JDev 1013, Webservice as Data Control in JSF page returns error

For a client we are starting a project with Java Server Faces in combination with web services. In order to do some testing we created a web service in PLSQL (with a empno input field and a record output) and deployed this web service on an OC4J container. We then created a (new) JSF project, used the PLSQL web service as a Data Source, and used this Data Source in a JSF page.
When this JSF page is started an error occurs validation -
DCA-40007: The value for parameter "empNo" cannot be null..
The webservice can however be called in the page, the output is shown but the error stays in the page.
Communication with support gave me a temporary solution
I've put in the page definition for both the methodIterator (getEmpIter) and the accessIterator (ReturnIterator) the Refresh="Deferred". Now the error doesn't show in the page at startup of the page. Data is presented correctly after pushing the button, though still in the Jdeveloper Embedded OC4J Server Log shows a list of
ERROR Value for parameter : 'empNo' cannot be null.
In a multi row Webservice (created by JDeveloper) however i still get this error.
(1) What caused this error?
(2) When is the next version of JDeveloper due?
(3) I am looking for documentation on the following subjects
(3.1) How a JSF page is rendered by the Oracle JSF implementation
(3.2) How to read and adjust the JSF page definition, for example the <executables> part
(3.3) Problem with the extra abstraction layer is that is very hard to find where an error occurs. Is a mechanism/documentation available to find in which JSF fase an error occurs and how to bypass it?
Regards Leon Smiers

(1) I think what is happening is that your page calls out to the Web service when you first run it without any parameter. This is why you get the error and also the reason that deffer works to solve this.
I think a solution would be to have your Web service handle the case of receiving an empty parameter.
(2) When it is ready :-)
(3.2) right click the jsf page and choose "go to page defenition" you can then edit it using the structure pane and the property inspector.
(3.3) you can run in debug mode, the code for ADF will be available when we go production, and with it a lot of more documentation.

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    This information can be found in the page definition file.
    Select the field in the page and then click the binding tab.

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    Hello Arun,
    I've set refreshCondition property for the iterator to #{!adfFacesContext.initialRender} but doesn't work correctly.
    I'm testing the property with the example in:
    I am using Oracle IDE
    Have you got any ideas what might be the problem.
    Thanks in advance.

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    Yes i am calling my custom method in application module. I understood that the same page bindings get invoked in two parts, once when the page is loaded and once when the values are submitted by the user. When the bindings are executed when the user is submitting the data from the page adfFacesContext.postback is true and at that i am not interested in creating the new row again by calling my method. Hence this condition in invokeAction. When i debug, the methods are getting called properly. Only when the page is rendered again, it is not picking up the new row.
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    many thanks.

