JEditorPane with text/html content-type still displaying as plain-text?

Hello all,
I recently started work on a very basic HTTP GET program that gets the HTML source of a page and, using a JEditorPane, displays the page as normal (i.e. like a browser would).
Anywhoo, the HTTP GET is fine, and the source is loaded into a String called "html". Then I do this:
                    displayArea.setText(html);However the content appears in the editor pane as plain-text (i.e. the HTML code appears as-is, not in a 'compiled' form).
Any ideas why this is?

Thanks for the replies, however the setContentType didn't work either. When I changed the code to what you suggested, nothing got inserted into the editor pane at all (i.e. no HTML - nor plain-text?). More of the code:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ClassName extends JFrame implements ActionListener
     public JTextField urlIn, pageIn;
     public JButton go;
     public JScrollPane scrollPane;
     public JEditorPane displayArea;
     public JPanel topPanel;
     public String url, page, html;
     public int index;
     public ClassName()
          setLayout(new BorderLayout());
          JPanel topPanel = new JPanel();
          topPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
          urlIn = new JTextField(18);
          pageIn = new JTextField(18);
          JButton go = new JButton("Go!");
          add(topPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
          displayArea = new JEditorPane();
          add(displayArea, BorderLayout.CENTER);
     public static void main(String args[])
          new ClassName();
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
          if( e.getActionCommand() == "Go!" )
               url = urlIn.getText();
               page = pageIn.getText();
               if (url != null && page != null )
                         final int HTTP_PORT = 80;
                         Socket s = new Socket(url, HTTP_PORT);
                         InputStream inStream = s.getInputStream();
                         OutputStream outStream = s.getOutputStream();
                         Scanner in = new Scanner (inStream);
                         PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(outStream);
                         out.print("GET " + page + " HTTP/1.0\n\n");
                         while( in.hasNextLine() )
                              String input = in.nextLine();
                              html = html + input;
                    catch (Exception exception)
                         System.out.println("Error: " + exception);
                  System.out.println("Please enter something!");
}Am baffled as to what the problem is? :-(

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    I don't know if this can help you, but I had a similar problem while invoking a web service. Eventually, I found out that the server was returning an html error page, and not the expected xml answer.
    That's why the client code raises such an error... It means that the MIME type of the anser is text/html (for the html page) and not the text/xml type of the 'nominal' web service answer.
    You can verify this by using a proxy to intercept the http request and answer involved in this web service invocation (use Fiddler for instance). Then, you will see that the server responds by sending an html page saying that something is wrong.
    Hope this helps...

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    //I declare a global reference to my HTMLDocument
    HTMLDocument _docHTMLDoc;
    //Create a JTextPane
    JTextPane _tpaEditor = new JTextPane( );
    //Set type content to automatically select HTMLEditorKit
    //Get a referene to its HTMLEditorKit
    HTMLEditorKit _kitHTMLEditor = (HTMLEditorKit) _tpaEditor.getEditorKit( );
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    void newDocument(){
      _docHTMLDoc = (HTMLDocument) _kitHTMLEditor.createDefaultDocument();
       //I do other stuff wich are not important to be shown here
    //I then have another function to load content
    void loadContent(){
       //I get content from a HashMap I initialized when I started my applet
       String strContent = (String)_mapInitParameters.get("html_content");
       //I set content for my editor
    //Notice.. I have tried many other ways to load this text : via HTMLEditorKit and its insertHTML method, I
    //have also tried to store this content in some reader and make HTMLEditorKit read it... and nothing,
    // I always get the bug
    //To change color it goes like this :
    JComboBox _cboColor = new JComboBox();
    //I correctly initialize this combo with colors
    //then I do something like this
    ActionListener _lst = new ActionListener(){
       public void actionPeformed(ActionEvent e){
          Color colSel = (Color) _cboColor.getSelectedItem();
          MutableAttributeSet mas = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    //Set Attributes goes something like this
    private void setAttributeSet(javax.swing.text.AttributeSet atrAttributeSet) {       
            //Get current 'End' and 'Start' positions
            int intCurrPosStart = _tpaEditor.getSelectionStart();
            int intCurrPosEnd = _tpaEditor.getSelectionEnd();
            if(intCurrPosStart != intCurrPosEnd){
                //Apply attributes to selection
                _docHTMLDoc.setCharacterAttributes(intCurrPosStart,intCurrPosEnd - intCurrPosStart,atrAttributeSet,false);
                //No selection : apply attributes to further typed text
                MutableAttributeSet atrInputAttributes = _kitHTMLEditor.getInputAttributes();

    hi, friend!
    try this:
    void setAttributeToText(JTextPane pane, int start, int end, Color color) {
    MutableAttributeSet new_att = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    HTMLDocument doc=(HTMLDocument)pane.getDocument();
    It works fine in my Application, hope will work in yours, too.
    good luck.

