JPA Merge Issue

class A
@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
List<B> Bs;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
long id;
Scenario :
I Saved A. Then Added an Item to list Bs. Then merged A. The new B is saved in the database, but the id of new B is still 0. so when i try to merge A again, B gets overwritten.

Same issue is discussed on the EclipseLink forum at:

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    We have some WEBI reports in BO XI 3.1.
    The reports have header where we are showing report name and some values which user selects in prompt.
    Now the issue is that when we save our webi report in excel format, many cells get merge.
    I have read many post on scn which suggest some solutions like changing the autofit width option to no and aligning the header width with colums.
    Tried both the option but no success.
    Is there any other way to achieve this.
    Thanks in advance,

    We managed to find the workaround for this merge cell issue.
    Sharing it might be helpful for someone.
    - Align the report name and other block in report in such a way that the ends are in line with the end point of any column. The only limitation is that when applying pivot to the excel output we neet to click on any of the ccolumn so that excel identify the data set.
    - Second workaround is to break the webi document in two parts report1 will contain the report name and the block to show the prompt values selected by the user where as report2 will contain the table withactual data. The only limitation with this workaround is that when exporting the repot output to excel we will get two tabs in the excel sheet one containing the prompt values and secont tab containing the actual data.

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    That's a feature I have not used, but could not replicate.
    It seems for that feature, you have set up a merge doc with the fields on the Master Page? (preferred method) and created the merged document, edited the data source, gone to the Data Merge Panel and selected Update Content in Data Fields? That generated a log of updated records on my machine with the new data.
    More info needed on your process.

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    Appreciate any ideas on this.
    Kind Regards,

    Hi Gökhan,
    As you say the "list is 100 records long indeed", it behaves correctly as defined in the JPA spec - though I agree there is most likely potential for optimization. The best approach would be to open an SAP support ticket.

  • Account merging issues

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    Update: I have found the cause of this strange behaviour.
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  • Spring JPA + Toplink Issues

