JavaFX on ARM, way forward ?

As JDK 8u33 for ARM has removed JavaFX embedded, what is way forward in ARM platform for headful applications?
What is the recommeded/suggested UI technology for ARM?
Though Swing and AWT are supported, it is evident from JDK roadmap that these UI technologies are projected as more of a legacy stuff and no longer enhanced.

Sorry Kiran, I have no further insight into this than what is in the links.
If you have further questions, you can try contacting one of these resources
openjfx-dev mailing list
Gerrit Grunwald - a JavaFX + Raspberry Pi tinkerer
Johan Vos - javafxports primary maintainer
A Raspberry Pi support forum.

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    Why Oracle dropped the support of JavaFX on ARM devices? Release note:
    Im studing JavaFX for a commercial project with Raspberry, but, this news changed everything.

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    Best regards

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    Hello Steven 
    I prefere ALV Grid in combination with ALV templates stored in SAP (avaliable from 46c).
    I don't know all the methods from the other replys, but my experience is that OLE and use of excel macros with VBA script is a bad idea. Some years ago i made an interface like that based on (as far as i remember) excel 95 and R/3 31i. After upgrade to R/3 46c I had to change the ABAP program to make it work again. Two month later we changed to office 2000 and after that the macros didn't work anymore - I never fixed it - I changed to ALV grid.
    With the combination of ALV grid and excel templates you solve the problems with the tools that is best. You use ABAP to extract the data and you use excel for the formatting.
    I a privieus posting I listede som hints about this technique. I don't know how to link to an other posting, so I just cut/paste:
    1) An ABAP program extracts data from the database and presents the data with Excel Inplace.
    2) Instead of the SAP standard templates SAP_OM.XLS and SAP_MM.XLS the program uses a customised excel template created by the "business people" themselves. (Now they can't blame you for the layout).
    Where to find more info:
    Oss note 358644 and 548409
    You will have to build your own templates by creating modified copies of the SAP standard templates SAP_OM.XLS and SAP_MM.XLS. If you can find these see note 316728 to copy them from client 000.
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    You will also find information in the ALV grid documentation on
    Best regards
    Thomas Madsen Nielsen

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    Zend Core is a good way forward. Alternatively you may want to compile PHP yourself.
    -- cj

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       The largely scientifc user base for linux means that rather than a large selection of apps that are just for recreational use, alot of useful programs get ported. Graphical calculators, Periodic tables & Planispheres are just a few that I have used greatfuly.
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    Many thanks

    I share your concerns. I'm also new at enterprise java development. I've found, however, that Creator has been an excellent tool for cutting my learning curve in half. It helped me to better understand the relationships between the various java components.
    Having said that, however, I (and others I know) have experienced the frustration with the slow responses and code generation. I presume this is because the IDE may also be written in Java rather than C. It does NOT affect its run time environment when your application is deployed, however. Your application will run great when deployed to a "real" server.
    My only other problem has to do with the jdbc drivers. Some if not all of Creators databinding relies on jdbc method calls. Where I work we use a Sybase database and while Sun and BEA have perfectly fine Sybase jdbc drivers, the folks I work for insist that we use Jconnect and the jdbc Sybase provides. This jdbc is lacking in a number of methods and, when forced to use it, ALL your databinding goes out the window. This means I have to spend just as much time, if not more, writing my own code to populate the Creator objects (specifically table objects) or learning and implementing more tools like Hibernate or whatever. I'm trying to make my life SIMPLER, y'knowwhatamean?
    So while the tool is great, well integrated, well thought out, etc., be carefull of your actual deployment environment.

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    So what is it with this IPC6023 fail mode and what is the way forward...... anyone?????
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings Star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

    Hi TrickyDicky,
    IPC6023 is caused by two possible sceanarios.
      1) No multicast packets received for 5 seconds
      2) More than 5 packets per second lost (Message can be disabled using "Picture Quality Alert" setting)
    I'm guesing you are getting the error in relation to sceanario 1.
    Does your youview box have Internet connectivity direct from the HomeHub? Can you play On Demand content / iPlayer etc?
    BT TV Expert
    I am a BT Employee and an expert on TV queries. I am here volunteering my own time to give advice, primarily on the BT Vision+ and YouView boxes. Go here for more info.
    If my post has been helpful, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.

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    is that the case-sensitive drive error?  Error "Case-sensitive drives not supported" or similar install error | Mac OS

  • Unable to capture DV to FCE, apple support told me a PC is the way forward!

    Hi there
    I recently bought an apple imac with a view to editing DV footage taken previously.
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    Unfortunately I have just spent thousands on this very nice looking imac (and FCE) that is apparently unable to do the most basic capturing. Does anybody have any ideas (other than going back to pc) for getting my DV footage captured?
    Needles to say I have found all this incredibly frustrating as a new apple user. Are these sorts of issues common to imacs?

