JHeadstart inputtext blocks my javascript

I've put some javascript in a page wich works just fine in firefox (see thread 'Move to the next inputtext with the ENTER key instead of TAB' in Jdeveloper forum). The problem is that it doesn't work in IE.
The folowing code is the problem (without it the script works):
<input type="hidden" name="event"></input>
This is Jheadstart generated and I don't know what it's used for.
What can I do about this?

This is from the bottom part of the page. The inputtext gets rendered form here somewhere I think. In the HTML it's also at the bottom.
  <af:column  gridVisible="false"> 
    <afh:script text="setTableRowCount('dataForm','AanbiedingsRegelsTable' ,#{status.index+1-(bindings.AanbiedingsRegelsTable.rangeStart==-1 ? 0 : bindings.AanbiedingsRegelsTable.rangeStart)});"/>
    <af:inputHidden id="IsNewRow" value="#{AanbiedingsRegelsCollectionModel.newRow}"/>
<!-- DEBUG:BEGIN:TABLE_GROUP_BUTTONS : default/pageComponent/tableGroupButtons.vm, nesting level: 6 -->
<af:panelButtonBar id="AanbiedingsRegelsTableGroupButtons">
<!-- DEBUG:BEGIN:NEW_BUTTON_NOT_IN_FORM_LAYOUT : default/button/newButtonNotInFormLayout.vm, nesting level: 7 -->
<!-- DEBUG:END:NEW_BUTTON_NOT_IN_FORM_LAYOUT : default/button/newButtonNotInFormLayout.vm, nesting level: 7-->
<!-- DEBUG:END:TABLE_GROUP_BUTTONS : default/pageComponent/tableGroupButtons.vm, nesting level: 6-->
<af:objectSpacer height="10" id="AanbiedingsRegelsTableSpacer"/>
<!-- DEBUG:BEGIN:DETAIL_GROUPS : default/pageComponent/detailGroups.vm, nesting level: 6 -->
<!-- DEBUG:END:DETAIL_GROUPS : default/pageComponent/detailGroups.vm, nesting level: 6-->
<!-- DEBUG:END:TABLE_GROUP : nbd/pageComponent/tableGroup.vm, nesting level: 5-->
  <!-- DEBUG:END:DETAIL_GROUPS : default/pageComponent/detailGroups.vm, nesting level: 4-->
<!-- DEBUG:END:FORM_GROUP : default/pageComponent/formGroup.vm, nesting level: 3-->
<!-- DEBUG:END:FORM_PAGE_CONTENT : default/page/formPageContent.vm, nesting level: 2-->

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    I accidentally blocked a javascript from a website and have no clue how to unblock it.
    "Permission for applet refused
    Please accept the permissions dialog to allow
    the applet to continue the loading process"
    I can't figure out at all what I'm supposed to do.
    Mac OS X 10.6.4
    Safari 5.0.2

    It is showing that Javascript is turned on that screen (Preferences -> Security). It only appears to be turned off, or denied, for a specific website. To be exact, ONLY the single player on-line for MineCraft at http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp. All other javascripts on all other pages for that website and everywhere else runs. Just not on that page. I accidentally told it to deny on that page. I can't figure out how to undo it.
    Message was edited by: OlsonBW

  • Javascript block through javascript.enabled false not working as expected in newer versions, any actual way?

    Since a few versions, around 24.0 or earlier, when you toggle javascript.enabled from true to false to block javascript, doesn't work after load a page.
    Further details:
    1.- load a page with javascript enabled
    2.- toggle javascript preference to block javascript (javascript.enabled from true to false)
    3.- if you interact with javascript elements = they still work
    This wasn't this way in earlier versions.
    You can check in the following page. You'll see that the only way to actually block javascript execution is to load the page with the preference javascript.enabled set to false (A.K.A. javascript blocked):
    Note: to easy change javascript preferences, for those don't want to play with about:config you can use addons like QuickJava:
    I find that how it works now, in the latest versions, it is a VERY HUGE SECURITY ISSUE as javascript is never actually blocked when the preference is toggled and AJAX (httpXMLrequest through javascript) still works so the possibilities of lost of privacy inreases, as for example, mouse tracking and send it to the server, not only as the example scripts I posted above.
    The question is, is there anyway to really block javascript in the latests versions or should I report this as a bug?

