing application.");
    P = null;
    catch( io)
    System.out.println("Could not execute application - IOException " + io);
    catch(java.lang.InterruptedException ip)
    System.out.println("Could not execute application - InterruptedException" + ip);
    catch (Exception e)
    System.out.println("Could not execute application -" + e.getMessage());

    I'm writting a multithreaded application in which I'll
    be starting multiple instances of "AppStartThread"
    class (given below). If I start only one instance of
    "AppStartThread", it is working fine. But if I start
    more than one instance of "AppStartThread", one of the
    threads hangs after some time (occasionaly). But other
    threads are working fine.
    I have the following questions:
    1. Is there any problem with starting a Thread inside
    another thread?. Here I'm executing the process in a
    while loop.Of course this is OK, as your code is always being run by one thread or another. And no, it doesn't depend on which thread is starting threads.
    2. Other thing i noticed is the Thread is hanging
    after completing the process ("java ExecuteProcess").
    But the P.waitFor() is not coming out.This is a vital clue. Is the process started by the Runtime.exec() actually completing or does the ps command still show that it is running?
    3. Is it bcoz of the same problem as given in Bug ID :
    4098442 ?.
    4. Also java 1.2.2 documentation says:
    "Because some native platforms only provide limited
    ed buffer size for standard input and output streams,
    failure to promptly write the input stream or read the
    output stream of the subprocess may cause the
    subprocess to block, and even deadlock. "These two are really the same thing (4098442 is not really a bug due to the reasons explained in the doc). If the program that you are exec'ing produces very much output, it is possible that the buffers to stdout and stderr are filling preventing your program from continuing. On Windows platforms, this buffer size is quite small (hundreds of characters) while (if I recall) on Solaris it is somewhat larger. However, I have seent his behavior causing problem on Solaris 8 in my own systems.
    I once hit this problem when I was 'sure' that I was emitting no output due to an exception being thrown that I wasn't even aware of - the stack trace was more than enough to fill the output buffer and cause the deadlock.
    You have several options. One, you could replace the System.out and System.err with PrintStream's backed up by (ie. on top of) BufferedOutputStream's that have large buffers (multi-K) that in turn are backed up by the original out and err PrintStream's. You would use System.setErr() and System.setOut() very early (static initializer block) in the startup of your class. The problem is that you are still at the mercy of code that may call flush() on these streams. I suppose you could implement your own FilterOutputStream to eat any flush requests...
    Another solution if you just don't care about the output is to replace System.out and System.err with PrintStreams that write to /dev/nul. This is really easy and efficient.
    The other tried and true approach is to start two threads in the main process each time you start a process. These will simply consume anything that is emitted through the stdout and stderr pipes. These would die when the streams close (i.e. when the process exits). Not pretty, but it works. I'd be worried about the overhead of two additional threads per external process except that processes have such huge overhead (considering you are starting a JVM) that it just won't matter. And it's not like the CPU is going to get hit much.
    If you do this frequently in your program you might consider using a worker thread pool (see Doug Lea's Executor class) to avoid creating a lot of fairly short-lived threads. But this is probably over-optimizing.

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    // populate array somehow or other
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       while(arrayNotNull(theArrayInQuestion)) {
       // do stuff
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      int len = array.length;
      for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if ( array[i] != null ) {
          return true;
      return false

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    I would be very grateful if anyone can suggest a way of changing my code to use a while loop.
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    public class DetermineGrade
    public static void main(String[]args)
    final char[] mark = {'A','B' ,'C' ,'D' ,'F' };
    char [] grade = new char[5];
    int [] Score ={95,35,65,75};
    for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
    if (Score >= 90)
    grade= mark[0] ;
    else if (Score >=80)
    grade = mark[1] ;
    else if (Score >=70)
    grade = mark[2] ;
    else if (Score >=60)
    grade = mark[3];
    else grade = mark[4];
    for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
    System.out.println("grade = " + Score + ", " + grade);
    Thankyou LB

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        // do stuff
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        // do stuff

