JDeveloper link to MS SQL Server database MDS errors

The database connection to the SQL server can be successfully created and used (after putting the sqljdbc4.jar file into the project's path). Then when I try to use that db connection for a SOA-MDS connection, the "Messages" tab in JDev displays the following error:
WARNING: Error reading db partitions for connection name Connection1. Reason : MDS-00003: error connecting to the database
Unable to start the Universal Connection Pool: oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException: Error during pool creation in Universal Connection Pool Manager MBean: oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException: Error during pool creation in Universal Connection Pool Manager: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid Universal Connection Pool configuration: java.sql.SQLException: Unable to create factory class instance with provided factory class name: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerXADataSource
To get around this error, I explicitly added the sqljdbc4.jar file to the classpath by doing the following:
In the jar “C:\Oracle\Middleware_2\jdeveloper\jdev\extensions\oracle.mds.dt.jar”, need to modify the META-INF/extension.xml to include the classpath:
Once this is done, then I can successfully create the SOA-MDS connection. I can also explore the MDS connection and see the names of available resources. However, the problem then comes again when a resource is actually chosen to be referenced in a composite. When choosing the resource or when trying to build after choosing the resource, an error is displayed that is the same as the original (reference above).
I tried following both of the workarounds located in the following link, but it does fix the error when attempting to use MDS resources. http://efreedom.com/Question/1-5805190/JDeveloper-DB-Based-MDS-Connection-Issue
It seems to me like JDeveloper uses multiple different class paths when doing different actions (creating DB link, creating MDS connection, using MDS resources, compiling projects that use MDS resources, etc.).
Please let me know if you know how to use an MDS that is based in a Microsoft SQL Server DB.

I found a different way to implement the database connection that is used by the SOA-MDS connection. Instead of using the microsoft provided sqljdbc4.jar for the SQLServerDriver, I setup the db connection to instead use the Weblogic provided wlsqlserver.jar. I no longer need any of the workarounds mentioned previously and everything appears to be working. I can navigate the MDS resources as well as viewing and choosing to use them in the composites.
As a side note, any user that is used for the DB connection for MDS connections must have the SOA_MDS (or DEV_MDS, depending on the setup) schema as its default (Jdev assumes the user’s default schema and thus doesn’t define the whole path). Also, the user must have select and execute privileges on the SOA_MDS schema (direct or role-based) as it needs to query tables and execute stored procs.

