JMS Server active connections keep incrementing when calling jms webservice

I was doing performance and resources consumption analysis of the CGBU Activation product and noticed that when interacting with jms transport web service the number of active connections (JMS Servers/Monitoring/Active Connections in Admin Console) keeps incrementing at the rate of invoking methods on the web service. The number of active connections, when disconnecting the client from the server, doesn't change.
I've stripped down the web service so it doesn't do anything at all and connect to it via a web service client. When, through admin console, I check the number of active connection in the jms server, it goes up by the number of calls to the jms web service.
Can anyone tell if this is a known issue in WebLogic jms transport implementation for web services?
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<s0:definitions name="MslvAsapWsDefinitions" targetNamespace="tns" xmlns="" xmlns:s0="" xmlns:s1="tns" xmlns:s2="" xmlns:s3="">
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="tns" xmlns:xs="">
<xs:import namespace="http://com.bea/wls92/com/bea/staxb/buildtime/internal/bts"/>
<xs:element name="suspendOrderByKey">
<xs:element name="suspendOrderByKeyResponse">
<xs:element name="resumeOrderByKey">
<xs:element name="resumeOrderByKeyResponse">
<xs:element name="createOrderByValue">
<xs:element name="createOrderByValueResponse">
<xs:element name="getServiceTypes">
<xs:element name="getServiceTypesResponse">
<xs:element name="removeOrderByKey">
<xs:element name="removeOrderByKeyResponse">
<xs:element name="getOrderByKey">
<xs:element name="getOrderByKeyResponse">
<xs:element name="jsrpGateway">
<xs:element name="jsrpGatewayResponse">
<xs:element name="abortOrderByKey">
<xs:element name="abortOrderByKeyResponse">
<xs:element name="getOrderTypes">
<xs:element name="getOrderTypesResponse">
<xs:element name="queryOrders">
<xs:element name="queryOrdersResponse">
<xs:element name="setOrderByValue">
<xs:element name="setOrderByValueResponse">
<xs:element name="startOrderByKey">
<xs:element name="startOrderByKeyResponse">
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="" xmlns:xs="">
<xs:complexType name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<xs:element minOccurs="1" name="Arg0" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" type="java:MslvAsapWsSessionException" xmlns:java=""/>
<s0:message name="suspendOrderByKey">
<s0:part element="s1:suspendOrderByKey" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="suspendOrderByKeyResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:suspendOrderByKeyResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s0:part element="s2:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:message name="resumeOrderByKey">
<s0:part element="s1:resumeOrderByKey" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="resumeOrderByKeyResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:resumeOrderByKeyResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="createOrderByValue">
<s0:part element="s1:createOrderByValue" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="createOrderByValueResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:createOrderByValueResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="getServiceTypes">
<s0:part element="s1:getServiceTypes" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="getServiceTypesResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:getServiceTypesResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="removeOrderByKey">
<s0:part element="s1:removeOrderByKey" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="removeOrderByKeyResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:removeOrderByKeyResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="getOrderByKey">
<s0:part element="s1:getOrderByKey" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="getOrderByKeyResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:getOrderByKeyResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="jsrpGateway">
<s0:part element="s1:jsrpGateway" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="jsrpGatewayResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:jsrpGatewayResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="abortOrderByKey">
<s0:part element="s1:abortOrderByKey" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="abortOrderByKeyResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:abortOrderByKeyResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="getOrderTypes">
<s0:part element="s1:getOrderTypes" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="getOrderTypesResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:getOrderTypesResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="queryOrders">
<s0:part element="s1:queryOrders" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="queryOrdersResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:queryOrdersResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="setOrderByValue">
<s0:part element="s1:setOrderByValue" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="setOrderByValueResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:setOrderByValueResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="startOrderByKey">
<s0:part element="s1:startOrderByKey" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="startOrderByKeyResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:startOrderByKeyResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:portType name="MslvAsapWsServiceImpl">
<s0:operation name="suspendOrderByKey" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:suspendOrderByKey"/>
<s0:output message="s1:suspendOrderByKeyResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="resumeOrderByKey" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:resumeOrderByKey"/>
<s0:output message="s1:resumeOrderByKeyResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="createOrderByValue" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:createOrderByValue"/>
<s0:output message="s1:createOrderByValueResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="getServiceTypes" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:getServiceTypes"/>
<s0:output message="s1:getServiceTypesResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="removeOrderByKey" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:removeOrderByKey"/>
<s0:output message="s1:removeOrderByKeyResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="getOrderByKey" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:getOrderByKey"/>
<s0:output message="s1:getOrderByKeyResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="jsrpGateway" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:jsrpGateway"/>
<s0:output message="s1:jsrpGatewayResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="abortOrderByKey" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:abortOrderByKey"/>
<s0:output message="s1:abortOrderByKeyResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="getOrderTypes" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:getOrderTypes"/>
<s0:output message="s1:getOrderTypesResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="queryOrders" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:queryOrders"/>
<s0:output message="s1:queryOrdersResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="setOrderByValue" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:setOrderByValue"/>
<s0:output message="s1:setOrderByValueResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="startOrderByKey" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:startOrderByKey"/>
<s0:output message="s1:startOrderByKeyResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:binding name="MslvAsapWsSoapBinding" type="s1:MslvAsapWsServiceImpl">
<s3:binding style="document" transport=""/>
<s0:operation name="suspendOrderByKey">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/suspendOrderByKey" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="resumeOrderByKey">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/resumeOrderByKey" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="createOrderByValue">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/createOrderByValue" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="getServiceTypes">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/getServiceTypes" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="removeOrderByKey">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/removeOrderByKey" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="getOrderByKey">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/getOrderByKey" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="jsrpGateway">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/jsrpGateway" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="abortOrderByKey">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/abortOrderByKey" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="getOrderTypes">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/getOrderTypes" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="queryOrders">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/queryOrders" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="setOrderByValue">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/setOrderByValue" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="startOrderByKey">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/startOrderByKey" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:service name="MslvAsapWs">
<s0:port binding="s1:MslvAsapWsSoapBinding" name="JmsSessionPort">
<s3:address location="jms:///SAAS-1/Oracle/CGBU/Mslv/Asap/Ws?URI=SAAS-1.WebServiceQueue"/>

