Add "make unique symbol" button and context menu option

I often want to make a variation of an existing symbol that is already positioned on the page. Unless I'm missing something, the steps are to duplicate existing symbol in the symbols palette, then replace the selected symbol instance, using the "replace symbol instance" in the Control Bar. Why not have a context menu option "make unique symbol" that automatically replaces the instance with new, unique symbol? I'd also like to see "Edit Symbol" added to the context menu. I'm hovering over the symbol, why should I have to go find the "edit symbol" button? I realize I can double-click the instance, but this does not work in all cases, such as when the direct select tool is active.
If you've used SketchUp, you know where this idea comes from.

No, I want to make a new, unique symbol of an existing symbol instance. If I choose "break link" from the context menu or symbols palette, the artwork is no longer a symbol and after editing, must converted to a symbol using the symbols palette. This requires several, unnecessary steps. At the very least, I'd like to see "Make new symbol" added to the context menu. If you're a SketchUp user you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Seems incidental, but AI's method is inefficient.

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    There are many times I need to make a "variation" of a symbol that should also become a symbol. The current method requires several unnecessary steps. I'd like an option in the "Symbol" context menu called "Make unique Symbol". It would duplicate the current symbol in the symbol palette and link the current symbol instance to it.

    I agree the context menu entry is useful and I also use TMP for it. Firefox does have a built-in option to duplicate a tab. Hold down the control key, then drag the tab onto the tab bar and it will create a duplicate.
    You may already be aware, but there is a development version of Tab Mix Plus for Firefox 4 available from

  • ALV: Right Button Click and Context Menu

    Hi Experts,
    I have to implement an ALV which should act on a right button click and show a context menu.
    Is this possible? I found only events for "on_double_click" or "on_link_click" and is it possible to show a context menu?
    Thanks in advanced.
    Best regards,