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    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Object: is not a known entity type.
         at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl.registerNewObjectForPersist(
         at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.base.EntityManagerImpl.persist(
         at org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTemplate$5.doInJpa(
         at org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTemplate.execute(
    My Registry should be valid; at first I thought it was something to do with class hierarchies, but I removed that from the equation and I'm still getting the error. My class looks like this:
    @Table(name="registry", uniqueConstraints= {@UniqueConstraint(columnNames={"name"})})
    public class Registry implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -4335133039987702902L;
    private Long id;
    private String name;
         private Calendar lastRun;
    private String url;
         private Schedule schedule;
         private String status = ScheduleStatus.IDLE;
         public Long getId() {
              return id;
         public void setId(Long id) {
     = id;
         public Calendar getLastRun() {
              return lastRun;
         public void setLastRun(Calendar lastRun) {
              this.lastRun = lastRun;
         public String getName() {
              return name;
         public void setName(String name) {
     = name;
         public String getType()
    throw new RuntimeException("this should be overridden.");
         public String getUrl() {
              return url;
         public void setUrl(String url) {
              this.url = url;
         public Schedule getSchedule() {
              return schedule;
         public void setSchedule(Schedule schedule) {
              this.schedule = schedule;
         public String getStatus() {
              return status;
         public void setStatus(String status) {
              this.status = status;
    My Spring config looks like this:
         <bean id="entityManagerFactory"
              <property name="jpaVendorAdapter">
                        <property name="generateDdl" value="true" />
                        <property name="showSql" value="true" />
                        <property name="databasePlatform"
                             value="oracle.toplink.essentials.platform.database.HSQLPlatform" />
              <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
              <property name="loadTimeWeaver">
                        class="org.springframework.instrument.classloading.SimpleLoadTimeWeaver" />
    My persistence.xml looks like this:
    <persistence xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.0">
         <persistence-unit name="aons" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
    Finally, and here's the really odd part, my log displays the registering of the Registry Class as a persistence object:
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.874--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The alias name for the entity class [class] is being defaulted to: LcDfwRegistry.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.890--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The alias name for the entity class [class] is being defaulted to: Registry.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.921--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The column name for element [private java.lang.Long] is being defaulted to: ID.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.937--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The column name for element [private java.lang.String] is being defaulted to: NAME.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.952--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The column name for element [private java.util.Calendar] is being defaulted to: LASTRUN.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.952--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The column name for element [private java.lang.String] is being defaulted to: URL.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.983--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The column name for element [private java.lang.String] is being defaulted to: STATUS.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.999--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The discriminator column name for the root inheritance class [class] is being defaulted to: DTYPE.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.999--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The alias name for the entity class [class] is being defaulted to: DayOfMonth.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.999--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The table name for entity [class] is being defaulted to: DAYOFMONTH.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.999--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The column name for element [private java.lang.Long] is being defaulted to: ID.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.999--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The column name for element [private java.lang.Integer] is being defaulted to: DAYOFMONTH.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.999--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The alias name for the entity class [class] is being defaulted to: GdfrRegistry.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.999--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The alias name for the entity class [class] is being defaulted to: PronomRegistry.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.999--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The alias name for the entity class [class] is being defaulted to: Schedule.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.999--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The table name for entity [class] is being defaulted to: SCHEDULE.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.999--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The column name for element [private java.lang.Long] is being defaulted to: ID.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.999--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The column name for element [private java.lang.String] is being defaulted to: SCHEDULETYPE.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.999--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The column name for element [private java.lang.Integer] is being defaulted to: HOUR.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.999--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The column name for element [private java.lang.Integer] is being defaulted to: MINUTES.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:50.999--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--Element [private java.util.List] is being defaulted to a one to many mapping.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.015--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--Element [private java.util.List] is being defaulted to a one to many mapping.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.015--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The column name for element [private java.lang.String] is being defaulted to: DESCRIPTIVESTRING.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.015--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The alias name for the entity class [class] is being defaulted to: Weekday.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.015--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The table name for entity [class] is being defaulted to: WEEKDAY.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.015--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The column name for element [private java.lang.Long] is being defaulted to: ID.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.015--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The column name for element [private java.lang.String] is being defaulted to: NAME.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.015--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The target entity (reference) class for the one to one mapping element [private] is being defaulted to: class
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.108--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The primary key column name for the mapping element [private] is being defaulted to: ID.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.108--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The foreign key column name for the mapping element [private] is being defaulted to: ID.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.108--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The target entity (reference) class for the one to many mapping element [private java.util.List] is being defaulted to: class
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.155--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The join table name for the many to many mapping [private java.util.List] is being defaulted to: SCHEDULE_DAYOFMONTH.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.155--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The source primary key column name for the many to many mapping [private java.util.List] is being defaulted to: ID.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.155--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The source foreign key column name for the many to many mapping [private java.util.List] is being defaulted to: Schedule_ID.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.155--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The target primary key column name for the many to many mapping [private java.util.List] is being defaulted to: ID.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.171--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The target foreign key column name for the many to many mapping [private java.util.List] is being defaulted to: daysOfMonth_ID.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.171--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The target entity (reference) class for the one to many mapping element [private java.util.List] is being defaulted to: class
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.171--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The join table name for the many to many mapping [private java.util.List] is being defaulted to: SCHEDULE_WEEKDAY.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.171--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The source primary key column name for the many to many mapping [private java.util.List] is being defaulted to: ID.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.171--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The source foreign key column name for the many to many mapping [private java.util.List] is being defaulted to: Schedule_ID.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.171--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The target primary key column name for the many to many mapping [private java.util.List] is being defaulted to: ID.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.04.17 09:32:51.171--ServerSession(21324485)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--The target foreign key column name for the many to many mapping [private java.util.List] is being defaulted to: weekdays_ID.
    I really don't get it... I think I'm going to have a look at the source and see if I can figure it out. Apart from this problem, I was really enjoying JPA;P

    Okay, I think I've found the problem, but don't know what is causing it. When my code attempts to persist my object, it fails on the Class.equals method. For some reason (classloaders I'll bet), there are two instances of the Class Registry, with two different object ids - so when it calls:
    // Optimize descriptor lookup through caching the last one accessed.
    ClassDescriptor lastDescriptor = this.lastDescriptorAccessed;
    if ((lastDescriptor != null) && (lastDescriptor.getJavaClass().equals(theClass))) {
    return lastDescriptor;
    And should match, the Class.equals() fails:
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
         return (this == obj);
    So... what now, if it is a class loading issue, how do I ensure that there is only one copy of the Registry class object instantiated. If it isn't a class loading issue, what else could it be?