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    I am encountering an issue every few days or so whereby, for some reason, my metadata database LDF log file is growing to a very large size (> 5GB in size). This could be due to specific settings for my database, however I don’t believe I’m doing anything
    unusual so it’s probably worth recording.
    When the LDF grows to a large size, I start to see the following I/O error messages in the windows event viewer for the SQL database service:
    2014-08-28 16:18:25:
    SQL Server has encountered 1 occurrence(s) of I/O requests taking longer than 15 seconds to complete on file [C:\SCM\Databases\PPGallium_Metadata_New4_log.ldf] in database [PPGallium_Metadata_New4] (7).  The OS file handle is 0x0000000000000A64. 
    The offset of the latest long I/O is: 0x000000fe4f3200
    This is followed by further follow-on errors in saving data to the database (from Gallium database service log for same time):
    -28 16:19:05.960] DEBUG (   90) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.MetadataProvider - Saving 13 items(s) on model with ID 'd022f598-4f25-4f87-a8fd-e8dc2825c916'...
    [2014-08-28 16:19:06.341] DEBUG (   88) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.ScheduleProvider - Saving 1 items(s) on model with ID 'f16fac97-3cdd-471a-bf8c-7a839a386f7f'...
    [2014-08-28 16:19:06.347] DEBUG (   88) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.ScheduleProvider - Committing...
    [2014-08-28 16:19:06.354] DEBUG (   88) PP.Framework.Model.Sync.Database.SqlDataContext - Committing...
    [2014-08-28 16:19:06.357] DEBUG (   88) PP.Framework.Model.Sync.Database.SqlDataContext - Committed.
    [2014-08-28 16:19:06.360] DEBUG (   88) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.ScheduleProvider - Item(s) saved.
    [2014-08-28 16:19:06.672] DEBUG (   89) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.MetadataProvider - Saving 5 items(s) on model with ID 'd022f598-4f25-4f87-a8fd-e8dc2825c916'...
    [2014-08-28 16:19:06.722] DEBUG (   92) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.MetadataProvider - Saving 5 items(s) on model with ID 'd022f598-4f25-4f87-a8fd-e8dc2825c916'...
    [2014-08-28 16:19:06.860] DEBUG (   54) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.ScheduleProvider - Purging...
    [2014-08-28 16:19:06.865] DEBUG (   54) PP.Framework.Model.Sync.Database.SqlDataContext - SQL output received ('There are no more objects to purge').
    [2014-08-28 16:19:06.867] DEBUG (   54) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.ScheduleProvider - Purging complete. 0 item(s) purged. 25 item ID(s) remain cached.
    [2014-08-28 16:19:06.962] DEBUG (   88) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.MetadataProvider - Saving 6 items(s) on model with ID 'd022f598-4f25-4f87-a8fd-e8dc2825c916'...
    [2014-08-28 16:19:13.553] ERROR (   60) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.DatabaseService - Failed to save ('Failed to commit transaction ('Failed to merge 'Object' data from staging table due to an SQL error ('Timeout expired.  The timeout
    period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.')')').
    [2014-08-28 16:19:13.586] DEBUG (   22) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.MetadataProvider - Committing...
    [2014-08-28 16:19:13.603] ERROR (   17) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.DatabaseService - Failed to save ('Failed to commit transaction ('Failed to merge 'Object' data from staging table due to an SQL error ('Timeout expired.  The timeout
    period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.')')').
    [2014-08-28 16:19:13.617] ERROR (   20) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.DatabaseService - Failed to save ('Failed to commit transaction ('Failed to merge 'Object' data from staging table due to an SQL error ('Timeout expired.  The timeout
    period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.')')').
    [2014-08-28 16:19:13.621] DEBUG (   89) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.MetadataProvider - Committing...
    [2014-08-28 16:19:13.623] DEBUG (   32) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.MetadataProvider - Committing...
    When I then restart the database service, I get the following unhandled exception:
    2014-08-28 16:21:15.874] DEBUG (    6) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.ScheduleProvider - Purging complete. 0 item(s) purged. 25 item ID(s) remain cached.
    [2014-08-28 16:21:16.625] FATAL (Database Cache Pre-fetch) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.DatabaseWindowsService - Unhandled exception on worker thread ('Failed to get child BLOB properties for object '233fd1db-67c2-4745-91ce-8ff5c5bdf044' due to an SQL error
    ('Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.')').
    PP.Framework.Model.Sync.Core.SyncModelProviderException: Failed to get child BLOB properties for object '233fd1db-67c2-4745-91ce-8ff5c5bdf044' due to an SQL error ('Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or
    the server is not responding.') ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The wait operation
    timed out
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData()
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData()
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, SqlDataReader ds)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader()
       at PP.Framework.Model.Sync.Database.SqlDataContext.GetListBlobProperties(Guid itemId, Nullable`1 updateId) in c:\SCM\Workflow Applications MS0\Sync Framework\PP.Framework.Model.Sync.Database\SqlDataContext.cs:line 1147
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at PP.Framework.Model.Sync.Database.SqlDataContext.GetListBlobProperties(Guid itemId, Nullable`1 updateId) in c:\SCM\Workflow Applications MS0\Sync Framework\PP.Framework.Model.Sync.Database\SqlDataContext.cs:line 1164
       at PP.Framework.Model.Sync.Database.DatabaseProvider`1.ReadModelItem(Type type, Guid id, ISyncModelItem parent, IDatabaseDataContext dataContext, Dictionary`2 itemInfosById, Nullable`1 updateId) in c:\SCM\Workflow Applications MS0\Sync Framework\PP.Framework.Model.Sync.Database\DatabaseProvider.cs:line
       at PP.Framework.Model.Sync.Database.DatabaseProvider`1.<>c__DisplayClass2.<StartPrefetching>b__0() in c:\SCM\Workflow Applications MS0\Sync Framework\PP.Framework.Model.Sync.Database\DatabaseProvider.cs:line 189
       at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
       at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
    [2014-08-28 16:21:16.631] FATAL (Database Cache Pre-fetch) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.DatabaseWindowsService - Inner Exception (level 1) ('Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.').
    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The wait operation timed out
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData()
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData()
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, SqlDataReader ds)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader()
       at PP.Framework.Model.Sync.Database.SqlDataContext.GetListBlobProperties(Guid itemId, Nullable`1 updateId) in c:\SCM\Workflow Applications MS0\Sync Framework\PP.Framework.Model.Sync.Database\SqlDataContext.cs:line 1147
    [2014-08-28 16:21:16.633] FATAL (Database Cache Pre-fetch) PP.Workflow.Service.Database.DatabaseWindowsService - Inner Exception (level 2) ('The wait operation timed out').
    System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The wait operation timed out.
    Has anyone experienced any issues like this?

