JDBC not working

HI all
when i am running my JDBC app. I'm getting exception that NO SUITABLE DRIVER. I'm using jdbc-odbc bridge for MS-ACCESS database. I've configured my database through control panel/odbc data sources. it has access drivers installed.. Can anyone pls guide how to solve it

Might be the connection string you use that doesn't match the available drivers you have loaded. Also if you haven't done it, you need to load the class with Class.forName("<mssqldriver-class>"). I don't know what the driver class for ms-access is. If you just want to use an odbc driver, does it help if you call Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver")?

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    I managed to get the JDBC driver (com.mysql.jdbc.Driver) working just fine for a regular java application. However, when I tried to pack the program into an executable jar file, I once again get the "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" error.
    So I changed the program to an applet and used appletviewer to run it. Again, the same error.
    Is there a workaround for these problems?
    I am running Ubuntu 8.10.

    The jdbc jar would have to exist in the same directory as the app jar (or in a sub directory of it depending on how the manifest is configured), although those sub directories (at least on UNIX) can, AFAIK, be links.
    Now, whether the user/client downloads the Drvier him/her-self and places it there according to your instructions, or whether you distribute it, is a matter of personal choice and/or license restrictions.

  • JDBC not working after XI System Crach.

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    And I had to fix the SMQ2 Queues....by deleting the first entry in all queues.....is there a better way ?
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    This Communication Channel is no longer working: Following Error message:
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    Martin Andersson

    Will put this questing into another forum.

  • JDBC not working with Tomcat

    Please help,
    I have tried all the database example and they work great locally, until I deploy to my Tomcat server. Tomcat is display Java Studio Creator 2 pages without issue not binding to data.
    all I am trying to do is a basic sql connection to see how Java Studio Creator 2 connects.
    Dev enviroment:
    1. sql server: localhost
    2. user: tester
    3. password: Stealth1
    4. SQL table: doc
    I would really apreaciate if someone could walk me thru a simple table databind ~ now remember the local databind and run works without issues - export to a war and implement to Tomcat 5.5.15
    Here is what I have
    <tomcat_install>\common\lib ~ dropped in: msbase.jar,mssqlserver.jar, msutil.jar, jstl.jar, standard.jar
    Exported war name:simple
    <tomcat_install>\webapps\simple ~ Page1.jsp
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jsp:root version="1.2" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" xmlns:ui="http://www.sun.com/web/ui">
        <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"/>
            <ui:page binding="#{Page1.page1}" id="page1">
                <ui:html binding="#{Page1.html1}" id="html1">
                    <ui:head binding="#{Page1.head1}" id="head1">
                        <ui:link binding="#{Page1.link1}" id="link1" url="/resources/stylesheet.css"/>
                    <ui:body binding="#{Page1.body1}" id="body1" style="-rave-layout: grid">
                        <ui:form binding="#{Page1.form1}" id="form1">
                            <ui:staticText binding="#{Page1.staticText1}" id="staticText1" style="position: absolute; left: 72px; top: 72px" text="Testing label"/>
                            <ui:table augmentTitle="false" binding="#{Page1.table1}" id="table1" style="left: 72px; top: 96px; position: absolute; width: 360px"
                                title="Table" width="240">
    /* ----- Functions for Table Preferences Panel ----- */
    * Toggle the table preferences panel open or closed
    function togglePreferencesPanel() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
    /* ----- Functions for Filter Panel ----- */
    * Return true if the filter menu has actually changed,
    * so the corresponding event should be allowed to continue.
    function filterMenuChanged() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      return table.filterMenuChanged();
    * Toggle the custom filter panel (if any) open or closed.
    function toggleFilterPanel() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      return table.toggleTableFilterPanel();
    /* ----- Functions for Table Actions ----- */
    * Initialize all rows of the table when the state
    * of selected rows changes.
    function initAllRows() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
    * Set the selected state for the given row groups
    * displayed in the table.  This functionality requires
    * the 'selectId' of the tableColumn to be set.
    * @param rowGroupId HTML element id of the tableRowGroup component
    * @param selected Flag indicating whether components should be selected
    function selectGroupRows(rowGroupId, selected) {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      table.selectGroupRows(rowGroupId, selected);
    * Disable all table actions if no rows have been selected.
    function disableActions() {
      // Determine whether any rows are currently selected
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      var disabled = (table.getAllSelectedRowsCount() > 0) ? false : true;
      // Set disabled state for top actions
      // Set disabled state for bottom actions
                                <ui:tableRowGroup binding="#{Page1.tableRowGroup1}" id="tableRowGroup1" rows="5" sourceData="#{Page1.docsDataProvider}" sourceVar="currentRow">
                                    <ui:tableColumn binding="#{Page1.tableColumn1}" headerText="LeafName" id="tableColumn1" sort="LeafName">
                                        <ui:staticText binding="#{Page1.staticText2}" id="staticText2" text="#{currentRow.value['LeafName']}"/>
                                    <ui:tableColumn binding="#{Page1.tableColumn2}" headerText="DirName" id="tableColumn2" sort="DirName">
                                        <ui:staticText binding="#{Page1.staticText3}" id="staticText3" text="#{currentRow.value['DirName']}"/>
    </jsp:root>Folders <tomcat_install>\webapps\simple\
    Tree listing
    | Page1.jsp
    | stylesheet.css
    | faces-config.xml
    | managed-beans.xml
    | navigation.xml
    | web.xml
    | \---simple
    | ApplicationBean1.class
    | Bundle.properties
    | Page1.class
    | RequestBean1.class
    | SessionBean1.class