  • Unattend.xml parsing/merging issue with SCVMM 2012 R2

    Hi all
    I have a problem with a new install of SCVMM 2012 R2. I have created templates for 2008 R2, 2012 and 2012 R2. I have an issue with the unattend.xml losing some of its configuration when the 2012 and 2012 R2 templates are built, this issue however doesn't
    occur on a 2008 R2 template build.
    I have generated unattend.xml files for all 3 OS's using System Image Manager in the latest AIK using the original install.wim from each OS media.
    In the unattend.xml file I have specified language settings, and a few other bits but the issue I have is when I configure autologon with local admin and password. I specify a logon count of 1, I also specify a GUIRunOnce command in SCVMM and not the answerfile.
    The problem is the resulting merged unattend.xml has a logon count of 999 and no GUIRunOnce command. I have tried different variations where I specify GUIRunOnce in the xml and not SCVMM, applying the autologon to the Template or Guest OS profile and
    all end with the resulting xml with logon count of 999 and no GUIRunOnce. If I remove the autologon part then GUIRunOnce gets parsed and works correctly.
    As mentioned this only happens with Server 2012 and 2012 R2, 2008 R2 works correctly.
    Any ideas?

    Hi Kevin
    I am struggling with the same thing during bare metal installs of Hyper-V hosts. In my case I have managed to narrow it down to the language settings in the oobe pass. If I include them, parsing of the unattend file halts (without an explicit error anywhere)
    and the host fails to join the domain. Could you try to leave out the language settings in oobe pass and see if it then completes as expected? Would be interesting to see if it actually is the same issue with a slightly different flavour :)
    EDIT: Got a bit further now with the new release of WS2012 R2. All the testing I've done has been with the 05182 build. Stumbled across KB2913316 which stated that a new build (31419) was released december 11th. Allthough the KB does not directly apply to our
    issue I thought I'd give it a go, so I went about building a new vhdx-image. Low and behold - the first test went smoothly applying all the settings in the unattend file! I'm going to continue testing to make sure the successful run wasn't just a fluke.

  • Validity period merging issue for time dependent master data

    Hello All,
    I am trying to load the data from DSO ZDSO1 to Master data object ZCASE1. Attribute "ZATR1" of ZCASE1 is the time dependent attribute of ZCASE1.
    ZDSO1 contains "Changed On" field which defines the "Valid From" period for attribute "ZATR1" of case ZCASE1.
    For eg.
    ZDSO1 contains below records for Case 'C1':
    Case ID     Changed On ZATR1
    C1              01.01.2014     01
    C1              02.01.2014     01
    C1              02.15.2014     07
    C1              02.17.2014     07
    My transformation from ZDSO1 to infoobject ZCASE1 contains below mapping:
    Case ID - Direct Mapping - ZCASE1 object
    Constant value '12/31/'9999' - VALID TO field
    Changed on - Direct Mapping - DATE FROM field
    ZATR1 - Direct Mappint - ZATR1 object
    After loading the data from ZDSO1 to ZCASE1 below results are obtained:
    C1             01.01.1000    12.31.2013  BLANK
    C1             01.01.2014    01.31.2014  01
    C1             02.01.2014    02.14.2014  01
    C1             02.15.2014    12.31.9999  07
    Time-Dependency is define correctly however my concern is why second and third records were not merged together. Instead of having four records, I should have ideally received THREE records. As shown above, third and fourth record (value 07) from ZDSO1 are merged into SINGLE record in infoobject ZCASE1.
    For the subsequent data, it again does the same thing.
    For eg. If I receive below Delta record from ZDSO1:
    C1   03.01.2014 07
    I get FIVE records in infoobject ZATR1 as shown below:
    C1             01.01.1000    12.31.2013  BLANK
    C1             01.01.2014    01.31.2014  01
    C1             02.01.2014    02.14.2014  01
    C1             02.15.2014    02.28.2014  07
    C1             03.01.2014    12.31.9999  07
    In my understanding, BW system should have merged this Delta record with the last record present in infoobject because both the records have same ZATR1 value.
    I would really appreciate your help/suggestions to understand/resolve this issue.
    Thank You,

    Hey Arun,
    While there wasn't any other time-dependent attribute apart from ZATR1, there is another time-independent attribute ZATR2 of ZCASE1 whose value was changed and hence somehow system was not able to merge the validity range.
    Thank You.