    I'm going to assume that you have had experience with doing this in jsp. Watch for my comments by the **** asterisks *****. My skill level is best described as intermediate, so you'll probably want to heed replies from the more accomplished members of the community to improve upon this advice.
    The jsp page:
    <%@ page language="java" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://myfaces.apache.org/extensions" prefix="x" %>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    ***** All of your jsf content must be between the f:view tags ******
    <html lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US">
    <title>Page Title</title>
    ***** Here is the h:form tag which constructs the appropriate html form tag.
    ***** You don't need to worry about get/post and all that.
    ***** The h:panelGrid constructs a table that I'm using purely for layout purposes *****
    <h:panelGrid width="800" columnClasses="textColumns">
    ***** the h:dataTable is doing the heavy lifting here. the var attribute is the name you
                   want to give to the data you're returning. The value
                   attribute it bound to a managed bean named MemberList in my faces-config and all refers
                   to a method named getAll (in bean style) that returns a java.sql.Result.
              ***** You can see below how the columns are laid out with the h:column tags and how the header for
                             the columns are named.
              ***** The dataTable iterates over each value in the outputText tags contained in the column tags.
                             It's bound by the var_name.query_field_name. The field name is the one bundled in your result
              ***** Scroll down to see the MemberList bean code.
    <h:dataTable var="foo" value="#{MemberList.all}">
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="Name"/>
    <h:outputText value="#{foo.name}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="bar Number"/>
    <h:outputText value="#{foo.ANET_NUM}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="Group"/>
    <h:outputText value="#{foo.CUST_GROUP}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="Classification"/>
    <h:outputText value="#{foo.CLASSIFICATION}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="Sector"/>
    <h:outputText value="#{foo.SECTOR}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="Address"/>
    <h:outputText value="#{foo.ADDRESS1}"/><f:verbatim><br></f:verbatim>
    <h:outputText escape="false" value="#{MemberList.ADDRESS2} <br>"
    rendered="#{MemberList.ADDRESS2 != null}"/>
    <h:outputText value="#{foo.CITY}"/><f:verbatim>, </f:verbatim>
    <h:outputText value="#{foo.STATE}"/><f:verbatim>, </f:verbatim>
    <h:outputText value="#{foo.ZIP}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="Purchasing Contact"/>
    <h:outputText value="#{foo.CONTACT}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="Purchasing Phone"/>
    <h:outputText value="#{foo.WORK}"/>
    *** MemberList bean code:
    package bar.vendor;
    import bar.dbConnectionInfo;
    import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import javax.naming.NamingException;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.ResultSupport;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class MemberList extends dbConnectionInfo {
    private Connection conn;
    public void open() throws SQLException, NamingException {
    ******* Here is where I set up my connection info. I store it in a separate class.
    ******* You'll set yours up according to your MySQL settings.
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), getUsername(), getPassword());
              ******* The rest of this is pretty standard. The only exceptions is where I use the FacesContext
              ******* to get the session and getting a parameter map (see below)
    public Result getAll() throws SQLException, NamingException {
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ExternalContext extContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
    HttpSession session = (HttpSession) extContext.getSession(true);
    ResultSet rs = null;
    String schema = getOracleOwner();
    String sql = "select distinct c.name, c. ANet_Num, ug.cust_group, ug.classification, c.sector, " +
    " a.address1, a.address2, a.city, a.state, a.zip," +
    " trim(cc.fname) || ' ' || trim(cc.lname) as Purchasing_Contact, cc.work " +
    " from "+schema+".cust c, "+schema+".vw_unique_cust_address u, "+schema+".cust_address a, " +
    " "+schema+".cust_group cg, "+schema+".vw_purchasing_contact pc, "+schema+".cust_contact cc, " +
    " "+schema+".baruser nu, "+schema+".dist_contact dc, "+schema+".contract con, " +
    " "+schema+".contract_access ca, "+schema+".vw_unique_cust_groups ug " +
    " where nu.id = ? " +
    " and c.SECTOR = ? " +
    " and nu.fk_dist_contact_id = dc.id " +
    " and dc.fk_dist_id = con.fk_dist_id " +
    " and con.id = ca.fk_contract_id " +
    " and ca.fk_group_type_id = cg.fk_group_type_id " +
    " and cg.fk_cust_id = c.id " +
    " and c.id = u.id " +
    " and to_number(substr(u.desc_type,2)) = a.id(+) " +
    " and c.id = pc.id(+) " +
    " and pc.cc_id = cc.id(+) " +
    " and c.status = 'Active' " +
    " and c.id = ug.id " +
    " order by ug.cust_group, c.name";
    try {
    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    ps.setString(1, (String) session.getAttribute("baruserID"));
    **** This is cool. Look at the f:param tag as it pertains to commandButtons and commandLinks *****
    ps.setString(2,(String) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("sector"));
    rs = ps.executeQuery();
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
    } catch (Exception e){
    return ResultSupport.toResult(rs);
    public void close() throws SQLException {
    if (conn == null) return;
    conn = null;

  • JSF Page Template error in Visual Editor

    I've developed a jsp page template with an attribute called BackingBean. This attribute is a mypackage.view.BackingBeanTemplate class and it works perfectly when I open the template in visual editor.
    When I create a new JSF page using my jsf page template and fill attribute BackingBean with a class that extends mypackage.view.BackingBeanTemplate, the visual editor send me the following error in Messages - Log:
    WARNING: A problem was encountered executing the page. Using fallback rendering.
    javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: The class 'oracle.adf.view.rich.component.fragment.UIXPageTemplate$AttrMap' does not have the property 'BackingBean'.
    When I run my jsf it works perfectly. Just in visual editor it doesn't render my page.
    Can I use only primitive types and wrappers (String, Boolean, Integer, etc) in jsf template pages?
    Anybody could help me?

    actually i used a template that references a type DCIteratorBinding using EL and this works fine. So there is no limitation in the type you pass as an argument. My assumption is that the IDE doesn't instantiate super classes, which is why the property is not found. Does the subclass call super() in its constructor? Anyway, feel free to file a bug

  • Urgent please: Group data control in different pages

    i have one requirement in Report with group option. Suppose if i have 3 groups in report with child records. I want to display 1st group at first page. Second group at any other page. Is it possible?
    for example:
    Group A will contain 6 child records, Group B will have 3 child records. Group C will have 2 child records.
    Now i want to display Group A at first page. whereas GroupB i wanted to display any other place. i wanted to control second or third group value to any other place of my report.