    Help ~
    I will summarize what I have done
    SQL query written from scratch works in Tomcat.
    When using Java studio creator 2 it works in its native server environment ~ until exported, restart Tomcat, access page getting face value errors.
    Please note any work that is done at the company I work for, has to work in Tomcat as the finally product. Please don�t explain how to make this work in the Java Studio Creator 2 ~ I have already can do that.
    Two other developers are using this product for testing and are having similar issues.
    The way Java Studio Creator 2 registers the drives is the hang up
    Here is my paths so that no one inserts put files here or there ~ they can see if a file is missing.
    Folder PATH listing
    | list.txt
    | NOTICE
    | ratrobot.war
    | RUNNING.txt
    | SESSIONS.ser
    | tomcat.ico
    | Uninstall.exe
    | bootstrap.jar
    | catalina.bat
    | catalina.sh
    | commons-daemon.jar
    | commons-logging-api.jar
    | cpappend.bat
    | digest.bat
    | digest.sh
    | jmx.jar
    | jsvc.tar.gz
    | service.bat
    | SESSIONS.ser
    | setclasspath.bat
    | setclasspath.sh
    | shutdown.bat
    | shutdown.sh
    | startup.bat
    | startup.sh
    | tcnative-1.dll
    | tomcat-juli.jar
    | tomcat5.exe
    | tomcat5w.exe
    | tool-wrapper.bat
    | tool-wrapper.sh
    | version.bat
    | version.sh
    | +---classes
    | | logging.properties
    | |
    | +---endorsed
    | | xercesImpl.jar
    | | xml-apis.jar
    | |
    | +---i18n
    | | tomcat-i18n-en.jar
    | | tomcat-i18n-es.jar
    | | tomcat-i18n-fr.jar
    | | tomcat-i18n-ja.jar
    | |
    | \---lib
    | commons-el.jar
    | jasper-compiler-jdt.jar
    | jasper-compiler.jar
    | jasper-runtime.jar
    | jsp-api.jar
    | jstl.jar
    | msbase.jar
    | mssqlserver.jar
    | msutil.jar
    | naming-factory-dbcp.jar
    | naming-factory.jar
    | naming-resources.jar
    | servlet-api.jar
    | standard.jar
    | | catalina.policy
    | | catalina.properties
    | | context.xml
    | | context.xml.orig
    | | jk2.manifest
    | | jk2.properties
    | | jkconf.ant.xml
    | | jkconfig.manifest
    | | logging.properties
    | | server-minimal.xml
    | | server.xml
    | | server.xml.orig
    | | shm.manifest
    | | tomcat-jk2.manifest
    | | tomcat-users.xml
    | | uriworkermap.properties
    | | web.xml
    | | web.xml.orig
    | | workers.properties
    | | workers.properties.minimal
    | | workers2.properties
    | | workers2.properties.minimal
    | |
    | \---Catalina
    | \---localhost
    | host-manager.xml
    | manager.xml
    | admin.2005-05-30.log
    | admin.2006-03-11.log
    | admin.2006-03-17.log
    | catalina.2005-05-30.log
    | catalina.2006-03-11.log
    | catalina.2006-03-17.log
    | host-manager.2005-05-30.log
    | host-manager.2006-03-11.log
    | host-manager.2006-03-17.log
    | jakarta_service_20060311.log
    | jakarta_service_20060317.log
    | localhost.2005-05-30.log
    | localhost.2006-03-11.log
    | localhost.2006-03-17.log
    | manager.2005-05-30.log
    | manager.2006-03-11.log
    | manager.2006-03-17.log
    | stderr_20060311.log
    | stderr_20060317.log
    | stdout_20060311.log
    | stdout_20060317.log
    | +---classes
    | +---lib
    | | catalina-ant-jmx.jar
    | | catalina-ant.jar
    | | catalina-cluster.jar
    | | catalina-optional.jar
    | | catalina-storeconfig.jar
    | | catalina.jar
    | | commons-modeler.jar
    | | ratrobot.jar
    | | servlets-cgi.renametojar
    | | servlets-default.jar
    | | servlets-invoker.jar
    | | servlets-ssi.renametojar
    | | servlets-webdav.jar
    | | tomcat-ajp.jar
    | | tomcat-apr.jar
    | | tomcat-coyote.jar
    | | tomcat-http.jar
    | | tomcat-jkstatus-ant.jar
    | \-- tomcat-util.jar
    | +---classes
    | \---lib
    | appbase.jar
    | commons-beanutils.jar
    | commons-collections.jar
    | commons-digester.jar
    | commons-fileupload-1.0.jar
    | commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
    | dataprovider.jar
    | defaulttheme.jar
    | errorhandler.jar
    | jsf-api.jar
    | jsf-impl.jar
    | jsfcl.jar
    | portlet.jar
    | ratrobot.jar
    | rowset.jar
    | sqlx.jar
    | webui.jar
    | | Webapp Setup.htm
    | |
    | \---Webapp Setup_files
    | homecow.gif
    | java.css
    | javaphonebook.gif
    | pollhandler.css
    | site.js
    | website.css
    | bugzilla37035-safeToDelete.tmp
    | | blankTest.war
    | | ratrobot.war
    | | simple.war
    | |
    | +---balancer
    | | +---images
    | | +---META-INF
    | | | context.xml
    | | |
    | | \---WEB-INF
    | | | web.xml
    | | |
    | | +---config
    | | | rules.xml
    | | |
    | | \---lib
    | | catalina-balancer.jar
    | |
    | +---blankTest
    | | | myApp.jsp
    | | | Page1.jsp
    | | |
    | | \---WEB-INF
    | | | faces-config.xml
    | | | managed-beans.xml
    | | | myApp.xml
    | | | navigation.xml
    | | | sun-web.xml
    | | | web.old
    | | | web.xml
    | | |
    | | \---lib
    | | appbase.jar
    | | bootstrap.jar
    | | commons-beanutils.jar
    | | commons-collections.jar
    | | commons-digester.jar
    | | commons-fileupload-1.0.jar
    | | commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
    | | commons-logging-api.jar
    | | dataprovider.jar
    | | defaulttheme.jar
    | | errorhandler.jar
    | | jsf-api.jar
    | | jsf-impl.jar
    | | msbase.jar
    | | mssqlserver.jar
    | \-- msutil.jar
    | +---jsp-examples
    | | | index.html
    | | | source.jsp
    | | |
    | | +---cal
    | | | cal1.jsp
    | | | cal1.jsp.html
    | | | cal2.jsp
    | | | cal2.jsp.html
    | | | calendar.html
    | | | Entries.java.html
    | | | Entry.java.html
    | | | JspCalendar.java.html
    | | | login.html
    | | | TableBean.java.html
    | | |
