Javascrypt is enabled. Netflix says it is not enabled. What do I do now?

I'm attempting to download a movie from Netflix. Netflix says "The Netflix Movie Player requires Javascript. Please enable that feature in your browser settings and reload this page." I went to <Tools><Options><Content> and found a check mark next to "Enable Javascrypt." Under "Advanced," I checked all five boxes, and I still get the same messsage from Netflix.

Does the Netflix movie player work in Firefox now? Previously it used a kind of DRM that only worked with the ActiveX version of Windows Media Player used in IE.
I assume you are not using the NoScript extension, a tool to manage scripts on a site-by-site basis. If you are, check the NoScript pop-up for domains that Netflix uses other than its main domain.
I no longer have a Netflix account, but hopefully another user can work on this with you to diagnose the problem.

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