[JS][CS3] Break Link to Style

Hello everyone.
A while back ago I wrote a script to Brake Links to Paragraph Styles and Character Styles. That was easy since you can set to false the option "Clearing Overrides" when applying "No Paragraph Style" [0] or "None" [0]. But I cannot do such a thing with objectStyles "None" [0] even when setting the options to False. Every time the TextFrames get the ObjectStyle "None". And the GUI Palette is not showing a "+" as being modified.
It does work when using "Break Link to Style" in the GUI.
Any help would be appreciated...

CTC Imaging wrote:
Yes I did think of that solution, but I am trying to keep it clean. Especially if you are doing several document input as copy and pasting into a single document. Since I am trying to doing this automaticaly (The script is assigned to the COPY command through eventListener), if I choose ONE generic name to rename to, I will run into the same issue. Of course I could scan the DESTINATION document for that GENERIC names and add a prefix (counter) to the one I am going to rename in the ORIGINAL document. But It would not work if the DESTINATION document is not open YET! And I can't do it as PASTE because I have to copy with the correct naming FIRST.
So the best option is to break the link. So how can I emulate "Break Link to Style" in the ObjectStyles menu from the GUI???
Then you should add Date&Time at the end of name of current Char/Para/Object/Cell/TableStyle
"MyHeaderStyle" -> "MyHeaderStyle(2010-01-04 16:12:35)"
I don't think that you can do this TWICE in the same second in two different documents I've done something like that in one of my script and I've added 2 second extra loop to be sure that "random" name can't be duplicated

Similar Messages

  • [JS CS3] JS method for Object Styles Break Link to Style

    I have pages full of objects that are assigned the pesky "Basic Graphics Frame" object style. I need to do the equivalent of choosing "Break Link to Style" in the Object Styles panel on all the objects in many files.
    I haven't been able to find anything equivalent to the "Break Link to Style" functionality in looking through the Object Browser. Finding all objects with [Basic Graphics Frame] object style and applying an object style of [None] doesn't do the same result. Any ideas?

    myDoc = app.documents[0];
    app.findObjectPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.changeObjectPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findChangeObjectOptions.properties =
      objectType: ObjectTypes.allFramesType, //graphicFramesType, textFramesType, unassignedFramesType
      includeFootnotes: true,
      includeHiddenLayers: true,
      includeLockedLayersForFind: true,
      includeLockedStoriesForFind: true,
    //var graphicOStyleName = "[Normal Graphics Frame]";
    app.findObjectPreferences.appliedObjectStyles = myDoc.objectStyles.item(1);
    var dstStyle = myDoc.objectStyles.item(0);
    var founds = myDoc.findObject(0);
    var foundsLen = founds.length, i, found;
    for(i = 0; foundsLen > i ; i++){
      //app.select(founds[i]); alert(founds[i].appliedObjectStyle.name);
      founds[i].applyObjectStyle(dstStyle, false, false);

  • Break Link with Style

    Hello all,
    I need to break a link to an object style via script. I found this discussion:
    jxswm suggests the line founds[i].applyObjectStyle(dstStyle, false, false); but this is the same as clicking on "None" and not the same as calling "Break link to style". I.e. the formatiing is lost and replaced by [None].
    Has anyone found out how to break the link without the object changing its formatting?
    Thank you very much.

    Ah, not quite. "myObj.appliedObjectStyle = myTempStyle" removes overrides. But myObj.applyObjectStyle(mytempStyle, false false) does not, so this is easily fixed.
    For any lurkers or archive-diggers (like myself ;) ) my entire routine:
      var myMenuAction = app.menuActions.item("$ID/Copy");
      app.clearOverridesWhenApplyingStyle = false;
      if (app.selection.length > 0) {
        var noStyle = app.documents[0].objectStyles[0];
        for (var n=0; n < app.selection.length; n++) {
          var myObj= app.selection[n];
          var myStyle = myObj.appliedObjectStyle;
          if (myStyle != noStyle) {
            var myTempStyle = myStyle.duplicate();
            myObj.applyObjectStyle(myTempStyle, false, false);
      } else {

  • Javascript: select all text, break link to style

    I'd like to select all text in a Document (in different independent textboxes) and then break the link to it's style (in the program in the Flyout-menu of the paragraph styles)
    Is this function scriptable (javascript)?
    How do I select all the text?
    InDesign CS6, OS10.7.4