    Hi Ian,
    According to your description, the error message indicates SQL Server I/O bottlenecks. The SQL Server I/O bottleneck can be caused by many reasons, for example, there is firmware issue or misconfiguration issue in I/O subsystem , or some other process on
    your system is saturating the disks with I/O requests.
    To troubleshoot this issue, I recommend the following steps.
    1. Exclude SQL Server files from antivirus scan.
    2. Do not place SQL Server FILES on compressed drives.
    3. Distribute SQL Server data files and transaction log files across drives.
    4. Collect perfmon counters to get more information about I/O operation.
    For more details, please review this blog:
    I/O requests taking longer than 15 seconds to complete on file.
    Lydia Zhang

  • ASP and SQL Server Database

    My AW7 pieces send user data to asp pages which relay the
    data on to a SQLServer 2000 database. All works well with one
    exception: when a new record is created, any spaces in the string
    containing the user's name are deleted.
    When AW7 sends the variable User_Name="John Doe" to the asp
    page, it issues an SQL ADD command. The result: the SQLServer table
    that receives the data displays the name JohnDoe. What might cause
    the space to be deleted?
    The asp page contains this code:
    <%@ Language=VBScript %>
    Option Explicit
    Response.expires = 0
    dim conn, SQL, strConn, strSite, strUserName, strUserID,
    ProcApproach, Rqmts1, Rqmts2, Rqmts3, Rqmts4, Rqmts5
    dim CorT1, CorT2, CorT3, CorT4, CorT5, Audit1, Audit2,
    Audit3, Audit4, Audit5, RoleMgrs1, RoleMgrs2, RoleMgrs3, RoleMgrs4,
    dim RoleMgrs6, RoleMgrs7, RoleMgrs8, ScoreTotal,
    ModComplIntro, QComplProcApproach, QComplRqmts, QComplCorT,
    QComplAudit, QComplRoleMgrs
    'Get data from AW. IIS examples recommend the HTMLEncode
    'method of the ASP Server object but the method doesn't work
    w/ AW.
    'Use Request.Form method.
    'Build SQL INSERT command.
    SQL="INSERT INTO User_Data_TS VALUES ('" & strSite &
    "','" & strUserName & "','" & strUserID & "',"
    SQL=SQL & ProcApproach & "," & Rqmts1 & ","
    & Rqmts2 & "," & Rqmts3 & "," & Rqmts4 &
    "," & Rqmts5 & ","
    SQL=SQL & CorT1 & "," & CorT2 & "," &
    CorT3 & "," & CorT4 & "," & CorT5 & ","
    SQL=SQL & Audit1 & "," & Audit2 & "," &
    Audit3 & "," & Audit4 & "," & Audit5 & ","
    SQL=SQL & RoleMgrs1 & "," & RoleMgrs2 & ","
    & RoleMgrs3 & "," & RoleMgrs4 & "," & RoleMgrs5
    & "," & RoleMgrs6 & "," & RoleMgrs7 & "," &
    RoleMgrs8 & "," & ScoreTotal & ","
    SQL=SQL & "'" & ModComplIntro & "','" &
    QComplProcApproach & "','" & QComplRqmts & "','" &
    QComplCorT & "','" & QComplAudit & "','" &
    QComplRoleMgrs & "');"
    'Create a connection object which opens a connection to the
    'Establish a link to the SQL Server database with strConn
    'Use the Execute method to send the SQL query to database
    'Close recordset and db connection as early as possible
    strConn="Provider=sqloledb; Data Source=BUSPC\QS; Initial
    Catalog=ISO_TS; User ID=sa; Password=xxxxx"
    set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    conn.open strConn
    set conn = nothing
    The SQLServer table uses the character data type for the
    User_Name variable.