I was doing performance and resources consumption analysis of the CGBU Activation product and noticed that when interacting with jms transport web service the number of active connections (JMS Servers/Monitoring/Active Connections in Admin Console) keeps incrementing at the rate of invoking methods on the web service. The number of active connections, when disconnecting the client from the server, doesn't change.
I've stripped down the web service so it doesn't do anything at all and connect to it via a web service client. When, through admin console, I check the number of active connection in the jms server, it goes up by the number of calls to the jms web service.
Can anyone tell if this is a known issue in WebLogic jms transport implementation for web services?
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<s0:definitions name="MslvAsapWsDefinitions" targetNamespace="tns" xmlns="" xmlns:s0="" xmlns:s1="tns" xmlns:s2="" xmlns:s3="">
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="tns" xmlns:xs="">
<xs:import namespace="http://com.bea/wls92/com/bea/staxb/buildtime/internal/bts"/>
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<xs:element name="suspendOrderByKeyResponse">
<xs:element name="resumeOrderByKey">
<xs:element name="resumeOrderByKeyResponse">
<xs:element name="createOrderByValue">
<xs:element name="createOrderByValueResponse">
<xs:element name="getServiceTypes">
<xs:element name="getServiceTypesResponse">
<xs:element name="removeOrderByKey">
<xs:element name="removeOrderByKeyResponse">
<xs:element name="getOrderByKey">
<xs:element name="getOrderByKeyResponse">
<xs:element name="jsrpGateway">
<xs:element name="jsrpGatewayResponse">
<xs:element name="abortOrderByKey">
<xs:element name="abortOrderByKeyResponse">
<xs:element name="getOrderTypes">
<xs:element name="getOrderTypesResponse">
<xs:element name="queryOrders">
<xs:element name="queryOrdersResponse">
<xs:element name="setOrderByValue">
<xs:element name="setOrderByValueResponse">
<xs:element name="startOrderByKey">
<xs:element name="startOrderByKeyResponse">
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="" xmlns:xs="">
<xs:complexType name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<xs:element minOccurs="1" name="Arg0" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" type="java:MslvAsapWsSessionException" xmlns:java=""/>
<s0:message name="suspendOrderByKey">
<s0:part element="s1:suspendOrderByKey" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="suspendOrderByKeyResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:suspendOrderByKeyResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s0:part element="s2:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:message name="resumeOrderByKey">
<s0:part element="s1:resumeOrderByKey" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="resumeOrderByKeyResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:resumeOrderByKeyResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="createOrderByValue">
<s0:part element="s1:createOrderByValue" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="createOrderByValueResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:createOrderByValueResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="getServiceTypes">
<s0:part element="s1:getServiceTypes" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="getServiceTypesResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:getServiceTypesResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="removeOrderByKey">
<s0:part element="s1:removeOrderByKey" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="removeOrderByKeyResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:removeOrderByKeyResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="getOrderByKey">
<s0:part element="s1:getOrderByKey" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="getOrderByKeyResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:getOrderByKeyResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="jsrpGateway">
<s0:part element="s1:jsrpGateway" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="jsrpGatewayResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:jsrpGatewayResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="abortOrderByKey">
<s0:part element="s1:abortOrderByKey" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="abortOrderByKeyResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:abortOrderByKeyResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="getOrderTypes">
<s0:part element="s1:getOrderTypes" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="getOrderTypesResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:getOrderTypesResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="queryOrders">
<s0:part element="s1:queryOrders" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="queryOrdersResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:queryOrdersResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="setOrderByValue">