    Hi guigs2,
    if there is no problem in open the bug ticket being a simple user I'll report by myself (if I haven't misunderstood you). (Confirm this and I'll do myself).
    About the AJAX problem, here we have a sample test that works after toggle the preference:
    I know about noscript and I don't like it. I prefer to do manually (those measures and more). What bothered me is that even toggle the preference, what in the past did the job of stopping the execution of scripts, now doesn't. In about version 24 it was only happening to event listeners not being blocked (used nowadays for dynamic events assignments). Now is with every javascript code.
    About the tracking methods, I'm aware of HTTP tracking without any need of javascript. Even a simple "knock knock" on any kind of server leaves a trace.
    I was just pointing that this preference stopping doing its job (stopping scripts executions) has the worst sceneario in a security way with XMLHttpRequest calls.
    But one of the things that bothers me too, and it is not related to tracking, is that, in humble machines as mine, some javascript codes make drop whole performance and the preference toggle now does nothing, so the script keeps running without being able of doing anything and sometimes you don't have the option to load a page without javascript because you need some feature of that page that requires javascript what becomes "all or nothing".

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    If I set disabled="#{bean.disabled}" and it evaluates to true, the field is correctly disabled. But if I enable it using javascript the values I thereafter enter is never submitted????

    Hi Balus,
    Yes you are correct.
    I tryed the following, and now if the textbox disabled also i am able to submit values..
    Create element,
    <h:inputText id="nextDateInput" size="7" value="#{bean.nextDateInput}" />
    Use this code before ending the <h:form>
    document.forms["formname"]["formname:nextDateInput"].disabled = true;
    Before submit just use javascript and enable the field
    document.forms["formname"]["formname:nextDateInput"].disabled = false;
    Values will be submitted correctly to bean.
    Thanks !!!!

  • Blocking two javascripts (conflicts)

