[JS] Real "leading" of a paragraph with vertical alignement "justify"

We have a problem reading the real "leading" of a paragraph when on the textframe is applied the vertical alignement "justify" and the leading was set up at "auto".
It doesn't matter which leading is the resulting of this vertical justifying, but the result of the "text.leading" is always "auto".
Do someone know another way for reading the real leading in pixels or other values?
Or we'd have to calculate it?

myPara.lines[1].baseline - myPara.lines[0].baseline will give you the measured leading of the second line.

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    Has anyone seen something like this and know what I can do to get it to work?

    Do you have a sample or a screenshot that illustrates this?
    Check out the Safari Developer's forum for more help; this is mainly used by people who are Users of Safari vs. Web Developers (who should know the difference between browsers).

  • Problem with jquery slide show conflict with vertical navigation menu in Firefox & Chrome

    Problem with jquery slide show conflict with vertical navigation menu in Firefox & Chrome. Works in IE. This is my first time trying to post a question - so please be kind. I am also not good with code and am finding css a real challenge after learning to design based on tables. I'm using CS5.
    The "test" page with the slide show is: http://www.reardanwa.com/index-slides.html   The same page without the slide show is http://www.reardanwa.com/
    I realize the images are not ideally sized - I'll fix those once I get the pages to function.  Maybe I need a different slide show? I would prefer a widget that I can modify to required size & postition. Again - I'm not good at building with code from scratch.
    The problem is the naviagation links that are directly next to the slide show do not work in Firefox of Chrome. They do work in IE.
    I've read about using jQuery.noConflict(); code but can't figure out the correct way to use it in my case or whether that's even part of the solution. I know my code is not well organized as I have cobbled together from various sources in an attempt to format the page the way the client wants it. Also, FYI, I will eventually try to make the page work in Surreal CMS.
    I've spent sevaral days over the last several weeks trying to solve sth slide show/navigation conflict - so any specific light you can shed will be much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Reardan Area Chamber of Commerce</title>
    <meta name="description" content="home page for Reardan Area Chamber of Commerce" />
    <meta name="keywords" content="Reardan WA, chamber of commerce" </>
    <script src="scripts/jquery-1.6.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="scripts/jquery.cycle.all.js" type="text/javascript">  </script>
    <script type="text/xml">
    <style type="text/css">
                                  #slideshow { 
                                      padding: 10px;
                                  #slideshow img, #slideshow div { 
                                      padding: 10px;
                                      background-color: #EEE;
                                      margin: 0;
    body {
              font: 100%/1.4 Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
              background: #004B8D;
              margin: 0;
              padding: 0;
              color: #000;
    /* ~~ Element/tag selectors ~~ */
    ul, ol, dl { /* Due to variations between browsers, it's best practices to zero padding and margin on lists. For consistency, you can either specify the amounts you want here, or on the list items (LI, DT, DD) they contain. Remember that what you do here will cascade to the .nav list unless you write a more specific selector. */
              padding: 0;
              margin: 0;
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p {
              margin-top: 0;           /* removing the top margin gets around an issue where margins can escape from their containing div. The remaining bottom margin will hold it away from any elements that follow. */
               /* adding the padding to the sides of the elements within the divs, instead of the divs themselves, gets rid of any box model math. A nested div with side padding can also be used as an alternate method. */
              border-radius: 13px;
        -moz-border-radius: 13px;
        -webkit-border-radius: 13px;
    a img { /* this selector removes the default blue border displayed in some browsers around an image when it is surrounded by a link */
              border: none;
    /* ~~ Styling for your site's links must remain in this order - including the group of selectors that create the hover effect. ~~ */
    a:link {
              color: #42413C;
              text-decoration: underline; /* unless you style your links to look extremely unique, it's best to provide underlines for quick visual identification */
    a:visited {
              color: #6E6C64;
              text-decoration: underline;
    a:hover, a:active, a:focus { /* this group of selectors will give a keyboard navigator the same hover experience as the person using a mouse. */
              text-decoration: none;
    /* ~~this fixed width container surrounds the other divs~~ */
    .container {
              width: 960px;
              padding:5px 0px 0px 0px;
              background: #E8F8FF;
              margin: 0 auto; /* the auto value on the sides, coupled with the width, centers the layout */
    /* ~~ the header is not given a width. It will extend the full width of your layout. It contains an image placeholder that should be replaced with your own linked logo ~~ */
    .header {
              background: #E8F8FF;
              padding:10px 5px 0px 5px;
    .sidebar1 {
              float: left;
              width: 225px;
              margin: 60px;
              color: #FFFF0D;
              background: #595FFF;
              border-radius: 13px;
        -moz-border-radius: 13px;
        -webkit-border-radius: 13px;
              padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;
        border: 3px solid #F7F723;
    .sidebar2 {
              float: left;
              width: 275px;
              color: #FFFF0D;
              text-align: left;
              background: #595FFF;
              padding-bottom: 10px;
              border-radius: 13px;
        -moz-border-radius: 13px;
        -webkit-border-radius: 13px;
        border: 3px solid #F7F723;
    .sidebar3 {
              float: left;
              width: 275px;
              color: #FFFF0D;
              text-align: left;
              background: #595FFF;
              padding-bottom: 10px;
              border-radius: 13px;
        -moz-border-radius: 13px;
        -webkit-border-radius: 13px;
        border: 3px solid #F7F723;
    .content {
              padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
              width: 780px;
              float: left;
              background: #E8F8FF;
    /* ~~ This grouped selector gives the lists in the .content area space ~~ */
    .content ul, .content ol {