    Hey Rich,
    thanks for getting back to me,
    I shot tape previously (in 2000) on a sony mini DV camcorder set to SP. I have since bought a new sony mini DV camcorder (DCR-HC40 NTSC).
    With the new camera and a PC I was able to capture my 2000 tapes and edit them. I was also able to edit the earlier footage I had transffered from my PC hard drive to the i-mac on i-movie and FCE.
    Unfortunatley everytime I have tried to capture my old tapes directly onto the i-mac I have had the message "preview disabled" from FCE and the following from i-movie:
    "The camera is sending half-sized frames, which iMovie can’t accept. Check your camera’s record mode (this is the setting that affects recording quality, which determines the total recording time on a tape). The mode must be set to “SP” or “LP.” If that doesn't help, try removing all the cables and batteries from the camera, wait a minute, replace them, and then reset the date, time, and record mode."
    I have spent weeks on the support site and found a thread that recommended re-installing quicktime etc but nothing has worked.
    I connect to the i-mac via firewire and am able to control the camera, capture my newly recorded miniDV's (so it is not a problem with the proprietary software application etc) but nothing seems to work for my old tapes.
    Apple support told me that apple doesn't do older miniDV's and that a pc would be the only way I could capture my tapes. I couldn't believe it! Unfortuatley I no longer have access to my old pc.
    Any ideas? Is there any other way of getting DV onto my i-mac?
    And thanks for your interest in my problem here

  • Factory Unlocked or not - and the way forward..

    Okay, so a few weeks ago I bought two iPhone 5’s while on vacation in Dubai. We moved to the middle east earlier this year and I was aware of certain phones not having facetime on them and all that, so anyway, went to a store and the guy said they were factory unlocked iphone 5’s. Paid the man, went home.
    Yes I should have bought them from the official Apple store and all that but hear me out. This is where my doubts about one of the phone’s being “official factory unlocked” stem from.. The black one, mine, is probably factory unlocked as I can see the cellular data settings and everything. In the white one, my wife’s phone, I can’t see the cellular data settings, and so had to Google the alternative way of setting up the APN, etc. Did it through a website that does it for you, and voila! Data was working just fine for her as well. (btw just to add, her phone says LTE on/off mine says 3G on/off – we live in Bahrain and there’s no 4G for iPhone here anyway as the networks don’t support it).
    My question here now is.. with iOS 7 coming out – will we (more importantly, SHE) be able to upgrade to iOS 7 without having any issues? And more importantly, if the cellular data settings are still blocked, will websites such as unlockit help me get APN settings on iOS7 – or is this affected by which version of iOS you’re using etc.
    These are our first iPhones, and we’re loving them – we could well go and try to get her phone changed because a friend knows the store’s owner. But if there won’t be anything to worry about in the future, should we just chill? It will be a mini-headache sending it through courier and asking him to either give us the money or give us a factory unlocked phone or whatever. In either case, when the hew iPhone comes out we will definitely be pre-ordering and getting it delivered to our London address.
    Any help would be appreciated guys!  
    Expert advice needed please. Thank you for your time!

    Wouldn't have said it if not true
    There is no Apple presence in Bahrain for iPhones ,support is carrier based
    UK number is
    (44) 0844 209 0611
    or maybe 020 8433 4600 ( thanks to saynoto0870 )
    if that helps they may well tell you
    or anther ME state see list here

  • Can I change App Store without lying to Apple or is there another way forward?

    Good day,
    I have registered an apple ID, setup all the required payment options, etc, but being in South Africa, didn't know how limited the South African App Store was.
    I've done what I fear to be a foolish thing, without realizing the implications, told Apple the truth with regards to using the App Store and to which country I reside in.
    I can't understand why the South African store is so limited in its content vs the US for example, I mean seriously, we're still paying in US dollars regardless of the fact that it's a South African regioned App Store.
    Enquiries on how to solve my problem have revealed that in order to proceed, I need to represent myself fraudulently as being a US citizen. Websites galor even will offer me fake credit card details along with a valid Zip Code in order to register a new Apple ID.
    I'm a straightforward sort of person and do not want to be forced to resort to fraud in order to gain access to content and an obviously more well stocked App Store.
    My question is thusly, Is it possible to maintain my South African credentials, payment method being a South African credit card and gain access to the vastly better stocked content available to the US App Store without following the advise of those that advocate what I perceive to be fraud?
    Thank you for taking the time to read this, I await in anticipation to your response.

    The rules are straight forward ...
    Your credit or debit card credentials must be associated with the same country where you reside.
    "Although you can browse the iTunes Store in any country without being signed in, you can only purchase content from the iTunes Store for your own country. This is enforced via the billing address associated with your credit card or other payment method that you use with the iTunes Store, rather than your actual geographic location."
    From here >  The Complete Guide to Using the iTunes Store | iLounge Article

  • Some thoughts on Arch's way forward.

    I was reading the thread on messed up /opt. when I came accross this article:
    I have read a few articles which have critisised either arch (quoted elsewhere, MS critisising Linux) and in this one in Arch v Slackware.
    One of the point is that there is paid for support for Slackware but not for Arch. I already do install (for the company I work for) Arch for money, and support it afterwards, so there is paid for support for Arch.
    Question is though, should there be "official paid support" for Arch, if so:
    1.  Who decides who can do paid support?
    2.  What could be the criteria for it?
    I also noted that Arch is supposed to be less stable on the server than Slackware, though I have never had a problem with Arch on the server as I only install what is needed and it runs fine.
    Any way, anyone any thoughts on paid for support?