    Hello Markus
    The relevant events are:
    Have a look at my sample report ZUS_SDN_ALV_CONTEXT_MENU_1.
    *& <a class="jive_macro jive_macro_thread" href="" __jive_macro_name="thread" modifiedtitle="true" __default_attr="910750"></a>
    *& Thread: ALV: Right Button Click and Context Menu
    *& Flow logic of screen 100 (no screen elements; ok_code = GD_OKCODE)
    *&      MODULE STATUS_0100.
    *&      MODULE USER_COMMAND_0100.
    REPORT  zus_sdn_alv_context_menu_1.
      gd_okcode        TYPE ui_func,
      go_docking       TYPE REF TO cl_gui_docking_container,
      go_splitter      TYPE REF TO cl_gui_splitter_container,
      go_cell_top      TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container,
      go_cell_bottom   TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container,
      go_grid1         TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
      go_grid2         TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
      gs_layout        TYPE lvc_s_layo.
      gt_knb1          TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF knb1,
      gt_knvv          TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF knvv.
    *       CLASS lcl_eventhandler DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_eventhandler DEFINITION.
          handle_double_click FOR EVENT double_click OF cl_gui_alv_grid
          handle_context_menu_request FOR EVENT context_menu_request
                                                     OF cl_gui_alv_grid
          handle_user_command FOR EVENT user_command OF cl_gui_alv_grid
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_eventhandler DEFINITION
    *       CLASS lcl_eventhandler IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_eventhandler IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD handle_double_click.
    *   define local data
          ls_knb1      TYPE knb1.
        CHECK ( sender = go_grid1 ).
        READ TABLE gt_knb1 INTO ls_knb1 INDEX e_row-index.
        CHECK ( ls_knb1-kunnr IS NOT INITIAL ).
        CALL METHOD go_grid1->set_current_cell_via_id
    *        IS_ROW_ID    =
    *        IS_COLUMN_ID =
            is_row_no    = es_row_no.
    *   Triggers PAI of the dynpro with the specified ok-code
        CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>set_new_ok_code( 'DETAIL' ).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_double_click
      METHOD handle_context_menu_request.
    *   define local data
        DATA: lt_fcodes    TYPE ui_funcattr,
              ls_fcode     TYPE uiattentry,
              ls_func      TYPE ui_func,
              lt_func      TYPE ui_functions.
        "   Inactivate all standard functions
        CALL METHOD e_object->get_functions
            fcodes = lt_fcodes.
        LOOP AT lt_fcodes INTO ls_fcode.
          ls_func = ls_fcode-fcode.
          APPEND ls_func TO lt_func.
        e_object->disable_functions( lt_func ).
    "   Add new functions
        e_object->add_separator( ).
        CALL METHOD e_object->add_function
            fcode = 'XD03'
            text  = 'Call Transaction'.
        CALL METHOD e_object->add_function
            fcode = 'DETAILS'
            text  = 'Display Details'.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_context_menu_request
      METHOD handle_user_command.
    *   define local data
          ls_knb1   TYPE knb1,
          ls_row    TYPE lvc_s_row,
          ls_col    TYPE lvc_s_col.
        "   NOTE: in case of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID the functions of a context menu
        "         are handled in method USER_COMMAND.
        CHECK ( e_ucomm = 'XD03'      OR
                e_ucomm = 'DETAILS' ).
        CALL METHOD sender->get_current_cell
            es_row_id = ls_row
            es_col_id = ls_col.
        CASE e_ucomm.
          WHEN 'XD03'.
            READ TABLE gt_knb1 INTO ls_knb1 INDEX ls_row-index.
            SET PARAMETER ID 'BUK' FIELD ls_knb1-bukrs.
            SET PARAMETER ID 'KUN' FIELD ls_knb1-kunnr.
          WHEN 'DETAILS'.
      "       NOTE: only for the sake of simplicity the event handler method
            "             is called
            CALL METHOD lcl_eventhandler=>handle_double_click
                e_row  = ls_row
                sender = go_grid1.
          WHEN OTHERS.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_user_command
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_eventhandler IMPLEMENTATION
      SELECT        * FROM  knb1 INTO TABLE gt_knb1
             WHERE  bukrs  = '1000'.
    * Create docking container
      CREATE OBJECT go_docking
          parent                      = cl_gui_container=>screen0
          ratio                       = 90
          OTHERS                      = 6.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    * Create splitter container
      CREATE OBJECT go_splitter
          parent            = go_docking
          rows              = 2
          columns           = 1
    *      NAME              =
          cntl_error        = 1
          cntl_system_error = 2
          OTHERS            = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    * Get cell container
      CALL METHOD go_splitter->get_container
          row       = 1
          column    = 1
          container = go_cell_top.
      CALL METHOD go_splitter->get_container
          row       = 2
          column    = 1
          container = go_cell_bottom.
    * Create ALV grids
      CREATE OBJECT go_grid1
          i_parent          = go_cell_top
          OTHERS            = 5.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    * Set event handler
        lcl_eventhandler=>handle_double_click         FOR go_grid1,
        lcl_eventhandler=>handle_context_menu_request FOR go_grid1,
        lcl_eventhandler=>handle_user_command         FOR go_grid1.
      CREATE OBJECT go_grid2
          i_parent          = go_cell_bottom
          OTHERS            = 5.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    * Display data
      gs_layout-grid_title = 'Customers'.
      CALL METHOD go_grid1->set_table_for_first_display
          i_structure_name = 'KNB1'
          is_layout        = gs_layout
          it_outtab        = gt_knb1
          OTHERS           = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
      gs_layout-grid_title = 'Customers Details (Sales Areas)'.
      CALL METHOD go_grid2->set_table_for_first_display
          i_structure_name = 'KNVV'
          is_layout        = gs_layout
          it_outtab        = gt_knvv  " empty !!!
          OTHERS           = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    * Link the docking container to the target dynpro
      CALL METHOD go_docking->link
          repid                       = syst-repid
          dynnr                       = '0100'
    *      CONTAINER                   =
          OTHERS                      = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    * NOTE: dynpro does not contain any elements
      CALL SCREEN '0100'.
    * Flow logic of dynpro (does not contain any dynpro elements):
    *  MODULE STATUS_0100.
    *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *       text
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
      SET PF-STATUS 'STATUS_0100'.  " contains push button "DETAIL"
    *  SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'.
    * Refresh display of detail ALV list
      CALL METHOD go_grid2->refresh_table_display
    *    EXPORTING
    *      IS_STABLE      =
    *      I_SOFT_REFRESH =
          OTHERS         = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    *       text
    MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
      CASE gd_okcode.
        WHEN 'BACK' OR
             'END'  OR
    *   User has pushed button "Display Details"
        WHEN 'DETAIL'.
          PERFORM entry_show_details.
        WHEN OTHERS.
      CLEAR: gd_okcode.
    ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    *&      Form  ENTRY_SHOW_DETAILS
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM entry_show_details .
    * define local data
        ld_row      TYPE i,
        ls_knb1     TYPE knb1.
      CALL METHOD go_grid1->get_current_cell
          e_row = ld_row.
      READ TABLE gt_knb1 INTO ls_knb1 INDEX ld_row.
      CHECK ( syst-subrc = 0 ).
      SELECT        * FROM  knvv INTO TABLE gt_knvv
             WHERE  kunnr  = ls_knb1-kunnr.
    ENDFORM.                    " ENTRY_SHOW_DETAILS