    Seems like I have seen this before, but I can't recall what
    caused it. Try
    URL Encoding everything before you send it using the
    URLEncode() function.
    "James_101" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > My AW7 pieces send user data to asp pages which relay
    the data on to a
    > SQLServer 2000 database. All works well with one
    exception: when a new
    > record
    > is created, any spaces in the string containing the
    user's name are
    > deleted.
    > When AW7 sends the variable User_Name="John Doe" to the
    asp page, it
    > issues an
    > SQL ADD command. The result: the SQLServer table that
    receives the data
    > displays the name JohnDoe. What might cause the space to
    be deleted?
    > The asp page contains this code:
    > <%@ Language=VBScript %>
    > <%
    > Option Explicit
    > Response.expires = 0
    > dim conn, SQL, strConn, strSite, strUserName, strUserID,
    > Rqmts1,
    > Rqmts2, Rqmts3, Rqmts4, Rqmts5
    > dim CorT1, CorT2, CorT3, CorT4, CorT5, Audit1, Audit2,
    Audit3, Audit4,
    > Audit5,
    > RoleMgrs1, RoleMgrs2, RoleMgrs3, RoleMgrs4, RoleMgrs5
    > dim RoleMgrs6, RoleMgrs7, RoleMgrs8, ScoreTotal,
    > QComplProcApproach, QComplRqmts, QComplCorT,
    QComplAudit, QComplRoleMgrs
    > 'Get data from AW. IIS examples recommend the HTMLEncode
    > 'method of the ASP Server object but the method doesn't
    work w/ AW.
    > 'Use Request.Form method.
    > strSite=Request.Form("Site")
    > strUserName=Request.Form("User_Name")
    > strUserID=Request.Form("User_ID")
    > ProcApproach=Request.Form("Proc_Approach")
    > Rqmts1=Request.Form("Rqmts_1")
    > Rqmts2=Request.Form("Rqmts_2")
    > Rqmts3=Request.Form("Rqmts_3")
    > Rqmts4=Request.Form("Rqmts_4")
    > Rqmts5=Request.Form("Rqmts_5")
    > CorT1=Request.Form("CorT_1")
    > CorT2=Request.Form("CorT_2")
    > CorT3=Request.Form("CorT_3")
    > CorT4=Request.Form("CorT_4")
    > CorT5=Request.Form("CorT_5")
    > Audit1=Request.Form("Audit_1")
    > Audit2=Request.Form("Audit_2")
    > Audit3=Request.Form("Audit_3")
    > Audit4=Request.Form("Audit_4")
    > Audit5=Request.Form("Audit_5")
    > RoleMgrs1=Request.Form("RoleMgrs_1")
    > RoleMgrs2=Request.Form("RoleMgrs_2")
    > RoleMgrs3=Request.Form("RoleMgrs_3")
    > RoleMgrs4=Request.Form("RoleMgrs_4")
    > RoleMgrs5=Request.Form("RoleMgrs_5")
    > RoleMgrs6=Request.Form("RoleMgrs_6")
    > RoleMgrs7=Request.Form("RoleMgrs_7")
    > RoleMgrs8=Request.Form("RoleMgrs_8")
    > ScoreTotal=Request.Form("Score_Total")
    > ModComplIntro=Request.Form("Mod_Compl_Intro")
    > QComplProcApproach=Request.Form("Q_Compl_ProcApproach")
    > QComplRqmts=Request.Form("Q_Compl_Rqmts")
    > QComplCorT=Request.Form("Q_Compl_CorT")
    > QComplAudit=Request.Form("Q_Compl_Audit")
    > QComplRoleMgrs=Request.Form("Q_Compl_RoleMgrs")
    > 'Build SQL INSERT command.
    > SQL="INSERT INTO User_Data_TS VALUES ('" & strSite
    & "','" & strUserName &
    > "','" & strUserID & "',"
    > SQL=SQL & ProcApproach & "," & Rqmts1 &
    "," & Rqmts2 & "," & Rqmts3 & ","
    > &
    > Rqmts4 & "," & Rqmts5 & ","
    > SQL=SQL & CorT1 & "," & CorT2 & ","
    & CorT3 & "," & CorT4 & "," & CorT5 &
    > ","
    > SQL=SQL & Audit1 & "," & Audit2 & ","
    & Audit3 & "," & Audit4 & "," &
    > Audit5 &
    > ","
    > SQL=SQL & RoleMgrs1 & "," & RoleMgrs2 &
    "," & RoleMgrs3 & "," & RoleMgrs4
    > &
    > "," & RoleMgrs5 & "," & RoleMgrs6 & ","
    & RoleMgrs7 & "," & RoleMgrs8 &
    > "," &
    > ScoreTotal & ","
    > SQL=SQL & "'" & ModComplIntro & "','" &
    QComplProcApproach & "','" &
    > QComplRqmts & "','" & QComplCorT & "','"
    & QComplAudit & "','" &
    > QComplRoleMgrs
    > & "');"
    > 'Create a connection object which opens a connection to
    the server
    > 'Establish a link to the SQL Server database with
    > 'Use the Execute method to send the SQL query to
    > 'Close recordset and db connection as early as possible
    > strConn="Provider=sqloledb; Data Source=BUSPC\QS;
    Initial Catalog=ISO_TS;
    > User
    > ID=sa; Password=xxxxx"
    > set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    > conn.open strConn
    > conn.Execute(SQL)
    > conn.close
    > set conn = nothing
    > %>
    > The SQLServer table uses the character data type for the
    > variable.
    > Thanks.
    > Jim

  • Is it possible to link existing Sharepoint 2010 lists to SQL server databases?

    I created a SQL server database and added a table to it. Then I used Sharepoint Designer 2010 to create an external
    Content Type using this table. Now I can alter the according Sharepoint list which then again performs CRUD operations on the said database table.
    Now I want to do the same with a existing list which already contains data. In other words, I want to synchronize already filled lists to a table in my
    SQL Server database. As I am new to Sharepoint this is the only solution I can think of.
    I would create a table in my database which contains the very same columns as my already existing Sharepoint list does. Then I would proceed as described above. Namely I would use
    Sharepoint Designer to create an External Content Type. This would generate a new list which would be connected to my database table. Now I would copy the complete data from the
    original list to the newly created and synchronized list. This way the data should also be synchronized with the database table now. Now I would simply delete the
    old list.
    I somehow have the feeling this is not a clean solution for my task. Is there any easier or cleaner way to do this? Is this even possible?