  • Can't break out of a while loop

    Hi, I am doing a networking course, for which an assignment was to write an echo client and server. I did the assignment in Java and it works just fine. However, there is something I don't understand that is bugging me. I wanted a way to stop the server by either detecting when the client entered "quit" or when the user of the server entered "quit". This was not part of the assignment, but after trying many different things I really want to know (1) what I am doing wrong and (2) what the correct way to do things would be.
    I tried to put an "if" clause within the while loop so that if the client entered "quit" the server would detect that, close the socket connections, and break the while loop. But... it seems that I have done this wrong and I am not sure why.
    (Note - I am not a Java programer - just a beginner, and the course in question isn't a programming course. I did the program below by following some brief guidelines/tutorial. I don't even have any books on Java to consult right now - just ordered few from Amazon for any future projects.)
    The code:
    //     - a simple server program. It listens on a predetermined port for an incoming connection.
    //                After a client connects they can input a line of text and
    //                the server will echo the exact same line back.
    public class EchoServer {
         protected static int DEFAULT_PORT = 3004;
         public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception {
              int portNumber;          
              try {
                   portNumber = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   portNumber = DEFAULT_PORT;
              ServerSocket myServer = null;
                   myServer = new ServerSocket(portNumber);      
                   System.out.println("Echo Server started. Listening on port " + portNumber);
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   System.out.println("Could not listen on port: " + portNumber);
              Socket clientSocket = null;                         
                     clientSocket = myServer.accept();
              } catch (IOException e) {
                     System.out.println("Accept failed:  " + portNumber);
              BufferedReader input = null;     
              PrintWriter output = null;
              try {               
                   input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream()));
                   output = new PrintWriter(clientSocket.getOutputStream(), true);
              } catch (IOException e) {
              String theLine;     
                   theLine = input.readLine();
                        if (theLine.equals("quit"))  {
                        }     // end if
              }     // end while     
         }     // end main
    }          // end EchoClient

    A few observations:
    - You might as well exit after you have caught your exceptions, since none of the conditions I see would allow your program to run properly afterwards. You can either do that by a System.exit(int) or a return;
    - Although this s an example program, you should take advantage of doing things right. Addining a try-finally would be good for tidying things up. First declare your variables before the main try, otherwise the finally won't be able to do its job. For example (this won't compile as is):
    Socket clientSocket = null;
    ServerSocket myServer = null;
    InputStream in = null;
    OutputStream out =null;
    try {
      String theLine = null;     
      while( (theLine = input.readLine()) != null ){
        if (theLine.equals("quit"))  {
      }     // end while
    } catch ( IOException ex ) {
    } finally {
      if ( in != null ) {
      if ( out != null ) {
      // add other conditions to close other closeable objects
    }The reasoning is that if an exception were ever to happen you would be sure that the clean up would be done. In your current example you may risk having an inputstream left open. Also note that BufferedReader.readLine() returns null when its arrived at the end of its content.

  • Getting a for loop inside a while loop

    I've been having problems with the code below. I'm trying to get the 'while' loop to work so that the program will continue to run after a user types in a sentence. This is supposed to print out how many times a letter has been typed when a sentence has been put in, but it's not working right. It just keeps adding the first sentences numbers together even when a new sentence is typed out. I don't know what I'm doing wrong with this 'while' loop.
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Count
    public static void main (String[] args)
    String phrase; // a string of characters
    int countBlank; // the number of blanks (spaces) in the phrase
    int length; // the length of the phrase
    int countA = 0; // the number of a's in the phrase
    int countT = 0; // the number of t's in the phrase
    int countE = 0;
    int countS = 0;
    char ch; // an individual character in the string
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
    // Print a program header
    System.out.println ();
    System.out.println ("Character Counter");
    System.out.println ();
    // Read in a string and find its length
    System.out.println ("Enter a sentence or phrase ('quit' to quit): ");
    phrase = scan.nextLine();
    length = phrase.length();
    // Initialize counts
    countBlank = 0;
    // a while loop to allow user to keep entering phrases
       while (true)
       String line=scan.nextLine();
              System.out.println("Type quit to quit or enter a new phrase.");
    // a for loop to go through the string character by character
    // and count the blank spaces
    for(int i = 0; i < phrase.length(); i++)
    ch = phrase.charAt(i);
    switch (ch)
    case ' ': countBlank++;
    case 'a':
    case 'A': countA++;
    case 't':
    case 'T': countT++;
    case 'e':
    case 'E': countE++;
    case 's':
    case 'S': countS++;
    // Print the results
    System.out.println ();
    System.out.println ("Number of blank spaces: " + countBlank);
    System.out.println ("Number of A's: " + countA);
    System.out.println ("Number of T's: " + countT);
    System.out.println ("Number of E's: " + countE);
    System.out.println ("Number of S's: " + countS);
    System.out.println ();

