Joining a ActionTec mi424-wr network (Verizon FIOS)

I had verizon fios installed in my apartment a few weeks ago. They gave me a mi424wr router with it, and it see,s to be working just fine. I pulled out my original airport express and thought I would have it join the network so that I could use it to play music from.
When I do this, nothing happens. Once I i run the automatic set up, it says it restarts and then the airport utility never finds it again (factory reset is the only may I can see it.)
When I am asked to remember the password in the keychain and if I click yes, my laptop no longer gets on the network. It says the airport has a self-assigned IP and the only way to rememdy the problem is to that entry in the key chain.
All I want to do is stream my music. Does anyone have any advice?

It is possible to connect your Express to the FIOS network wirelessly.... and use it for a stereo or for a printer.
I just went thru the same issue; my computers were connecting to the FIOS wireless network, but my airport express was not. (I was trying to use the Express for my printer - this is the same for Air Tunes). When going thru the paces with Airport Utility in order to configure the Airport Express onto the FIOS network, I would get thru the entire process to "join my network", entered password for the FIOS network - but the Airport Express would never actually join the network - it would never "restart".
The correction to that scenario has to do with the type of "security" and the way the FIOS password is entered into the Airport Utility. The solution: once in Airport Utility and you are at the point where you are asked to select the name of the FIOS network and the enter the FIOS password.... Change the security type to "WEP 40 bit".
That's it... continue clicking thru the rest of the windows --you are done!
The first time I tried to connect the Airport Express into the network, not only did that attempt fail, but it also knocked that computer off the FIOS network, and it jumbled up my "keychain". I had to delete the FIOS network from that computer - trash my "keychain" and manually connect my computer to the network again. If anyone out there is having that type of problem... let me know. I can talk you thru that issue.

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    ufbrad24, Welcome to the discussion area!
    FiOS does not require a modem. The Actiontec device is a router only.
    You could replace the Actiontec completely with the AirPort Extreme base station (AEBS). Many have discovered that this can be done by a quick call to Verizon.

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    Mac or Windows machine?
    Is the WRT connected directly to the upstairs computer? I don't think you can use the WRT that way?
    Have you had a look here?:
    I THINK you would have to have a WETxx (Ethernet Adapter)  instead?
     If it connects to the Internet even breifly then I suppose that means your connected but it may be losing the signal and failng. You would porbably have ot get a WAP(Access Point) and use it as a repeater.
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    You will need to reconfigure your 2 AirPort Express (AX) to join the wireless network provided by the ActionTek.
    OR... If you want to replace the ActionTek with your AX, it appears that you will need to ask Verizon to change to the Ethernet MAC address from the MAC address of the ActionTek. Several people have reported that this is necessary.

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    Here is my question: Is it possible to use the Airport Extreme to wirelessly extend the range of the Actiontec network so that the laptops can be used in all of the second-floor rooms. And if so, how?
    No. The Actiontec is not compatible with Apple's WDS.

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    Your first call should be to Verizon support to ask them if you turn off the wireless on the Actiontec router....will it affect any of the features/functions of the FIOS system?
    If yes, then it would be best to leave the Actiontec router "as is" and connect the Time Capsule using Ethernet in Bridge Mode as a back up device only (wireless is turned off on the Time Capsule).
    If you want to use the dual band (and likely much faster) wireless capability of the Time Capsule, then you should turn off the wireless on the Actiontec device to help prevent wireless interference effects that will likely occur when two wireless routers are in close proximity to each other.
    Again, the Time Capsule would be connected to the Actiontec router using an Ethernet connection from one of the LAN <-> ports on the Actiontec router to the WAN port (circle icon) on the Time Capsule. Configure the Time Capsule in Bridge Mode as well in this type of configuration.
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    Simple.. bridge the TC.. in the apple utility in the NAT and DHCP area.
    Plug it into the FIOS router.. you can turn off wireless in the TC if you want.. or use it.. it can work faster if you are nearby and can select 5ghz.. but up to you.

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    If you have one computer running on G they will all run on G. All ROUTERS are backward compatible, in otherwords if you have a group of computers and all of them are N compatible and one or two are G They will all work but the N computers will run at N and those that are G will run at G speed not N.
    It can get confusing but really it is simple. The newest is 802.11 AC and ic used with the newest Mac Computers made available in November 2013. So if you have the newest Airport Extreme that is 802.11ac and the newest computers that are AC compliant your speed will be 5 times faster than anything on the market right now.

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    Welcome to the discussions!
    +I would like to extend the wireless network to reach some dead spots in my house. I have read that the Airport Express can be used to extend a wireless network from an Airport Extreme or Time Capsule, but it appears that I need to set up a WDS with the Time Capsule as the base station, which is apparently not possible on the Time Capsule in Bridge Mode+
    If you have an AirPort Express(n), you can configure it to "extend a wireless network". This is a more efficient way to add additional wireless coverage (and much easier to configure than a WDS arrangement).
    However, if you have an older "b/g" AirPort Express, you must use the WDS configuration method with this device and the Time Capsule if you want to increase your wireless coverage.