<s0:part element="s1:setOrderByValue" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="setOrderByValueResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:setOrderByValueResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="startOrderByKey">
<s0:part element="s1:startOrderByKey" name="parameters"/>
<s0:message name="startOrderByKeyResponse">
<s0:part element="s1:startOrderByKeyResponse" name="parameters"/>
<s0:portType name="MslvAsapWsServiceImpl">
<s0:operation name="suspendOrderByKey" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:suspendOrderByKey"/>
<s0:output message="s1:suspendOrderByKeyResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="resumeOrderByKey" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:resumeOrderByKey"/>
<s0:output message="s1:resumeOrderByKeyResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="createOrderByValue" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:createOrderByValue"/>
<s0:output message="s1:createOrderByValueResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="getServiceTypes" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:getServiceTypes"/>
<s0:output message="s1:getServiceTypesResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="removeOrderByKey" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:removeOrderByKey"/>
<s0:output message="s1:removeOrderByKeyResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="getOrderByKey" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:getOrderByKey"/>
<s0:output message="s1:getOrderByKeyResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="jsrpGateway" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:jsrpGateway"/>
<s0:output message="s1:jsrpGatewayResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="abortOrderByKey" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:abortOrderByKey"/>
<s0:output message="s1:abortOrderByKeyResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="getOrderTypes" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:getOrderTypes"/>
<s0:output message="s1:getOrderTypesResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="queryOrders" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:queryOrders"/>
<s0:output message="s1:queryOrdersResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="setOrderByValue" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:setOrderByValue"/>
<s0:output message="s1:setOrderByValueResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:operation name="startOrderByKey" parameterOrder="parameters">
<s0:input message="s1:startOrderByKey"/>
<s0:output message="s1:startOrderByKeyResponse"/>
<s0:fault message="s1:MslvAsapWsSessionException" name="MslvAsapWsSessionException"/>
<s0:binding name="MslvAsapWsSoapBinding" type="s1:MslvAsapWsServiceImpl">
<s3:binding style="document" transport=""/>
<s0:operation name="suspendOrderByKey">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/suspendOrderByKey" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="resumeOrderByKey">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/resumeOrderByKey" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="createOrderByValue">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/createOrderByValue" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="getServiceTypes">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/getServiceTypes" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="removeOrderByKey">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/removeOrderByKey" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="getOrderByKey">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/getOrderByKey" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="jsrpGateway">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/jsrpGateway" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="abortOrderByKey">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/abortOrderByKey" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="getOrderTypes">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/getOrderTypes" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="queryOrders">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/queryOrders" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="setOrderByValue">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/setOrderByValue" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:operation name="startOrderByKey">
<s3:operation soapAction="tns/startOrderByKey" style="document"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s3:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<s0:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException">
<s3:fault name="MslvAsapWsSessionException" use="literal"/>
<s0:service name="MslvAsapWs">
<s0:port binding="s1:MslvAsapWsSoapBinding" name="JmsSessionPort">
<s3:address location="jms:///SAAS-1/Oracle/CGBU/Mslv/Asap/Ws?URI=SAAS-1.WebServiceQueue"/>