    Ok well I don't really understand what you're saying, but here's an improved version of my code and I can get it to work, but I don't know how to turn the "do while" loop into just a "while" loop.
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Count3
         public static void main (String[] args) {
              String      phrase;           // a string of characters
              int      countBlank=0;      // the number of blanks (spaces) in the phrase
              int      length;           // the length of the phrase
              char      ch;                // an individual character in the string
              int      countA=0;       
              int      countE=0;
              int      countS=0;
              int      countT=0;
              String quit = new String("quit"); //String wasn't initialized
              Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
              // Print a program header
              System.out.println ();
              System.out.println ("Character Counter");
              System.out.println ();
              do { //do-while loop
              // Read in a string and find its length
              System.out.println("Enter a sentence or phrase, or type \"quit\" to quit: ");
              phrase = scan.nextLine();
              length = phrase.length();
              // a for loop to go through the string character by character
              // and count the blank spaces, a's, e's, s', and t's
                   for (int i = 0; i <= length-1; i++) {
                        ch = phrase.charAt(i);
                        switch (ch) {
                             case ' ': countBlank++;
                             case 'a':
                             case 'A': countA++;
                             case 'e':
                             case 'E': countE++;
                             case 's':
                             case 'S': countS++;
                             case 't':
                             case 'T': countT++;
                   // Print the results
                   System.out.println ();
                   System.out.println ("Number of blank spaces: " + countBlank);
                   System.out.println ("Number of a's: " + countA);
                   System.out.println ("Number of e's: " + countE);
                   System.out.println ("Number of s's: " + countS);
                   System.out.println ("Number of t's: " + countT);
                   System.out.println ();
                   countA=0; countE=0; countS=0; countT=0; countBlank=0;
              }while (!(phrase.equalsIgnoreCase(quit)));          
         }//end main
    }//end class Count

  • Incorporate: For, and while loop,a nested pair for both,and to add graphics

    // I have done the class but
    need help one adding one while loop, one for loop, and a nested pair loops using for and while, and if posbile to add on a dynamite graphics. // i am doing this for a brithday present for my brother who is a java programer
    and would be happy to see his little brother make a java programe for him
    //class file
    import java.awt.*;
    public class ZZZCalculator
            private double amount;
            public ZZZCalculator (double x)
                    amount= x;
            public void addAmt (double inputNumber)
                    amount= amount +inputNumber;
            public void divideAmt (double inputNumber)
            public void subtractAmt (double inputNumber)
            public void multiplyAmt (double inputNumber)
            public void display (Graphics g)
                    g.drawString (""+ amount, 150,100);
            public void setAmt(double x)
                    amount= x;
      // Pgm file
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class ZZZCalc extends Applet implements ActionListener {
            ZZZCalculator henrietta;
            TextField amtPlace;
            Button adder;
            Button divide;
            Button subtract;
            Button multiply;            
            public void init()
                    henrietta=new ZZZCalculator(0.0);
                    amtPlace=new TextField(10);
                    adder=new Button ("+");
                    divide=new Button ("/");
                    subtract=new Button ("-");
                    multiply=new Button ("*");
            public void paint (Graphics g)
                    g.drawString("amount:", 100,100);
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                    if (e. getSource()==amtPlace)
                    double amt= Double.parseDouble (amtPlace.getText());
                    double amt= Double.parseDouble (amtPlace.getText());
                    double amt= Double.parseDouble (amtPlace.getText());
                    double amt= Double.parseDouble (amtPlace.getText());
                    double amt= Double.parseDouble (amtPlace.getText());
                    henrietta. multiplyAmt(amt);
    //thank you for the help
    i have just started working on java and this is my frist program i am working on and any help i can get would inprove my understanding of java.
    Thank you very much for you help