    | | +---checkbox
    | | | check.html
    | | | checkresult.jsp
    | | | checkresult.jsp.html
    | | | CheckTest.html
    | | | cresult.html
    | | |
    | | +---colors
    | | | clr.html
    | | | ColorGameBean.html
    | | | colors.html
    | | | colrs.jsp
    | | | colrs.jsp.html
    | | |
    | | +---dates
    | | | date.html
    | | | date.jsp
    | | | date.jsp.html
    | | |
    | | +---error
    | | | er.html
    | | | err.jsp
    | | | err.jsp.html
    | | | error.html
    | | | errorpge.jsp
    | | |
    | | +---forward
    | | | forward.jsp
    | | | forward.jsp.html
    | | | fwd.html
    | | | one.jsp
    | | | two.html
    | | |
    | | +---images
    | | | code.gif
    | | | execute.gif
    | | | read.gif
    | | | return.gif
    | | |
    | | +---include
    | | | foo.html
    | | | foo.jsp
    | | | inc.html
    | | | include.jsp
    | | | include.jsp.html
    | | |
    | | +---jsp2
    | | | +---el
    | | | | basic-arithmetic.html
    | | | | basic-arithmetic.jsp
    | | | | basic-arithmetic.jsp.html
    | | | | basic-comparisons.html
    | | | | basic-comparisons.jsp
    | | | | basic-comparisons.jsp.html
    | | | | functions.html
    | | | | Functions.java.html
    | | | | functions.jsp
    | | | | functions.jsp.html
    | | | | implicit-objects.html
    | | | | implicit-objects.jsp
    | | | | implicit-objects.jsp.html
    | | | |
    | | | +---jspattribute
    | | | | FooBean.java.html
    | | | | HelloWorldSimpleTag.java.html
    | | | | jspattribute.html
    | | | | jspattribute.jsp
    | | | | jspattribute.jsp.html
    | | | | shuffle.html
    | | | | shuffle.jsp
    | | | | shuffle.jsp.html
    | | | | ShuffleSimpleTag.java.html
    | | | | TileSimpleTag.java.html
    | | | |
    | | | +---jspx
    | | | | basic.html
    | | | | basic.jspx
    | | | | basic.jspx.html
    | | | | svgexample.html
    | | | | textRotate.html
    | | | | textRotate.jpg
    | | | | textRotate.jspx
    | | | | textRotate.jspx.html
    | | | |
    | | | +---misc
    | | | | coda.jspf
    | | | | coda.jspf.html
    | | | | config.html
    | | | | config.jsp
    | | | | config.jsp.html
    | | | | dynamicattrs.html
    | | | | dynamicattrs.jsp
    | | | | dynamicattrs.jsp.html
    | | | | EchoAttributesTag.java.html
    | | | | prelude.jspf
    | | | | prelude.jspf.html
    | | | |
    | | | +---simpletag
    | | | | book.html
    | | | | book.jsp
    | | | | book.jsp.html
    | | | | BookBean.java.html
    | | | | FindBookSimpleTag.java.html
    | | | | Functions.java.html
    | | | | hello.html
    | | | | hello.jsp
    | | | | hello.jsp.html
    | | | | HelloWorldSimpleTag.java.html
    | | | | repeat.html
    | | | | repeat.jsp
    | | | | repeat.jsp.html
    | | | | RepeatSimpleTag.java.html
    | | | |
    | | | \---tagfiles
    | | | displayProducts.tag.html
    | | | hello.html
    | | | hello.jsp
    | | | hello.jsp.html
    | | | helloWorld.tag.html
    | | | panel.html
    | | | panel.jsp
    | | | panel.jsp.html
    | | | panel.tag.html
    | | | products.html
    | | | products.jsp
    | | | products.jsp.html
    | | | xhtmlbasic.tag.html
    | | |
    | | +---jsptoserv
    | | | hello.jsp
    | | | jsptoservlet.jsp
    | | | jsptoservlet.jsp.html
    | | | jts.html
    | | | servletToJsp.java.html
    | | |
    | | +---num
    | | | numguess.html
    | | | numguess.jsp
    | | | numguess.jsp.html
    | | |
    | | +---plugin
    | | | | plugin.html
    | | | | plugin.jsp
    | | | | plugin.jsp.html
    | | | |
    | | | \---applet
    | | | Clock2.class
    | | | Clock2.java
    | | |
    | | +---security
    | | | \---protected
    | | | error.jsp
    | | | index.jsp
    | | | login.jsp
    | | |
    | | +---sessions
    | | | carts.html
    | | | carts.jsp
    | | | carts.jsp.html
    | | | crt.html
    | | | DummyCart.html
    | | |
    | | +---simpletag
    | | | foo.html
    | | | foo.jsp
    | | | foo.jsp.html
    | | |
    | | +---snp
    | | | snoop.html
    | | | snoop.jsp
    | | | snoop.jsp.html
    | | |
    | | +---tagplugin
    | | | choose.html
    | | | choose.jsp
    | | | choose.jsp.html
    | | | foreach.html
    | | | foreach.jsp
    | | | foreach.jsp.html
    | | | howto.html
    | | | if.html
    | | | if.jsp
    | | | if.jsp.html
    | | | notes.html
    | | |
    | | +---WEB-INF
    | | | | tagPlugins.xml
    | | | | web.xml
    | | | |
    | | | +---classes
    | | | | | servletToJsp.class
    | | | | | servletToJsp.java
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---cal
    | | | | | Entries.class
    | | | | | Entries.java
    | | | | | Entry.class
    | | | | | Entry.java
    | | | | | JspCalendar.class
    | | | | | JspCalendar.java
    | | | | | TableBean.class
    | | | | | TableBean.java
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---checkbox
    | | | | | CheckTest.class
    | | | | | CheckTest.java
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---colors
    | | | | | ColorGameBean.class
    | | | | | ColorGameBean.java
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---compressionFilters
    | | | | | CompressionFilter.class
    | | | | | CompressionFilter.java
    | | | | | CompressionFilterTestServlet.class
    | | | | | CompressionFilterTestServlet.java
    | | | | | CompressionResponseStream.class
    | | | | | CompressionResponseStream.java
    | | | | | CompressionServletResponseWrapper.class
    | | | | | CompressionServletResponseWrapper.java
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---dates
    | | | | | JspCalendar.class
    | | | | | JspCalendar.java
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---error
    | | | | | Smart.class
    | | | | | Smart.java
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---examples
    | | | | | ExampleTagBase.class
    | | | | | ExampleTagBase.java
    | | | | | FooTag.class