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    But the result is the same the codes are the next:
    The integrated secuencial slide show code:
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <SCRIPT language ="javascript">
    var slideurl=new Array()
    var slidecomment=new Array()
    var slidelink=new Array()
    var slidetarget=new Array()
    // Set the URLs of your slides (images)
    slideurl[0]="www.domine.com/pls/portal/docs/1/930320.GIF" //Bolsa de Trabajo
    slideurl[1]="www.domine.com/pls/portal/docs/1/916554.GIF" //Becas
    slideurl[2]="www.domine.com/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/SWF/propedeutico/curso.gif" //Curso Propedéutico
    slideurl[3]="http://www.unitec.mx/pls/portal/docs/1/929747.GIF" //FAQ
    // Add a link for each slide
    // If you don't want to link a slide type "#" instead (see middle-sample below)
    slidelink[0]=" http://www.domine.com/portal/page?_pageid=537,1,537_7141752&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL"
    // Add a target for each link
    // Allowed values are: "_blank", "_top", "_parent", "_self" or the name of a frame
    // Add a comment for each slide
    slidecomment[0]="Bolsa de Trabajo"
    slidecomment[2]="Cursos Propedeúticos"
    slidecomment[3]="Preguntas Frecuentes"
    // Set the font for the comments
    var slidefont="Verdana"
    // Set the fontcolor for the comments
    var slidefontcolor="#666633"
    // Set the fontsize for the comments (HTML-values ranging form 1 - 6)
    var slidefontsize=1
    // Set the width of the pictures (pixels)
    var slidewidth=210
    // Set the height of the pictures (pixels)
    var slideheight=71
    // Set the pause between the pictures (seconds)
    var pause=4
    var preloadedimages=new Array()
    for (i=0;i<slideurl.length;i++){
    preloadedimages=new Image()
    var ns4=document.layers?1:0
    var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all?1:0
    var ie=document.all?1:0
    var imgpreload=new Array()
    for (i=0;i<=slideurl.length-1;i++) {
    imgpreload[i]=new Image()
    var pos_left=0
    var pos_top=0
    var speed=20
    var step=10
    var i_loop=0
    var i_image1=0
    var i_image2=1
    var i_space=""
    var all_space=""
    var max_space=20
    var content=""
    var i_slide=0
    function stretchimage() {
    if (i_loop<=slidewidth) {
    if (ie) {
    imgcontainer1.innerHTML="<a href='"+slidelink[i_image1]+"' target='"+slidetarget[i_image1]+"'><img width='"+i_loop+"' height='"+slideheight+"' src='"+slideurl[i_image1]+"' border='0'></a>"
    imgcontainer2.innerHTML="<a href='"+slidelink[i_image2]+"' target='"+slidetarget[i_image2]+"'><img width='"+(slidewidth-i_loop)+"' height='"+slideheight+"' src='"+slideurl[i_image2]+"' border='0'></a>"
    if (ns6) {
    document.getElementById('imgcontainer1').innerHTML="<a href='"+slidelink[i_image1]+"' target='"+slidetarget[i_image1]+"'><img width='"+i_loop+"' height='"+slideheight+"' src='"+slideurl[i_image1]+"' border='0'></a>"
    document.getElementById('imgcontainer2').innerHTML="<a href='"+slidelink[i_image2]+"' target='"+slidetarget[i_image2]+"'><img width='"+(slidewidth-i_loop)+"' height='"+slideheight+"' src='"+slideurl[i_image2]+"' border='0'></a>"
    var timer=setTimeout("stretchimage()",speed)
    else {
    var imgcontent="<a href='"+slidelink[i_image1]+"' target='"+slidetarget[i_image1]+"'><img width='"+i_loop+"' height='"+slideheight+"' src='"+slideurl[i_image1]+"' border='0'></a><br><font face='"+slidefont+"' size="+slidefontsize+" color='"+slidefontcolor+"'>"+slidecomment[i_image1]+"</font>"
    if (ie) {
    if (ns6) {
    function changeimage() {
    if (i_image1>slideurl.length-1) {i_image1=0}
    if (i_image2>slideurl.length-1) {i_image2=0}
    if (i_image2<0) {i_image2=slideurl.length-1}
    if (ie) {
    if (ns6) {
    var timer=setTimeout("stretchimage()",pause)
    function simpleslideshow() {
    if (i_slide>=slideurl.length) {i_slide=0}
    var fadetimer=setTimeout("simpleslideshow()",pause)
    function simpleslideshowcomment() {
    if (i_space>=0){
    for (i=0;i<i_space;i++) {
    all_space+=" "
    for (i=0;i<slidecomment[i_slide].length;i++) {
    var thisletter=slidecomment[i_slide].substring(i,i+1)
    var fadetimer=setTimeout("simpleslideshowcomment()",20)
    else {
    function simpleslideshowjump() {
    if (slidetarget[i_slide]=="_self") {
    else if (slidetarget[i_slide]=="_blank") {
    codepopup=window.open(slidelink[i_slide], "code", "status=yes,location=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=780,height=580,top=10,left=10");
    else if (slidetarget[i_slide]=="_top") {
    else if (slidetarget[i_slide]=="_parent") {
    else {
    var jumpto=eval("parent."+slidetarget[i_slide])
    if (ie || ns6) {
    var slideh=slideheight+30
    document.write("<div style=\"position:relative;width:"+slidewidth+"px;height:"+slideh+"px;overflow:hidden\">")
    document.write("<div id=\"imgcontainer1\" style=\"position:absolute;width:"+slidewidth+"px;height:"+slideh+"px;top:0px;left:0px\"><img src=\""+slideurl[0]+"\"></div>")
    document.write("<div id=\"imgcontainer2\" style=\"position:absolute;width:"+slidewidth+"px;height:"+slideh+"px;top:0px;left:0px\"><img src=\""+slideurl[1]+"\"></div>")
    else {
    document.write("<a href=\"javascript:simpleslideshowjump()\"><img name=\"slideimage\" src=\""+slideurl[0]+"\" border=0></a>")
    The integrated Random images code is the next
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <TITLE>Exalumnos </TITLE>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" >
    var interval = 2.5; // delay entre las imagenes (en segundos)
    var random_display = 1; // 0 = no, 1 = yes
    interval *= 1000;
    var image_index = 0;
    image_list = new Array();
    image_list[image_index++] = new imageItem("http://www.domine.com/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/SWF/BANNERS/EXALUMNOS/01.JPG");
    image_list[image_index++] = new imageItem("http://www.domine.com/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/SWF/BANNERS/EXALUMNOS/02.JPG");
    image_list[image_index++] = new imageItem("http://www.domine.com/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/SWF/BANNERS/EXALUMNOS/03.JPG");
    image_list[image_index++] = new imageItem("http://www.domine.com/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/SWF/BANNERS/EXALUMNOS/04.JPG");
    image_list[image_index++] = new imageItem("http:/www.domine.com/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/SWF/BANNERS/EXALUMNOS/05.JPG");
    image_list[image_index++] = new imageItem("http:/www.domine.com/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/SWF/BANNERS/EXALUMNOS/06.JPG");
    image_list[image_index++] = new imageItem("http://www.domine.com/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/SWF/BANNERS/EXALUMNOS/07.JPG");
    image_list[image_index++] = new imageItem("http://www.domine.com/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/SWF/BANNERS/EXALUMNOS/08.JPG");
    var number_of_image = image_list.length;
    function imageItem(image_location) {
    this.image_item = new Image();
    this.image_item.src = image_location;
    function get_ImageItemLocation(imageObj) {
    function generate(x, y) {
    var range = y - x + 1;
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + x;
    function getNextImage() {
    if (random_display) {
    image_index = generate(0, number_of_image-1);
    else {
    image_index = (image_index+1) % number_of_image;
    var new_image = get_ImageItemLocation(image_list[image_index]);
    function rotateImage(place) {
    var new_image = getNextImage();
    document[place].src = new_image;
    var recur_call = "rotateImage('"+place+"')";
    setTimeout(recur_call, interval);
    <BODY OnLoad="rotateImage('rImage')">
    <img name="rImage" src="http://www.domine.com/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/SWF/BANNERS/EXALUMNOS/00.JPG" width=250 height=350>
    Some one have information about this conflict?