    hey there... this is Rebecca
    try this somewhere in the prog.
    n = Math.pow(x,y)
    where n is an int you declare...
    and x and y are the numbers... as in
    n = 10^3
    where 10 = x and 3 = y

  • Problem with while loop in thread: starting an audiostream

    Hello guys,
    I'm doing this project for school and I'm trying to make a simple app that plays a number of samples and forms a beat, baed on which buttons on the screen are pressed, think like fruity loops. But perhaps a screenshot of my unfnished GUI makes things a bit more clear:
    Anyway, on pressing the play button, I start building an arraylist with all the selected samples and start playing them. Once the end of the "screen" is reached it should start playing again, this is the while loop:
    public void run(){
            //System.out.println("Wavfiles.size =" + getWavfiles().size());
            if (getWavfiles() == null) {
                System.out.println("Error: list of Wavfiles is empty, cannot start playing.");
                if(!active) return;
                    System.out.println("Wavfiles.size =" + getWavfiles().size());
                    for (int i=0; i<getWavfiles().size(); i++){
                        Wavplayer filePlayer = new Wavplayer(getWavfiles().get(i).getStream());
                        Timer timer = new Timer();
                        //timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(filePlayer, getWavfiles().get(i).getStartTime(),repeatperiod);
                        timer.schedule(filePlayer, getWavfiles().get(i).getStartTime());
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                        Logger.getLogger(LineBuilder.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        }But once the second iteration should begin, I'm getting nullpointerexceptions. These nullpointerexceptions come exactly when the second period starts so I suppose the sleep works :-) The nullpointerexception comes from the wavfile I try to play. Wavfile class:
    import java.util.TimerTask;
    import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;
    import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
    import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
    import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine;
    import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException;
    import javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine;
    import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException;
    public class Wavplayer extends TimerTask {
            private SourceDataLine auline;
            private AudioInputStream audioInputStream;
         private final int EXTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE = 524288; // 128Kb
         public Wavplayer(ByteArrayInputStream wavstream) {
              try {
                   audioInputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(wavstream);
              } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e1) {
              } catch (IOException e1) {
                    AudioFormat format = audioInputStream.getFormat();
              DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, format);
                    try {
                   auline = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
              } catch (LineUnavailableException e) {
              } catch (Exception e) {
         public void run() {
              int nBytesRead = 0;
              byte[] abData = new byte[EXTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE];
              try {
                   while (nBytesRead != -1) {
                        nBytesRead =, 0, abData.length);
                        if (nBytesRead >= 0)
                             auline.write(abData, 0, nBytesRead);
              } catch (IOException e) {
              } finally {
    }auline is null on second iteration, in fact, getAudioInputStream doesn't really work anymore, and I don't know why because I don't change anything about my list of wavfiles as far as I know... Any thoughts or extra info needed?
    Edited by: Lorre on May 26, 2008 12:22 PM

    Is my question not clear enough? Do you need more info? Or is nobody here familiar with javax.sound.sampled?
    Edited by: Lorre on May 26, 2008 2:07 PM

  • Problem with While Loop.