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    java.rmi.RemoteException; nested exception is: HTTP transport error javax.xml.soap.SOAPException javax.xml.soap.SOAPException
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    I understand, so i have a doubt, why the webservice works on jDeveloper ??Not just JDeveloper even soapUI and Neatbeans have a way of working without a client certificate installed.
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    PS: See this, it offers a clue.
    The java programs run unhindered when one-way authentication is being used. These products ship with a digital certificate that is in the path of most popular CAs.
    Corollary, if the Web Server is configured for mutual authentication then you need to install and configure the client certificate in the tools.
    Edited by: Prabodh on Dec 5, 2012 8:36 PM


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    If you are streaming content then I would recommend using an ethernet connection between your hub and PC as wireless is subject to to many forms of external interference"
    Ethernet cable?  I am not sure what one is, I think this is how I was connecting when I was with Talk Talk.  Is it where you connect to the BT phone socket with a little white box thingy?  Please let me know.  To be honest, I thought the whole point of the setup I have now was the newest technology which did away with that sort of connection.  Can you please let me know how I can try this.  With thanks again for YOUR reply.
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    are you trying to hit this bapi when calling a BSP? Or are you trying to do this with ITS?
    also, check if adding the COMMIT statement right after the bapi will help.

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    Error reading server response: The operation has timed-out
    I checked ICMAN parameters
    icm/conn_timeout - and set its new value to 50000 ms ( 50 secs ) - the connection still timed out when the webservice tooks more than 10 seconds to process.
    icm/keep_alive_timeout - I don't see an option to change the new value for this parameter
    What am i missing here - how can I set the connection not to time out uptil say 45 seconds - what parameter do I change here ?

    I partly agree with Kaustubh,
    if you test the service from within SICF the parameter SAPLOCALHOSTFULL (FQHN = Fully-Qualified Host Name) is taken to build the test URL. If this host name is not correct resp. cannot be resolved by the server, you will run into an error.
    icm/host_name_full is only taken if SAPLOCALHOSTFULL is not maintained.
    So first of all you shold check this parameter befor increasing timeout parameters at random.
    If the parameter does not solve the problem, you should have a look into the ICM trace file (dev_icm) and search for "ERROR".

  • Vision Builder 2010 Active time not working when calling Vision inspection from testand 2010

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    I do not need precides timings so I am NOT worried about the +/- 20ms from the windows system clock.