  • Please help! How can I validate Radio Buttons and List Menu with PHP.

    Hello everyone, I have been learning PHP step by step and
    making little projects.
    The point is I find it easy to learn by doing "practical
    I have been reading the David Powers's Book on PHP Solutions
    and it's really great, however there is nothing mentioned regarding
    Validating Radio buttons. I know the book cannot cover every aspect
    of PHP and maybe someone in here can help.
    I have been learning how to process HTML forms with PHP.
    The problem is every book or tutorial I have read or
    encountered fall short on validation.
    I'm wondering how I can learn to validate Radio Buttons and
    Select List Menu.
    I have managed to create validation for all other fields but
    have no clue as to how I can get validation for Radio Buttons and
    List Menu.
    I would also like an error message echoed when the user does
    not click a button or make a selection and try to submit the form.
    I would appreciate any help.

    It's not that default value is "None." In fact it's not. It
    will only be
    "none" when the form is submitted.
    Also if your submit button is names 'send' then
    $_POST['send'] will only be
    set if the form was submitted.
    Make sure you didn't hit the refresh button on your browser
    which usually
    reposts the information. Also make sure you did not reach the
    form from
    another form with the same button names.
    Otherwise paste the snippet.
    Also you can check what fields are set in the post array by
    adding this to
    the top of (or anywhere on) your page:
    "Webethics" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    Originally posted by:
    Newsgroup User
    > Off the top of my head this should be no different than
    your radio buttons
    > except that 'productSelection' will always fail the
    !isset check when the
    > form is submitted since the default value is "None", and
    therefore always
    > set. :-)
    > So how about this..?
    > <?php
    > if (isset($_POST['send']) and
    ($_POST['productSelection'] == "None"))
    > {echo "Please select a product.";}
    > ?>
    > "Webethics" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > Another question - how do i applied the code you
    just showed me to
    > > select
    > > menu
    > > or select list?
    > >
    > > This is the list:
    > >
    > > <div class="problemProduct">
    > > <label for="productSelection"><span
    > > Name.</span></label>
    > > <select name="productSelection" id="products"
    > > <option value="None">-------------Select a
    > > <option value="Everex DVD Burner">Everex DVD
    > > <option value="Vidia DVD Burner">Vidia DVD
    > > <option value="Excerion Super Drive">Excerion
    Super Drive</option>
    > > <option value="Maxille Optical Multi
    Burner">Maxille Optical Multi
    > > Burner</option>
    > > <option value="Pavilion HD Drives">Pavilion
    HD Drives</option>
    > > </select>
    > > </div>
    > >
    > > I thought I could just change the name is the code
    from operatingSystem
    > > to
    > > productSelection.
    > >
    > > Something like this:
    > >
    > > From this:
    > >
    > > <?php
    > > if (isset($_POST[send]) and
    > > {echo "Please select an operating system.";}
    > > ?>
    > >
    > > To this:
    > >
    > > <?php
    > > if (isset($_POST[send]) and
    > > {echo "Please select an operating system.";}
    > > ?>
    > >
    > > But this does not work, any ideas?
    > >
    > > Patrick
    > >
    > Hey, I tried this about but as you mentioned, since the
    default product
    > value
    > is "None" an error message appears when the page loads.
    > Is there a way to code this things so that even though
    the default value
    > is
    > "None" there ia no error message untle you hit the
    > When I applied the code, it messes up the previous code,
    now the operating
    > system is requiring an entry on page load.
    > When I remove the code from the list menu everything
    goes back to normal.
    > I know this is a little much but I have no other
    > Patrick

  • How i can make user defined button in standard menu.........

    hi all,
                     please tell me how i can make user defined button in standard menu.........
    vikas saini

    hi Vikas ,'
    u can do this by using PF status and setting titile .
    follow thw link for help.
    Re: To Change SAP Tiltle into some other title

  • HT4623 So just like last time I tried to update my iPhone software...MY PHONE IS FROZEN.  Displaying  iTunes icon and a USB cable I pressed the Power button and the menu botton together until the apple icon appeared held them down for 10 secs & NOTHING No

    So just like last time I tried to update my iPhone software...MY PHONE IS FROZEN.  Displaying  iTunes icon and a USB cable I pressed the Power button and the menu botton together until the apple icon appeared held them down for 10 secs & NOTHING Now what?  Do I just wait for the battery to run out?