    Hi guys,
    i'm doing a pass exam java question, below is the question criteria.
    Write a program that allows a user to enter their mark attained in each unit and displays their grade. After all marks are entered the average mark is displayed.
    The main method should:
    Prompt the user to enter the number of units taken (check for NumberFormatException)
    Write a for loop to repeat for each subject, where each iteration
    Prompts the user to enter a mark ( a double) for unit 1, unit 2 etc. This should be in a while loop so if mark entered is less than 0 or greater than 100 the prompt will be repeated.
    Pass the mark to a method called getGrade.
    Display the returned grade
    Accumulate each mark
    Print the average mark to 2 decimal places
    The getGrade method should:
    Accept the parameter passed from the main method
    Determine the grade according to the following scale
    Return the grade
    The words that i highlighted in bold is the criteria.
    As you can see from the above question, i create an array , even though the question does not prompt me to create as what i know from tackling JavaQuestions "if it does not prompt me to add a criteria, it is ok to add it" :)
    below is my program code , in which the result i get is the same as the question result. BUT, from the above question it ask me to add a while loop, so if mark entered is less than 0 or greater than 100 the prompt will be repeated.
    But instead i use a do loop. :(
    so can anyone help me or show me how to create the while loop for mark entered is less than 0 or greater than 100 the prompt will be repeated, from my program code below. cause i want to know whether it possible to have a while loop instead of do loop for the my program and the while loop can work with an array criteria.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class Mark
        public static void main (String [] args)
            String unitStr;
            String markEnterStr;
            int validUnit;
            double total = 0;
            boolean validInput = true;
            DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
            while (validInput)
            unitStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter number of units: ");
            validUnit = Integer.parseInt(unitStr);
            double[] markArray = new double[validUnit];
            validInput = false;
            for (int index = 0;index < validUnit; index++)
                markEnterStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter mark " +(index+1) +":");           
                markArray[index] = Double.parseDouble(markEnterStr);
                while(markArray[index] < 0 || markArray[index] >100);
                String correctMark = getGrade(markArray[index]);
                total = total + markArray[index];       
            double average = (double)total / validUnit;
            System.out.println("Average = " +fmt.format(average));                   
            catch (NumberFormatException e)
            public static String getGrade(double x)
                String grade;
                if (x < 50)
                grade = "Fail";
                else if (x < 60)
                grade = "Pass";
                else if (x < 70)
                grade = "Credit";
                else if (x < 80)
                grade = "Distinction";
                else grade = "High distinction";
                return grade;

    Hope u got it.
               markArray[index] = -1;
                while(markArray[index] < 0 || markArray[index] >100);
                markEnterStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter mark " +(index+1) +":");           
                markArray[index] = Double.parseDouble(markEnterStr);

  • While loop

    I am new to Java and need some assistance with the following program:
    Write a program that asks for the user's name and then writes that name to the monitor with either "Ms." or "Mr." in front, depending if the name is for a female or male. Assume that the only female names are
    * Amy
    * Buffy
    * Cathy
    and that the only male names are
    * Elroy
    * Fred
    * Graham
    All other names will be echoed without a title. The program continues looping until the user hits "enter" without first typing a name.
    C:\>java Title
    Enter a name:
    Amy Johnson
    Ms. Amy Johnson
    Enter a name:
    Fred Smith
    Mr. Fred Smith
    Enter a name:
    Zoltan Jones
    Zoltan Jones
    Enter a name:
    Hints: Use a Scanner to read user input. Uses a while loop that tests the length of the input line. Use startsWith() to test the names.
    Here's what I have so far:
    import java.util.*;
    public class TitleApplier
          * @param args
         public static void main(String[] args)
              Scanner scan = new Scanner (;
              System.out.println ("Please enter your name:");
              String name = scan.nextLine();
              while (name.startsWith("A"))
                   System.out.println ("Ms. ".concat (name));
                   if (name.startsWith ("B"))
                        System.out.println ("Ms. ".concat (name));
                   if (name.startsWith ("C"))
                        System.out.println ("Ms. ".concat (name));
                   if (name.startsWith ("E"))
                        System.out.println ("Mr. ".concat (name));
                   if (name.startsWith ("F"))
                        System.out.println ("Mr. ".concat (name));
                   if (name.startsWith ("G"))
                        System.out.println ("Mr. ".concat (name));
                        System.out.println (name);
    Here are the problems are I am having:
    I am asked to use a while loop that tests the length of the input, I am not sure how I would go about doing that.
    When I enter Amy the program keeps looping, but it does not do that for any other name.
    When I enter any of the other names, I get two outputs one with a title and one right below that with out the title. Is there a way to get one output, the one with the title?