  • Basic Questions on ActionTec MI424-WR Router - problems with poor download/upload speed

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    1) After perusing the forums, I see frequent reference to the "Rev" version of the ActionTec MI424-WR Router.  How do you find the Rev version?  I have logged into the Router and in the "System Monitoring" icon, the Router Status lists my Hardware version as 'A'.  Does this mean I have Rev 'A'?
    2) What is Verizon handing out these days for Routers?  Mine is being replaced, and I am wondering what to expect.  I have Verizon FIOS Phone, TV, and Internet service, and have the 25/25 Internet service.  Will they give me another MI424-WR?  If so, what Rev level are they likely to give me?
    Here's why my router is being replaced - opinions/comments/advice welcomed.
    For the past year or two, I've consistently measured (via about 30Mbs download, and around 22-25 Upload.  Lately, I noticed that my downloads were quite slow, so I tested my speed at the above website, which I had not done in many months.  I measured only about 2-3 Download and 1-2 up.  Note all of what I am discussing hear takes place with hard-wired ethernet, NOT wireless.
    I tried testing from multiple computers, running XP, Vista, and Windows 7.  All getting consistently similar poor speeds.  I verified my account still is supposed to have 25/25/ service, which I verified online. 
    Tried rebooting the router, no change.  Then tried hard reset (pushing in the recessed button, holding it for about 20-30 seconds.  After it reconnected to the Internet, I tested speed again.  No change.
    Interestingly, I tested wireless speed on the laptop I have.  Speed is MUCH better, around 15 down, and 10-12 up.
    I tried the speed optimization tool on two of my PCs, it made no improvement.  Finally, got into an online chat with a Verizon Tech.  He did some tests on the line, we repeated some of the things I already tried, and then he asked how old my Router was...I am pretty sure it is the original one I received when I first signed up for FIOS, around 5-6 years ago, which is one of the reasons I asked how to tell which rev level I had.   So the tech concluded the problem was probably my Router.
    I TEND to agree, especially because I recently had an "anomaly" on my network.  My son complained one day that Internet was down.  When I got home, I found out my NetGear Gigbit switch was dead, and two of my hard-wired ethernet network printers could no longer talk to the network.  I replaced the switch, so now I am thinking perhaps the Router was damaged somehow.  I have no idea what the cause of this anomaly was - everything that connects to my network was plugged into Triplite ISOBAR surge protectors, but that only protects AC power. 
    I would think a hardware failure would completely kill the ethernet portion of the router, not simply reduce speed, but I could be wrong.  Anyone been through something similar to this before?  I expect to receive the new Router next Thursday, so hopefully I should know by then, but still - what should the next steps be if the new router does not fix the problem?
    Thanks for any comments, insight or shared experiences you might be willing to share...
    Go to Solution.

    This is embarrassing.
    Smith6612, you are absolutely correct, and you nailed it!
    When all this mess started, I checked my Verizon account to make sure I was signed up for 25/25 Internet.  I was.
    I don't know what has happened, but after reading Smith6612's response, I went back to recheck my account.  I was set up for 15/5!  So, the speedtest measurements I have been getting the last couple of days are exactly what I should be getting.  Two possibilities:
    1) My Triple-Play bundle must have expired in the past two weeks by coincidence.
    2) The Verizon tech may have changed my account profile when I worked with them online last week, although this was never discussed.
    At any rate, Smith6612 wins the prize.  It certainly explains the download/upload speeds I am getting.  I have logged into Verizon and signed up for a new bundle.  According to their website, my new profile should take effect Tuesday 1/10, so after that point, I should be measuring 25/25 again.
    Thanks to all who responded to this thread.  I will update this thread to confirm after Tuesday.  I get nervous whenever I have to change anything with Verizon - although everything has worked fine for the past few years, we have so many services with them - Cell Phone, TV, Internet, and Home Phone, that I worry something will go wrong with the billing, but we'll see.

