JEditorPane and images..

hi guyss..
i am trying to display an img within the JtextPane(or alternatively JEditorPane)...can any one of u tell me the best way to do it...
its like this..
i 've 3 JEditorPanes say pane1, 2, 3..i display 2 hyperlinks in pane1. it shows the html content with 2 more hyperlinks...when u click on one of these hyperlinks, i use pane2.setPage() to display the contents of the html file in pane2. the 2nd hyperlink is actually an img file. so when i click on this hyperlink, i want pane3 2 display the img. the html part in pane2 seems 2 wk fine but the img is nor correctly displayed in pane3.
've tried 2 include the path 2 the img file and usingJTextPane.setText(<img>) but it doesnt display the img...
can any1 suggest how 2 go abt it...

Hi Ruben,
you will have to implement adjustment of table cells yourself to achieve this. With the existing way JEditorPane et. al. render tables table cells always are sized either in default sizes or by attributes explicitly giving the size (such as attribute WIDTH).

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  • Apply formatting in a JEditorPane and export the content in HTML.

    I'm writing, a program to allow the user to enter a formated text and even add images in a JEditorPane.
    Here is a simple sample of the code:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import java.awt.*;              //for layout managers and more
    import java.awt.event.*;        //for action events
    public class EditorPane extends JPanel{
        private String newline = "\n";
        private JPanel buttonPanel;
        private JPanel textPanePanel;
        private JEditorPane myEditorPane;
        private JButton boldButton;
        private JButton colorButton;
        private JButton imgButton;
        private JButton saveButton;
         public EditorPane() {
        private void createGUI() {
            buttonPanel = new JPanel();
            boldButton = new JButton("Bold");
            boldButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            colorButton = new JButton("Color");
            colorButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            imgButton = new JButton("Image");
            imgButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            saveButton = new JButton("Save");
            saveButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 4));
            textPanePanel = new JPanel();
            textPanePanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());       
            myEditorPane = this.createEditorPane();
            JScrollPane paneScrollPane = new JScrollPane(myEditorPane);
            textPanePanel.add(paneScrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            this.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
            this.add(textPanePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                     JFrame frame = new JFrame("TextSamplerDemo");
                   EditorPane newContentPane = new EditorPane();
                    //newContentPane.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque
    private JEditorPane createEditorPane() {
            JEditorPane editorPane = new JEditorPane();
   helpURL = TextSamplerDemo.class.getResource(
            if (helpURL != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    System.err.println("Attempted to read a bad URL: " + helpURL);
            } else {
                System.err.println("Couldn't find file: simpleHTMLPage.html");
            return editorPane;
        private void boldButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            // TODO add your handling code here:
        private void colorButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            // TODO add your handling code here:
        private void imgButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            // TODO add your handling code here:
        private void saveButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
        String newStr = new String("this is the new String");
        //newStr.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Tahoma", 0, 14));
            // TODO add your handling code here:
    }and the HTML Code of simpleHTMLPage.html is
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <p>Simple text</p>
    <p><strong>Bold text</strong></p>
    <p><em>Italic text</em></p>
    <p align="center">Center text</p>
    <p><font color="#000099"><strong>Color text</strong></font></p>
    <p>image here : <img src="images/Pig.gif" width="121" height="129"></p>
    <p> </p>
    </html>By pressing the Save button I can change the selected text.
    I don�t know the way to get and apply the format (size, color �) to only the selected text and display the selected image in real time in the EditorPane. Like if you press the Bold button, the selected text font will be change to bold.
    I would like to get or save the HTML code of the content of the EditorPane by pressing the Save button, How to make it?
    I can apply the formatting on the selected text in a JTextPane, but I don't know the way to save or export the content in HTML. By doing that it could fix my problem too.
    So any help to do that will be much appreciated.