    In fact, I use the adobe findchangebylist to modified, I want to do a clear setting script, not only break link to style, but when i run the script that will get error, can u help me to fix it, my script is shown as below:
    function main(){
    var myObject;
    //var myCheckSelection = false;
    //Make certain that user interaction (display of dialogs, etc.) is turned on.
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
    if(app.documents.length > 0){
      if(app.selection.length > 0){
        case "InsertionPoint":
        case "Character":
        case "Word":
        case "TextStyleRange":
        case "Line":
        case "Paragraph":
        case "TextColumn":
        case "TextFrame":
        case "Text":
        case "Cell":
        case "Column":
        case "Row":
        case "Table":
         //Something was selected, but it wasn't a text object, so search the document.
                        //alert("Nothing Selected, Please Select Text Frame or Text.");
       //Nothing was selected, so simply search the document.
                alert("Nothing Selected, Please Select Text Frame or Text.");
      alert("No documents are open. Please open a document and try again.");
    function myDisplayDialog(){
    var myObject;
    var myDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"Joan New Clear Setting_v1.0"});
    staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Search Range:"});
         var mySearchButtons = radiobuttonGroups.add();
         radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Current Document", checkedState:true});
                       if(app.selection[0].contents != ""){
        radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Selection", checkedState:true});
         staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Clear Setting:"});
         var myDateButtons = radiobuttonGroups.add();
         radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"English", checkedState:true});
    var myResult = myDialog.show();
    if(myResult == true){
       case 0:
                     myObject = app.documents.item(0);
                     myCheckSelection = false;
                  case 1:
                     myObject = app.selection[0];
                     myCheckSelection = true;
      case 0:
      myFindChangeByList1(myObject, myCheckSelection);
      case 1:
      myFindChangeByList2(myObject, myCheckSelection);
    function TurnOffHyphenationDocument() {
    myTables = app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem();
    function TurnOffHyphenationSelection() {
    function BreakLinktoStyleDocument() {
    app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().texts.everyItem().applyParagraphStyle(app.activeDoc ument.paragraphStyles.item(0), false);
    app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().texts.everyItem().applyCharacterStyle(app.activeDoc ument.characterStyles.item(0), false);
    myTables = app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem();
    myTables.cells.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().applyParagraphStyle( app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles.item(0), false);
    myTables.cells.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().applyCharacterStyle( app.activeDocument.characterStyles.item(0), false);
    function BreakLinktoStyleSelection() {
    app.selection[0].texts.everyItem().applyParagraphStyle(app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles. item(0), false);
    app.selection[0].texts.everyItem().applyCharacterStyle(app.activeDocument.characterStyles. item(0), false);
    app.selection[0].cells.everyItem().texts[0].applyParagraphStyle(app.activeDocument.paragra phStyles.item(0), false);
    app.selection[0].cells.everyItem().texts[0].applyCharacterStyle(app.activeDocument.charact erStyles.item(0), false);
    function myFindChangeByList1(myObject, myCheckSelection){
    var myScriptFileName, myFindChangeFile, myFindChangeFileName, myScriptFile, myResult;
    var myFindChangeArray, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindLimit;
    var myStartCharacter, myEndCharacter;
    var myFindChangeFile = myFindFile("/ScriptSupport/te.txt")
    if(myFindChangeFile != null){
            // Because the selection will change as we add/remove characters,
            // we'll need to reset the selection after each pass if we are
            // checking the selection. We'll get the index of the first character
            // in the selection (relative to the start of its parent story) and
            // the index of the last character in the selection (relative to the
            // *end* of the story, and we'll use them later in the script to
            // keep the ends of the selection in place.
      if(myCheckSelection == true){
       var myStart = myObject.characters.item(0).index;
       var myEnd = myObject.characters.item(-1).index;
       var myStory = myObject.parentStory;
       var myStoryEnd = myStory.characters.item(-1).index;
       myEnd = (myStoryEnd - myEnd)+1;
      myFindChangeFile = File(myFindChangeFile);
      var myResult = myFindChangeFile.open("r", undefined, undefined);
      if(myResult == true){
       //Loop through the find/change operations.
        myLine = myFindChangeFile.readln();
        //Ignore comment lines and blank lines.
        if((myLine.substring(0,4)!="text")||(myLine.substring(0,4)!="grep")||(myLine.substring(0, 5)!="glyph")){