  • Topology Merge Issues

    New to Lync 2013 and I'm trying to bring the 2013 server online in an environment with Communicator 2007 R2. I've installed and set up Lync at this point.
    When I get to the step of the topology merge, I have issues that are primarily due to uncertainty and, therefore, errors. I have run the backward compatibility WMI, so I'm set there.
    I begin the merge and try to merge without specifying an edge server, I get an error that says "No Office Communications Server 2007 / Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Edge has been enabled for federation." Do I need to do something to the
    2007 R2 server to prepare it?
    If I do the topology merge and specify edge type as Single Edge Server, I am asked to input the FQDN for various aspects of the merge. The first is the Edge Pool. I put in the name of the server (let's call it But then,
    the next question is Web Conferencing external FQDN. When I go onto the 2007 server and look, the FQDN is the same for all of these questions. They are all "". But the topology merge tool requires they be different.
    Am I just supposed to make something up? Should I be changing the 2007 R2 server in some way to prepare it for these questions? Like changing the web conferencing FQDN on 2007 R2? Or are these newly created FQDN's that are part of the install process?
    To be clear, we have a single internal communicator standard 2007 R2 server, which is being used for netmeeting as well as standard communicator. There are no other legacy servers, but the device is available externally via firewall rules and an external
    DNS entry for this server (which matches the internal server name). The LYNC 2013 server is a new setup.
    Thanks lots,

    Firstly you should be able to safely ignore the No Office Communications Server 2007 / Office Communications
    Server 2007 R2 Edge has been enabled for federation error.
    I haven't done one of these in a few months, but I had the exact same deployment scenario (single OCS2007R2,
    which I then migrated to Lync 2013 and added external services.
    From memory are you able to just click "Next" and not add an Edge when doing the merge if you don't have
    one - I think that's what I did. And then I added an Edge to my 2013 topology later.
    If this helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" if it answered your question please click "Mark As Answer"
    Georg Thomas | Lync MVP
    Blog | Twitter
    Lync Edge Port Check (Beta)
    This forum post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

  • InDesign Data Merge Issues...

    Hey all, I'm relatively new to using InDesign, I've used it previously for basic artwork layouts etc, and I'm familiar with Illustrator and Photoshop, but InDesign is something I'm still getting to grips with.
    I run a mailing company and we have an ongoing requirement for variable data merging. Software designed for variable data work when dealing with PDFs and high res images is incredibly expensive, and so I figured I could try and make use of InDesign's own data merging feature.
    Now I'm fully aware of some of the irritating little issues surrounding this tool, such as the way if you've got two blank fields it only removes one of them, and I also know it used to have an issue where it would pull data through from the next record to replace blanks, but I don't see that happening any more.
    There are lots of webpages and forums discussing the blank fields problem, but my problem is currently something else.
    I've noticed that some of the fields often don't like to display anything other than the header row, the field name.  You drop the field onto the page and create your merge, but when you preview it or publish it whilst most of the fields do as expected and change to show the data, some of the fields do not, they just continue to show <contact> for instance, rather than a name.
    I'm at a loss to explain this really, it's not even particularly consistent.
    As an example of my problem, I laid out the following address block
    What I get sometimes is this...
    123 Sample Street
    Sample Town
    Sample County
    Sample Postcode
    Mr AB Sample
    123 Sample Street
    Sample Town
    Sample Postcode
    If you add the same field again beneath the one that is playing up, the new field will work, but the one beneath it will then play up, so where in the example above it is <Add3> that isn't merging, if I added another <add3> beneath it, I could almost guarantee that <Add4> would then play up.
    I just don't understand it, and it's frustrating me immensely.
    Ironically I know a local professional printers who are using InDesign for all their digital variable print runs, without issue, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. They are using Macs whereas I am using a PC with Windows 7 Ultimate x 64bit, but I've had the same problem on other Windows version, so is it a Windows related problem, or are Mac users just not spotting this??
    Anyone who has ever experienced something similar and perhaps found a solution, please help!!!!!
    Best Regards

    RikRamsay14 - thank you for your response, the issue regarding blanks isn't really the concern here, I'm aware of this issue, and the remove blank lines works where this is only one blank field, if there's two blank fields then it only seems to remove one. But I can happily work around this by just shifting all my data across. The data source is fine and is not the problem.
    Peter Spier - Many thanks for your reply Peter, I thought you might be on to something with this, so I tried opening it from scratch and merging instantly without the use of any previewing, at first I thought it had worked, but when I got further down the merge results I spotted the same problem, field headers appearing where content should be.  These instances are not even where the data cell is blank, it just decides not to display the content, but to display the field header instead, it's inconsistent too so it's really hard to analyse to find a pattern.
    My layout incorporates multiple text placeholders containing multiple variable fields.  I am starting to wonder if this could be contributing to the fault. I have tried just creating one text placeholder, and then using the multiple record layout option to display the other three images (it's a postcard four-up on an SRA3 sized page, with four address blocks).  This seems to be less buggy this way, but I have less control with the layout. I'm going to continue to test this theory today, but it could simply be that it can't cope with multiple variable address blocks.
    Thanks for all your help guys.