    | | | | | FooTag.java
    | | | | | FooTagExtraInfo.class
    | | | | | FooTagExtraInfo.java
    | | | | | LogTag.class
    | | | | | LogTag.java
    | | | | | ShowSource.class
    | | | | | ShowSource.java
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---filters
    | | | | | ExampleFilter.class
    | | | | | ExampleFilter.java
    | | | | | RequestDumperFilter.class
    | | | | | RequestDumperFilter.java
    | | | | | SetCharacterEncodingFilter.class
    | | | | | SetCharacterEncodingFilter.java
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---jsp2
    | | | | | \---examples
    | | | | | | BookBean.class
    | | | | | | BookBean.java
    | | | | | | FooBean.class
    | | | | | | FooBean.java
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---el
    | | | | | | Functions.class
    | | | | | | Functions.java
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | \---simpletag
    | | | | | EchoAttributesTag.class
    | | | | | EchoAttributesTag.java
    | | | | | FindBookSimpleTag.class
    | | | | | FindBookSimpleTag.java
    | | | | | HelloWorldSimpleTag.class
    | | | | | HelloWorldSimpleTag.java
    | | | | | RepeatSimpleTag.class
    | | | | | RepeatSimpleTag.java
    | | | | | ShuffleSimpleTag.class
    | | | | | ShuffleSimpleTag.java
    | | | | | TileSimpleTag.class
    | | | | | TileSimpleTag.java
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---listeners
    | | | | | ContextListener.class
    | | | | | ContextListener.java
    | | | | | SessionListener.class
    | | | | | SessionListener.java
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---num
    | | | | | NumberGuessBean.class
    | | | | | NumberGuessBean.java
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---org
    | | | | | \---apache
    | | | | | \---jsp
    | | | | | | source_jsp.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---cal
    | | | | | | cal1_jsp.class
    | | | | | | cal2_jsp.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---checkbox
    | | | | | | checkresult_jsp.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---colors
    | | | | | | colrs_jsp.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---dates
    | | | | | | date_jsp.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---error
    | | | | | | errorpge_jsp.class
    | | | | | | err_jsp.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---forward
    | | | | | | forward_jsp.class
    | | | | | | one_jsp.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---include
    | | | | | | foo_jsp.class
    | | | | | | include_jsp.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---jsp2
    | | | | | | +---el
    | | | | | | | basic_002darithmetic_jsp.class
    | | | | | | | basic_002dcomparisons_jsp.class
    | | | | | | | functions_jsp.class
    | | | | | | | implicit_002dobjects_jsp.class
    | | | | | | |
    | | | | | | +---jspattribute
    | | | | | | | jspattribute_jsp.class
    | | | | | | | shuffle_jsp$shuffle_jspHelper.class
    | | | | | | | shuffle_jsp.class
    | | | | | | |
    | | | | | | +---jspx
    | | | | | | | basic_jspx$basic_jspxHelper.class
    | | | | | | | basic_jspx.class
    | | | | | | | textRotate_jspx.class
    | | | | | | |
    | | | | | | +---misc
    | | | | | | | config_jsp.class
    | | | | | | | dynamicattrs_jsp.class
    | | | | | | |
    | | | | | | +---simpletag
    | | | | | | | book_jsp.class
    | | | | | | | hello_jsp.class
    | | | | | | | repeat_jsp$repeat_jspHelper.class
    | | | | | | | repeat_jsp.class
    | | | | | | |
    | | | | | | \---tagfiles
    | | | | | | hello_jsp.class
    | | | | | | panel_jsp$panel_jspHelper.class
    | | | | | | panel_jsp.class
    | | | | | | products_jsp$products_jspHelper.class
    | | | | | | products_jsp.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---jsptoserv
    | | | | | | hello_jsp.class
    | | | | | | jsptoservlet_jsp.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---num
    | | | | | | numguess_jsp.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---plugin
    | | | | | | plugin_jsp.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---security
    | | | | | | \---protected_
    | | | | | | error_jsp.class
    | | | | | | index_jsp.class
    | | | | | | login_jsp.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---sessions
    | | | | | | carts_jsp.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---simpletag
    | | | | | | foo_jsp.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---snp
    | | | | | | snoop_jsp.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---tag
    | | | | | | \---web
    | | | | | | displayProducts_tag.class
    | | | | | | helloWorld_tag.class
    | | | | | | panel_tag.class
    | | | | | | xhtmlbasic_tag.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | +---tagplugin
    | | | | | | choose_jsp.class
    | | | | | | foreach_jsp$1.class
    | | | | | | foreach_jsp$10.class
    | | | | | | foreach_jsp$2.class
    | | | | | | foreach_jsp$3.class
    | | | | | | foreach_jsp$4.class
    | | | | | | foreach_jsp$5.class
    | | | | | | foreach_jsp$6.class
    | | | | | | foreach_jsp$7.class
    | | | | | | foreach_jsp$8.class
    | | | | | | foreach_jsp$9.class
    | | | | | | foreach_jsp.class
    | | | | | | if_jsp.class
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | \---xml
    | | | | | xml_jsp.class
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---sessions
    | | | | | DummyCart.class
    | | | | | DummyCart.java
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---util
    | | | | | HTMLFilter.class
    | | | | | HTMLFilter.java
    | | | | |
    | | | | \---validators
    | | | | DebugValidator.class
    | | | | DebugValidator.java
    | | | |
    | | | +---jsp
    | | | | | debug-taglib.tld
    | | | | | example-taglib.tld
    | | | | |