    Hi Ryan,
    Can you read any of the other variables using the Get Inspection statistics VI?  Is it only the Active Timer that doesn't change?
    Cole R.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

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    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function execAppli(app)
    var wshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
    wshShell.Run(app+".exe", 1, true);
    If I call this jsp in a simple html page is works correctly when i call it from a button in apex (3.0) I got the error message Automation server can't create object.
    Any idea ?

    Hi Claude,
    Just be sure that you really (like really) trust your endusers, because I can see some huge opportunities for exploiting that JavaScript routine you've shown. If you're not taking steps to prevent cross site scripting (search this forum or Google for details on what that is), then it's not beyond the bounds of possibility for someone to do something 'nasty' which would do horrible things to your end users if your executing a program on their client machines without any warning or validation of what that program actually does.
    Sometimes it's best to work backwards from the point of view of....what if you walk into work one morning and find that 400 end users machines have had their hard-drives wiped because the script arbitrarily executes whatever command you pass to it? Then you can perhaps see that what sometimes looks like a good idea might not be such a good idea after all ;)

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    Please,  run the DirectX diagnostics tool. Go to Windows Start  and in the Run box type dxdiag.exe and press the OK button. This will start the DirectX diagnostics program. Run this diagnostics and save the results to a file. Please, attach this file to your post. Be aware that you will have to zip this file before attaching it here.

  • Invalid request when calling REST-webservice with UTL_HTTP.

    When i try to send some data to a REST-webservice i get as response "INVALID REQUEST"
    I Think it is about the request-body that seems to be no UTF-8.
    I tried to set the characterset with utl_http.set_body_charset(t_http_req, 'UTF-8').
    But when i read the characterset with utl_http.get_body_charset(t_charset);, is still get "ISO-8859-1"
    I am using: Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Product
    Some help would realy be appreciated because i am out of options trying to get the code working..
    ======MY CODE==========
    create or replace procedure ipm40_send_bekendmaking(p_bdmg_id in number)
    r_bekendmaking ipm40_bekendmakingen%rowtype;
    r_gemeente ipm40_gemeenten%rowtype;
    l_url httpuritype;
    t_http_req utl_http.req;
    t_http_resp utl_http.resp;
    t_request_body varchar2(32767);
    t_respond varchar2(32767);
    -- t_teller integer := 1;
    -- t_output varchar2(2000);
    t_start number := 1;
    t_body_lengte number;
    t_chunkdata varchar2(4000);
    t_tijd_1 varchar2(256);
    t_tijd_2 varchar2(256);
    t_timeout integer;
    t_length number;
    t_charset varchar2(256);
    select *
    into r_bekendmaking
    from ipm40_bekendmakingen
    where id = p_bdmg_id;
    select *
    into r_gemeente
    from ipm40_gemeenten
    where gmte_code = r_bekendmaking.gmte_code;
    l_url := httpuritype.createuri(''||;
    t_request_body := l_url.getClob();
    /* request that exceptions are raised for error Status Codes */
    --Utl_Http.Set_Response_Error_Check ( enable => true );
    /* allow testing for exceptions like Utl_Http.Http_Server_Error */
    --Utl_Http.Set_Detailed_Excp_Support ( enable => true );
    t_http_req:= utl_http.begin_request( r_gemeente.url_webservice_bekendmakingen
    , 'POST'
    , 'HTTP/1.1');
    utl_http.set_body_charset(t_http_req, 'UTF-8');
    t_length := length(t_request_body);
    utl_http.set_header(t_http_req, 'Content-Type', 'application/xml charset=UTF-8');
    utl_http.set_header(t_http_req, 'Content-Length', t_length);
    utl_http.set_header(t_http_req, 'Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked' ); --
    t_body_lengte := dbms_lob.getlength(t_request_body);
    t_chunkdata := dbms_lob.substr(t_request_body, 2000, t_start);
    utl_http.write_text ( t_http_req, t_chunkdata );
    t_start := t_start + 2000;
    if t_start > t_body_lengte
    end if;
    end loop;
    t_http_resp:= utl_http.get_response(t_http_req);
    utl_http.read_text(t_http_resp, t_respond);
    if instr(t_respond,'Successfully document processed') != 0
    update ipm40_bekendmakingen
    set ind_status = 'S'
    , datum_verzonden = sysdate
    , response = t_respond
    where id =;
    update ipm40_bekendmakingen
    set ind_status = 'F'
    , datum_verzonden = null
    , response = t_respond
    where id = ;
    end if;
    when others
    t_tijd_2 := to_char(sysdate,'HH24:MI:SS');
    t_respond := substr(sqlerrm,1,2000);
    update ipm40_bekendmakingen
    set ind_status = 'F'
    , datum_verzonden = null
    , response = t_respond
    where id = ;
    ===THE RESPOND=============
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
    <HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <TITLE>ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved</TITLE>
    <STYLE type="text/css"><!--BODY{background-color:#ffffff;font-family:verdana,sans-serif}PRE{font-family:sans-serif}--></STYLE>
    <H2>The requested URL could not be retrieved</H2>
    <HR noshade size="1px">
    While trying to process the request:
    POST /pushxml/pushxml-bm HTTP/1.0
    Authorization: Basic Ymtfc21hcnRob2xkaW5nOllyZXMzdlFR
    Content-Type: application/xml charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 2096
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    Connection: close
    The following error was encountered:
    Invalid Request
    Some aspect of the HTTP Request is invalid. Possible problems:
    <LI>Missing or unknown request method
    <LI>Missing URL
    <LI>Missing HTTP Identifier (HTTP/1.0)
    <LI>Request is too large
    <LI>Content-Length missing for POST or PUT requests
    <LI>Illegal character in hostname; underscores are not allowed
    <P>Your cache administrator is [email protected].
    <BR clear="all">
    <HR noshade size="1px">
    Generated Fri, 12 Aug 2011 17:33:24 GMT by (squid)