    I see that is now two people who think I am the spawn of Satan!  :twisted:
    tomk wrote:
    Official support would be a bad idea, IMO. As you say, Benedict, many businesses like to pay for support, because in doing so, they gain entitlement to the rights and protections afforded to paying customers. In negotiating their contracts or support agreements, they can request SLAs, service guarantees, and related penalties to ensure that these are enforced.
    Well, yes. The company I work for already does this for Novell, Microsoft and Linux. On the Linux front it is a minority of Suse box's, quite a few IPCop ones and quite allot of Arch. The businesses don't actually care what version of Linux, in fact many don't care if it is Linux, they just expect it to do what we say it does. We do that in exchange for cash.
    A support provider who enters into such an agreement becomes bound by it, immediately limiting their freedom and flexibility. I would hate to see this happen to Arch.
    Well, what support we provide for any of the platforms we support does not bind the vendor who provides the platform. So I don't see this as a problem.
    Mind you Judd and co should be making money out of it as well.
    Dusty wrote:
    Interesting idea, interesting discussion....
    I think it would be great if some company offered additional Arch support, but I think it would need a lot more funding than the current Arch project has. So third party support, with the company providing the support offering huge donations to Arch Linux would be the best case scenario.
    Thanks for saying it was an interesting idea. 
    Well, we don't sell "Arch" but we do install systems which run on Arch. (Some at any rate) and this will probably expand. Being a for profit organisation we do have the resource to do this, especially for companies who are geographically close to us.
    phrakture wrote:
    I am now providing un-official arch support - if you want me to post in your thread, you must send me $1.99 (paypal, visa, mastercard, and cashier's check only) - then I will respond... this will be my last free post...
    Well, the company I work for already charges for paid for support. That does not stop me provided free support. Mind you I am unlikely to fly over and stay for a week and fix something you broke for free.

  • A New Driver - the Way Forward ...

    Hi Guys,
    I wonder if someone can point me in the right direction?
    I want to write a Labview driver for a custom signal conditioning system.
    This system provides programmable gains, excitation control etc for various
    I am leaning towards a IVI-C driver - the docs seem to be pretty useful for
    this approach.
    Does this sound sensible?
    Is IVI over-the-top (interchangeability is not a very high priority in this
    case) - is there a better/easier way to provide a Labview driver?
    I have many years experience in low and high level C/C++/VB etc, so I am
    happy to follow most language/programming models.
    Andy Reynolds
    Alpha Software Design Ltd.
    Sussex, UK - Supplying Software and Sys
    tems for Science and Engineering

    thanks for that perspective it was useful,
    "btejani" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    > Andy,
    > Certainly, a C based driver is probably the most portable approach.
    > However, you can actually export a set of LabVIEW (G-based) VIs as a
    > DLL. That is certainly portable enough to call from VB, C, C++, etc.
    > So you have some options:
    > 1. Develop a G-based driver
    > 2. Develop a C-based driver using IVI-C
    > 3. Develop a C-based driver without using IVI
    > IVI-C drivers have more than just interchangeability. They include
    > features such as simulation, state caching, range checking, and
    > coercion recording. NI's IVI development tools and architecture will
    > give you a go
    od starting point, as well as built-in mechanisms for
    > configuration and attribute handling. While these features can be
    > very beneficial, you should honestly evaluate your or your customer's
    > needs for them. If they matter, you should develop an IVI-C driver.
    > However, if all you need is a simple way to control your hardware,
    > then writing a LabVIEW native or a non-IVI C-based driver are both
    > better options. You should choose from them the language you are more
    > comfortable programming with and with which your hardware will be most
    > effective.
    > Regardless of what you choose, you should check out the
    > href="">Development
    > Tools website. Finally, you should seriously consider submitting
    > your driver to IDNet. Not only will we be able to help distribute
    > your driver to a wide audience, but we can review its structure and
    > design for our driver development standards.
    > --Bankim
    > Bankim Tejani
    > National Ins
    > Instrument Drivers/IVI

  • Is green screen the right way forward?

    Hello, I'd appreciate any feedback on this, if anybody has any suggestions. I want to film a subject in a long shot as if they're standing in a large white expanse of nothingness. Should I film them against a heavily lit white background and then extend the whiteness around them in post, or should I film them against a greenscreen and key out the offending colour. I have access to shake, so are there any issues I should be thinking about while filming against green. The actors will all be wearing black dinner suits, I heard this is bad for absorbing some of the green. I'm very new to the whole colour keying thing, so any info will be gladly taken.

    Now that you mentioned that you are shooting on the dvx, I would definately recommend using white background. 3 chip cameras are a bit more difficult to key than other mediums like HD or film. You will see some hard lines around your edges, and if there are fly-aways (loose hairs), forget about it. Any movement of the subject will be more detectable on greenscreen as opposed to shooting on white.
    I just cut an 8 minute art video that was all shot green screen on the dvx. it worked well, but there were definately some difficult areas.
    Shoot on white!

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