    ChavezOA wrote:
    I am asked to use a while loop that tests the length of the input, I am not sure how I would go about doing that.
    When I enter Amy the program keeps looping, but it does not do that for any other name. You need to familiarize yourself with logic statments... specifically the use of or "||" also and "&&"... (condition1) || (condition2) || ...
    When I enter any of the other names, I get two outputs one with a title and one right below that with out the title. Is there a way to get one output, the one with the title?As already stated, you have independent "if" statements, you need to link them together somehow...
    if() {
      //what ever
      else if() {
        //what ever
      else if() {
        //what ever

  • Question in ABAP syntax, read & insert data from internal table, while loop

    Hi, SDN Fellow.
    I am from Java background and learnt ABAP, I don't usually write much ABAP code.
    I am trying to implement the following logic in a RFC now.
    I have one z-custom database table, the structure as the following:
    It has two columns, with these sample data.
    Says datable table is ZEMPMGRTAB.
    The logic is this:
    I have a input parameter, userid. I am using this parameter to have a select statement to query the record into export table,EXPTAB 'LIKE' table ZEMPMGRTAB.
      into table EXPTAB
    Say, my parameter value, USERID ='USER4'.
    Referring to the sample data above, I can get the record of this in my EXPTAB,
    Now, I want to iterately use the EXPTABLE-ManagerID
    as the USERID input in SELECT statement, until it has no return result. Then, insert the new records in
    In above new loop case, we will get this table content in EXPTAB,
    I kind of think of the pseudocode logic as below:
    (These may not be a valid ABAP code, so I need help to convert/correct them)
      into table ITAB
    *Question 1: I cannot insert a internal table to export table, it is *incompatible type, what is the alternative way fo this?
    *Question 2: How can I access thedata of the internal table like this,ITAB-MANAGERID? As if I can, I would do this:
    * Question 3: Is the 'NE NULL' - 'not equal to NULL' is right syntax?
    * Question 4: Is my WHILE loop setup right here? And are the syntax right?
      into table ITAB
    Assume all the syntax and logic are right, I should get this result:
    If I have a new entry in datable table,ZEMPMGRTAB like this:
    My pseudocode logic will get this result:
    I truly appreciate if you can help me to validate the above syntax and pseudocode logic.
    Thanks in advance.

    *"*"Local Interface:
    *"  TABLES
    **Question 1: For this line, I got an error says "Program ''USERID" *not found. Is the syntax right, as the USERID is a parameter for the function.
    perform add_line(USERID).
    form add_line using i_user type ZTAB_FMAPPROVER.EMPLOYEEID
                        changing T_RESULT TYPE ZTAB_FMAPPROVER.
    data: ls_row type ZTAB_FMAPPROVER.
    * Get record for i_user
    select single * into ls_row from ZTAB_FMAPPROVER
    where EmployeeID = i_user.
    if sy-subrc NE 0.
    * Do nothing, there is not manager for this employee
    * Store result
    QUESTION 2: I am still got stuck on this line of code. It still *says that "T_RESULT" is not an internal table "OCCURS n" *specification is missing. I thought the line: "T_RESULT TYPE *ZTAB_FMAPPROVER" means declare internal table, T_RESULT as type of ZTAB_FMAPPROVER". Am I understand it wrongly?
    append ls_row to t_result.
    * Call recursion
    perform add_line using ls_row-ManagerID
                              changing t_result.