    Always check the access_log and error_log files of the Apache web server in such a case. This will identify whether the error comes from Apache itself, mod_plsql, the Apex run-time engine, or the Oracle database.
    I see that you're creating a HTTP/1.1 in PL/SQL - however, the web server response indicates a HTTP/1.0 call was received. Unusual. And could be part of the problem.

  • Error #2032 when calling a WebService operation

    I'm trying to make a soap operation call. The wsdl file is
    loaded fine, but when I go to make a call, I get this error:
    HTTP request error
    body = (Object)#1
    clientId = "DirectHTTPChannel0"
    correlationId = "C5EF8C74-6413-12CF-7737-7E8FE675B002"
    destination = ""
    extendedData = (null)
    faultCode = "Server.Error.Request"
    faultDetail = "Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError"
    bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032:
    Stream Error. URL:"]. URL:"
    faultString = "HTTP request error"
    headers = (Object)#2
    messageId = "55F24685-6626-C774-F58E-7E8FE6E39495"
    rootCause = (
    bubbles = false
    cancelable = false
    currentTarget = (
    bytesLoaded = 0
    bytesTotal = 0
    data = (null)
    dataFormat = "text"
    eventPhase = 2
    target = (
    text = "Error #2032: Stream Error. URL:"
    type = "ioError"
    timestamp = 0
    timeToLive = 0
    Here's the code for the WebService:
    <mx:WebService id="ws" wsdl=""
    showBusyCursor="true" >
    <mx:operation name="Baz">
    The swf is on the same domain (and subdomain) as the
    webservce, and when it isn't, I get a security error.
    I read that https and webservice can have some problems when
    not going through a proxy, but I can't see why, and I'd rather not
    use a proxy; I shouldn't need one.
    This happens with both Firefox and IE.

    You can only make an HTTPS connection if the SWF was also
    loaded via HTTPS.