    | | | | \---applet
    | | | | Clock2.java
    | | | |
    | | | +---jsp2
    | | | | jsp2-example-taglib.tld
    | | | |
    | | | +---lib
    | | | | jstl.jar
    | | | | standard.jar
    | | | |
    | | | \---tags
    | | | displayProducts.tag
    | | | helloWorld.tag
    | | | panel.tag
    | | | xhtmlbasic.tag
    | | |
    | | \---xml
    | | xml.html
    | | xml.jsp
    | | xml.jsp.html
    | |
    | +---mydev
    | | | blankTest.war
    | | | ratrobot.war
    | | |
    | | +---balancer
    | | | +---images
    | | | +---META-INF
    | | | | context.xml
    | | | |
    | | | \---WEB-INF
    | | | | web.xml
    | | | |
    | | | +---config
    | | | | rules.xml
    | | | |
    | | | \---lib
    | | | catalina-balancer.jar
    | | |
    | | +---blankTest
    | | | | Page1.jsp
    | | | |
    | | | \---WEB-INF
    | | | | faces-config.xml
    | | | | managed-beans.xml
    | | | | navigation.xml
    | | | | sun-web.xml
    | | | | web.xml
    | | | |
    | | | \---lib
    | | | appbase.jar
    | | | bootstrap.jar
    | | | commons-beanutils.jar
    | | | commons-collections.jar
    | | | commons-digester.jar
    | | | commons-fileupload-1.0.jar
    | | | commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
    | | | commons-logging-api.jar
    | | | dataprovider.jar
    | | | defaulttheme.jar
    | | | errorhandler.jar
    | | | jsf-api.jar
    | | | jsf-impl.jar
    | | |
    | | +---jsp-examples
    | | | | index.html
    | | | | source.jsp
    | | | |
    | | | +---cal
    | | | | cal1.jsp
    | | | | cal1.jsp.html
    | | | | cal2.jsp
    | | | | cal2.jsp.html
    | | | | calendar.html
    | | | | Entries.java.html
    | | | | Entry.java.html
    | | | | JspCalendar.java.html
    | | | | login.html
    | | | | TableBean.java.html
    | | | |
    | | | +---checkbox
    | | | | check.html
    | | | | checkresult.jsp
    | | | | checkresult.jsp.html
    | | | | CheckTest.html
    | | | | cresult.html
    | | | |
    | | | +---colors
    | | | | clr.html
    | | | | ColorGameBean.html
    | | | | colors.html
    | | | | colrs.jsp
    | | | | colrs.jsp.html
    | | | |
    | | | +---dates
    | | | | date.html
    | | | | date.jsp
    | | | | date.jsp.html
    | | | |
    | | | +---error
    | | | | er.html
    | | | | err.jsp
    | | | | err.jsp.html
    | | | | error.html
    | | | | errorpge.jsp
    | | | |
    | | | +---forward
    | | | | forward.jsp
    | | | | forward.jsp.html
    | | | | fwd.html
    | | | | one.jsp
    | | | | two.html
    | | | |
    | | | +---images
    | | | | code.gif
    | | | | execute.gif
    | | | | read.gif
    | | | | return.gif
    | | | |
    | | | +---include
    | | | | foo.html
    | | | | foo.jsp
    | | | | inc.html
    | | | | include.jsp
    | | | | include.jsp.html
    | | | |
    | | | +---jsp2
    | | | | +---el
    | | | | | basic-arithmetic.html
    | | | | | basic-arithmetic.jsp
    | | | | | basic-arithmetic.jsp.html
    | | | | | basic-comparisons.html
    | | | | | basic-comparisons.jsp
    | | | | | basic-comparisons.jsp.html
    | | | | | functions.html
    | | | | | Functions.java.html
    | | | | | functions.jsp
    | | | | | functions.jsp.html
    | | | | | implicit-objects.html
    | | | | | implicit-objects.jsp
    | | | | | implicit-objects.jsp.html
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---jspattribute
    | | | | | FooBean.java.html
    | | | | | HelloWorldSimpleTag.java.html
    | | | | | jspattribute.html
    | | | | | jspattribute.jsp
    | | | | | jspattribute.jsp.html
    | | | | | shuffle.html
    | | | | | shuffle.jsp
    | | | | | shuffle.jsp.html
    | | | | | ShuffleSimpleTag.java.html
    | | | | | TileSimpleTag.java.html
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---jspx
    | | | | | basic.html
    | | | | | basic.jspx
    | | | | | basic.jspx.html
    | | | | | svgexample.html
    | | | | | textRotate.html
    | | | | | textRotate.jpg
    | | | | | textRotate.jspx
    | | | | | textRotate.jspx.html
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---misc
    | | | | | coda.jspf
    | | | | | coda.jspf.html
    | | | | | config.html
    | | | | | config.jsp
    | | | | | config.jsp.html
    | | | | | dynamicattrs.html
    | | | | | dynamicattrs.jsp
    | | | | | dynamicattrs.jsp.html
    | | | | | EchoAttributesTag.java.html
    | | | | | prelude.jspf
    | | | | | prelude.jspf.html
    | | | | |
    | | | | +---simpletag
    | | | | | book.html
    | | | | | book.jsp
    | | | | | book.jsp.html
    | | | | | BookBean.java.html
    | | | | | FindBookSimpleTag.java.html
    | | | | | Functions.java.html
    | | | | | hello.html
    | | | | | hello.jsp
    | | | | | hello.jsp.html
    | | | | | HelloWorldSimpleTag.java.html
    | | | | | repeat.html
    | | | | | repeat.jsp
    | | | | | repeat.jsp.html
    | | | | | RepeatSimpleTag.java.html
    | | | | |
    | | | | \---tagfiles
    | | | | displayProducts.tag.html
    | | | | hello.html
    | | | | hello.jsp
    | | | | hello.jsp.html
    | | | | helloWorld.tag.html
    | | | | panel.html
    | | | | panel.jsp
    | | | | panel.jsp.html
    | | | | panel.tag.html
    | | | | products.html
    | | | | products.jsp
    | | | | products.jsp.html
    | | | | xhtmlbasic.tag.html
    | | | |
    | | | +---jsptoserv
    | | | | hello.jsp
    | | | | jsptoservlet.jsp
    | | | | jsptoservlet.jsp.html
    | | | | jts.html
    | | | | servletToJsp.java.html
    | | | |
    | | | +---num
    | | | | numguess.html
    | | | | numguess.jsp
    | | | | numguess.jsp.html
    | | | |
    | | | +---plugin
    | | | | | plugin.html
    | | | | | plugin.jsp
    | | | | | plugin.jsp.html
    | | | | |
    | | | | \---applet
    | | | | Clock2.class
    | | | | Clock2.java
    | | | |
    | | | +---security
    | | | | \---protected
    | | | | error.jsp
    | | | | index.jsp
    | | | |