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    var flash_css = new TextField.StyleSheet();
    flash_css.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
    if (success) {
    zloc_txt.styleSheet = flash_css;
    } else {
    trace("Error loading CSS file.");
    var zloc_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    zloc_lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
    if (success) {
    zloc_txt.text = this.content;
    } else {
    trace("unable to load text file.");
    zloc_txt.html = true;
    zloc_txt.editable = false;
    _global.styles.TextArea.setStyle("backgroundColor" ,
    _global.styles.TextArea.setStyle("border styles" , "solid");
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    &content=<span class="headline">Northwest Arkansas
    121 Main St.
    Russellville, AK 77801
    (626) 111-1111<br />
    <html><a href=""
    target="_blank">Click Here for Driving
    Directions</a></html><br />
    Thanks for the help,

    The error is here:
    zloc_txt.text = this.content;
    Even if you rendered the textfield as HTML, you still need to
    tell flash that the variable you are inserting is HTML. Therefore
    you need to use the htmlText property.
    zloc_txt.htmlText = this.content;

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    Hi Sarah,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you cannot create a new list item with a specific content type using SharePoint 2010 Platform Workflow.
    I tested the same scenario in my environment, and the Create List Item worked fine with the specific content type.
    How did you create the content type?
    Please check if the content type is added to the list/library the workflow associated with.
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

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    In your model you are  given navigation control as Default ,just give any other navigation option Ex Tab and try .
    And for me its working fine.
    If u think i did not got ur problem just send the screen shots of Both Flex and Flex2

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    Hello my friend Niall. How are you?
    So, Not is it possible, right?
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    soap:ServerException of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException' was thrown.An error has occurred.
    I'm connecting to a SQL Server with sql server credentials. I'm able to see the tables and columns in the Data Source Explorer.
    The permissions for the Content Type are all authenticated Users with everything checked.

    How did you supply username and password to the external content type?
    As i know, there are four options (user's identity, BDC's identity, impersonate windows identity, impersonate custom identity), you cannot directly input the SQL username and password.
    I suggest you to use impersonate custom identity.
    Before using it, you need to create a new target application ID in secure store service application. and select
    user name and password for filed type at second step. after that, you need to set credentials for this target application ID to input your sql user name and password there.
    Then you need to input this target application ID at connection properties (both default and client tabs) of the external content type.

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    Hi B2B Gurus,
    Now that i have worked out file transfer. I was now trying to post the same document onto a HTTP URL.
    I see in the headers that the
    However i need the Content-Type to be text/XML
    Where can i get this changed?
    Edited by: user773213 on Apr 8, 2009 4:48 AM

    i tried it but it still shows the same content-type
    2009.04.08 at 18:45:29:500: Thread-10: Repository - (INFORMATION) BIND VARS = (5B7A966871774858A1C935F4ADEECA85-95-1, 95, 1, N,, <0AB05E5912085DE6D600000082D60500@AS2_Mycompany>, null, null, , Processing, oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.BinaryImpl@10bbd42, , null, , oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.BinaryImpl@1b6772a, null, null, null, HTTP, , 1.0, Wed Apr 08 18:45:29 GMT+05:30 2009, , Message-ID=<0AB05E5912085DE6D600000082D60500@AS2_Mycompany>
    Disposition-Notification-To=[email protected]
    User-Agent=AS2 Server
    Date=Wed, 08 Apr 2009 13:15:17 GMT
    Content-Type=application/XML; name=ShipOrder
    , null, 0AB05E5912085DE72520000082D60600, null, 3C4DF09FF3304FA698C287DA35154FDB, 826050DF70374FF389E372DB6D126D46)
    2009.04.08 at 18:45:29:906: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) CatalogDriver.writeObjectList()

  • Getting the html content before browser displays it

    I have a nagging problem which i am trying hard to solve.
    I have a jsp file which gets hundreds of rows from database. I want to capture the html content before the browser displays that. How can I achieve it. ?
    Please tell us the solution as soon as possible. we have stopped the work.
    Thanks & Regards,
    A S N Murthy
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Hi !
    continuing with my previous mail...
    Is it okay with you if you use save the Data to be rendered in an XML ? (if you just need all the data).
    You've written you will have "hundreds of rows from database".
    In case you think of saving the data in an XML format, you can have all that data in a structured manner on the server side. And later you could use the XML file in any way you want. i.e. convert it into an html using xalan, etc. or use the XML file to access the data instead of a DB transaction all over again...
    I guess this might be a better approach than saving the HTML that will be generated by the JSP.
    Anyway, it depends on your requirement.
    Rahul C Tiwary

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    I have 2 jsps, one jsp(a.jsp) is throwing content-type as HTML and other JSP(b.jsp) is throwing content-type as xml. I am making use of xsl to render the xml content in html format. But the problem is that i want to include b.jsp in a.jsp, and when i do so b.jsp doesn't make use of xsl for its rendering rather it displays the contents haphazardly.
    Plese help if somebody knows the solution.

    Below the following line ..
    <html:form action="addContact">Add this new form field..
    <html:hidden name="flag" value="0"/>Needless to say that this String variable flag should be defined in your ActionForm.
    Next, instead of ...
    <html:submit property="parameter"><bean:message key="" /></html:submit>Put this ...
    <input type="button" name="xyz" onClick="callSubmit(1);" value='<bean:message key="" />'>Then add a JS function as below ...
    function callSubmit(flg)
    </script>Finally in your ActionServlet, you need to find the value of the ActionForm variable flag via request.getParameter("flag").
    In case the value is set to 1, then it means that you need to send the particular row to DB. You may add additional flag values to correctly identify theparticular row which you may want to send to DB.
    Hope you got it.

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    I created a template from a "fresh" SharePoint project site with no tampering.
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    In Danish:
    Beklager, men noget gik galt
    Det blev fundet et navn på en dubletindholdstype "billede".
    Tekniske oplysninger
    Fejlfinding af problemer med Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
    Korrelations-id: 96646c9c-3213-a088-c6c4-537b0815313c
    Dato og klokkeslæt: 21-06-2014 10:23:36
    In English:
    Sorry, something went wrong
    A duplicate content type name "billede" was found.
    Technical Details
    Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
    Correlation ID: 0b656c9c-52ee-a088-c6c4-5132070e3c4e
    Date and Time: 21-06-2014 10:31:35

    Need details from ULS logs about Correlation ID: 0b656c9c-52ee-a088-c6c4-5132070e3c4e
    Check below:
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

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Maybe you are looking for