    You can insert the Word's page break in the group and enclose it into the <?if:...?> .... <?end if?> condition that would work only for the first item in the group.

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    I know that in the Core Java Server Faces book, there is an example of how to do this. They do it with f:subview with a note that the RI is buggy and f:view does not work.
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    Here is a workaround for Error Handling with an Error Page.

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    oracle.adf.model.adapter.AdapterException: DCA-40015: Failed to create the structure for schema element "result". The complex type definition of the element is not supported.

    I could reproduce what I did:
    - created WebService from custom Pojo Model
    - Made sure all entities implemented serializable
    - In the WebServices Wizard, I created XML representations for my entities
    - tested with OC4J WebServices tester
    - Built ADF data control from WSDL file of deployed WebService
    - Created dependency t project containing the POJO entities
    - Selected result.xml of each method exposed in the WebService project
    - In the structure window, selected "item" (result-->item)
    - changed Bean class to my entity class name (absolute name)
    This showed my entity in the DC palette

  • JDev 11.1.2 dropping a data control creates new DataControl Usage

    After installing JDev 11.1.2 in a new Oracle Home I've been dealing with some weird behaviors
    Now, each time I drag a Data Control into a page, a new Data Control Usage is created. However, View objects do not appear inside Data Control in the bindings view of the page.
    After draggin AppModuleDataControl--> AccessView1 to a .jsff page, in the binding it creates:
    Bindings: AccessView1
    Excutables: AccessView1Iterator
    Data Control: AppModuleDataControl46
    I've reinstalled JDev in a new folder with no luck.
    Have anyone faced this issue or has any ideas of why this happens
    Maybe this is expected behavior but then I must have another problem as View Objects do not show in the Data Control Window in the Bindings
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Frank
    "what other information is needed to reproduce this?": Tricky question...Got me thinking.
    Finally, after some experimentation, this and other weird behaviors went away after restoring the ViewController.jpr from a backup, Cleaning the project, deleting all the /classes folders and rebuilding all.
    I'm not sure what failed during the migration process as these problems appeared right after first opening the application with JDev 11.1.2. However, as I've opened other applications which migrated fine, and haven't seen anyone else complaining about a an issue like this, I must conclude this happened because an isolated, uncommon, combination of facts not worth to further investigate.
    Thanks for your help!!
    Edited by: jpolanco on Feb 28, 2012 5:27 PM

  • Calling webservice in code using data control ADF Mobile

    I am calling webservice in code using data control. Below image is show my binding.
    My code is :
    ValueExpression ve1 = AdfmfJavaUtilities.getValueExpression("#{bindings.WeatherDescriptionIterator}", AmxIteratorBinding.class); // Using IteratorBinding
    AmxIteratorBinding iter = (AmxIteratorBinding) ve1.getValue(AdfmfJavaUtilities.getAdfELContext());
    GenericType row = null;
    for(int i = 0; i < iter.getIterator().getTotalRowCount(); i++)
    row = (GenericType)iter.getCurrentRow();
    Integer s = new Integer(i+100);
    row.setAttribute("deptId", s);
    This code is work fine in POJO data control. But When I used this code for calling webservice data control then i get following error.
    can not find property bindings.
    And I also use below code but same error occur.
    ValueExpression ve1l = AdfmfJavaUtilities.getValueExpression("#{bindings.WeatherDescription.collectionModel}", AmxCollectionModel.class); // Using CollectionModel
    AmxCollectionModel model = (AmxCollectionModel)ve1l.getValue(AdfmfJavaUtilities.getAdfELContext());
    Object[] myArr = model.getKeys();
    for (int x = 0; x < myArr.length; x++)
    Object myObj = myArr[x];
    Map provider = (Map)model.getProviders().get(myObj);
    String deptName = provider.get("deptName").toString();

    !!!! IMPORTANT !!!!
    The use of +*#{data.view_FlexFieldDisplayPageDef.publicflexfieldflow1.regionModel}"*+ in your code is an *absolute no-go and serious coding issue* as there is no guarantee that this PageDef file exists in the application you use the declarative component in. Even if you don't plan to use the declarative component anywhere else, you should pass the model reference as an input attribute to the declarative component so it can be configured by each use of the component

  • Toplink  model generates wrong Data Control type in JDev

    I have a model project using Toplink in JDev, and I create Data Control by right clicking on the Java class. The problem is the created <DataControl> in DataControls.dcx used to be
    but now it became
    I don't know how to make it to become SubType="DCTopLink" rather than manually change the DataControls.dcx file.
    Anyone has any idea?