    Hello Faisal,
    It may not be referred as wrong practice. At the same time itu2019s really difficult to predict the exact logical reasoning behind this.
    I think, if you notice rejection at incoming stage u201CReturn Deliveryu201D is the field that SAP suggest to utilize and if you notice the same after UD it should be through quality notification. But there is no sound base for this statement. Letu2019s wait for the opinions of experts.
    1.     While carrying out incoming inspection when I notice any non conformity and want to send back the material to vendor, I would  utilize the field u201CReturn Deliveryu201D in QA11 which in turn executes 122 movement in background.
    2.     But when I am not sure that immediately it should be sent back or not, I would follow the path you mentioned. Posting to block stock through QA11. Later through MIGO return delivery can be carried out  with 122 movement by opting stock type as block stock.
    3.     Generally later case is more popular may be because of 2 reasons.
    a.     No direct involvement of QA dept for stock reducing movement.
    b.     Reduces the chances for physical and system stock mismatch. (When you carry out 122 through QA11, system stock reduces immediately; but physically it gets moved out may be after a week or two depending upon logistic arrangement for multiple material codes)
    Anand Rao

  • Zimbra Security Question:  Allow / Block embedded javascript or tags?

    Technical requirement: Ability to send in plain text and rich text and HTML (limited HTML, no javascripting or harmful tags)
    Can javascript or tags be embedded in an email through the Zimbra interface?
    Also, Zimbra has developed ALE (AJAX Linking and Embedding), a technology that allows users to embed applets into e-mail. For example, users can share a live spreadsheet in e-mail, rather than sending copies back and forth. Are applets a potential security risk? Can they be blocked?
    Thanks for your time.