    It's clean enough, although if I remember correctly you can't bulk upload the data to an external list. If bulk upload isn't available, writing a little script that syncs the data is probably the easiest way to do it, and then delete the old list.
    Kind regards,
    Margriet Bruggeman
    Lois & Clark IT Services
    web site: http://www.loisandclark.eu
    blog: http://www.sharepointdragons.com

  • Can Oracle view refer a table in Sql Server Database

    Can a view created in Oracle database refer a table created in SQL Server database. If yes, how do we do it. Code will be very help full.
    Again, if yes does it require any special software and what would be price of that software.
    Thanks for your response in advance.
    Venkat Sathiamurthy

    You would need to configure Oracle Heterogeneous Connectivity to create a database link to the SQL Server system. This can either be done via the Oracle Transparent Gateway for Microsoft SQL Server, which retails for $15,000 per server at http://store.oracle.com or by configuring Oracle Generic Connectivity and using ODBC to go after the SQL Server data. Depending on the operating system you run Oracle on, there may be a free (or cheap) ODBC driver for SQL Server that could be used.
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

  • Trigger to populate table in sql server database

    Maybe this isn't the right board to post this in, but here goes:
    We have an Oracle 9i database, with a table that get's populated with a new record every minute or so.
    We need to take some values from the newly inserted record and populate a table in a sql server database instantly. The people requesting this have not said as much, but I am thinking deletes and updates would need to be the same.
    How would it be best to do this? My first thought was a trigger on the oracle table that populates the sql server table via heterogeneous db link.
    Any other ideas?
    thanks in advance..
    update- repost in heterogeneous forum
    Edited by: user571263 on Mar 15, 2011 11:25 AM

    Maybe this isn't the right board to post this inI think you are right:
    Heterogeneous Connectivity

  • Exporting data from SQL Server database to Oracle database

    Hello All,
    We need to replicate a table's data of SQL Server database to Oracle database.
    Can this task be accomplished using Import/Export wizard or Linked servers?
    Can help me regarding which Oracle data access components should i download to do this?
    I am using SQL Server 2012.
    And i have Oracle 11g release 2 client installed in my system.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Thanks and Regards, Readers please vote for my posts if the questions i asked are helpful.

    Yes you can definitely transfer data from SQL server to Oracle Have a look at below links
    Export SQL server data to Oracle Using SSIS
    Use OLEDB data provider to transfer data from SQL server to Oracle
    Using Import Export Wizard
    Similar thread
    Please mark this reply as answer if it solved your issue or vote as helpful if it helped so that other forum members can benefit from it.
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    an online database when using Visual Studio but I forgot how (it seems, reviewing my notes, that it deals with ADO.NET which is deprecated in Visual Studio 2013 these days, or so it seems).  So I'm looking for another way.  What I did was create
    (or export) a "Data-Tier Application File" from the online SQL Server database, with data, and it seems to have worked in that this Data-Tier Application file exists on my hard drive and seems to have data in it ("SQL Server Replication Snapshot"
    is the format it seems).  It contains skeleton code to create a database, but when I tried to execute it with SQL Server 2014 Management Studio, I got a bunch of errors.
    So my question is:
    1) Can I somehow create a .MDF SQL Server Database from an Data-Tier Application file that has data?  What tool do I use?  I saw this link, http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/2639.how-to-use-data-tier-application-import-and-export-with-a-windows-azure-sql-database.aspx 
    and it relates to Azure, but is there a tool for C#Visual Studio 2013, standalone?
    2) If there's an easy way to create a .mdf SQL Server Database file from an online file, within SQL Server Management Studio?  I don't think so, since it would require Administrator permissions on the online server, which I don't have. I have permission
    to read, update, delete the online database file, but strangely not to download it (the service I use has a tool for backup, but not for download).
    3) same question as 2), but for Visual Studio 2013?  I don't think so, since I notice none of the templates even mentions ADO.NET anymore, but instead they go with Entity Framework.  Using EF I can of course do anything I want with the online database
    (CRUD), but it remains online.  Maybe there's a switch to make a local copy?  I guess I could write a short program to suck all the data out of the online database and put it into a new, duplicate database having the same tables, that I create on
    my localhost, but my question here is if there's an easier way than this, maybe a tool or command I can run from inside Visual Studio?
    Any advice on any of the above questions is appreciated.
    Thank you,
    [A] Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013
    Version 12.0.21005.1 REL
    Microsoft .NET Framework
    Version 4.5.51641
    Microsoft Web Developer Tools 2013   2.0.40926.0
    SQL Server Data Tools   12.0.30919.1
    Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools
    Windows Azure Mobile Services Tools   1.0
    Windows Azure Mobile Services Tools

    Thanks but these links are too general to help.
    "2. what do you mean by online file?" - I mean the SQL Server database file is on a remote web server that I rent from, but I am not the administrator of.  I can access my database using SQL Server Authentication, but nothing more.
    What do you mean by too general? It explains on how you can use data tier application to create and deploy databases
    May be this will help you to understand better
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ---------------------------- http://visakhm.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/VmBlogs

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Setup error: Wait on the Database Engine recovery handle failed

    Having this annoying error trying to install SQL Server 2014 (RTM). I saw it's been asked several times... But each post seems a different cause and no definitive answer...
    I'm not doing an upgrade, so no "sa account" issue.
    Tried different media. Even three different distributions: trial, Standard and Enterprise.
    Tried disabling Microsoft antivirus/firewall.
    Of course tried restarting, updating, installing, uninstalling, repairing, etc., etc.
    I noticed the users folders under C:\Users weren't created. (Maybe something related to permissions?) After playing around, I managed for the users to be created and the service started. Though I couldn't log in.