  • Report with JDBC connection does not work when they includes CommandTable

    I am trying to render using the new version of Crystal report java component - CRJ a report contains Data base Fileds of type Command Table (Row Set) which seems to be not working.
    when i use the previes version of crystal SDK it works fine.
    after deugging the Sample CrystalHelper.java file which contains the method .changeDatasource()
    i found that the DataBaseController.setLocation() method changes the CommandTable class to Table when using it on CommandTable instance and as result all the fields defined into that CommandTable were disappear.

    That appears to be a known issue:  Eclipse JRC: To change the JDBC connection at run time
    Ted Ueda

  • JDBC driver is not working in JAR file

    Java is new for me.
    In my project JDBC is working fine for MSSQL Server 2000. It is developed in Netbeans.
    Now When I am going to rin JAR file of project, Driver for MSSQL is not found.
    Can anyone tell me that What I have to do to work with MSSQL driver in JAR file of project?
    I am using "Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC" for JDBC.

    In my project JDBC is working fine for MSSQL Server
    2000. It is developed in Netbeans.
    Now When I am going to rin JAR file of project,
    Driver for MSSQL is not found.
    Can anyone tell me that What I have to do to work
    with MSSQL driver in JAR file of project?
    I am using "Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for
    JDBC" for JDBC.Adding the JAR to the Netbeans project means adding it to the classpath for the IDE only, the JAR which you developed still needs the driver jar in the classpath.

  • Update query not working in the JDBC sender Communication channel

    We are working on JDBC to File scenario. As per the configuration, XI should pick the data from SQL database every 20 secs and should update the corresponding flag. We are using subquery in the select and update statement as both header and detail tables are involved.
    Now the issue is, select query is working fine but update statement is not working as expected. It is somehow updating some other records rather than doing for the ones selected by the adapter.
    Moreover logSQLstatement is also not working. Hence we are unable to identify the records which are getting updated.
    Please advise.

    Hi Rumi,
    See Question 8. Transaction Handling (Sender) in [SAP Note 831162 - FAQ: XI 3.0 / PI 7.0 / PI 7.1 JDBC Adapter|https://websmp130.sap-ag.de/sap(bD1wdCZjPTAwMQ==)/bc/bsp/spn/sapnotes/index2.htm?numm=831162].
    8.  Transaction Handling (Sender)
    Q: If I have the following configured in a JDBC Sender:
    Select Query:
    Update Query:
    How do I know that the JDBC adapter will not update newly added rows (rows that were
    added between the time that the SELECT and UPDATE queries were executed) that were
    not read in the initial SELECT query?
    A: The SELECT and the UPDATE are run in the same DB transaction, i.e. both statements
    have the same view on the database.
    Make sure that both statements use the same WHERE clause. An additional
    requirement for the correct operation of this scenario is the configuration of
    an appropriate transaction isolation level on the database
    (i.e., repeatable_read or serializable). You might also consider using a
    "SELECT FOR UPDATE" statement instead of a plain SELECT statement to
    ensure proper locking on the database. "SELECT FOR UPDATE"
    is not supported in MS SQL database. In this case please make use of an
    appropriate transaction isolation level on the database. For more details
    please contact your DB vendors.
    After, see Transaction Handling Issues in [SAP Note 1039779 - JDBC Adapter issues(Escape character,Transaction handling)|https://websmp130.sap-ag.de/sap(bD1wdCZjPTAwMQ==)/bc/bsp/spn/sapnotes/index2.htm?numm=1039779].
    Best Regards.
    Pedro Baroni

  • JDBC stored procedure not working in Weblogic 12.1.3

    We are migrating from WLS 12.1.2 to 12.1.3.
    We have a JDBC stored procedure which used to work correctly under 12.1.2. I understand that 12.1.2 uses ojdbc5/ojdbc6 jars (11.2.0.x). After migrating to 12.1.3, the stored procedure is not working.
    We have narrowed it down to the different between 12.1.2 using ojdbc5/6 and 12.1.3 using ojdbc7 jars, though we do not understand what the difference here is.
    Connection connection = getConnection();
    CallableStatement callableStatement = connection.prepareCall("{call RECEIPT_LOG (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}");
    callableStatement.registerOutParameter("PIO_RECEIPT_LOG_ID", java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
    callableStatement.setLong("PIO_RECEIPT_LOG_ID", 0);
    callableStatement.setString("PIO_DRAWER_NAME", request.getDrawerName());
    callableStatement.setString("PIO_DRAWER_FIRST_NAME", request.getDrawerFirstName());
    callableStatement.setString("PIO_DRAWER_OTHER_NAMES", "");
    callableStatement.setString("PIO_DRAWER_STREET_NO", "");
    callableStatement.setString("PIO_DRAWER_STREET", "");
    callableStatement.setString("PIO_DRAWER_LOCALITY", "");
    callableStatement.setLong("PIO_DRAWER_POSTCODE", 0);
    callableStatement.setString("PI_PAYMENT_TYPE", request.getPiPaymentType());
    callableStatement.setLong("PI_APPLICATION_ID", request.getApplicationId());
    callableStatement.setString("PI_PRIMARY_ID", request.getPiPrimaryId());
    callableStatement.setString("PI_SECONDARY_ID", request.getPiSecondaryId());
    callableStatement.setDouble("PI_AMOUNT", request.getPiAmount());
    callableStatement.setInt("PI_TAX_AMOUNT", 0);
    callableStatement.setNull("PI_VPC_TXNRESPONSECODE", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
    callableStatement.setInt("PI_VPC_TRANSACTIONNO", 0);
    callableStatement.setString("PI_VPC_MESSAGE", "");
    callableStatement.setString("PI_VPC_ACQRESPONSECODE", "");
    callableStatement.setString("PI_VPC_RECEIPTNO", "");
    callableStatement.setString("PI_VPC_BATCHNO", "");
    callableStatement.setString("PI_VPC_CARD", "");
    callableStatement.setString("PI_VPC_MERCHTXNREF", "");
    callableStatement.setString("PI_VPC_MERCHANT", "");
    callableStatement.setString("PI_VPC_ORDERINFO", "");
    callableStatement.setInt("PI_VPC_AMOUNT", 0);
    callableStatement.setString("PI_VPC_AUTHORIZEID", "");
    callableStatement.registerOutParameter("PO_RECEIPT_NO", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
    callableStatement.registerOutParameter("PO_SOURCE_ID", java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
    callableStatement.registerOutParameter("PO_PAYMENT_METHOD_TEXT", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
    callableStatement.registerOutParameter("PO_CREATE_COMMENT", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
    callableStatement.registerOutParameter("PO_ERROR_MESSAGE", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
    boolean isSuccessful = callableStatement.execute();
    Long receiptLogId = callableStatement.getLong("PIO_RECEIPT_LOG_ID");
    Here, when the callableStatement.execute() is fired, the isSuccessful is false and the output parameter receiptLogId is 0
    Any help appreciated.

