Jms : accessing sessions through pools

Quite new to jms
I have configured WAS5.1 for accessing MQ queues through jms api
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "corbaloc:iiop:");
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(env);
setQcf((QueueConnectionFactory) ic.lookup(qcfName));
setRequestQ((Queue) ic.lookup(requestQName));
setResponseQ((Queue) ic.lookup(responseQName));
jmsCon = (qcf.createQueueConnection());
session = jmsCon.createQueueSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
Confused if, above code fetching sessions from session pool which i suppose WAS have prepared, as I hav configured the qcf with 250,300 (min,max) no. of sessions through console
Please suggest any corrections to the above code

This is indeed a tricky one. You are correct that a transaction is started whenever you do any selects that touch a remote object. The problem that I see is that even if you were somehow able to execute a commit after every SELECT statement, the transaction always executes in the context of an application module - if you committed the transaction, you'd also commit any outstanding transaction going on in the AM at the time. In general, this would be a bad thing, although you may be able to ensure that it is OK for your specific use case. I did a quick scan of the APIs to see if I could locate any method that you could possibly override, but didn't locate anything that looked promising.

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    String value = "This is the value";
    userContextWebImpl.setValue( key, value1 );
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    (ApplicationContextWebImpl is the JavaBean)
    public static String getBookingResult( String key )
         String myResult = null;
         String myKey = key;
         ApplicationContextWebImpl applicationContextWebImpl = null;
              applicationContextWebImpl = new ApplicationContextWebImpl();
              myResult = (String)applicationContextWebImpl.getValue( key );
         catch ( java.rmi.RemoteException e )
         return myResult;

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    Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'insert' failed due to: Could not create/access the TopLink Session.
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    The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception.
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    Thanks in advance

    Have you updated the "Outbound Connection Pools-" under your soa server ?
    *7) Give points - it is good etiquette to reward an answerer points (5 - helpful; 10 - correct) for their post if they answer your question.*

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    Set serverURL=/forms90/f90servlet/session in the Forms Web configuration default section or add it to the URL to start tracing host name and ip-addresses from clients. The output appears in the servlet log file application.log. sessionperf , perf and debug are the other options instead of session.
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    Hi Somya,
    you should always request your portal by full qualified domain name (fqdn) which means:
    An example:
    do not: http://myserver:50000/irj or, etc.
    do: or
    If you do not like suggested, you'll get problems:
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    Best Regards,

    This is indeed a tricky one. You are correct that a transaction is started whenever you do any selects that touch a remote object. The problem that I see is that even if you were somehow able to execute a commit after every SELECT statement, the transaction always executes in the context of an application module - if you committed the transaction, you'd also commit any outstanding transaction going on in the AM at the time. In general, this would be a bad thing, although you may be able to ensure that it is OK for your specific use case. I did a quick scan of the APIs to see if I could locate any method that you could possibly override, but didn't locate anything that looked promising.

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    According Re: Accessing Collection through a DBMS.job
    there should be a way to do that.
    Unfortunately I cannot manage it...
    Want to create 500 simultaneous connections to public (APP_PAGE_ID=10, APP_ID=100)...any user is OK (APEX_PUBLIC_USER)...I just want to see some Oracle behavior on 500 connections (memory, i/o...etc)
    exec apex_custom_auth.define_user_session('APEX_PUBLIC_USER',apex_custom_auth.get_next_session_id);
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.00
    exec apex_custom_auth.define_user_session('APEX_PUBLIC_USER',123456789);PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    >But no session is created...??
    Could anyone clear what is wrong ...?
    Message was edited by:

    Not exactly sure what you are trying to do, see if this helps
    sqlplus htmldb_public_user@mydb
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Dec 13 13:54:58 2006
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Enter password:
    Connected to:
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production
    SQL> select v('APP_USER') from dual;
    SQL> exec wwv_flow_custom_auth.define_user_session(p_user=>'STRESS_TEST',p_session_id=>wwv_flow_custom_auth.get_next_session_id);
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL>  exec wwv_flow_custom_auth.remember_deep_link(p_url=>'f?p=100:0:'||v('APP_SESSION'))
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select v('APP_USER') from dual;
    STRESS_TESTAt this point, this SQL*Plus session is now "emulating" an APEX application session. But all this represents is really a row in the APEX sessions table, you can create hundreds of these rows, I don't think that is going to put any stress on the Oracle database in terms of resource usage.
    If you are looking to stress test your web application, there are entire frameworks out there designed to do just this.
    Re: Concurrent Users Test
    Stress/Load testing / screen scrapers for App Express applications
    Hope this helps.