         myFindChangeArray = myLine.split("\t");
         //The first field in the line is the findType string.
         myFindType = myFindChangeArray[0];
         //The second field in the line is the FindPreferences string.
         myFindPreferences = myFindChangeArray[1];
         //The second field in the line is the ChangePreferences string.
         myChangePreferences = myFindChangeArray[2];
         //The fourth field is the range--used only by text find/change.
         myFindChangeOptions = myFindChangeArray[3];
          case "text":
           myFindText(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
          case "grep":
           myFindGrep(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
          case "glyph":
           myFindGlyph(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
         if(myCheckSelection == true){
          myStartCharacter = myStory.characters.item(myStart);
          myEndCharacter = myStory.characters.item(-myEnd);
          myObject = myStory.texts.itemByRange(myStartCharacter, myEndCharacter);
          app.select (myObject);
       } while(myFindChangeFile.eof == false);
    function myFindText(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
    //Reset the find/change preferences before each search.
    app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findChangeTextOptions = NothingEnum.nothing;
    var myString = "app.findTextPreferences.properties = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
    myString += "app.changeTextPreferences.properties = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
    myString += "app.findChangeTextOptions.properties = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
    app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
      myFoundItems = myObject.changeText();
    //Reset the find/change preferences after each search.
    app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findChangeTextOptions = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myFindGrep(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
    //Reset the find/change grep preferences before each search.
    app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findChangeGrepOptions = NothingEnum.nothing;
    var myString = "app.findGrepPreferences.properties = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
    myString += "app.changeGrepPreferences.properties = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
    myString += "app.findChangeGrepOptions.properties = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
    app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
    var myFoundItems = myObject.changeGrep();
    //Reset the find/change grep preferences after each search.
    app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findChangeGrepOptions = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myFindGlyph(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
    //Reset the find/change glyph preferences before each search.
    app.changeGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findChangeGlyphOptions = NothingEnum.nothing;
    var myString = "app.findGlyphPreferences.properties = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
    myString += "app.changeGlyphPreferences.properties = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
    myString += "app.findChangeGlyphOptions.properties = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
    app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
    var myFoundItems = myObject.changeGlyph();
    //Reset the find/change glyph preferences after each search.
    app.changeGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findChangeGlyphOptions = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myFindFile(myFilePath){
    var myScriptFile = myGetScriptPath();
    var myScriptFile = File(myScriptFile);
    var myScriptFolder = myScriptFile.path;
    myFilePath = myScriptFolder + myFilePath;
    if(File(myFilePath).exists == false){
      //Display a dialog.
      myFilePath = File.openDialog("Choose the file containing your find/change list");
    return myFilePath;
    function myGetScriptPath(){
      myFile = app.activeScript;
      myFile = myError.fileName;
    return myFile;
    and here is my text file, te.txt
    grep {findWhat:"."} {appliedLanguage: app.languagesWithVendors.item("English: USA"), kerningMethod: "無"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, includeLockedStoriesForFind:true, widthSensitive:true}
    grep {findWhat:"."} {kinsokuSet: "繁體中文避頭尾(s)"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, includeLockedStoriesForFind:true, widthSensitive:true}
    grep {findWhat:"."} {mojikumi: "nothing"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, includeLockedStoriesForFind:true, widthSensitive:true}
    grep {findWhat:"."} {ligatures:false} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, includeLockedStoriesForFind:true, widthSensitive:true}
    grep {findWhat:"."} {gridAlignment: 1852796517} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, includeLockedStoriesForFind:true, widthSensitive:true}
    grep {findWhat:"."} {leadingModel: 1248619858} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, includeLockedStoriesForFind:true, widthSensitive:true}
    grep {findWhat:"."} {characterAlignment: 1247896172} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, includeLockedStoriesForFind:true, widthSensitive:true}