  • Need help on a while loop

    Hi...I am somewhat new to Java and I am trying to do a nested while loop. Basically I have a result set from a query and I want to loop though that result set BUT I need a second loop to put together 150 of the results at a time and add them to a GeoCodeRequest to send to MapInfo.....this is how I think the code should look, I need some advice if it is the proper way to loop through....
    ArrayList aal = new ArrayList();
    ServiceMessage sm = new ServiceMessage();
    ServiceMessage rsm = new ServiceMessage();
    while (
    statRecord = statRecord + currentRecord;
    while ( && currentRecord <= 150)
    AddressEx a = new AddressEx(rset.getString(6));
    ContentColumn cc = new ContentColumn("mmhid");
    StreetAddress streetAddress = new StreetAddress(rset.getString(3));
    System.out.println("Inside inner while loop now..");
    System.out.println("Add 150 to request...");
    GeocodeRequestEx gr = new GeocodeRequestEx("","3.0","id",(AddressEx[])aal.toArray());
    System.out.println("going to geocode now...");
    LocationUtilityServiceLocator lus = new LocationUtilityServiceLocator();
    LocationUtility lu = lus.getLocationUtility(new URL(url));
    XLSType xr = lu.perform(sm.toXLS());
    rsm = new ServiceMessage(xr);......
    code goes on to do oter things but this is the basis..............
    I hope that all made since.....please help.

    I am not sure if there is a problem, that is what I am
    asking......if I have the logic correct.
    I haven't been able to test it correct because I am
    getting an:
    Exception in thread "main"
    java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; at
    That means you don't have it correct.  :-)> on the following line:> > GeocodeRequestEx gr = new> GeocodeRequestEx("","3.0","id",(AddressEx[)aal.toArray
    and I haven't figured out to correct that yet......You need to use toArray(Object[]).

  • While Loop - Object Creation

    I have a question on object creation and while loops. Have a look at the following code snippet:
           Object obj = new Object();
           // Pass off obj to a new thread
           Thread job = new Thread(new ObjectHandler(obj));
    }My question is, do I have to wait until the newly created Thread is finished with the Object obj before I can create a new Object called obj in the while loop?
    Also does anyone have any documentation on this sort of thing?

    Jaxie wrote:
    I'm still not sure you get what I'm on about, you might want to read up on java methods and pass by value.I think we know how it works. Most of us have been programming in Java for serveral years.
    When you pass an object to a method in java you pass it a copy of a reference to that object. Leading on from that, before an object is eligible for garbage collection in java, all references to that object must be dropped.
    So with all that in place, my question was, is the creation of an object in a while loop dependent on previous objects of the same name? Objects don't have names. Have we mentioned that before?
    You have a reference, larry that is referencing an unnamed object. You can also create other references that reference the same object. The thread will have one reference. You can then make larry reference another object. That will not change anything in the thread. It will still reference the old object, and that object will not be claimed by the gc until that thread stops referencing it.
    So the second time we go through the loop below, do we have to wait until larry has been garbage collected, before a new larry can be created?Read the articles/tutorials and what I have written above. What do you think?
    Do also note that the GC isn't executed synchronously.

  • Problem with a while loop.

    I'm very new to java so please bear with me!!!
    This is my code:
    public class IfExample2
        public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
         // Read in a number
         BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
                         new InputStreamReader (;
         System.out.print ("Enter a number between 0 and 10 inclusive: ");
         String temp = br.readLine();
         double x = Double.parseDouble(temp);
         // check user input
         if (x > 10)
             System.out.println("The number you entered is too high");
              System.out.println("Please re-enter the number");
         else if (x < 0)
             System.out.println("The number you entered is too low");
              System.out.println("Please re-enter the number");
             System.out.println("The number you entered is " + x);
    }Basically I want, if the number entered is too high or too low I want it to ask the user to re-enter the number, I want to use a while loop but I'm not sure where or how to use it, please help!

    while ( condition ) {
        // stuff here
    }More on while: [|]
    Edited by: oscarjustesen on Oct 7, 2008 5:40 PM
    Edited - fixed link

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