    Hi guigs2,
    if there is no problem in open the bug ticket being a simple user I'll report by myself (if I haven't misunderstood you). (Confirm this and I'll do myself).
    About the AJAX problem, here we have a sample test that works after toggle the preference:
    I know about noscript and I don't like it. I prefer to do manually (those measures and more). What bothered me is that even toggle the preference, what in the past did the job of stopping the execution of scripts, now doesn't. In about version 24 it was only happening to event listeners not being blocked (used nowadays for dynamic events assignments). Now is with every javascript code.
    About the tracking methods, I'm aware of HTTP tracking without any need of javascript. Even a simple "knock knock" on any kind of server leaves a trace.
    I was just pointing that this preference stopping doing its job (stopping scripts executions) has the worst sceneario in a security way with XMLHttpRequest calls.
    But one of the things that bothers me too, and it is not related to tracking, is that, in humble machines as mine, some javascript codes make drop whole performance and the preference toggle now does nothing, so the script keeps running without being able of doing anything and sometimes you don't have the option to load a page without javascript because you need some feature of that page that requires javascript what becomes "all or nothing".

  • Date Navigator Blocked by Javascript

    Hi all,
    I have an app that has an input field associated with a date input. When deployed the input field shows up with the button to bring up the date navigator calendar.  When I click on button I get a JavaScript error saying access denied.  Has anyone seen this behavior with the date navigator?

    Hi Armin,
    Thanks for the posting.  I do use the full domain when I specify the domain name for the J2EE engine, but I still get the "access denied" javascript error. The app is running on a backend J2EE hosting the app.
    Message was edited by: Jonathan Richardson

  • JavaScript Blacklist not blocking items in its extendable list?

    Even though these script sources are in my list they are there every time I run McScan.
    That suggests that they are NOT getting blocked by JavaScript Blacklist running on the l-a-g Safari on the l-a-g Snow Leopard.
    ad.yieldmanager.com, adobe.com, ads.adultswim.com, ads.crakmedia.com, adultswim.com, answers.com, aol.com, baidu.com, bing.com, crakmedia.com, dealtime.com, doublepimp.com, ebay.com, ehow.com, facebook.com, flickr.com, friendlyduck.com, google.com, googleadservices.com, hardsextube.com, intellitxt.com, kontera.com, livejasmin.com, microsoft.com, msn.com, odnoklassniki.ru, paypal.com, psmtp.com, snap.com, snip.answers.com, thepiratebay.org, twitter.com, tynt.com, vkontakte.ru, wikipedia.org, xhamster.com, yahoodns.net, yahoo.com, yandex.ru, yieldmanager.com
    Am I misunderstanding "blocking"?
    best wishes,

    Maybe something interesting...
    When looking at article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/982697/en-us
    I saw that Outlook 2013 by default caches everything and that's what I wanted. I tested however adding this regkey to see what happened and after that the email shows up in the mailboxes... Somehow the mail from shared mailboxes doesn't want to be
    Does anyone know what this could be? I want everything to be cached, also the shared mailboxes but somehow this doesn't work and it does when using Outlook 2010....

  • Large Javascript Block

    I'm developing a larger block of javascript for an apex page. The Problem is that I cannot save it in the "Regin Header"
    of the page since the data is larger than 3K. There seems to be a limit there. I prefer to have the javascript code in a extra
    file. I know i can upload it under "Shared Components > Static Files". But there is also this 3K Limit. If I want to do a change i have to upload it again.
    An i think i have to delete it first and than upload it.
    I tried to put the file in the /i/ folder and access it this way. But it is never found. The files in the same directory are found f.e. blank.gif
    Is there a way to use an external editor to edit a javascript file that is used in an apex page.
    I would like to use an editor that can do syntax highlightning.

    Where is the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway getting all the static pictures from?The XMLDB repository. Details on how to access it here:
    The best practice is to access the repository through WebDAV as Dietmar explains, and to create your own folder(s) for custom scripts and images, rather than mixing stuff up with Oracle content in /i/ that may need to be overwritten during an upgrade.
    (Please update your forum profile with a better handle than "user6573547".)