    No luck with new projects. I created a new workspace - selected JSP, Struts, ADF. Created one App Mod in the Model. Created One ViewObject based on a simple select query. Added the ViewObject to the AppMod. Opened the struts-config.xml under the ViewController project. Dragged a DataPage from the component palette. Double clicked the new page. Completed the wizard with default selections. Opened the new JSP in design view. My Data Control Palette shows the app mod with the view under it. I try to drag the View onto the page, and the circle-slash icon appears and does not allow it to be dropped on the page. I can't drag out the attributes, operations, or anything at all from the Data Control Palette. I don't see any text printed on the Java console run from jdev.exe.

  • Mobile app based on web service data control and VO with VC runtime error

    Jdev + mobile extension.
    Windows 7, 64 bit.
    Reproduceable with Android emulator but not on iOS and iOS emulator.
    I can not test on real Android device because we do not have it in our office.
    So I don't know wether this issue is related to android emulator only or to android in general.
    Also not reproduceable by Oracle support.
    I have a VO "Employees" with a VC "department_id = :departmentIdVariable" and exposed the find method for this VO via service interface in AM.
    (see demo video from https://blogs.oracle.com/shay/entry/developing_with_oracle_adf_mobile?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook).
    In a ADF mobile app I create a parameter form and amx:listView like demoed in the mentioned video.
    Whenever I test this app on android emulator I get the error below.
    Exact the same page used in a second feature works fine.
    I found out that the problem only occures on the first attept (this means when I open the page on the second feature first then this will fail and the subsequent call of the first page will be successfull).
    The problem does not occure when the web service data control does not contain a method based on VC with bind variable.
    [SEVERE - oracle.adfmf.framework - AmxBindingContext - loadDataControlById] Unable to load Data Control testDataControl due to following error: ERROR [oracle.adfmf.framework.exception.AdfException] - Unable to load definition for testDataControl.Types.findEmployeesView1DepartmentIdCriteria.findCriteria.childFindCriteria.findAttribute.
    ERROR [oracle.adfmf.framework.exception.AdfException] - Unable to load definition for testDataControl.Types.findEmployeesView1DepartmentIdCriteria.findCriteria.childFindCriteria.findAttribute
    at oracle.adfmf.metadata.bean.transform.TransformCacheProvider.fetch(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.cache.SimpleCache.get(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;(Compiled Method)(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.metadata.cache.MetaDataCache.getByLocation(Ljava/lang/String;)Loracle/adfmf/util/XmlAnyDefinition;(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.metadata.cache.MetaDataFrameworkManager.getJavaBeanDefinitionByName(Ljava/lang/String;)Loracle/adfmf/metadata/bean/JavaBeanDefinition;(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.dc.VirtualJavaBeanObject.registerAccessorAttribute()V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.dc.JavaBeanObject.registerJavaBean(Loracle/adfmf/metadata/bean/JavaBeanDefinition;)V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.dc.VirtualJavaBeanObject.<init>(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Loracle/adfmf/metadata/bean/JavaBeanDefinition;Ljava/lang/String;)V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.dc.VirtualJavaBeanObject.<init>(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Loracle/adfmf/metadata/bean/JavaBeanDefinition;)V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.dc.VirtualJavaBeanObject.registerAccessorAttribute()V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.dc.JavaBeanObject.registerJavaBean(Loracle/adfmf/metadata/bean/JavaBeanDefinition;)V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.dc.VirtualJavaBeanObject.<init>(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Loracle/adfmf/metadata/bean/JavaBeanDefinition;Ljava/lang/String;)V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.dc.VirtualJavaBeanObject.<init>(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Loracle/adfmf/metadata/bean/JavaBeanDefinition;)V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.dc.VirtualJavaBeanObject.registerAccessorAttribute()V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.dc.JavaBeanObject.registerJavaBean(Loracle/adfmf/metadata/bean/JavaBeanDefinition;)V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.dc.VirtualJavaBeanObject.<init>(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Loracle/adfmf/metadata/bean/JavaBeanDefinition;Ljava/lang/String;)V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.dc.VirtualJavaBeanObject.<init>(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Loracle/adfmf/metadata/bean/JavaBeanDefinition;)V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.dc.VirtualJavaBeanObject.registerAccessorAttribute()V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.dc.JavaBeanObject.registerJavaBean(Loracle/adfmf/metadata/bean/JavaBeanDefinition;)V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.dc.ws.WebServiceObject.registerBean(Loracle/adfmf/metadata/dcx/AdapterDataControlDefinition;Loracle/adfmf/metadata/dcx/soap/SoapDefinitionDefinition;)V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.webservice.WSDefinition.loadDataControlDefinition(Loracle/adfmf/metadata/dcx/AdapterDataControlDefinition;)V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.dc.GenericJavaBeanDataControlAdapter.loadDataControl(Ljava/lang/String;)V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adfmf.dc.ws.WebServiceDataControlAdapter.setDataProvider(Ljava/lang/Object;)V(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.adf.model.adapter.DataControlFactoryImpl.createDataControl(Loracle/adfmf/bindings/dbf/AmxBindingContext;Loracle/adfmf/util/XmlAnyDefinition;Ljava/util/Map;)Loracle/adfmf/bindings/DataControl;(Unknown Source)
    Does anyone has seen the above error ?
    I have recreated the model and mobile app more than 20 times, re-installed Jdev, re-created Jdev settings (integrated WLS & Co), ran the web services on a different machine.
    On my site this problem is 100% reproduceable with android emulator.