  • I need a simple script (Break Link To Style)

    Hi nice guys,
    Can someone please provide a simple script that will break the links to styles in all the paragraphs in a document.
    Thanks in advance
    *An non coder designer that simply is not capable of understanding javascript... (but I have tried!)

    Hi Maria,
    Jongware's post (http://forums.adobe.com/message/1890625#1890625) gave me a clue on how to do this.
    Give this a try:
    var i, j, myDoc = app.activeDocument,
              allStories = myDoc.stories,
    for (i = 1; i < allStories.length; i++) {
              thisStory = allStories[i];
              for (j = thisStory.paragraphs.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                        thisPara = thisStory.paragraphs[j];
                        thisPara.applyParagraphStyle(myDoc.paragraphStyles[0], false)
    alert ("Job Done!");

  • Break link to style

    I've just had a situation where the font in a masthead has changed.
    I am guessing that when the masthead was built, a default paragraph style was in place so that the masthead represented style overrides, and that somehow the overrides have been removed.
    To prevent it happening again I have broken the link to the style and I was expecting the type spec to then be bullet proof. But if I select it, although it no longer appears as a selected style in the paragraph panel, I am still able to use the panel to clear overrides, which returns the type to Times New Roman.
    I guess the TNR comes from the No Paragraph Style on which the original style was based. But having broken the link, I would not have expected this behaviour.
    Breaking the link to a style will obviously protect the type if the original style is edited, but shouldn't it also prevent regression to the base style?
    If not, I guess that means that the only way to make a piece of text unchangeable is to edit No Paragraph Style to exactly represent each piece of text before setting it.
    Any thoughts?

    Thanks Dave.
    Deck = sub editor oldspeak for a line of headline.
    Maybe I'll go the styles folder route.
    I'm only assuming that the problem came from removing overrides. The magazine is set mostly in Myriad Pro, but the masthead is three decks of Helvetica Bold condensed at different sizes, leading and tracking to form a square. Some of the words are solid black, others are tinted.
    The magazine went to press with the Helvetica substituted by Myriad Pro Regular, but the size, leading and tracking seemed preserved so the headline looked right, just the wrong face. So perhaps removing overrides wasn't the culprit.
    This was on an inside page. The cover masthead, thank goodness, was as it should have been, which makes me rule out font substitution.
    The designer says she never touched the type at that point, so it's going to remain a mystery.
    I'm just trying to prevent accidents in the future.

  • [JS] [CS3] Break link to ObjectStyle

    I have no problem doing this for paragraphStyles while maintaining attributes but I can't do it for objecStyle!!!
    It applies style [None] BUT clears existing object attributes EVEN when specifying clearingOverrides to "false"
    function BreakStyleLink (itsITM)
    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    if (itsITM.constructor.name == "InsertionPoint")
      itsITM = itsITM.parent;
    var myTSR = itsITM.textStyleRanges;
    for (var cptTSR = 0; cptTSR < myTSR.length; cptTSR++)
      myTSR[cptTSR].applyParagraphStyle(myDoc.paragraphStyles[0], false);
    itsITM.applyObjectStyle(myDoc.objectStyles[0], false);     //*** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's up w/ that
    any ideas. I am sure it's another setting somewhere else.
    Thanks for any guidance.

    Don't know. I don't think I've ever tried to remove an object style...
    Two things you might want to try (besides filing a bug report):
    1) Object.appliedObjectStyle = myDoc.objectStyles[0];
    dupStyle = Object.appliedObjectStyle.duplicate();
    Object.appliedObjectStyle = dupStyle;

  • Break link to Character Style with JS (CS4ME)

    I'm wondering how to break a link to a character style in JS. By break
    link I mean removing the character style but preserving the formatting.
    Given a selected textStyleRange, say, in the UI there are two ways of
    doing this. One is to click "Break link to Style" in the flyout meny of
    the character style palette.
    The other is to right-click and select "Apply character style."
    It's a little unintuitive, because CLICKING on removes overrides,
    but right-clicking and selecting the menu option doesn't.
    So when I saw that, I said to myself aha! Probably:
    myText.appliedCharacterStyle = myCharStyle
    is equivalent to clicking on , while
    is equivalent to right-clicking on and choosing "Apply character
    But it isn't.
    They both apply None and remove all formatting.
    So, anyone know how to break a link to character style without removing
    formatting in JS?

    Thanks Peter. That's interesting. After Shabbos I'll have to try figure
    out how to apply a character style without removing overrides as well.
    It may be a two-step procedure.

  • [JS] How to break link to paragraph style from script?