              padding: 0px 15px 5px 10px; /* this padding mirrors the right padding in the headings and paragraph rule above. Padding was placed on the bottom for space between other elements on the lists and on the left to create the indention. These may be adjusted as you wish. */
    /* ~~ The navigation list styles (can be removed if you choose to use a premade flyout menu like Spry) ~~ */
    ul.nav {
              list-style: none; /* this removes the list marker */
              border-top: 0px solid #FFFF66; /* this creates the top border for the links - all others are placed using a bottom border on the LI */
              margin-bottom: 50px; /* this creates the space between the navigation on the content below */
              font: Arial Black, Verdana, , Helvetica, sans-serif;
    ul.nav li {
              border-bottom: 0px solid #FFFF66; /* this creates the button separation */
              font: 120%/1.4 Arial Black, Verdana, , Helvetica, sans-serif;
    ul.nav a, ul.nav a:visited { /* grouping these selectors makes sure that your links retain their button look even after being visited */
              padding: 3px 0px 5px 0px;
              display: block; /* this gives the link block properties causing it to fill the whole LI containing it. This causes the entire area to react to a mouse click. */
              width: 185px;  /*this width makes the entire button clickable for IE6. If you don't need to support IE6, it can be removed. Calculate the proper width by subtracting the padding on this link from the width of your sidebar container. */
              text-decoration: none;
              color: #FFFF0D;
              background: #595FFF;
    ul.nav a:hover, ul.nav a:active, ul.nav a:focus { /* this changes the background and text color for both mouse and keyboard navigators */
              background: #595FFF;
              font: 120%/1.4 Arial Black, Verdana, , Helvetica, sans-serif;
              color: #FFFFFF;
    /* ~~ The footer ~~ */
    .footer {
              padding: 10px 0;
              background:  #595FFF;
              color: #FFFF0D;
              position: relative;/* this gives IE6 hasLayout to properly clear */
              clear: both; /* this clear property forces the .container to understand where the columns end and contain them */
    /* ~~ miscellaneous float/clear classes ~~ */
    .fltrt {  /* this class can be used to float an element right in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
              float: right;
              margin-left: 8px;
    .fltlft { /* this class can be used to float an element left in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
              float: left;
              margin-right: 8px;
    .clearfloat { /* this class can be placed on a <br /> or empty div as the final element following the last floated div (within the #container) if the #footer is removed or taken out of the #container */
              font-size: 1px;
              line-height: 0px;
    <div class="container">
      <div class="header"><!-- end .header -->
      <a href="#"><img src="images/Chamber-Logo-2.gif" alt="Reardan Chamber Logo" width="187" height="163" hspace="10" vspace="5" align="top" /></a><img src="images/Reardan-Chamber-Title.gif" width="476" height="204" alt="Reardan Area Chamber of Commerce, Dedicated to Preserving and Enhancing Area Businesses" /><p></p>
      <p style="color: #F00">This Site is under construction! Please pardon our dust as we create!</p>
      <div class="sidebar1">
        <ul class="nav">
          <li><a href="about.html">About Us</a></li>
          <li><a href="history.html">Reardan History</a></li>
          <li><a href="activities.html">Activities</a></li>
          <li><a href="business.html">Business<br />
          <li><a href="about.html">Join the<br />
           <li><a href="links.html">Links<br />
      <span style="font-size: 85%">Tourism</span><br />
         <!-- end .sidebar1 --></div>
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <div class="box" +"slide">
      <script type="text/javascript">
    // BeginOAWidget_Instance_2559022: #slideshow
    $(window).load(function() {
                        after:                              slideshowOnCycleAfter, //the function that is triggered after each transition
                        autostop:                              false,     // true to end slideshow after X transitions (where X == slide count)
                        fx:                                        'blindX',// name of transition effect
                        pause:                              false,     // true to enable pause on hover
                        randomizeEffects:          true,  // valid when multiple effects are used; true to make the effect sequence random
                        speed:                              100,  // speed of the transition (any valid fx speed value)
                        sync:                              true,     // true if in/out transitions should occur simultaneously
                        timeout:                    5000,  // milliseconds between slide transitions (0 to disable auto advance)
                        fit:                              true,
                        height:                       '300px',
                        width:         '525px'   // container width (if the 'fit' option is true, the slides will be set to this width as well)
    function slideshowOnCycleAfter() {
              if (slideshowAddCaption==true){
    // EndOAWidget_Instance_2559022
      <div id="slideshow">
        <!--All elements inside this will become slides-->
        <img src="images/100_1537.jpeg" width="600" height="450" title="caption for image1" /> <img src="images/Parade-2011-2.jpg" width="300" height="225" title="caption for image2" /> <img src="images/100_1495.jpeg" width="600" height="450" title="caption for image3" />
        <div title="sample title"> Images for slide show will need to be re-sized to fit box to avoid distortion</div>
        <img src="images/beach4.jpg" width="200" height="200" title="caption for image4" /> <img src="images/beach5.jpg" width="200" height="200" title="caption for image5" /> </div>
      <!--It is safe to delete this if captions are disabled-->
      <div id="slideshow-caption"></div></div>
    <div class="sidebar2" "anotherClass editable"><p align="center"><strong>Chamber News</strong><br />
    Local News item
    <br />
    Another New item</p>
      <p align="center">lots of news this week<br />
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />
    <div class="sidebar3" "anotherClass editable"><p align="center"><strong>Upcoming Events</strong></p>
      <div align="center">    <a href="activities.html" style="color: #FFFF0D">Community wide yard sales</a><br />
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />
    <div class="content"><br />
    <br />
    <div class="footer">
            <p align="center"><span style="font-size: small">Reardan Area Chamber of Commerce</span><br />
              <span style="font-size: x-small">[email protected]  - 509.796.2102</span><br />
            <!-- end .footer -->

