Jpeg degradation when not editing

Some years ago, I was given to understand that jpeg images lose quality when edited, and I have seen this for myself when cropping.  At the same time, I understood that I could save an unedited jpeg repeatedly, with no loss of quality, as long as I did not edit it at all.
I keep two external storage devices as backups for my libraries on the computer, and I need to reback these up when I add a new event to a library.  Hitherto, I believed that I was not suffering image quality loss when doing repeated backups which involve no editing at all.
Recently, I have noticed several references in discussions to the loss when saving jpeg images, and am confused again.
Does anyone have a definitive answer to the question "When I back up my libraries on a regular basis, without any editing, do they stay the same quality, or do they deteriorate a little?"
I should be extremely grateful to know the answer.  If it makes a difference, I use iPhoto 09 8.1.2 (424)

Dear Terence
Thank you for your answer.  I suddenly had a hideous vision of all my images having the digital equivalent of moths!
Many thanks

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    I have made pictures on high resolution with a Canon 100D camera, which means the pictures are 5-6 MB.
    Are the photos raw photos or jpeg? When you edit raw photos in iPhoto on your iPad, the raw image will not be processed, only the embedded jpeg. That will reduce the resolution of the image considerably.
    But when I edit them on my Ipad2 in Iphoto it decreases the size and resolution of the pictures to about 0.5MB
    How do you save he edited version after editing?  That will determine, if the image will be scaled down,
    For a full-resolution edit you need to share the edited photo to the Camera Roll,
    see this help page:   Edit a photo
    If you edit a photo in the iPhoto Camera Roll album, the edited photo automatically appears in the Camera Roll on your iOS device, at the resolution of your device. If you want a full-resolution version of the edited photo sent to the Camera Roll, tap and tap Camera Roll. The full-resolution photo appears in the Camera Roll, and is transferred to your computer when you sync the Camera Roll with your computer.
    And does this also happen with Iphoto on a macbook air?
    iPhoto on a Mac has a lossless workflow. iPhoto will always store the original image file that you imported and compute an edited version from this stored original.  The quality of the photo you will see outside iPhoto will depend on the methode you use for sharing. You can export at the original size or scaled down, depending on the purpose you want teh photo for, small for email and web presentation, full versions for printing, for example.

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    There are many ways to produce slide shows using iPhoto, iMovie or iDVD and some limit the number of photos you can use (iDVD has a 99 chapter (slide) limitation).
    If what you want is what I want, namely to be able to use high resolution photos (even 300 dpi tiff files), to pan and zoom individual photos, use a variety of transitions, to add and edit music or commentary, place text exactly where you want it, and to end up with a DVD that looks good on both your Mac and a TV - in other words end up with and end result that does not look like an old fashioned slide show from a projector - you may be interested in how I do it. You don't have to do it my way, but the following may be food for thought!
    Firstly you need proper software to assemble the photos, decide on the duration of each, the transitions you want to use, and how to pan and zoom individual photos where required, and add proper titles. For this I use Photo to Movie. You can read about what it can do on their website:
    (Other users here use the alternative FotoMagico: which you may prefer - I have no experience with it.)
    Neither of these are freeware, but are worth the investment if you are going to do a lot of slide shows. Read about them in detail, then decide which one you feel is best suited to your needs.
    Once you have timed and arranged and manipulated the photos to your liking in Photo to Movie, it exports the file to iMovie  as a DV stream. You can add music in Photo to Movie, but I prefer doing this in iMovie where it is easier to edit. You can now further edit the slide show in iMovie just as you would a movie, including adding other video clips, then send it to iDVD 7, or Toast,  for burning.
    You will be pleasantly surprised at how professional the results can be!
    To simply create a slide show in iDVD 7 onwards from images in iPhoto or stored in other places on your hard disk or a connected server, look here:

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    bryanalt wrote:
    Thanks. So it is probably worth upgrading to Aperture?
    And you say that because? While Aperture has more features and more capabilities than iPhoto - especially in working with RAW - this is not one - depending on what yo do with previews in Aperture it may be even more difficult to use the edited photos incorrectly - iPhoto is simple - just correctly access the edited photo as TD suggested
    To access the resulting jpeg you can export in any format except Original, drag to the desktop or use a media browser
    Same same for Aperture

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    Its a standard functionality.
    Take a help of an ABAPer for following userexit.:
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    Thanks & Regards

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    Raw files always go straight to Photoshop without showing the "Open a copy" dialog. However:
    SInce Photoshop CS5 uses an older version of Camera Raw compared to LR5, that older version isn't capable of interpreting all the settings that LR5 passes to it (normally LR sends the original raw file, plus the list of adjustments, over the Photoshop - and Photoshop renders the image using its own Camera Raw engine).
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    you may have turned this dialog off - there's a checkbox that says "Don't show again." You can restore the display of this dialog box by going into Lightroom's preferences in the General tab, and choosing "Reset all warning dialogs."
    here's a handy document from Victoria Bampton that explains raw rendering and camera raw version mismatch: df
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    Firefox only stores data form one line input fields as saved form data.
    For multi-line text areas you would need an extension to save this data.
    *Lazarus: Form Recovery:

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    This sounds like you are trying to edit an XFA form (created perhaps by LiveCycle Designer). These forms are not editable by the mobile Reader. You are welcome to share your form with us at [email protected] and I can confirm or give you a better answer (there are some less common reasons that the fields are locked like encryption, signatures, document passwords or disabled filling rights).

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    It is possible that Aperture is saving the edits in its database and there's no hard copy of the photo available for iDVD to refresh to?  Just ran a test with a photo on the Desktop that I added to iDVD.  After editing it with PS and saving to replace the original on the Desktop iDVD reflected the change. 
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    Edited by: Padmasri G on Sep 6, 2011 4:55 AM

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