    I don't found the command break link to paragraph style from script.
    I want "unapply" the style from the text, but leave the formatting intact.
    Can help me?

    In the interface it's a separate command ("Break link to style"), but it seems in a script you have to use
    Paragraph.applyParagraphStyle (using:ParagraphStyle[, clearingOverrides:bool=true])
    You cannot use "null" or something similar for "ParagraphStyle", so I guess the idea is to use paragraph style #0 in your document (which is always "[No Paragraph Style]"). Be sure to set "clearing Overrides" to false, as it defaults to true.
    The following single line works on your current paragraph:
    app.activeDocument.selection[0].paragraphs[0].applyParagraphStyle (app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles[0], false);

  • Niceties of apply the [None] character style and its relation to Break link to Character Style (CS4 upwards)

    Am I the last to realise that, with text selected, clicking on is
    different from right-clicking on and selecting "Apply " in
    the character palette?
    Let me explain: Say you have some text selected. The text has a
    character style applied called "Superscript", whose only attribute is to
    apply superscript.
    Now, with that text selected, if you click on the result is that
    is applied and all formatting is lost.
    But, if you right-click on and choose "Apply " from the
    context menu, is applied but formatting is NOT list. Effectively
    this is the equivalent of choosing "Break link to style" in the flyout
    menu of the character palette.
    Curious to know if you've come across that that distinction before?

    Sorry Peter. On behalf of the stupid Jive forums, I do apologize. Everywhere in my post where I wrote [None], it was jived up a little and changed to a link. (I've only got Internet access during breaks -- a self-imposed firewall that allows me to actually get some work done.)
    The post shoudl have read:
    Am I the last to realise that, with text selected, clicking on [None] is different from right-clicking on [None] and selecting "Apply [None]" in the character palette?
    Let me explain: Say you have some text selected. The text has a character style applied called "Superscript", whose only attribute is to apply superscript.
    Now, with that text selected, if you click on [None] the result is that [None] is applied and all formatting is lost.
    But, if you right-click on [None] and choose "Apply [None]" from the context menu, [None] is applied but formatting is NOT list. Effectively this is the equivalent of choosing "Break link to style" in the flyout menu of the character palette.
    Curious to know if you've come across that that distinction before?

  • Break link to Cell and Table Style and keep the style setting

    For cell Selection is work (but can't keep the style setting after break the link), but I also want to break the table style, but error
    For both Break link to cell/table style, I want to keep the style setting after break the link
    function BreakLinkToTableStyleSelection () {
         mNone = app.activeDocument.tableStyles.item(0),
         mSel = app.selection[0];
    if(mSel.constructor.name === "Cell" || mSel.constructor.name === "Table") {
        mSel.tables.everyItem().appliedTableStyle = mNone;
        mSel.tables.everyItem().appliedTableStyle = mNone;
    function BreakLinkToCellStyleSelection () {
         mNone = app.activeDocument.cellStyles.item(0),
         mSel = app.selection[0];
    if(mSel.constructor.name === "Cell" || mSel.constructor.name === "Table") {
        mSel.cells.everyItem().appliedCellStyle = mNone;
        mSel.tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().appliedCellStyle = mNone;

    For cell Selection is work (but can't keep the style setting after break the link), but I also want to break the table style, but error
    For both Break link to cell/table style, I want to keep the style setting after break the link
    function BreakLinkToTableStyleSelection () {
         mNone = app.activeDocument.tableStyles.item(0),
         mSel = app.selection[0];
    if(mSel.constructor.name === "Cell" || mSel.constructor.name === "Table") {
        mSel.tables.everyItem().appliedTableStyle = mNone;
        mSel.tables.everyItem().appliedTableStyle = mNone;
    function BreakLinkToCellStyleSelection () {
         mNone = app.activeDocument.cellStyles.item(0),
         mSel = app.selection[0];
    if(mSel.constructor.name === "Cell" || mSel.constructor.name === "Table") {
        mSel.cells.everyItem().appliedCellStyle = mNone;
        mSel.tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().appliedCellStyle = mNone;

  • Link item style using personalization

    We have a requirement using personalization
    I want to create a link item style using personalization.
    but when i go to personalize page and click on create child icon i can create only some of the widgets.
    Is there any way to create a link bean using personalization?
    Can anybody throw some points on this?