    If you DO want the slideshow overlaping the navigation try the below css:
    .sidebar1 {
        float: left;
        width: 225px;
        margin: 60px 0px 60px 60px;
        color: #FFFF0D;
        background: #595FFF;
        border-radius: 13px;
        -moz-border-radius: 13px;
        -webkit-border-radius: 13px;
        padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;
        border: 3px solid #F7F723;
    .box {
    float: left;
    border-radius: 13px;
    -moz-border-radius: 13px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 13px;

  • How do I save a style of paragraphs with a numbered list in Pages 05?

    I wish to save a style of paragraph with a numbered list. Is it possible to save them at the same time in Pages 5 as it was in Pages 09'?
    Where are the shortcuts?

    Yes, I know but there is no real list preset. The format command, when opened, shows a menu and I think you are using the word Style differently. A Style in 09 allowed one to save present formatting for several text appearance options, which is no longer possible in 05 "styles." Styles in text edting for applications like Word, OpenOffice, iBooks, and Pages 09 referred to a way to save a set of formatting command together and apply them with one click. That's the rub here in 5.
    Yes, you can apply a bullet as a "style" to a paragraph, bui you cannot save that formatting as a preset in any way to do it in one click. The issue is consistency and one click capability for multiple formatting features for a paragraph of text.
    Separating bullets and lists from the ability to maintain them in the Paragraph style removed the one click paragraph formatting option which is helpful for anyone who uses it more than a few times in a document.
    The need is for people who want to use common formatting for paragraphs and maintain a one-click option to apply text, indent, spacing, and bullets in one click, not spread out in several menus and lists. 
    If you can explain how to do this in Pages 5 I will be very happy and you will have saved me many clicks. Otherwise I will continue to use the bullet "style" list drop down menu.

  • My macbook pro keeps freezing with vertical lines on the screen

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    You can try a pram reset, which might help with the display, but the bumoing thing is what concerns me.
    PRAM reset:
    Power down, power back up and hold the following keys before the start up chime.
    option, command, P, R,(no commas) continue to hold these keys till you hear the start up chime 2 times then release.
    Reboot see if this helps, the bumping part scares me.
    Hope this helps

  • White with vertical colored lines on Equium A60

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    I have tried connecting an external monitor to it and that works fine. The laptop is a Toshiba Equium A60. I am worried that the screen has blown, is it possible for a surge or something like that to come down the Ethernet cable and blow the screen?