    Tks for your answer. That one I can do it. I would like to display the selected text in bold instead of adding the tag in the JEditorPane. If I get you right, you get the hole content of the JEditorPane and save it. How did you get it ? And before saving that in the database, did you fing the keysWord to convert the HTML tag in the corresponding entities ?
    Bellow you have a sample of code to make the formatting in the JTextPane.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.text.Highlighter;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
    public class MonJTextPane extends JFrame implements CaretListener, ActionListener
              *     Attributs :
         private JTextPane monTextPane;
         private JLabel monLabel;
         private JButton monBouton;
         private StyleAide style; // class qui defini les effets de style de l'editeur
              *     Constructeur :
         public MonJTextPane ()
         {     super ("Aide");
              // construction du composant Texte
     = new StyleAide (new StyleContext ());
              this.monTextPane = new JTextPane ();
              this.monTextPane.setDocument (style);
              this.monTextPane.addCaretListener (this);
              // construction de la fenetre :
              this.getContentPane ().setLayout (new BorderLayout ());
              this.setBounds (150,150,600,550);
              this.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
              this.monLabel = new JLabel ("Auncune ligne saisie...");
              this.monBouton = new JButton ("change de style");
              this.monBouton.addActionListener (this);
              JPanel panel = new JPanel ();
              panel.setLayout (new GridLayout (1,2));
              panel.add (monLabel);
              panel.add (monBouton);
              this.getContentPane ().add (panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              this.getContentPane ().add (this.monTextPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              this.setVisible (true);
              *     Methodes :
         private int getCurrentLigne ()
         {     return ( (monTextPane.getCaretPosition ())+1 );
         public int getCurrentColonne ()
         {     return ( (monTextPane.getCaretPosition ())+1 );
              *     Methodes CaretListener:
         // ecoute les deplacements du curseur d'insertion
         public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e)
         {     int debut = java.lang.Math.min (e.getDot (), e.getMark ());
              int fin   = java.lang.Math.max (e.getDot (), e.getMark ());
              this.monLabel.setText ("Ligne numero : "+ this.getCurrentLigne ()+" Colonne : "+this.getCurrentColonne ()+" (debut : "+debut+", fin : "+fin+")");
              *     Methodes ActionListener:
         public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
         {     int start     = monTextPane.getSelectionStart();
              int end          = monTextPane.getSelectionEnd();
              int debut     = java.lang.Math.min (start, end);
              int fin          = java.lang.Math.max (start, end);
              int longueur= fin - debut;
     (debut, longueur);
         // lance le tout ....
         public static void main (String argv [])
         {     new MonJTextPane ();
    // la Classe DefaultStyledDocument correspond a la classe utilise comme Model pour les
    // composant Texte evolue comme : JTextPane ou JEditorPane
    // en derivant de cette derniere nous pouvons donc redefinir les methodes d'insertion afin de personnalise
    // le style d'ecriture en fonction du texte et creer une methode permettant de modifier le style utilise pour
    // une partie de texte deja ecrite.
    class StyleAide extends DefaultStyledDocument
              *     Constructeur :
         public StyleAide (StyleContext styles)
         {     super (styles);
              initStyle (styles);
              *     Methodes :
         // redefini pour choisir l'effet de style a utiliser
         public void insertString(int offs, String str, AttributeSet a) throws BadLocationException
         {     try
              {     // si le texte insere est egale a HELP le texte s'ecrit avec le style "styleOp"
                   if ( str.equals ("HELP") )
                   {     super.insertString (offs, str, getStyle ("styleOp"));
                   else // sinon le texte est ecrit avec le style "styleNormal"
                   {     super.insertString (offs, str, getStyle ("styleNormal"));
              catch (BadLocationException e)
              {     System.out.println ("Tuuuttt erreur Insere");
         // modifie le style d'ecriture d'un texte deja ecrit compris
         public void changeStyleSurligne (int positionDepart, int longueur)
         {     setCharacterAttributes (positionDepart, longueur, getStyle ("styleKeyWord"), true);
         // le Model d'un composant texte est enregistre sous form d'un arbre
         // cette methode permet de recuperer le noeud root de l'arbre
         private Element getRootElement ()
         {     return this.getDefaultRootElement ();
         // methode permettant d'obtenir la ligne correspondant a un offset donnee
         public int getNumLigne (int offset)
         {     Element eltR = getRootElement ();
              int numLigne = eltR.getElementIndex (offset);
              Element elt  = eltR.getElement (numLigne);
              if ( offset != elt.getEndOffset () )
              {     return numLigne;
              {     if ( numLigne != 0 )
                   {     return numLigne+1;
              return 0;
         public int getNumColonne (int offset)
         {     Element eltR = getRootElement ();
              Element elt = eltR.getElement (eltR.getElementIndex (offset));
              int numColonne = offset-elt.getStartOffset ();
              return numColonne;
         // Defini les differents styles
         private static void initStyle (StyleContext styles)
         {     // definition du style pour le texte normal (brute)
              javax.swing.text.Style defaut = styles.getStyle (StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE);
              javax.swing.text.Style styleNormal = styles.addStyle("styleNormal", defaut);
              StyleConstants.setFontFamily (styleNormal, "Courier");
              StyleConstants.setFontSize (styleNormal, 11);
              javax.swing.text.Style tmp = styles.addStyle("styleKeyWord", styleNormal);
              // Ajout de la couleur blue et du style gras pour les mots cle
              StyleConstants.setBold(tmp, true);
              tmp = styles.addStyle("styleOp", styleNormal);
              // Ajout de la couleur rouge pour le style des operateurs
    }But it hard for me to convert it in the corresponding HTML document.
    Did you have and idea