    I remember we removed it for some technical issues(earlier I think it was exposing the fireAction property) and added it back in RUP4 without those properties.
    You have two good solutions to this in CU2 if you are not going to move to the latest.
    1. Use a button instead which has a target frame property which will launch you page in a new window.
    2. Use jdeveloper create a stackLayout and add a link inside that and set the properties required. Deploy that region in MDS, now use personalization to add a stacklayout(good thing for you is this feature of adding regions was introduced in CU2) and set the extends property pointing to the region you deployed and live happily ever after :).
    We have a nice release notes which tells about features added, features removed. You should be utilising that to understand the restrictions on a particular release and the new features too, it's very short and sweet and you can go back to personalization or dev guide to know more about the feature.
    Message was edited by:
    Ramkumar Sekar

  • Breaking Links to and External Data Connection using the cubevalue() function

    I have spreadsheets that connect to an MSAS cube successfully and pull data in the cells using the CUBEVALUE function.
    Is there a way to perform the equivalent of 'breaking links' to the external database so that the spreadsheet can be distibuted to others that will not have the external database connection set up on their computer/excel environment.
    I find that if i email a spreadsheet with data retreived using cubevalue functions to someone without the external database connection they do not see the values preserved with the spreadsheet and end up with blank or zero cells, etc.
    I have unchecked the box related to 'refresh data when opening file'.
    In a perfect world i would like to remove the db connection and be left with pasted values, similar to breaking links to an external workbook but I am not sure if that is possible.
    I am desperate to find a way to distribute these spreadsheets and be confident that Excel won't be unsuccessfully trying to refresh a connection that isn't on other peoples computer.
    Thanks for any guidance

    Maybe you can upload a sample file to a file sharing site and then share the link with us.
    As you said you have already unchecked the option 'Refresh data when opening the file' within Connection Properties.
    When you send the Excel file to someone without this data connection, they should get the correctly data unless they click the button 'Refresh All'.
    Wind Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Break Link - Symbols Issue

    My issue is with "Break Link" in CS5 Mac
    It currently breaks the symbol into a new layer inside the current layer instead of just making it a group inside current layer like it use to.
    I found the symbols feature really handy in teh previous versions. I do a lot of licensed artwork so I use the same logos repeatedly through out the day and it was nice to jsut have them in a symbol library so I could just drop what I needed of licensee's logos. Now this is more of a hassle with the current set up now and has added time to my old work flow.
    Any solutions other than converting back to CS4, I do feel this is a bug currently.

    Thanks for the response!
    I was a afraid that was the case. I'm not sure the advantage of the new setup. I have actually found a semi ok work around to the problem that stops it form making new layers in layers.
    If you drop your symbol to stage select it then group just the symbol then break it apart it will remain on the same layer, you may just get a group in a group. Which to me isn't as big of a issue as having art on different layers inside layers...

  • DW CS3 email link

    my msn email account was recently changed from hotmail to Outlook (Thank you Microsoft!) Now the DWCS3 code can't get Outlook to open the email form. Any way to associate a different email client with the browser or enter code for private email client?

    I would say that you understood perfectly. The mailto:link hangs up on launch. I have asked others using other browsers/email to try the link and they hang up too. I will certainly give Formmail a look-see. Thank you so much.
    Gordon Engebretson
    Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 10:43:28 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: DW CS3 email link
    Re: DW CS3 email link created by Jon Fritz II in Dreamweaver - View the full discussion
    I'm not sure I understand.
    A mailto: link on a webpage will open whatever email client is currently installed. If no email client is installed, nothing will happen.
    If you are using an html form on your website and it has stopped sending emails when submitted, you'll need to update the address in the form preocessing script from your old address to your new one.
    For what it's worth, using a mailto: link on your website is not recommended, due in part for this very reason. Colleges, Cafes, and any other "public computer" will generally not have an email client set up. If your viewers are using one of those computers and you use a mailto: link, nothing will happen for them. They will not be able to contact you via that link. Mailto: links also leave your address open for spam bot harvesters.
    It is much safer to use a form processing script on your server using a server scripting language (like PHP). My personal favorite form processor is currently Formmail from http://www.tectite.com but there are a lot of free form to email processing scripts available online to handle any contact form on your site and send the info to any email address you like.
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