    Display functionality has nothing to do with Ethernet cable. Test with external monitor is very good and on this way you can see if maybe graphic card is responsible for that.
    According to your description I believe that display is the problem. Of course, just intensive display test can give more answers.

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    I have an appointment at the Apple store today, but was wondering : will all of the information and files on my desktop be lost? Or is this a logic board problem?
    Any help is much MUCH appricated.

    I'm not sure, if you're out of warrenty it'll cost quite a bit for the replacement of the logic board replacement...unless you have apple care. you could ask apple to try and recover your hard drive but i'm not sure.    

  • Problems when trying to move a paragraph with a heading to the next page

    When i try to move a paragraph with a heading (generally style 2) to the next page by pressing the enter key, rather than the whole paragraph moving to the top of the next page it moves to pretty well every where but the top. i have attached a video because im sure what i have said doesn't make much sense.
    i have talked to an apple technician through apple care and we came to the conclusion after reseting iwork to default settings still with no changes all i could do was completely remove iwork from my computer and try to start over. Or come to the forums to see if there is a work around.

    Hi Jared,
    Without commentary, or other explanation, it's difficult to determine what actions you are taking to produce the results in the video.
    In the first instance, it appears that you have placed the insertion point at the beginning of the line following the header, then pressed and held return. this action pushes that line (and anything below it) down until it crosses the page boundary and jumps to a second page. That's expected behaviour.
    At approximately 0:57, you have deleted the return characters, returning the first and second lines after the header to a position immediately following the header. The insertion point is then moved to the point at the beginning of the header line, and returns are inserted as before. About 1:04, a number of unreadable alert boxes appear. At 1:07, the second line below the heading moves to the second page, followed by the first line, then by the heading itself at about 1:10. Again this is expected behaviour.
    Only after that are there any 'odd' behaviours, and without knowing what actions you are taking to produce those oddities, it's (at least) difficult to say what is causing the results you see.

  • Quick Look PDF with vertical and horizontal pages

    Is there any way to make Quick Look preview a PDF file with vertical and horizontal pages without adding white padding and retaining the aspect ratio?
    Now, if I have a PDF with page 1 vertical and the other pages horizontal QL shows the latter also with the ratio of a vertical page and adds white padding at their top and bottom. You get the inverse output if the first page is horizontally oriented, but the rest are vertical.

    Word renders print jobs that change the orientation as separate print jobs. So, each print job becomes its own PDF.
    You can make an Automator workflow to combine PDFs. I’m not sure how it decides the order it combines them, so you’d have to experiment.
    This is built as an Application where you’d drop all of the PDFs onto the App icon and it will open the combined PDF where you can edit, name, and save.

  • Weird problem with vertical text in a table

    I am new on this forum, usually I don't post because I always find the answer to my question, but this is something quite weird...
    I have a table with vertical text in it (it has to be vertical because the cells are narrow). And I want it to be centered in the cell, both vertically and horizontally. When the cell is high enough, no problem. But as it becomes shorter, the text moves to the left. It is exactly as if there was a right margin within the cell, which is not the case.
    See the example below : I had the text right-aligned (this is to say, bottom-aligned, as it is 270° rotated) to make it more visible.
    Can someone help me there ? I already spent hours on that problem..!
    Thank you very much !

    Only, my table contents both vertical and horizontal text, so I can't. But thanks for the suggestion.
    Thank you kindly for all your answers. Anyway, re-writing the text in separate frames won't be so difficult (anyway it'll always take less time than what that problem already did..).
    So I have a solution, thanks to Phorna
    But remains the frustration of not finding the reason of this ! I will live along with it
    Thanks to all

  • Hello , im working with hebrew and the dot  "." isnt correcting to right with the align , i know that in indesign u use with paragraph direction to correct it but here what should i do. sorry for my english

    hello , im working with hebrew and the dot  "." isnt correcting to right with the align , i know that in indesign u use with paragraph direction to correct it but here what should i do. sorry for my english

    You are right, but how could i send it to Apple? when the phone company first replaced my iphone they had in stock alots of iphones and they just sent mine back to Apple and gave me a new one, so all i did is to give them my phone, but now how could i sent it to Apple? and i cant send it by myself, and the store wont do that, its a lost for them.. so sending it to Apple wasnt an option from the begining.
    and for the record, i dont think the store where i bought it is an authorized shop.. its just a store who boughts phone's from Apple in a low price and sells it in much more money..