  • JEditorPane HTMLEditorkit Image align left

    I am developing a HTML Editor with JEditorPane and HTMLEditorKit. Apart from the many other difficulties, the HTMLEditorKit doesn't show a text next to an image correctly. I set an Image alignment to left and hopped, the text would be displayed text to it beginninge at the top. But it doesn't. Can anyone help.

    I'm sorry, but this doesn't help me at all. To be more precisely, I want a text placed next to an image. A normal Browser does is when you say something like <img align="left" ...> and just place your text behind this tag. It looks like this:
    %%%%%%%%%% My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text
    %%%%%%%%%% My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text
    %%%IMAGE%%%% My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text
    %%%%%%%%%% My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text
    %%%%%%%%%% My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text
    The Problem with the JEditorpane and the HTMLEditorKit is, that it shows up like this:
    %%%%%%%%%% My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text
    My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text
    My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text
    My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text
    My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text
    If I put the alignment to top or something else, I can let it look like this:
    %%%%%%%%%% My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text
    My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text
    My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text
    My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text
    My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text My Text
    But annoyingly I let it show up like in any normal Internet Browser.
    Hope my problem is more clearly now and somebody can help me.
    Yours sincerely,

  • [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE operator.  'Items' (OITM) (OITM)

    Dear Experts,
    i am getting the below error when i was giving * (Star) to view all the items in DB
    [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE operator.  'Items' (OITM) (OITM)
    As i was searching individually it is working fine
    can any one help me how to find this..

    Dear Nithi Anandham,
    i am not having any query while finding all the items in item master data i am giving find mode and in item code i was trying to type *(Star) and enter while typing enter the above issue i was facing..

  • Error in SQL Query The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE operator. for the query

    hi Experts,
    while running SQL Query i am getting an error as
    The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE operator. for the query
    select  T1. Dscription,T1.docEntry,T1.Quantity,T1.Price ,
    from OQUT T0  INNER JOIN QUT1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry INNER JOIN
    QUT10 T2 ON T1.DocEntry = T2.DocEntry where T1.DocEntry='590'
    group by  T1. Dscription,T1.docEntry,T1.Quantity,T1.Price
    how to resolve the issue

    Dear Meghanath,
    Please use the following query, Hope your purpose will serve.
    select  T1. Dscription,T1.docEntry,T1.Quantity,T1.Price ,
    CAST(T2.LineText as nvarchar (MAX))[LineText]
    from OQUT T0  INNER JOIN QUT1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry LEFT OUTER JOIN
    QUT10 T2 ON T1.DocEntry = T2.DocEntry --where T1.DocEntry='590'
    group by  T1. Dscription,T1.docEntry,T1.Quantity,T1.Price
    ,CAST(T2.LineText as nvarchar (MAX))