  • Data Merge issue: Rejects CSV document

    I've been using the same business card template for a while now, and it's worked seamlessly with the CSV files I've been getting from our HR department.
    After switching to CS3, something went wrong. ID is rejecting the CSV file when I "select data source" in the DataMerge window.
    I thought it might be the new version...maybe they switched something up....but I can merge the old CSV's fine, and the new CSV also does not work in CS2.
    So I think the problem lies in the CSV file, but I'm not sure where to look, or what to look for.
    Has anybody ever had any similar issues?

    Perhaps where you have it open is significant.
    I can create a CSV file, open and edit it in TextPad, and while it's still open, select it as a data source in InDesign.
    Just check.
    yep, did it again.

  • Large Volume Data Merge Issues with Indesign CS5

    I recently started using Indesign CS5 to design a marketing mail piece which requires merging data from Microsoft Excel.  With small tasks up to 100 pieces I do not have any issues.  However I need to merge 2,000-5,000 pieces of data through Indesign on a daily basis and my current lap top was not able to handle merging more than 250 pieces at a time, and the process of merging 250 pieces takes up to 30-45 mins if I get lucky and software does not crash.
    To solve this issue, I purchased a Desktop with a second generation Core i7 processor and 8GB of memerory thinking that this would solve my problem.  I tried to merge 1,000 piece of data with this new computer, and I was forced to restart Adobe Indesign after 45 mins of no results.  I then merged 500 pieces and the task was completed, but the process took a little less than 30 minutes.
    I need some help with this issue because I can not seem to find another software that can design my Mail Piece the way Indesign can, yet the time it takes to merge large volumes of data is very frustrating as the software does crash from time to time after waiting a good 30-45 mins for completion.
    Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you!

    Operating System is Windows 7
    I do not know what you mean by Patched to 7.0.4
    I do not have a crash report, the software just freezes and I have to do a force close on the program.
    Thank you for your time...

  • Photo merge issues

    Hi all,
    I have Elements 3
    I am using a pc with winxp
    I'm using an Epson CX4600 scanner
    I have scanned a poster in four parts because it was too big to fit on my scanner. So now I have four pieces, and I used photo merge to merge them back into one picture. The problem is I am getting dark and light variations on the images that cause one side of the image to be much darker than it originally was, and there are lines on the image that weren't there before. I tried color correcting each piece before putting them back together, I tried adjusting the overall image after flattening the layers but there are lines throughout. Any thoughts? Thanks!