  • I have a problem with vertical images burned on a cd

    I have a problem with vertical images burned on a cd either from a Mac or a stand alone burner. What happens is the images come from the card and are put on the cd. Also note the the camera has been set for the computer to automatically show images vertically when shot that way. The images look good on my Mac, but are horizontal on windows computers. Both XP and Vista. What can be done?

    Hi, thank you for the response... not sure looks that the battery its ok, I'm not sure.
      Charge Information:
      Charge remaining (mAh):    4356
      Fully charged:    Yes
      Charging:    No
      Full charge capacity (mAh):    4356
      Health Information:
      Cycle count:    813
      Condition:    Normal
      Battery Installed:    Yes
      Amperage (mA):    0
      Voltage (mV):    12571

  • Basic questions about word spacing and vertical alignment with CSS

    I'm sill very new to Dreamweaver and web page designing. I've
    read the entire manual SC3, one book, and starting another but I
    have almost 0 practice.
    Q1. so far I haven't been able to produce the effect of the
    Word Spacing property. I tried all kinds of tests and I don't know
    in what scenario this effect will show. Can someone give me a
    simple example that shows the effect of this CSS property.
    Q2. Vertical Alignment: this works well with images inserted
    into text but I also expected this to work with text against other
    text. For example I typed TEST© and assigned a different SCC
    style to the © so that I can make it smaller and put it up
    with the Vertical Alignment property. Surprisingly this propery
    didn't produce any effect. How is htis suppose to be done?

    > This is some text. This is some text.
    You forgot to wrap your text in <p> tags so the style
    rule you created
    doesn't apply.
    "emil emil" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    Originally posted by:
    Newsgroup User
    > i don't know about Q1. but for Q2. just delete what you
    already have for
    > the copyright symbol, and then insert the copyright
    special character.
    > there's a couple ways to do it: on the main menu at the
    top of the
    > window, go to Insert, then HTML, then Special
    Characters, and select
    > Copyright. or you can also find it in the Insert panel,
    which is below
    > the menu, under Text. ...
    > Thanks courtney, but that was exactly the way I created
    the © character
    > and
    > like in this text here it needs to be scaled down and
    moved up
    > independently
    > from the surrounding text. Can someone please post a
    simple code showing
    > the
    > effect of the vertical alignment of text in relation to
    surrounding text.
    Originally posted by:
    Newsgroup User
    > Q1
    > <html>
    > <head>
    > <style type="text/css">
    > p
    > {
    > word-spacing: 30px
    > }
    > </style>
    > </head>
    > <body>
    > <p>
    > This is some text. This is some text.
    > </p>
    > </body>
    > </html>
    > Thank you Ken, your code works but not the code
    generated from
    > Dreamweaver
    > when I type in the Design View and assing CSS style to
    the p tag. Does
    > Dreamweaver have trouble generating properly working
    HTML or I'm missing
    > something here? Here is the code that Dreamweaver
    generates and the word
    > spacing doesn't work with it.
    > <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    > "
    > <html xmlns="
    > <head>
    > <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=utf-8" />
    > <title>Untitled Document</title>
    > <style type="text/css">
    > <!--
    > p {
    > word-spacing: 50em;
    > }
    > -->
    > </style>
    > </head>
    > <body>
    > This is some text. This is some text.
    > </body>
    > </html>

  • New GL - Real time integration of controlling with financial accounting

    What are the impacts of activating new GL in already existing system. I need to use the real time integration of CO to FI functionality in new GL only. Can i activate new GL for this function only?
    Please advise

    Yes, by activating New GL you would have real time integration of FI with CO and you dont need reconciliation ledger as available before.
    More over at the document level itself the profit centers are written to the balance sheets accounts which was earlier done in the period end activities to transfer the profit centers to debtors and creditors etc., which is known as "Document Splitting".
    You also need assign the various GL accounts and sceaniors in Controllingwhich needs to activated with Document splitting.

  • Applying Style1 to all paragraph with Style2

    I would like to apply a new style to all paragraph with a particular style. For example, change all paragraph with style Style2 to style Style1. How can I proceed?
    Thanks for any help.
    Hervé Soulard.

    Kenneth's solution
    (1. In a content file, find one of your Style 1 paras.
    2. Copy Special > Paragraph Style
    3. Use Find&Replace to Find Style 2 and Replace By Pasting. )
    ... works best for book level replacements.
    You can also, for a single file...
    In the Paragraph Designer with Style 1 open, use the Global Updates drop down menu to select Style 2 as "Apply to..."

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