  • Text and images not displaying, but some are

    I've uploaded my site, and images and text are missing. 4 pages are great, but the individual property pages are half empty (missing images, icons and text) Its a school project, so, yikes!
    thank you in advance

    I should clarify, it all worked fine on my own server. Now, on the schools site, its missing photos going across horizontally, the lightbox that goes with, a text box, an image embedded with links. The remaining elements are in their places. Could this be a server issue?
    And, clever me, it is due tomorrow.

  • On YouTube, I can't play playlists there. It says I need to update my Java and it is updated already. When I go to different sites like Yahoo! the links and images are all distorted. This is the second time this has happened to me now

    Hello Firefox,
    I am having problems with my Firefox's image processor I believe. My web browser is fine but then a few minutes later I get some weird look on my page. It then just stays here and I can't fix it. When I go to Yahoo all the links and images do not look normal. I really cannot explain this and wish I could send a picture instead. When I go to the Log in page for Facebook I do not see the image of the small faces networking around the world. It's blank and the links are widely spread apart. With YouTube the page is also distorted. Nothing is arranged properly. I can watch videos. However when I go to someone's profile or a playlist videos cannot play or show up. It says I need to update my Java player and it is already updated. It still happens when I uninstall and re install back. I was only able to fix this problem by uninstalling everything related to Firefox. I do not know how to solve this any other way. I don't like it when all my information is lost such as saved passwords and bookmarks. If there is any way to solve this thanks. I don't want to uninstall this again.

    Your above posted list of installed plugins doesn't show the Flash plugin for Firefox.<br />
    See [[Managing the Flash plugin]] and [[Installing the Flash plugin]]
    You can check the Adobe welcome and test page:
    You can use this manual download link:

  • Conditional Text and Image based on Excel column values

       I have an excel file which contains data that needs to be imported/merged in an InDesign document. I have converted that file into a CSV... I'm unable to figure out how to create document using Data Merge after evaluating some conditions on data ... Example InDesing document layout is like below and will be repeated for say 200 data rows...
    Heading 1
    Text 1, Text 2
    Text 3
    Heading 1, Text 1 and Text 2 even Image value will be set after checking some condition like below
    if ( column 'A' == ' ' && column 'B' == '1')
      Set 'Heading 1' == column X
    if ( column 'C' == '0' && file.exist(column C & '.jpg'))
       Set 'Image' == column C & '.jpg'
    Can someone please guide me how to create document when CSV and Images are given based on this scenario? and even if Data Merge is the right solution for this.
    -- Thanks.

    Data merge can only reproduce one layout, so you can't merge 200 rows and then change things unless you do it in separate documents and then combine them. Of course anything you can do via scripting or manually on a regular document you can also do to a merged document after the merge is complete.
    It sounds like this is a multiple-records-per-page scenario. TO do that you set up ONE instance only of what you want to merge, in the upper left position on the page. ID then duplicates EVERYTHING that is on the page as many times as will fit using the spacing parameters you provide. This means you need to be careful with frame sizes so they don't extend beyond where they should, but it also means you can add a no-fill, no-stroke frame as a border or bounding box to make it easier to get a precise size to be used by each record. Frames in merged documents are not threaded from record to record (though there are methods for doing that after the merge, if desired), so deleting a record normally leaves a hole in the page.
    If you have master page items, it's probably best to us the "none" master before the merge, then apply the correct master page after.

  • Preview and image capture don't save imported scanned image

    Hi. Both preview and image capture aquire the scanner and displays the image overview. But when proceeding
    to scan, the application simply hangs and no image is saved.
    Maybe some prefs file is corrupted. Tried removing the from ~/Library/Containers, but didn't help....
    What to do???

    Not sure if this is relevant:
    1) TWAIN-BRIDGE is installed otherwise mavericks won't talk to the scanner.
    2) recently added an HP printer (no scanner). Shouldn't conflict with the scanner driver, but then again.....