  • Javascript not working in Firefox on Mac OS 10.9.2

    I am trying to learn Javascript from a tutorial. I'm using Text edit to create a simple .html file that calls a .js file using the script command. The .html file opens normally in the default browser and can print a message to a simple page. It looks like a window tries to open the .js file but it vanishes before opening. I have checked that Javascript is enabled in Firefox. Opening Firefox in Safe mode does not fix the problem. It also fails to execute the .js file in Safari and Chrome.
    This problem happens on three Macs, all running Mavericks 10.9.2. When I try this on a Windows PC the .js file executes as expected.
    I've tried everything I can think of including turning off the Firewall in Security Settings. It seems like it has to be something system-wide since it happens in all three browsers. Has Apple implemented some type of blocking of Javascript in Mavericks? Any suggestions for why this is not working on my Macs and what I can do to fix it would be greatly appreciated!

    Cor-el: Thank you for noticing that! Turning off smart quotes in Textedit which I am using to create the scripts solved the problem. Everything working as expected now. I hope others using Mac OS 10.9.2 will benefit from this as well.

  • Adding a javascript img array file to picture in dreamweaver

    Hi I am very new to Javascript but efficient in Dreamweaver. I use CS5 and a Macbook Pro. I'm trying to attach a Javascript file to a picture on my homepage. I wrote the code in text edit and saved it as an HTM file. When I open the file in Google Chrome, Safari or Firefox it works perfectly and the array displays all five pictures in a row. How do I attach this to dreamweaver? Also do I leave in the HTML tags in the javascript file? Here's how it looks when it plays right on a browser.
    <TITLE>Please Work</TITLE>
    var imgArray = new Array(5);
    imgArray[0] = new Image;
    imgArray[0].src = "awesome.jpg";
    imgArray[1] = new Image;
    imgArray[1].src = "dadinforest.jpg";
    imgArray[2] = new Image;
    imgArray[2].src = "neatplant.jpg";
    imgArray[3] = new Image;
    imgArray[3].src = "greenlake.jpg";
    imgArray[4] = new Image;
    imgArray[4].src = "cattail.jpg";
    var index = 0;
    function cycle()
          document.banner.src = imgArray[index].src;
          if (index == 5)
               index = 0;
          setTimeout("cycle()", 3000);
    <BODY onLoad="cycle()">
    <IMG NAME="banner" SRC="awesome.jpg">

    Kitty Collins3 wrote:
    I'm trying to attach a Javascript file to a picture on my homepage. I wrote the code in text edit and saved it as an HTM file. When I open the file in Google Chrome, Safari or Firefox it works perfectly and the array displays all five pictures in a row. How do I attach this to dreamweaver?
    What you have created is an HTML file with a block of JavaScript in the <head>. It's not a JavaScript file, so there's nothing to attach. Just put the <script> block in the <head> of the page where you want to use it, and make sure your image is named "banner".
    If you're just starting to learn JavaScript, you should be aware that JavaScript practices have changed radically in the past few years. Looking at the code you have written, it seems as though you are using an old book or an online script that was written many years ago. Several clues are the uppercase characters in the HTML tags, the <center> tag, the name attribute in the <img> tag, and the use of a string as the first argument to setTimeout().
    JavaScript can be quite difficult to master, so make sure you learn from a reliable, modern source. A book that I found very helpful is DOM Scripting by Jeremy Keith. A new edition of the book was published this week (http://friendsofed.com/book.html?isbn=9781430233893). I'm sure there are other good resources, but you should avoid anything written earlier than 2005.

  • Position to first field in a form WITHOUT JAVASCRIPT

    DOes anyone know how to position to a field in a form without using javascript OR is there code that can be used in JSP to tell whether the browser is javascript enabled and within that block, use javascript to position to the field.

    Unfortunately, the only way I know how to do it is using JavaScript and the onLoad event. You can determine if a browser is JavaScript compatible simpley by looking in the request header for the type and version of the browser, and you know which browsers support javascript. But you'll need to use javascript to figure out if they actually have javascript turned on.

  • Downloading a pdf file from javascript() window does not work

    PDF download/view works fine where the link points to actual pdf file. But I have problem downloading/viewing pdf files that are loaded using javascript(), e.g. bank statements and such. When I click a link FF downloads a file which either has no extension or has a different one (not .pdf).
    Later I realized that I can manually rename the downloaded file to insert .pdf extension and open it in reader.
    How can I solve this? I don't have this problem when using IE or Chrome.