    Summary for last "repair" attempt:
    Overall summary:
    Final result: Failed: see details below
    Exit code (Decimal): -2068578302
    Start time: 2014-04-27 23:54:21
    End time: 2014-04-27 23:59:48
    Requested action: Repair
    Setup completed with required actions for features.
    Troubleshooting information for those features:
    Next step for SQLEngine: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
    Next step for DQ: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
    Next step for FullText: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
    Next step for LocalDB: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
    Machine Properties:
    Machine name: CHARLY13C
    Machine processor count: 4
    OS version: Windows 8
    OS service pack:
    OS region: United States
    OS language: English (United States)
    OS architecture: x64
    Process architecture: 64 Bit
    OS clustered: No
    Product features discovered:
    Product Instance Instance ID Feature Language Edition Version Clustered Configured
    SQL Server 2012 DENALI MSSQL11.DENALI Database Engine Services 1033 Enterprise Edition 11.1.3128.0 No Yes
    SQL Server 2012 LocalDB 1033 Express Edition 11.1.3128.0 No Yes
    SQL Server 2014 HEKATON MSSQL12.HEKATON Database Engine Services 1033 Enterprise Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
    SQL Server 2014 HEKATON MSSQL12.HEKATON Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search 1033 Enterprise Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
    SQL Server 2014 HEKATON MSSQL12.HEKATON Data Quality Services 1033 Enterprise Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
    SQL Server 2014 Management Tools - Basic 1033 Enterprise Evaluation Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
    SQL Server 2014 Management Tools - Complete 1033 Enterprise Evaluation Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
    SQL Server 2014 Client Tools Connectivity 1033 Enterprise Evaluation Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
    SQL Server 2014 LocalDB 1033 Express Edition 12.0.2000.8 No Yes
    Package properties:
    Description: Microsoft SQL Server 2014
    ProductName: SQL Server 2014
    Type: RTM
    Version: 12
    SPLevel: 0
    Installation location: F:\x64\setup\
    Installation edition: Enterprise
    User Input Settings:
    ACTION: Repair
    AGTSVCACCOUNT: <empty>
    ASSVCACCOUNT: <empty>
    ASSVCPASSWORD: <empty>
    CLTSVCACCOUNT: <empty>
    CONFIGURATIONFILE: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20140427_235420\ConfigurationFile.ini
    ENU: true
    FTSVCPASSWORD: <empty>
    HELP: false
    ISSVCPASSWORD: <empty>
    QUIET: false
    QUIETSIMPLE: false
    UIMODE: Normal
    X86: false
    Configuration file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20140427_235420\ConfigurationFile.ini
    Detailed results:
    Feature: Management Tools - Complete
    Status: Passed
    Feature: Client Tools Connectivity
    Status: Passed
    Feature: Management Tools - Basic
    Status: Passed
    Feature: Database Engine Services
    Status: Failed: see logs for details
    Reason for failure: An error occurred during the setup process of the feature.
    Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
    Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
    Component error code: 0x84B40002
    Error description: The SQL Server feature 'SQL_Engine_Core_Inst' is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature.
    Error help link: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=12.0.2000.8&EvtType=0x2841E06E%401204%402&EvtType=0x2841E06E%401204%402
    Feature: Data Quality Services
    Status: Failed: see logs for details
    Reason for failure: An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail.
    Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
    Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
    Component error code: 0x84B40002
    Error description: The SQL Server feature 'SQL_Engine_Core_Inst' is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature.
    Error help link: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=12.0.2000.8&EvtType=0x2841E06E%401204%402&EvtType=0x2841E06E%401204%402
    Feature: Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search
    Status: Failed: see logs for details
    Reason for failure: An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail.
    Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
    Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
    Component error code: 0x84B40002
    Error description: The SQL Server feature 'SQL_Engine_Core_Inst' is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature.
    Error help link: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=12.0.2000.8&EvtType=0x2841E06E%401204%402&EvtType=0x2841E06E%401204%402
    Feature: SQL Browser
    Status: Passed
    Feature: SQL Writer
    Status: Passed
    Feature: LocalDB
    Status: Failed: see logs for details
    Reason for failure: An error occurred during the setup process of the feature.
    Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
    Feature: SQL Client Connectivity
    Status: Passed
    Feature: SQL Client Connectivity SDK
    Status: Passed
    Feature: Setup Support Files
    Status: Passed
    Rules with failures:
    Global rules:
    There are no scenario-specific rules.
    Rules report file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20140427_235420\SystemConfigurationCheck_Report.htm

  • How to create a sql server database in SQL DEVELOPER.