  • Preview and Image Capture Not Recognising Scanner

    Preview and Image capture have stopped recognising my networked Canon MX350 scanner.  It seemed to occur after I used PhotoScore to scan some sheet music but that could be coincidence.  I deleted the scanner driver and reinstalled it from the Canon website together with the MP Navigator software, and I am now able to scan from MP Navigator but not Image Capture or Preview.  I have run Software Update but no updates are available.

    Apple's official documentation only provides an information about printing by using this device - scanner is not listed. I would suggest to look for specific drivers on Canon's official webpage.
    OS X: Printer and scanner software available for download - Apple Support

  • Imported MP3 sound and image CD Bird pics and sounds but each song is an album, so cluttering my album and artist lists. How can I keep together as one album please?

    I Imported a MP3 sound and image CD Bird - Birds of Sri Lanka - via itunes on my mac, then synched content to my Iphone as a Playlist to get all the songs/pics in alpha order. BUT each of the 329 birdsongs are listing/appearing as a separate album, so cluttering my album and artist lists :0(
    How can I get all the Birds of Sri Lanka songs/albums to come together as just one album please?
    Do I need to delete what i have, and download again in another way? :0(
    Can I move them all the songs somehow so they become ONE ALBUM :0)
    Thank you

    OOOOhhhhhh no worries, sorted it.
    In playlist Selected all songs, went into Get info and updated COMPILATION field from NO to YES.

  • The latest Firefox version won't expand to make text and images more visible on my 32" screen, although I have tried to adjust the advanced Windows appearance settings in the same way that has worked in previous versions of Firefox.

    Normally I have had to go to Control Panel; Appearances and Themes; Display; Settings; Advanced; Custom; and then I adjust the Customize Setting to 155% (149 dpi). I have hit on this setting through trial and error; larger and icons like the cursor get big and fuzzy. Smaller than 155% and text and images are tiny on the 32" wide screen. This time that procedure doesn't seem to work. The text and images remain too small regardless of setting, although the cursor icon gets big. I can manually zoom the pages, but that is clumsy and has to be redone. Does anyone know of an easy setting fix? I am not too smart about this stuff--mostly trial and error, but I do want to be able to enjoy my wide screen. Thanks!

    Normally I have had to go to Control Panel; Appearances and Themes; Display; Settings; Advanced; Custom; and then I adjust the Customize Setting to 155% (149 dpi). I have hit on this setting through trial and error; larger and icons like the cursor get big and fuzzy. Smaller than 155% and text and images are tiny on the 32" wide screen. This time that procedure doesn't seem to work. The text and images remain too small regardless of setting, although the cursor icon gets big. I can manually zoom the pages, but that is clumsy and has to be redone. Does anyone know of an easy setting fix? I am not too smart about this stuff--mostly trial and error, but I do want to be able to enjoy my wide screen. Thanks!

  • How can i copy line with text and image to ms word

    When I insert an image in textflow using InlineGraphicElement it works, but when I copy the line with the image to MS Word it copies only the text (not the image).
    How can i copy the image to MS Word?