    Hi, Peter, this could be an issue with proxy server setting. Are you behind a firewall when you test this?
    iOS simulator would use Mac's proxy setting. Android Emulator has its own proxy setup - it's a bit complicated to get to and varies based on the Android emulator you are using. For 4.1 emulator (you should always use 4.x or above emulators), you would need to go into the emulator itself, and go to settings - Wireless & Networks - click More... - Mobile Networks - Access Point Names. You should see an Access point used by the emulator to simulate network connection. Mine says "T-Mobile US". You click on it, and then you can select the proxy attribute and set it according to your office's settings.
    Hope that resolves the issue.
    Joe Huang

  • Help needed! ADF Data Control: Navigation Buttons + Table  issue.

    Hey all!
    We are working on a new application using ADF JSF+EJB 3.0 stack and are experiencing a problem with a simple feature we need to implement.
    - Creating a data control for a facade session bean and drag a List returned by one of its methods as table;
    - Dragging its corresponding navigation buttons (first, previous, next, last) from the data control onto the page.
    As we press those buttons, we see the page being submitted but but nothing changes in the table...It keep showing the same records all the time (buit-in range navigation works fine though). However, when we manage to drop the collection as a form (with nav buttons included), everything works fine.
    We have inspected pagedefs for both cases and could not identify the difference.
    Any help would be much appreciated as we need to address the issue asap..
    Thanks in advance,
    PS: Sorry for my English! ;)

    Hey, i have the solve to my problem.
    In the definition page of the table page i change the propert Refresh (ifNeeded is his default value) to always of the iterator who im using to the table.But i use Toplink, then i had to change the property "Refresh Identity Map Results" to "enabled", that option is in the options of the named queries on queries in the toplinkmap of the current table who im using to my page.
    i hope this will be util for you.
    That's all

  • JavaBeans Data Control / Managed beans interaction

    Working in JDev/ADF 11g
    I have an Application Scoped ADF managed bean that initializes some services for my ADF application. (These are non-database backed business services and so they do not integrate as tightly with Jdev as data controls). They require some constructor arguments and other initialization parameters and so they cannot be written as pure beans.
    I wrote Java Beans to use as data controls that wrap these services. What I would like to do is to keep the creation of these services in the application scoped bean, so they can be used programmatically in other areas. When the data controls beans are initialized, I want to grab their underlying services from the application scoped bean via the ADFContext.
    My issue is that at the time the data control beans are instantiated, the ADFContext returns null when accessing the application scoped bean - ie it has not been created yet.
    What is the proper way to pass initialization data to JavaBean data controls? Ideally I could simply pass the data control a reference to its underlying service.
    If Im going about this all the wrong way, with the application scoped bean holding the application wide business services, please feel free to advise me otherwise.

    Okay - so I figured out one way to do this (detailed below), but my question still stands as to if there is a proper way to get information to a JavaBean data control when it is instantiated.
    What I just learned is that although my application scoped bean does not exist when the data control is created, it can exist when the the data control is called by the .jspx. I say 'can' because it will only exist if the .jspx backing bean references the application scoped bean as a managed property. i.e. ADF will create the data control, create the page bean, create the application bean (b/c the page needs it), and then call the data control, at which point the data control will find the application scoped bean. This is sort of a hack, since it requires an unintuitive setting for it work. so I think my question still stands, how to pass data from the application scoped bean to the data control.

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