    Hi Careesa,
    Your iPhone is in recovery mode-- you need to connect it to your computer and, most likely, iTunes will ask you to restore it. If you recently backed up this shouldn't be too much of a problem.

  • Enhance - Convert to Black and White menu Option 'issue'...?

    Just an observation, more like an infuriating 'niggle'...
    When I use the 'Convert to Black and White' menu option in Photoshop Elements 10, it does a good job, but it still leaves the file in RGB format (Colour)??
    I am working for a Publishers, and I keep forgetting to convert the file to Grayscale after running the Wizard.
    Wouldn't it have been easier to add this as an option at the end, and have they done this in Photoshop Elements 11 (or later...)??
    It seems to me to be something that you'd expect the package to do...???
    Lee Cooke

    No, this option isn't part of convert to black and white anywhere, since it's not something you normally want to do because it greatly limits what else you can do to your photo (many tools and commands are only available for RGB photos). I realize that in your particular situation it's an annoyance, but although I think adobe makes a lot of goofy decisions, I can see why they chose not to do that here.

  • Wouldn't be a handy update if at the top of the open Pages document, next to the Apple and Pages menu option, it showed the open document name or file name?

    Just as the title says, really.

    I'm not sure where the Apple and Pages menu option is.  When I'm editing a document in iCloud Beta the name of the document is in the window caption (below).
    But your suggestions should be sent directly to Apple and you can do that via the Send Us Feedback button at the top of the document list page:

  • Error when using the report context menu option Goto - Documents

    Hi gurus,
    I'm doing some report tests via Analyzer and when a try to use de context menu option "Goto -> Documents" and try to create a new document, the following errors occur:
    I'm using the nw2004s version. Could someone help me out?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Thaigo,
    We are also having the same problem with 2004s SP9 and SP10.
    1. All the 0TCA* are active.
    2. Super admin role is assigned.
    But still getting the above three errors. Somebody who have overcome this problem please share the corresponding changes to be made in KM Configuration
    Thanks and Regards
    Giri Nath

  • Exchange variant context menu option in Process Chains

    Hello Masters,
    I would like to know about the context menu option Exchange variant in Process Chains. Could you please educate me on this.
    Thanks and best wishes,

    Every process step is associated with a variant (process step actually <b>is</b> a variant). To exchange the variant would mean removing the existing one and replacing it with another.
    After exchanging it click "check". The interface is somewhat buggy...

  • Make "Manage Substitution Rule" from context menu to as button on UWL

    Hi Experts,
         We have requirement that "Manage Substitution Rule" link from context menu on UWL to make it as a button on UWL as "Manage Substitution Rule".  Anyone has done this kind of requirement before.  If you do please let me know the steps.  Award full points will be given to answer.  Thank you.
    With Regards,

    you can download the standard XMl file ad modify it by writting hte below code.and rename the file and upload it with high priority. and clear the cashe after uploading the file.
    1.code to create the specific action.
    in the action name below instead of xyz can be any name
    <Action name="launchSubstitutionManager_xyz" groupAction="" handler="SAPWebDynproLauncher" referenceBundle="SubstitutionManager" returnToDetailViewAllowed="yes" launchInNewWindow="SHOW_HEADERLESS_PORTAL" launchNewWindowFeatures="width=800,height=600,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no">
    <Property name="WebDynproApplication" value="UWLSubstitution"/>
    <Property name="WebDynproDeployableObject" value=""/>
    <Property name="isnewwindow" value="1"/>
    <Property name="type" value="button"/>
    <Property name="launchContext" value="UWL"/>
    <Property name="ignoreWorkIdParams" value="yes"/>
    <Property name="appContext" value="${context.appContext}"/>
    <Property name="System" value="SAP_LocalSystem"/>
    <Property name="display_order_priority" value="-1"/>
    2. in the required view add the below code.
    <Action reference="launchSubstitutionManager_xyz"/>
    3. save your own the xml file and upload it with high priority.
    4. cleare the UWL cashe and browser cashe.
    5. relaunch the URL with the end user id.