    I installed the SQL DEVELOPER 1.5.5, but i can't found where to create the sql server database in it. please kindly tell me if you feel free.
    Thanks so much in advance.

    Take a look at the main [ SQL Developer page on OTN|http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/database/sql_developer/index.html]. There is a link you should find useful, it's the Getting Started link under the Migration section. This explains how to download and setup the drivers you need to correct to non-Oracle databases. There are also links to online demonstrations on how to create connections to these databases. See how you go with that material.
    It should help.

  • Best practise for creating an application that connects to a SQL Server database

    I have created an application that connects to a SQL Server database and views information using a datagrid and performs several updates when a button
    is selected.  
    I have created a SQLcontrol.vb using the following code:
    Imports System.Data.Sql
    Imports System.Data.SqlClient
    Public Class SQlControl
    'connection 1
        Public SQLCon As New SqlConnection With {.ConnectionString
    = "Data Source=;Initial Catalog=;Integrated Security=True"}
    'connection 2
        Public SQLCon1 As New SqlConnection With {.ConnectionString
    = "Data Source;Initial Catalog=;Integrated Security=True"}
        Public sqlcmd As SqlCommand
        Public sqlda As SqlDataAdapter
        Public sqldataset As DataSet
        Public Function hasconnection() As Boolean
                Return True
            Catch ex As Exception
                Return False
            End Try
        End Function
        Public Sub runquery(query As String)
                sqlcmd = New SqlCommand(query,
                sqlda = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlcmd)
                sqldataset = New DataSet
    R As SqlDataReader = sqlcmd.ExecuteReader
    & ": " & R(0))
            Catch ex As Exception
    close connection if still open
                If SQLCon.State
    = ConnectionState.Open Then
                End If
            End Try
        End Sub
        Public Sub runquery1(query As String)
                sqlcmd = New SqlCommand(query,
                sqlda = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlcmd)
                sqldataset = New DataSet
    R As SqlDataReader = sqlcmd.ExecuteReader
    & ": " & R(0))
            Catch ex As Exception
    close connection if still open
                If SQLCon1.State
    = ConnectionState.Open Then
                End If
            End Try
        End Sub
    End Class
    A code for one of my button which views displays data grid contains the following code:
    Private Sub Button1_Click_1(sender As Object,
    e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
            If SQL.hasconnection
    = True Then
    * from tablea")
                If SQL.sqldataset.Tables.Count
    > 0 Then
                    DGVData.DataSource = SQL.sqldataset.Tables(0)
                End If
            End If
        End Sub
    I am fairly new to vb.net and have read a few books and followed a few tutorials on youtube, what I would like to know is, are there any disadvantages
    to the way I have connected to a SQL database using the SQLControl.vb.  A lot of the vb books include data adapter and dataset within the form, I'm not sure if I'm following best practice by have the connection details outside of the form.
    My other question is, I have created two connections in the SQLControl and call these connections within the same form using the same data adapter
    and dataset.  It all works fine but I just wanted to know of any potential issues?
    Public SQLCon As New SqlConnection With {.ConnectionString
    = "Data Source=;Initial Catalog=;Integrated Security=True"}
    'connection 2
        Public SQLCon1 As New SqlConnection With {.ConnectionString
    = "Data Source;Initial Catalog=;Integrated Security=True"}

    My other question is, I have created two connections in the SQLControl and call these connections within the same form using the same data adapter and dataset.  It all works fine but
    I just wanted to know of any potential issues
    1) You are not using Sepration of concerns for a solution that is doing data access, like using a DAL.
    2) You are directly issuing SQL commands at the UI, leading to sql injection attacks.
    3) You are not using a UI design pattern, which leads you to tightly couple database activity to the UI.
    @System243trd, parameters are important to prevent SQL injection attacks (people will insert SQL commands into the database if you do not perform basic checking of what you are passing to the database). If you write a stored procedure try to make
    the variables the correct SQL server data type to avoid problems later of people trying to call it directly.  Darnold924 is right, I see no code to prevent against SQL injection attacks. In addition, during development in some instances LocalSQLDB
    database system is used and during deployment you usually need to use the production SQL server database. Moreover,  Linq-to-SQL is used on Windows Phone 8.1 and it is required for phone development later and so I highly recommend learning
    it if you plan on developing windows phone applications.
    @System243trd, If you want the code for the windows phone app I think it uses the MVVM model or that might be for universal apps or regular windows phone apps. I have been using the windows phone Silverlight pivot or panorama template (it might
    be pieces of both). I've already submitted to the windows phone marketplace and it had to go through certification first. I plan on later making an article on it but I need to first fix one or two simple problems I have with it.  Here's a link to
    the source code if you later want to look at the source code (in vb.net): 
    Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes. speak softly and carry a big stick - theodore roosevelt. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering - Yoda. Blog
    - http://www.computerprofessions.us