    Hi All,
    We still haven't figured out what the problem is with JDBC when using ojdbc7.jar but, as an alternate solution we ported the code to Spring JDBC and got it working.

  • JDBC control not work after upgrade application from workshop 8.1 to 9.2.3

    We upgraded application from workshop 8.1 to 9.2.3. After that, the JDBC control not work any more. We got the following exception:
    java.sql.SQLException: The transaction is no longer active - status: 'Committed'. No further JDBC access is allowed within this transaction.
    at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTSConnection.checkIfRolledBack(JTSConnection.java:192)
    at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTSConnection.checkConnection(JTSConnection.java:202)
    at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.Connection.preInvocationHandler(Connection.java:87)
    at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.Connection.getMetaData(Connection.java:435)
    at org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc.parser.SqlStatement.createPreparedStatement(SqlStatement.java:128)
    at org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc.JdbcControlImpl.execPreparedStatement(JdbcControlImpl.java:272)
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.control.internal.JdbcControlImpl.invoke(JdbcControlImpl.java:136)
    at controls.SecurityBean.getUpdateDocPermission(SecurityBean.java:598)
    at security.SecurityManagerImpl.getUpdateDocPermission(SecurityManagerImpl.java:110)
    at security.SecurityManagerBean.getUpdateDocPermission(SecurityManagerBean.java:509)
    The control that throw the exception has "transactionattribute" annotation added automatically by upgrade wizard during upgrading. Related classed are as follows:
    public interface SecurityManager
    boolean getUpdateDocPermission(java.lang.String userId);
    public class SecurityManagerImpl implements SecurityManager, Serializable
    * @common:control
    private controls.Security security;
    static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    * @common:operation
    public boolean getUpdateDocPermission(String userId)
    if ( security.getUpdateDocPermission(userId) > 0) {
    return true;
    return false;
    @JdbcControl.ConnectionDataSource(jndiName = "EventDesk")
    public interface Security extends JdbcControl
    static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    * @jc:sql statement="select r.updateDoc from document_user u ,document_role r where u.login={userId} and u.roleId=r.roleId;"
    @JdbcControl.SQL(statement = "select r.updateDoc from document_user u ,document_role r where u.login={userId} and u.roleId=r.roleId;")
    int getUpdateDocPermission(String userId);
    Thanks for your help

    Hi. The issue is a level or two above JDBC. I suggest
    opening an official support case. It's probably a
    WLW issue.

  • Delete Operation in JDBC Sender Adapter not works

        I have one student table which contains the fields ID,Name,BirthMonth,BirthYear,ReadFlag fields. ReadFlag is a character field or lenght 1 which contains only values either 'Y' or ' '. 
         I want to execute delete operation in this table ie to delete the records which contains the readflag = 'Y'. So, I set the below values for the following parameters.
    Query SQL Statement : SELECT * FROM student WHERE readflag = 'Y'
    Update SQL Statement : DELETE FROM student WHERE READFLAG = 'Y'
    Poll Interval : 60 Seconds.
        There are more records in this table which contains readflag = 'Y'. But, the Adapter does not delete those records from the table i.e delete operation is not executed. At the same time, in Comm. Channel monitoring it does not show any error, but the delete operation is not carried out in the table.
         I tried after 'COMMIT' the table also. But it does not work. What could be the reason ? or How to use Delete Operation effectively on the table ?
         Kindly help me friends to solve this problem.
    Thanking you.
    Kind Regards,

    http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/7e/5df96381ec72468a00815dd80f8b63/content.htm >>>
    <i>Adapter Work Method
    You must add an indicator that specifies the processing status of each data record in the adapter (data record processed/data record not processed) to the database table.
    The UPDATE statement must alter exactly those data records that have been selected by the SELECT statement. You can ensure this is the case by using an identical WHERE clause. (See Processing Parameters, SQL Statement for Query, and SQL Statement for Update below).
    <b>Processing can only be performed correctly when the isolation level for transaction is set to repeatable_read or serializable.
    SQL statement for query: SELECT * FROM table WHERE processed = 0;
    SQL statement for update: UPDATE table SET processed = 1 WHERE processed = 0;
    processed is the indicator in the database.</b></i>
    try with repeatable_read or serializable !!!
    Also go thru this thread - DELETE Querey in JDBC SENDER