    Could you try a new profile?
    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems.
    See "Creating a profile":
    If the new profile works then you can transfer some files from an existing profile to the new profile, but be cautious not to copy corrupted files to avoid carrying over the problem.
    If it still happens with a new and clean profile then the most likely cause is that you have security software that is blocking this JavaScript.

  • Javascript within an iframe is not rendering

    We have an iframe on a page within our Portal that does not render completely. We are attempting to render SocialText.net within an iframe and it seems that Firefox is blocking the javascript that is attempting to run on the page. The page loads successfully in Safari, Chrome and even IE, but Firefox appears to dislike something about the page.
    When I open the error console and look at the error I see one: Error: Permission denied to access property 'st'
    Source File: https://map-socialtext.net/js/
    Line: 23
    I've ensured that the domain is correct for the iframe: https://map.socialtext.net, so this should not be a xss issue.
    The page loads successfully for the most part, but the dashboard page of SocialText attempts to run several widgets, that are run with javascript. As I said, other browsers are loading this page successfully without issue. It is only Firefox that is exhibiting this behavior. I've cleared the cache, cleared all cookies, cleared offline storage, tried private browsing and nothing appears to resolve the issue. I've also restarted Firefox in Safe-mode, to disable all plugins and still no help.
    Any help would greatly be appreciated.

    ''If I click on the error I get a window that opens displaying the javascript''
    It's hard to tell where the error is when they remove all the line breaks. If "Line 23" isn't highlighted when it opens, it's very had to know which statement is causing the error. Even then, it might be impossible to figure out without actually logging in to the system.
    ''their stance is something along the lines of: It works in other browsers and it works in Firefox without an iframe''
    If SocialText doesn't support use in an frame, I agree it will be hard to get them to solve the problem. Perhaps another customer has a workaround? You could try the SocialDev list or the general mailing list [http://lists.socialtext.net/listinfo/socialtext-user socialtext-user].

  • Is there a declarative way to include my own javascript 'on submit'?

    I try to integrate a third party editor (CKEditor) into my ADF application. This editor converts a normal inputText item through javascript into a full wysiwyg HTML editor. In need this because the default richTextEditor has limited functionality. The problem I encounter is that this editor needs a piece of javascript to be executed to sync the editor-content with the related inputText before the item is submitted. This is especially needed in case of partial submits. I don't want to include a call to the script in all items that can cause a partial submit.
    So what I'm looking for is a hook into the clientside lifecycle when the form is (partially) submitted.
    I have tried several ways to initiate the script before the form is (partially) submitted:
    1: Added a clientlistener to the item of type 'blur' or type 'valueChange'. Both fail to work in some cases and some browsers, probably because the rich editor itself does a lot of eventhandling.
    2: Added a custom clientside validator. This seems to work but the problem is that client side custom validators are only fired when the item is required and my items is not required. I don't know the reason why an item has to be required to fire the custom validators. I thought it was a bug, but chapter 4.2 of the FusionWebUIGuide describes this behavior.
    Both declarative ways fail to work. I have found a solution that works but this solution is a 'dirty' one. What I did is overriding the javascript method that processes the validators:
    AdfDhtmlPage.prototype._oldProcessValidators = AdfDhtmlPage.prototype._processValidators;
    AdfDhtmlPage.prototype._processValidators = function (x275, x276, x277) {
    // Do my javascript thing
    var result = this._oldProcessValidators(x275, x276, x277);
    return result;
    Although this solution works in all situations and in all browsers, I don't realy like it. So my question is: Is there a declarative way to include my script-call before the form is partially submitted?

    For your information, we have integrated FCKEditor (CKEditor's ancestor) into an ADF 11g application.
    I know it is very different from CKEditor, but we have been forced to create our own JSF component and made several hooks to the framework to make it behave like desired.
    One of the problem we have faced is the lost of the input values when partial submit was performed on the editor isntance.
    Just so you know it might be real hard to integrate the component without creating a JSF component.

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