  • SQL Server Database - Transaction logs growing largely with Simple Recovery model

    There is SQL server database on client side in production environment with huge transaction logs.
    Requirement :
    1. Take database backup
    2. Transaction log backup is not required. - so it is set to Simple recovery model.
    I am aware that, Simple Recovery model also increases the transaction logs same as in Full Recovery model as given on below link.
    Last week, this transaction log became of 1TB size and blocked everything on the database server.
    How to over come with this situation?
    PS :  There are huge bulk uploads to the database tables.
    Current Configuration :
    1. Simple Recovery model
    2. Target Recovery time : 3 Sec
    3. Recovery interval : 0
    4. No SQL Agent job schedule to shrink database.
    5. No other checkpoints created except automatic ones.
    Can anyone please guide me to have correct configuration on SQL server for client's production environment?
    Please let me know if any other details required from server.
    Thank you,

    Thank you for your response.
    Can you please explain me this in more details -- 
    What do you mean by one batch ?
    1. Number of rows to be inserted at a time ?
    2. or Size of data in one cell does matter here.
    As in my case, I am clubbing together all the data in one xml (on c# side) and inserting it as one record. Data is large in size, but only 1 record is inserted.
    Is it a good idea to shrink transaction log periodically, as it is not happening itself in simple recovery model.
    HI Mittal,
    Shrinking is bad activity yu should not shrink log files regularly, in rare case if you want to recovery space you may do it.
    Have manual chekpoints in Bulk insert operation.
    I cannot tell upfront what should be batch size but you can start with 1/4 th of what you are currently inserting.
    Most important what does below query return for database
    select log_reuse_wait_desc from sys.databases where name='db_name'
    The value it returns is what stopping the log from getting cleared and reused.
    What is version and editon of SQl server we are talking about. What is output of
    select @@version
    Please mark this reply as answer if it solved your issue or vote as helpful if it helped so that other forum members can benefit from it
    My Technet Wiki Article

  • Accessing an SQL Server Database created by MS Access Web App

    1.I have tried to use MS Access Web App which has created an SQL Server Database. I would like to access the database using SQL Management Studio Express 2014.  In access I can see the server name on windows.net and the database name but I do not know
    how to connect to this using SSMS Express 2014. Can you please help?                                                                         
    2.I also want to view our emails on MS Exchange in real-time. In MS Access Jet I can do this by linking the folders as tables. Is there a way of doing this in SQL Server? If not can I have a separate MS Access Jet with linked tables which I can then link into
    my SQL Server as an OLEDB Linked server?                                                                                                                         
    3. If going for the Linked Table in Jet solution where can I store it so that my MS Access Web App will have access to it?

    Hi gkounis,
    I don't think it support link MS Access Jet with linked tables in SQL Server.
    Can you share some info about your MS Access Web App?

  • Report with sql server database

    i m trying to create a report for sql server database
    first time it was developed successfully but when i tried to run it next time it throws error
    REP-4100 : Failed to execute data source
    JDBCPDS -62008 : SQL Server Error:
    S1000 [Microsoft SQL Server Driver] Connection is busy with results for another hstmt
    now today when i tried to develop a new report it shows two new errors:
    REP-4100 : Failed to execute data source
    JDBCPDS -62008 : SQL Server Error:
    S0002[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name
    REP-4100 : Failed to execute data source
    JDBCPDS -62008 : SQL Server Error:
    08S01[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Communication link failure

    yes you can use report Buider with Sql Server through jdbc driver.
    When you define the report datasource, you just have to set the JDBC conection infos.

  • Can dw cs3 connect directly to sql server database without a testing server?

    I'm new to dreamweaver but have used script tools that link
    directly to my sql server database.
    Not in dw, so far. As of this early stage, I don't have or
    want to use a web server, and it's blocking me
    without one. I just want to prototype without a testing
    server, directly to my database. And while I'll try php
    later, I didn't want to have to get into it or cold fusion,
    etc. right away.
    Can dw connect directly to sql server database without a
    testing server?
    I'm running XP sp 3 at this point, and don't see IIS. There's
    probably some security issues
    I'll have to tangle with. The goal is for my website to end
    up on the company intRAnet, not the www.
    fwiw, I can Build in Data Link Properties and get a
    successful test to my sql server database via
    Microsoft Data Link, but once I go back and try the test in
    OLE DB Connection it balks on the testing server,
    as I don't have one locally or otherwise. Isn't there a way
    to link to db without a testing server?
    Thanks for any insights.

    Art wrote:
    > You can connect to SQL server using ODBC in windows.
    Yes, you can. However, Dreamweaver's PHP server behaviors
    work only with
    MySQL. To connect to any other database, you need to hand
    everything yourself.
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3" (friends of
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

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