  • TP3 - Generic JDBC Seems Not Working - Connection Worked in TP2 but Not TP3

    I had a connection working in TP2 to a PosgreSQL database. I have done in TP3 exactly what I did in TP2 to set up the connection but the connection test fails listing the name of the driver.
    I put the JAR in jdev\lib, I added a class/library to the default project properties with the classpath listing the location of the JAR including the filename, then I created a new connection with the same driver name, user/password, and JDBC URL I used in TP2. None of this worked though. I even tried restarting JDeveloper.
    Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong or if something new needs to be done in TP3?
    On a side note, although I got the connection working to the PostgreSQL db working in TP2, JDeveloper was never able to find its tables like when creating an entity from a table for example. I know this is not an issue with the driver JAR because this works flawlessly in Netbeans 6.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Hi CM and Chris,
    I have the exact same problem when I tried to create a connection to SQL Server 2005 using Generic JDBC. It worked well for TP2 but does not work for TP3. Further more if you create it anyway, you will get following message in testing:
    An error was encountered performing the requested operation:
    Vendor code 0.
    I tried to export the working connection from JDeveloper 10.1.2. and import it to TP3. I could not solved the problem.
    Then I export the SQL server connection from TP3. The connection is expressed as
    <Reference credentialStoreKey="yuwyuw" className="oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DatabaseProvider" name="yuwyuw">
    <Factory className="oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DatabaseProviderFactory"/>
    <StringRefAddr addrType="subtype">
    <StringRefAddr addrType="user">
    <SecureRefAddr addrType="password"/>
    <StringRefAddr addrType="driver">
    <StringRefAddr addrType="DeployPassword">
    <StringRefAddr addrType="customUrl">
    It seems DatabaseProviderFactory could not create connection other than Oracle. BBut JDev10.1.2 does not use Factory class. I tested Driver and URL by a small program that created a connection using connection string. No problem at all.
    Now I have 2 questions:
    1)How can we access the source code to see what happens when we submit connection creation request?
    2)You mentioned that we can swap JVM version. But this can only be done on project level. Can we do it on IDE level, because IDE connection is not associated with any project.

  • JDBC drivers not working in QA for multibye characters

    we have a problem with JDBC and deployed in DEV system and its works fine, but the same when we deply in QA its not working.
    the problem we are trying to use the simple select query from ORACLE DB.
    In ORACLE DB they converted the chenise char to English after that our JDBC drivers are not able to pick the multibite char.
    XI JDBC Adapter shows below error with a SELECT Query
    SELECT Query:SELECT * FROM APPS.ITEM_XI_V The Chinese character are converted to English and becomes multibye characters.
    Error:Error during conversion of query result to XML: java.sql.SQLException: Fail to convert between UTF8 and UCS2: failUTF8Conv
    Assumption is that the issue with older version of  ojdbc14.zip (JDBC Driver file)
    implement SAP Note 941317 in order to resolve the current issue.
    Note 941317 - XI / PI JDBC Adapter: Known Problems / Incompatibilities JDBC Driver Deployment. Refer to  SAP Note 831162
    after apply as per note for DEV system its works fine, but the same when we did for our QA system still the same error.

    Hi Gurus,
    Any idea where i am doing wrong.. in QA i am able to extract data with simple select statment with normal tables...

  • JDBC (SQL) not working in thread

    I was surprised by a strange (bug?)
    I had two programs that were implementing the Java Serial Port API, each interfaced to a specific instrument. I was asked to combine the two programs into one, run it on one workstation, and run it as a service. This is on an W2K machine and they want it to work even if no one is logged in.
    Well, I started each class as a serial port listener and a runnable, thinking it might be best for each listener to have its own thread. That runs just fine. But, one of the instruments sends a lot of data, so once I had a buffer full of stuff to parse and upload (to Oracle), is started another processing thread to handle the data, and let the parent thread get back to listening to the serial port.
    Well, I parsed the data just fine, but after I created the connection, created a statement, and then tried to execute a line of SQL, it just stopped, no exceptions, but no results. I keep a log of what is going on, and it looks like the thread just dies.
    So, for experimenation, I changed the parent threads back to plain classes and created the instances of them, still leaving the processing piece as a thread. (The only draw back to this is that I cannot transmit from both instruments at the same time.) Well, the SQL worked fine, so I am wondering if there is a problem with the JDBC and threads, or inner threads?
    Anyone have any suggestions?

    As I understand it, your code does not work only when you run it as a service. Although I may well not understand it (for example I don't know what you think an "inner" thread is, and I don't understand your distinction between "class" and "thread", since everything runs in some thread or other in Java).
    Is this correct? Have you managed to get the original (single instrument) code running as a service? My guess is that there's nothing wrong with Java, but there is some issue with running it as a service.

  • IDoc string field to JDBC date field - Not working

    Hello everyone,
    Once again I must ask you something that is keeping me..
    I had a interface type RFC ASync to JDBC SQL Server, it was working fine. Then, I was asked to change to a type iDoc ASync to JDBC SQL Server.
    At first, it was not a problem, just manual work. But them, I am getting an error.
    In the RFC, I had a date field, that was directly related to the date field on the JDBC destination, so the mapping was pretty much straight forward. The SQL INSERT command was working fine on this cenario.
    Now, in iDoc, this field was automatically converted to a string, and somehow, PI is not understanding that string has to be mapped to a date field in the JDBC.
    Is there any 'workaround' for me to do this?
    Ricardo Sancio Lóra

    The issue here is that somehow, the same SQL insert command that was working, does not work anymore.
    This is the SQL command took from RWB log monitor:
    INSERT INTO  aniversariantes_sap (matricula, nome, nascimento, unidade) VALUES (00000070, 'Ricardo Lora', '19851216', 00000000)
    If I run this query on my DB it works.
    But, in PI, it's not, here is the error:
    Could not execute statement for table/stored proc. "aniversariantes_sap" (structure "ANIVERSARIANTES_SAP") due to com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Syntax error converting datetime from character string.
    I´ve tried cast() and convert() using mapping 'habilities', but also, does not work. Work if I run in the DB, but not if PI runs it.

  • Jdbc to rfc to jdbc scenario is not working

    We have done the JDBC to RFC to JDBC scenario using BPM, it was working fine in the last month. now we started testing the same scenario, that is not working. In SXMB_MONI it is showing only sender data is successful, it is not showing any RFC Receiver data & Jdbc Receiver data. in the CCM also Jdbc Sender CC is showing successfull and it is showing the successful messages also, but in RFC Receiver CC
    & JDBC Receiver CC it is not showing any thing.
    please help on this...

    Check u r RFC response (put external break point)
    and check wether it has data

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