  • Access Server through VIP (ACE 4710) but very slow

    Re:  Access Server through VIP (ACE 4710) but very slow
    Hi Shiva
    Kindly  Help .....Accessing the server very slow.., Plz check my real  configuration... this configuration is for application server and after  this i have to configure more serverfarm for different server like  webmail etc. in this ACE 4710. I have only one ACE 4710 .
    ACE Version A4(2.0) = is there supports Probe with this version.???  without probe server will work but very slow. And plz guide Nat-pool is required
    VIP :--
    LB/Admin# sh run
    Generating configuration....
    no ft auto-sync startup-config
    logging enable
    logging host udp/514
    resource-class RC1
      limit-resource all minimum 10.00 maximum unlimited
    boot system image:c4710ace-mz.A4_2_0.bin
    hostname LB
    interface gigabitEthernet 1/1
      description Management
      speed 1000M
      switchport access vlan 1000
      no shutdown
    interface gigabitEthernet 1/2
      description clientside
      switchport access vlan 30
      no shutdown
    interface gigabitEthernet 1/3
      description serverside
      switchport access vlan 31
      no shutdown
    interface gigabitEthernet 1/4
      no shutdown
    context Admin
      description Management
      member RC1
    access-list everyone line 8 extended permit ip any any
    access-list everyone line 16 extended permit icmp any any
    probe http probe1
      description health check
      interval 5
      passdetect interval 10
      request method head
      expect status 200 200
      open 1
    rserver redirect https_redirect
      description redirect traffic to https
      webhost-redirection / 302
    rserver redirect maintenance_page
      description maintenance page displayed
      webhost-redirection /sry.html 301
    rserver host web1
      ip address
    rserver host web2
      ip address
    rserver host web3
      ip address
    serverfarm host http
      rserver web1
      rserver web2
      rserver web3
    serverfarm redirect https_redirect_farm
      description Redirect traffic to https
    serverfarm redirect maintenance_farm
      description send user to maintenance page
    parameter-map type connection paramap_http
      description parameter connection tcp
      exceed-mss allow
    sticky ip-netmask address source Sticky_http
      timeout activeconns
      serverfarm http
    class-map match-all REMOTE-ACCESS
    class-map type management match-any remote_access
      2 match protocol xml-https any
      3 match protocol icmp any
      4 match protocol telnet any
      5 match protocol ssh any
      6 match protocol http any
      7 match protocol https any
      8 match protocol snmp any
    class-map match-all slb-vip
      2 match virtual-address tcp eq www
    policy-map type management first-match remote_access
      class class-default
    policy-map type management first-match remote_mgmt_allow_policy
      class remote_access
    policy-map type loadbalance first-match slb
      class class-default
        serverfarm http
    policy-map type inspect http all-match slb-vip-http
      class class-default
    policy-map multi-match client-vips
      class slb-vip
        loadbalance vip inservice
        loadbalance policy slb
        loadbalance vip icmp-reply active
        inspect http policy slb-vip-http
        connection advanced-options paramap_http
    interface vlan 30
      description "Client Side"
      ip address
      access-group input everyone
      service-policy input client-vips
      no shutdown
    interface vlan 31
      description "Server Side"
      ip address
      service-policy input remote_access
      no shutdown
    interface vlan 1000
      description managment
      ip address
      service-policy input remote_mgmt_allow_policy
      no shutdown
    ip route
    snmp-server contact "PHQ"
    snmp-server community phq group Network-Monitor
    snmp-server trap-source vlan 1000
    username admin password 5 $1$b2txbc5U$TA74D920oSdd2eOZ4hSFe/  role Admin domain
    username www password 5 $1$.GuWwQEK$r8Ub4OcE3l190d5GA4kvR.  role Admin domain de
    username prem password 5 $1$8C7eRKrI$it3UV4URZ26X4S/Bh6OEr0  role Admin domain d
    ssh key rsa 1024 force
    banner motd # "ro" #

    Hi Shiva,
    plz guide i'm new with ACE LB, also find my n/w design for connected ace to server. but server accessing very very slow, but when i connect through my old server software LB (with two interface)then accessing very fast. I just replace my old serverLB(with two interface) to ACE4710 and connect the same scenario then why not server accessing smoothly with VIP .Reply soon only I connect ACE's two interface with switch.....

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    needed RCA ... plz help..

    From your description, you can send and receive messages only when you use OWA after migration from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2013. If I have misunderstood your concern, please let me know.
    In your case, I recommend you create a new test mailbox in your Exchange 2013 and check if you can send and receive messages on Outlook. If yes, it is recommended to create a new profile to solve this issue.
    Hope this can be helpful to you.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

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    "Where do I find my hundreds of dollars of downloads I have done since 2005?"
    They will only be where you put them  If you are doing the very basics, then they will be on your computer and they will be in your backup copy of your computer.
    The itunes store is not global at all, never has been. You cannot redownload your content from another country.  You can only use the countrys itunes store for the country that you are physically located.

  • Since updating my iPhone 4 to ios6 I can no longer access itunes through the itunes app.  I just get a blank white screen.  Is there a fix for this yet?

    Since upgrading my iPhone 4 to the new ios6 software I can no longer access itunes through the itunes app.  I there a fix for this yet?

    Scalesy05 wrote:
    I there a fix for this yet?
    Why would there be a fix?  YOU are having the problem.  I'm not, no one I know is having the problem.  No fix is needed.
    Basic troubleshooting steps clearly outlined in the User Guide are restart, reset, restore from backup, restore as new.  Have you been through any, if not all of these troubleshooting steps yet?

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    I have configured Hyperion 9.3.1. products in windows.
    I am getting the following error message when trying to access Workspace through Apache web server(port 19000). But, able to access through Weblogic Application server(port 45000).
    please assist me in resolving this issue.
    Internal Server Error
    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
    Please contact the server administrator, [email protected] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
    Apache/2.0.63 (Win32) mod_jk/1.2.8 Server at nasbydapp04 Port 19000

    I re-configured the BIPlus components and even now, i am unable to access workspace through Apache web server.
    But now, i am getting a different error
    HTTP 404 - File not found
    Internet Explorer
    Can anyone help me in resolving this issue.
    I have updated httpd.conf and HYSL-Weblogic.conf file in Apache server.

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    Have something that CAN access the session pass whatever it is the bean needs to know into the bean via a setter method.

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    (so iam sure its not a odbc issue)
    Looking forward for any comments on this problem

    possibly the account running the webi report server doesn't have access to the drive. Is it local system? Try using the same account you are logged into the webi rich client as, but you will most likely need to grant that account local admin on the server so it can run the service.

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