  • Http error 400 - bad request when calling external webservice

    I have a problem connecting OSB to webservices exposed by Lotus Domino Server.
    When I test the services with XMLSpy, it works fine. I started a project in OSB, and imported WSDL files from the server url. So far it worked. I built the corresponding Business services. When I tried to test these business services, i got error 400 from the domino server.
    Does anyone have an idea to fix this problem?
    My response document:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <faultstring>org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Korai fájlvége.</faultstring>
    </soapenv:Envelope>HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Server: Lotus-Domino
    Date: Sat, 09 May 2009 19:57:19 GMT
    Connection: close
    Pragma: no-cache
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    Expires: Sat, 09 May 2009 19:57:19 GMT
    Content-Type: text/html
    Content-Length: 161
    <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Unable to Process Request</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><P>Http Status Code: 400</P><P>Reason: Unknown or unsupported protocol version</P></BODY></HTML>

    Yes, the problem should be in the request, but in the test console the request document looked fine.
    I tried the following:
    I tested the service with XMLSpy. I took the soap envelope generated, and pasted it into the business service test console. Then the payload should be the same in both cases, but it does not work.

  • 401 Unauthorized error when calling a webservice

    Have ColdFusion 11 installed, I have created a hello web service and I am trying to call it.  Each time I try to call the web service I get an error 401 Unauthorized.  I am not sure if I need to configure something more on the ColdFusion server, IIS or something else.
    <cfcomponent displayname="Hello">
    <cffunction name="helloWorld" returntype="string" access="remote">
         <cfreturn "Hello World!">
      returnvariable="ws" refreshwsdl="yes">
    <cfdump var="#ws#">

    It appears that you have inadvertently enforced HTTP authentication. If so, you will have to include the attributes, username="your_username" and password="your_password" in the cfinvoke tag.

  • Problem with array param when calling a webservice from a BPM Process

    Hi. I have a web service and uses an array as parameter.
    The array (named "atributos") as part of a business object is defined here:
    <xs:schema targetNamespace="" ...>
    <xs:complexType name="TrackPCPDOTransType">
    <xs:element name=... />
    <xs:element name="atributos" nillable="true" type="ns2:AtributosType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xs:element name="TrackPCPDOTrans" type="TrackPCPDOTransType"/>
    <xs:schema targetNamespace=... >
    <xs:complexType name="AtributosType">
    <xs:element name="key" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="value" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="Atributos" type="AtributosType"/>
    In the service task activity, I pass the params to the web service:
    "descripcion" --> TrackPCPDOTrans.atributos[1].key
    DataObject.descripcion --> TrackPCPDOTrans.atributos[1].value
    "estado" --> TrackPCPDOTrans.atributos[2].key
    DataObject.estado --> TrackPCPDOTrans.atributos[2].value
    "justificacion" --> TrackPCPDOTrans.atributos[3].key
    DataObject.justificacion --> TrackPCPDOTrans.atributos[3].value
    But when I test the process, an error ocurrs:
    <auditQueryPayload auditId="8712004" ciKey="380019">
    <dataObject name="FaultMessage" isBusinessIndicator="false">
    <value> oracle.bpm.bpmn.engine.model.runtime.microinstructions.TrappableException: faultName: {{}selectionFailure} messageType: {{}RuntimeFaultMessage} cause: {faultName: {{}selectionFailure} messageType: {{}RuntimeFaultMessage} parts: {{ summary=<summary>empty expression result. The expression bpmn:getDataInput('trackPCPDOTrans')/ns:atributos[2]/ns1:key is empty. An attempt to read or copy data referenced or computed by the XPath expression either had invalid data, according to the XML schema, or did not contain certain optional data. Ensure that the variable or expression result named in the error message is not empty. Enable XML schema validation of related data elements to ensure the run-time data is valid. </summary>} } </value>
    What is wrong?
    Thanks for your help.