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    OK, so with this, we have a few options. You appear to have a MoCa connection to the ONT, hence the coaxial cable being present.
    1: The ActionTec can be bridged to the Valet router. This will not require any additional cabling, however it will require a small amount of work to have working. You will also require the ActionTec still in the mix, even though it will not be acting as a router anymore with this configuration.
    Visit and look at Option 4. There is a thread linked that will allow you to set up the ActionTec as just a MoCa bridge, and will pass the Public IP to your router. You will, in order for this to work once the ActionTec is bridged, need to connect the cable from your Valet router's Internet port, to the ActionTec's LAN port and nothing else goes to the ActionTec. From this point, your Valet should run as your primary and everything should connect through your Valet. If you are adding another router, a Netgear N300, you should perform the LAN to LAN setup, which we will talk about once you've got the Valet working correctly. LAN to LAN configs require a custom setup, so do not set up the Netgear for now.
    2: This is my preferred method, which would be to run an Ethernet cable to the ONT. Option 6 in the FAQ. This will require spaking to Verizon to have them move your ONT to Ethernet, but once they do this, you can disconnect the Coaxial Cable from your ActionTec router, and plug in your CAT5/CAT6 cable from the ONT to the ActionTec's Internet/WAN port. Use the ActionTec to ensure everything is working after the switchover, and once off the phone, log into the ActionTec, perform a DHCP Release, and then prompty power off the ActionTec. Once this is done, plug the CAT6 cable into your Valet router's Internet port. You should from this point, be able to connect to the Cisco, and if the DHCP Lease was broken successfully, the Cisco should begin serving up your Internet connection. If it does not, leave the Cisco powered off for a few hours to break the DHCP lease, and then power it up. If the Valet does not work, still, give the Valet a factory reset and set up this router again, with the Ethernet cable from the ONT connected to it.
    I would just take a good luck at the FAQ linked above again, and see what would work the best. Easiest thing to do is to get the ONT moved to Ethernet, which allows you to eliminate the ActionTec unless you need it in the future for TV service, and also allows you to use any router with ease.
    Once the Valet is up and running and holds your Public IP address from Verizon (use to determine this) , and also serves up IPs to devices on your network, post back and we can help you set up the Netgear. If you have any issues while setting this up, fall back to the ActionTec. It's factory reset will work without configuration needed, regardless of you being on Coax or Ethernet.
    The first to bring me 1Gbps Fiber for $30/m wins!

  • How do i bridge my extreme with a Verizon FIOS router?

    how do i bridge my extreme with a Verizon FIOS router?

    Unfortunately, the AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBS) cannot be configured as a wireless Ethernet bridge. Although it can "join" the Verizon's wireless network, doing so its Ethernet ports will NOT be enabled for wired clients.

  • Verizon FIOs router and Aiport Card slow performance

    Hey all,
    Yesterday I switched from DSL to Verizons FIOs. Everything is working great with my PowerMac G4 which is hardwired to the ActionTec M1424WR wireless router, and an old PC laptop which is wireless.
    The problem I’m having is with an iMac G5 wireless connection to the ActionTec router. I can connect to the internet but the pages load slower than DSL.
    I started by talking with Apple Care a couple of times with no luck. I emptied the Cashe and reset Safari. I’ve also checked for interference from other sources like other routers in the area. And it’s not a distance problem because the connection strength is as high as it can be. The speed tests I’ve run say the download speeds a great. (5.12Mbps) But it still takes 30 seconds for a page to load.
    In talking to a tech guy at Verizon (who knows Macs and networks), we thought it might be the WEP or the transmition rate. We turned off the WEP and set the transmition rate to “Auto” in the router control panel. But still no luck.
    The Verizon tech is checking with ActionTec. If anyone has any other ideas please let me know. And I will let you all know what Verizon says.
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Several weeks ago I said I would let everyone know how things progressed with getting my slow FIOs connection issuse resolved. So here’s what took place.
    The first Verizon technician I talked with had me turn off the routers WEP encryption, then I changed the transmition rate setting to automatic. After having no effect he said he would call me back after talking to Actiontec. I never heard from him again.
    During my second call to Verizon, tech support set up a conference call with a technician at Actiontec. After a brief discussion the Actiontec technician was sure the problem was with the wireless card in my computer. So after getting no help from Verizon or Actiontec I decided to give up on the Actiontec router an go back to my Netgear router.
    After reconnecting my Netgear router I discovered I had a new problem. My Netgear router would not automatically configure. So I called Verizon tech support a 3rd time. I spent a half hour on the phone trying to configure my Netgear router manually. But this was a waste of time because no one at Verizon was sure what the correct router settings are because routers are designed to configure automatically.
    Next I called Netgear to find out why the router was not configuring automatically. After spending $32.00 to talk to Netgear tech support he had me eliminate the router by going straight to my Mac to see if I could get an internet connection. And there was no connection.
    So I called Verizon tech support a 4th time. I finally got someone I felt could really help. He told me that in order to connect the new router he would have to clear the IP Address that was assigned to my Actiontec router. The other option is to leave the router unplugged for as much as 4 hours. This too, will clear the IP Address. Once he cleared the old IP Address I reconnected my Netgear router and it configured automatically and I was back on the net. Now, web pages on my wireless iMac are loading in 3-5 seconds instead of 30 seconds.
    However, there is just one more thing. After a short time my Netgear router began to freeze when I tried watching a 480p HD movie trailer. Then again when I went to the iTunes music store. Each time I had to turn of the router, wait 30 seconds then turn it back on. I emailed Netgear tech suppport and their response was to log into the router control panel:
    1 Go to the WAN Setup.
    2 Reduce the MTU to 1400,1456,1484 or 1492
    3 Deselect "Disable the SPI firewall"
    I tried setting the MTU to 1400 first and that seemed to work for a while. Then it started freezing again. I have the MTU set to 1456 now and it seems to be working so far.
    I hope this information will be of help to anyone upgading to Verizon FIOs Internet.
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    Nvm, i got it to work

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