    Hi Bob,
    Now that you mention it, the Autostitch documentation is a bit obscure. It
    would probably be worth posting my take on the options. This is a
    combination of what I've figured out and what's in the Autostitch readme
    file. Some of this will repeat what I said before.
    1. Output Size
    After stitching and cropping, the image is scaled according to the size
    specified. You may specify a fixed width in pixels, or a fixed height in
    pixels, or do a relative sizing using a scaling factor in percent. The
    aspect ratio of the stitched image is preserved.
    I use the default small scaling factor for test runs or while playing with
    the option settings and 100% scale for the final. I prefer to do the final
    cropping and sizing in Photoshop. The specific height/width settings would
    be most handy if you had no photo editing program.
    2. Blending Method
    "None", will give you the original images with no blending.
    "Linear", will do a simple weighted average of the image intensities in each
    "Multi-band" is more complex but gives the best blending, it uses spatial
    frequencies of the intensity. The basic idea is to merge high frequencies
    over a short distance and low frequences over a large distance. The default
    is 2 frequency bands. It's not clear how the program is handling the blend
    if more than 2 bands is specified. Theresearch paper I read just indicated
    it was problematic. The sigma value has to do with the statistical weighted
    blending of the bands and I couldn't find out the significance of the value.
    I assume it has to do with the distribution curve and how many standard
    deviations from the mean to include in the weightings.
    3. Gain Compensation
    Gain compensation modifies the brightness of the images so that they are
    consistent with each other. Dark images become brighter and light images
    become darker. This appears to be a normalized statistical adjustment using
    the mean and standard distribution. Increasing sigma increases the effect.
    If saturation occurs, you'll need to decrease the sigma or the mean. I
    haven't had to play with this, I match exposures at the time of shooting and
    haven't had any issues. I leave gain compensation off.
    4. Crop Settings
    Autostitch computes adjustments in a spherical coordinate system. Think of
    the camera as being at the center of a sphere. Cropping refers to limiting
    the angles subtended by the stitched image in this system rather than the
    physical dimensions of the output image. Auto is probably the best bet
    unless you have a need to fit the image to a specified angular size in
    degrees. The Theta values correspond to the left and right yaw angular
    measures (longitude in the readme). The Phi values correspond to the bottom
    and top pitch angles (latitude in the readme).
    5. Matching Options
    The matching options are a bit obtuse.
    SIFT is the part of the program that extracts features in the overlapping
    areas for potential matches. Size has to do with the size of the region
    that it searchs for features. Too small and it might not find enough to do a
    good match. Too large and you increase the time it takes to process
    considerably. You can specify size in pixels or in a percentage of the
    image size. The pixel default is probably OK for most images.
    RANSAC is the statistical method whereby the extracted features are compared
    and the probability of a match is calculated. The parameters aren't
    defined anywhere that I could find, so I don't know what they represent. If
    I get time, I may research this further later. The readme says try
    decreasing alpha and beta if no match is found or increase them if incorrect
    matches are assigned.
    6. Orientation Settings
    Auto straighten has to do with the horizon line. If the panorama images
    were not taken with the camera level, the geometric transformations that are
    done to stitch together the images and superimpose the matched features can
    result in the horizon being vavy (actually, it will be a sine wave). Auto
    Straighten will attempt to recognize this and try to make the horizon line
    straight again. It mostly works but I had to turn it off on one panorama
    because it couldn't figure out where the horizon was and distorted the
    The Manual orientation settings let you tweak the image orientation. Again,
    think of the camera as being at the center of a sphere. Theta is yaw, Phi is
    pitch, and Psi is roll. The values are in degrees.
    7. Image Rotation
    This option applies to the completed stitched and scaled output image.
    Basically, it allows you to rotate the image 90 degrees left or right or by
    180 degrees. You can, of course, do this in Photoshop.
    8. Other Options
    System memory specifies how much memory Autostitch can allocate. Too much
    can "starve" the rest of the system and result in an "out of memory"
    message. Too little slows down the program.
    JPEG quality controls the JPEG compression with 100 being the maximum
    quality (least compression).
    Hope you find this useful.

  • Merging issue in BO

    Hello Experts,
    I have records as below
    Universe 1
    Billing Doc.            Material                                     Qty
    0096007994         000000000001398908              1
    0096008110         000000000001398908              2
    Above universe has Billing Doc and material as key.
    Universe 2
    Material                                Counter        Type      Code                           
    000000000001398908         1                  1            03.10.02
    000000000001398908         2                  1            03.10.01
    000000000001398908         1                  2            #
    Above universe has Material, Counter and type as key.
    At BO Webi report level I am merging on Material, there is no other matching char.
    Output is coming as below which is not desired.
    Material                 Invoice                   Code
    1398908               0096008110          03.10.01
    1398908               0096007994          03.10.02
    1398908               0096007994          #
    I need it as :
    Material                 Invoice                   Code
    1398908               0096008110          03.10.01
    1398908               0096008110          03.10.02
    1398908               0096008110         #
    1398908               0096007994          03.10.01
    1398908               0096007994          03.10.02
    1398908               0096007994         #
    If I drag any of material objects, the merged material, Univeerse 1 material, Universe 2 material into report result is 3 records which is not desired.
    Can someone help sp that I get six records.

    From which Universe the data for invoice object is coming?
    You can check the u201Cavoid duplicate aggregationu201D Property from the Table properties to check the results once again.
    Basically when you merge the queries a full outer join is implied on the queries.

  • JPA Metadata issue/ Weird Column error or bug in openjpa ...?