    I did the assignment in XPATH:
    oraext:parseXML(concat('<AtributosTracking xmlns="">
    <key xmlns="">','descripcion','</key>
    <value xmlns="">',bpmn:getDataObject('DataObjectDDSAO')/ns:descripcion,'</value>
    <key xmlns="">','estado','</key>
    <value xmlns="">',bpmn:getDataObject('DataObjectDDSAO')/ns:estado,'</value>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?bpmo version="" build="15.53" fullName="DataTypes.AtributosTracking" modifiers="268435456"?>
    <xs:schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:bpmo="" >
    <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="Atributos.xsd"/>
    <xs:complexType name="AtributosTrackingType">
    <xs:element name="arrayAtributosTracking" nillable="true" type="ns1:AtributosType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xs:element name="AtributosTracking" type="AtributosTrackingType"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?bpmo version="" build="15.53" fullName="DataTypes.Atributos" modifiers="0"?>
    <xs:schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" xmlns:bpmo="" >
    <xs:complexType name="AtributosType">
    <xs:element name="key" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="value" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="Atributos" type="AtributosType"/>
    But a new error occurrs when I run the BPM process:
    <auditQueryPayload auditId="8724004" ciKey="380025">
    <dataObject name="FaultMessage" isBusinessIndicator="false">
    <value> oracle.bpm.bpmn.engine.model.runtime.microinstructions.TrappableException:
    faultName: {{}selectionFailure}
    messageType: {{}RuntimeFaultMessage}
    cause: {faultName: {{}selectionFailure}
    messageType: {{}RuntimeFaultMessage}
    parts: {{ summary=<summary>XPath query string returns multiple nodes.
    The assign activity part and query bpmn:getDataObject('AtributosTracking')/ns:atributosTracking are returning multiple nodes.
    The assign activity part and query named in the error message returned multiple nodes. It should return single node.
    According to BPEL4WS specification 1.1 section 14.3, the assign activity part and query named in the error message should
    not return multiple nodes. Verify the part and xpath query named in the error message at line number -1 in the BPEL source. </summary>} } </value>
    Any idea?
    Edited by: César on 10/01/2013 11:02 AM

  • Global rules not kicking off when calling CHECKIN_NEW webservice

    Hi All,
    We are trying to call CHECKIN_NEW/CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL web services with mandatory fields like doctype, securitygroup, title, primary file etc..
    It is working fine, but the global rules were not kicking off.
    Ex: Say, we have a rule that says Field_A is mandatory when SecurityGroup=Public.
    But when we are invoking the webservice with SecurityGroup=Public, content is getting checked-in even though we are not passing the Field_A value.
    We need the global rules to kick-off and give us error/warning that there is field missing...
    Can you please let us know if we are missing something here, or there is other way to get this requirement?
    Thanks in advance,

    I now tested with RIDC code below, but still the global rule is not kicking off. I ahve a global rule, which says "xSwcDocumentSubType" should be mandatory. But if we see code below, i commented out that value, but still content is getting checked in.
    Can you please point me if i am missing anything here?
    IdcClientManager manager = new IdcClientManager();
    // build a client that will communicate using the HTTP protocol
    IdcClient idcClient = manager.createClient("http://xxx:xxx/cs/idcplg");
    // create an identity with a password
    IdcContext userPasswordContext = new IdcContext("xxx", "xxx");
    // create request
    DataBinder binder = idcClient.createBinder();
    binder.putLocal ("IdcService", "CHECKIN_NEW");
    // get the binder
    binder.putLocal ("dDocTitle", "RIDC File3");
    binder.putLocal ("dDocType", "Statement");
    //binder.putLocal ("xSwcDocumentSubType", "317");
    binder.putLocal ("dSecurityGroup", "Public");
    // add a file
    //binder.addFile ("primaryFile", new TransferFile ("test.doc"));
    binder.addFile ("primaryFile", new File ("D:\\RIDC.txt"));
    // check in the file
    ServiceResponse response = idcClient.sendRequest(userPasswordContext, binder);
    String responseString = response.getResponseAsString ();
    Edited by: 921097 on 18/03/2012 17:59

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