    If you want copy formatted text and image to MS Word, you need to give MS Word rtf markup, because Word can recognize rtf markup but not TLF markup.
    So you need to create a custom clipboard to paste a rtf markup. It's a large feature for you, because you need a tlf-rtf converter in your custom clipboard.
    TLF Custom Clipboard Example:
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.desktop.ClipboardFormats;
        import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
        import flashx.textLayout.conversion.ITextImporter;
        import flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter;
        import flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager;
        import flashx.textLayout.elements.*;
        import flashx.undo.UndoManager;
        // Example code to install a custom clipboard format. This one installs at the front of the list (overriding all later formats)
        // and adds a handler for plain text that strips out all consonants (everything except aeiou).
        public class CustomClipboardFormat extends Sprite
            public function CustomClipboardFormat()
                var textFlow:TextFlow = setup();
                TextConverter.addFormatAt(0, "vowelsOnly_extraList", VowelsOnlyImporter, AdditionalListExporter, "air:text" /* it's a converter for cliboard */);
            private const markup:String = '<TextFlow whiteSpaceCollapse="preserve" version="2.0.0" xmlns=""><p><span color=\"0x00ff00\">Anything you paste will have all consonants removed.</span></p></TextFlow>';
            private function setup():TextFlow
                var importer:ITextImporter = TextConverter.getImporter(TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
                var textFlow:TextFlow = importer.importToFlow(markup);
                textFlow.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(this,500,200));
                textFlow.interactionManager = new EditManager(new UndoManager());
                return textFlow;
    import flashx.textLayout.conversion.ITextExporter;
    import flashx.textLayout.conversion.ConverterBase;
    import flashx.textLayout.conversion.ITextImporter;
    import flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
    class VowelsOnlyImporter extends ConverterBase implements ITextImporter
        protected var _config:IConfiguration = null;
        /** Constructor */
        public function VowelsOnlyImporter()
        public function importToFlow(source:Object):TextFlow
            if (source is String)
                var firstChar:String = (source as String).charAt(0);
                firstChar = firstChar.toLowerCase();
                // This filter only applies if the first character is a vowel
                if (firstChar == 'a' || firstChar == 'i' || firstChar == 'e' || firstChar == 'o' || firstChar == 'u')
                    var pattern:RegExp = /([b-df-hj-np-tv-z])*/g;
                    source = source.replace(pattern, "");
                    var importer:ITextImporter = TextConverter.getImporter(TextConverter.PLAIN_TEXT_FORMAT);
                    importer.useClipboardAnnotations = this.useClipboardAnnotations;
                    importer.configuration = _config;
                    return importer.importToFlow(source);
            return null;
        public function get configuration():IConfiguration
            return _config;
        public function set configuration(value:IConfiguration):void
            _config = value;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.ListElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.ListItemElement;
    class AdditionalListExporter extends ConverterBase implements ITextExporter
        /** Constructor */
        public function AdditionalListExporter()   
        public function export(source:TextFlow, conversionType:String):Object
            if (source is TextFlow)
                source.getChildAt(source.numChildren - 1).setStyle(MERGE_TO_NEXT_ON_PASTE, false);
                var list:ListElement = new ListElement();
                var item1:ListItemElement = new ListItemElement();
                var item2:ListItemElement = new ListItemElement();
                var para1:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
                var para2:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
                var span1:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
                span1.text = "ab";
                var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
                span2.text = "cd";
                var exporter:ITextExporter = TextConverter.getExporter(TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
                exporter.useClipboardAnnotations = this.useClipboardAnnotations;
                return exporter.export(source, conversionType);   
            return null;

  • How can i create a simple netweaver portal page that shows text and images?

    i have a simple question or maybe it's not so simple.
    I am completly new to SAP Netweaver 2004s Portal. At the moment i'm trying to understand the struture of the whole thing. I already know how to create roles, worksets and pages and i know how to combine the different elements so a user can acces them.
    And now i want to create a simple portal page that shows text and images. Is it possible to create such a simple page with the portal content studio? What iView do i have to use?
    (I just want to create a start page with a welcome text on it.)

    Considering that you would any ways go ahead with complex development from this simple start page I recommend create a Web dynpro Iview for your start page (include the Iview in your page).
    For putting the contents use Netweaver Developer studio to build a simple start page application and put your static text on that Iview.
    Please go through the following log after your NWDS development is over - This will make you comfortable for further challenging work.
    Do reward points if this helps and let me know of you want anything more.

  • How to load a text file int JEditorPane and highlight some words (Urgent !)

    I want to load a text file into a JEditorPane and then highlights some keywords such as while,if and else.I am using an EditorKit in order to style the JEditorPane. I have no difficulty while giving the input through the keyboard but lots of exceptions are thrown if i try to load the string from a file.

    I think the setCharacterAttributes(int offset, int length, AttributeSet s, boolean replace) will solve the problem.
    You can create your own Styled Document and set it to the Editor Pane.

Maybe you are looking for

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