    Hi All,
    I am getting the following exception when using openjpa in my project.
    The line of code that throws the error is also mentioned
    The latter error shows a column mismatch error which i am not sure is correct since the db i am using is Oracle 10g and the datatypes for the column are varchar2.
             BcsPort bcsPort=em.find(BcsPort .class, port);   //Error after this call.
    EJB Exception: : &lt;openjpa-1.1.1-SNAPSHOT-r422266:965591 fatal user error&gt; org.apache.openjpa.per
    sistence.ArgumentException: Errors encountered while resolving metadata.  See nested exceptions for details.
            at org.apache.openjpa.meta.MetaDataRepository.resolve(
            at org.apache.openjpa.meta.MetaDataRepository.getMetaData(
            at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.BrokerImpl.newObjectId(
            at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.DelegatingBroker.newObjectId(
            at org.apache.openjpa.persistence.EntityManagerImpl.find(
            at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor472.invoke(Unknown Source)
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
            at weblogic.deployment.BasePersistenceContextProxyImpl.invoke(
            at weblogic.deployment.TransactionalEntityManagerProxyImpl.invoke(
            at weblogic.deployment.BasePersistenceContextProxyImpl.invoke(
            at weblogic.deployment.TransactionalEntityManagerProxyImpl.invoke(
            at $Proxy76.find(Unknown Source)
           .... so onFollowed by this as the cause from what i can make
    Caused by: &lt;openjpa-1.1.1-SNAPSHOT-r422266:965591 fatal user error&gt; org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException: "" declares a column that is not compatible with the expected type "varchar".  Column detail
    Full Name:
    Type: blob
    Size: 0
    Default: null
    Not Null: false
            at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo.mergeColumn(
            at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingInfo.createColumns(
            at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.ValueMappingInfo.getColumns(
            at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping.setStrategy(
            at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.RuntimeStrategyInstaller.installStrategy(
            at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping.resolveMapping(
            at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping.resolve(
            at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping.resolveNonRelationMappings(
            at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository.prepareMapping(
            at org.apache.openjpa.meta.MetaDataRepository.preMapping(
            at org.apache.openjpa.meta.MetaDataRepository.resolve(
            ... 78 moreI have seen this link
    Can anyone help me out on this as i cannot make out if this is a problem in openjpa or the weblogic server 10.0 server
    that i am using to make the call..
    Any inputs on this highly appraciated

    gimbal2 wrote:
    That link seems to deal with a bug relating to a one to many mapping. I don't see anywhere in your post that you are dealing with the same thing.
    Actually i am using Many to One mapping as you can see from the code excerpt
    @ManyToOne(optional=false, cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
         private BcsNe bcsNe;Why i posted the link was that it seems to throw the same weird column exception that i got and more googling revelead that it was indeed some issue between the way the oracle varchar2 field is being handled by openjpa.
    so just needed to confirm if this was a widely faced issue and a possible fix to the same
    Is there a particular reason why you are using openjpaActually it's been added recenlty to the system as before it was using normal JDBC Code...
    In stead of the persistence provider shipped with your JEE container anyway?Do you mean that i should use the Oracle Weblogic 10.3 persistence provider...?
    kindly suggest...

Maybe you are looking for

  • Unable to answer calls with 3.0 OS

    I posted this problem before with the 2.1 firmware here: It appears to be even worse with 3.0, for me anyway. I just upgraded to 3.0 and out of my first 5 calls with it I had a hard time answe

  • Can't re-install pse 4.0

    I had loaded it onto an external drive but had problems with my photos and instead of just deleting the pix, i deleted everything. When I went to re-install the program off of the cd, it gets about 1/2 to 2/3 through the install and stops. A message

  • Is there a way to link from one application to another? Like Hyperlink but instead of cyberspace just internal. Application linking.

    In "Pages" you can Hyper Link a word or phrase by going to Inspector Link highlight the word or pharse click on "Enable as a hyperlink" and then place a URL address. The highlighted word or phrase will now be blue and anytime I click on it I will be

  • Image Gallery - ArgumentError: Error #2025

    Hi Guys, I am new to flash cs3 and action script 3.0. I have made 3 image galleries, that all work fine by themselves, however i have recently tried to link them to a central flash file and I am getting the error: ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supp

  • Problem sending photo's to print

    I have 186 photos to print and the transfer has stopped at 184. I have tried two other times and it has done the same thing. I was using iphoto 6 on my old G5, but now I have the new imac I got this week. All of my photos were transferred from my old