  • Flexibile UI and context menu questions

    I would like to give the user the possibility to change the “Look & Feel” of the KM through the flexible UI and also i need to change the context menu configuration? For example I would like the subscription to be open not from the “Details” context menu.
    is it possible?

    Hi Erez,
    this is possible. Start your investigations from the LayoutSet used by your KM iView (System Administration - System Configuration - Knowledge Management - Content Management - User Interface - Settings - Layout Set). From this you can navigate for example to the CollectionRenderer or ResourceRenderer, wherever you want to change something. From this you can drill down to the CommandGroup used. CommandGroups themselves contain other commandgroups or single commands. Drill down this composite pattern to the command(group) you would like to change and add or remove command where you like to.
    Some advice: Before changing the standard groups/renderer/layoutsets, create an "advanced copy" of a layout set, fill in this set within your KM iView and make the changes on this deep copy of the original object; by this, you won't kill any (working) standard implementations...
    Hope it helps
    PS: Please consider rewarding points for helpful answers on SDN. Thanks in advance!

  • HT1600 I have Apple TV version 7.4.2 and we pressed on the remote the select button and the menu button at the same time to update our software.  The box shows white light, we can get the screen to select netflix but nothing will move and the box will not

    I have Apple TV version 7.4.2.  We read in a blog that in order to reset our Apple TV we should press the menu button and the select big button at the same time which we did.  Now when we attempt to turn on the apple tv box it with the remote we get a white light and sometimes we can get the menu screen but the remote will not let us move now will it allow us to turn the apple tv on or off.  If we just leave it alone, the white light eventually goes away.  I did unplug the apple tv and we removed the batteries and reinstalled them from the remote and that did not make any difference.  Please advise. 

    If your problem persists get yourself a micro USB cable (sold separately), you can restore your Apple TV from iTunes:
    Remove ALL cables from Apple TV. (if you don't you will not see Apple TV in the iTunes Source list)
    Connect the micro USB cable to the Apple TV and to your computer.
    Reconnect the power cable (only for Apple TV 3)
    Open iTunes.
    Select your Apple TV in the Devices list, and then click Restore.

  • Add apps to Open With in context menu

    is it possible for example to add Preview to "Open With.." menu when I right click on Folder? because it's anoying to choose Preview every time when I click Other to achieve that Preview will create thumbnails of all pictures in that folder

    V.K. wrote:
    CyKi wrote:
    is it possible for example to add Preview to "Open With.." menu when I right click on Folder?
    preview can't open folders. it opens files. in general, you can't add anything to "Open with menu" by hand. the only way to force something to be there is to make it the default application for certain file type. this should already be the case with image files unless you've changed the default application to something other than Preview. to set a default application control-click on an image file and select 'get info". in the resulting popup go to "open with section and set it to open with the app of your choice. then click "change all".
    Lastly, to quickly open all files in a given folder in preview drop that folder on Preview in the dock.
    when you press CMD + O in Preview and select folder, Preview will open all pictures from the folder with their thumbnails

  • How to add/delete items in right click context menu when opening a new link FF17 osx... 6 instances of open link in new identity profile have appeared

    The menu items appeared without any idea why, they had not been there before. I have macbook with os 10.6.8 I had been trying to get pdf to work in firefox, so had followed a recipe suggesting enabling the pdf reader part of firefox. Required making 2 adjustments to the about:config. One disabling the browser.preferences.incontent and would changing default of pdfjs. Pdf still won't display, but don't know if what I did is related. Now I am trying to just find out how the menu gets modified at all, and whether I can do so as a user.

    A little research revealed addons can add items to context menu, in this case multifox adds option to open tab in new profile for multiple gmail etc logins. I had updated addons earlier, think that triggered it. So now I know why and what it does. The problem is why 6 times listed (instead of just one)... it also varies, sometimes the context menu will have one instance... and have seen as many as 9. Not sure why it varies, but would still also like to know how to modify context menu. Could just be a bug in multifox with FF17 I suppose. I will disable multifox and see if problem goes away.

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