JScrollPane.setRowHeaderView() and Row Numbers

Hello there,
I am writing an editor using JEditorPane and am using JScrollPane's
setRowHeaderView() method to set row numbers. The code next shows how I am
doing it.
Now the problem is after I make a change in the editor, I am not able to see the
rownumbers from one even when I am at the top of the editorpane. But if I resize
the editorpane (which is in a frame) then I am able to see the row numbers from one.
Also, if I scroll up and down then the row numbers are seen properly from one. When the editor opens for the first time I am able to see the row numbers from the beginning i.e. one.
I think some where I am not calling revalidate(), validate(), or repaint()
properly. Please help. Thank you.
//method one
        rowNums = new PreferenceJTextArea();
        rowNums.setMargin(new Insets(topMargin, 0, 0, 0));
        int maxNumOfLines = setRowNums(displayFormat);
// end method one
// method two
          public int setRowNums(int dispFormat) {
               StringBuffer str        = new StringBuffer();
               int          numOfLines = seq.getLineCount(dispFormat);
               for (int i = 1; i < (numOfLines + 1); i++) {
                    str = str.append(String.valueOf(i)).append("\n");
               return numOfLines;
// end method two
// after making an editing change method three is called.
// method three           
               setRowNums(displayFormat); // this is where the text in the textarea gets
                                                                        // changed and causes unwanted results
// end method three      

I have few questions regarding the proposed solutions.
1) In my application there is word wrapping, i.e. I am manually wrapping the text and not Java's inherent functionality.
2) There will be cases when the font size will be changed for the entire application. Though for a given document the font size will remain same.
3) Most of the time the application will be opening an existing files.
Hence, my question is will the proposed solutions still work. Also there is an overlap in the sense the solution using ViewFactory and EditorKit.
Pl do let me know if you have any idea wrt to any of the concerns posted here.
Thanks once again.

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    Those annotations are called "Labels", and they are only visible during editing when a cell selection is made within the table. If you need to have the labels on your final output, you can create labels in Text Boxes and position them adjacent to the table.

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    Give me a proper transpose and I will uninstall Excel and never look back.
    Ok, here's a proper transpose, that can be placed in an Automator Service so it becomes a simple menu pick as below (and can also be assigned a keyboard shortcut).
    To use it (this is slightly different from Excel) you select the range you want to transpose, choose Copy Transpose, click a destination cell in an existing table in the current document or another document, and command-v (Edit > Paste) or option-shift-command-v (Edit > Paste and Match Style).
    The one-time setup is as follows.  In Automator choose File > New > Service,  drag a Run AppleScript action from the left into the right pane, choose 'No Input' for 'Services receives selected' and 'Numbers' for 'in'. Then paste the following into the Run AppleScript action, replacing all text already there by default:
    --Transpose - select range, run, paste transposed values where wanted
              tell application "Numbers" to tell front document to tell active sheet
                        set selected_table to first table whose class of selection range is range
                        tell selected_table
                                  set my_selection to the selection range
                                  set first_col to address of first column of my_selection
                                  set last_col to address of last column of my_selection
                                  set first_row to address of first row of my_selection
                                  set last_row to address of last row of my_selection
                                  set str to ""
                                  repeat with i from first_col to last_col
                                            repeat with j from first_row to last_row
                                                      set str to str & (value of cell j of column i of selected_table) & tab
                                            end repeat
                                            set str to str & return -- add line return after row
                                  end repeat
                        end tell
              end tell
      set the clipboard to str
              display notification "Ready to paste transposed values" with title "Numbers"
    on error
              display dialog "Select a range first and then try again"
    end try
    --end script
    Hit the compile "hammer" and the script should indent properly. Then save the service with the name you want to appear in your menu, and it will thereafter be available via the Services menu (and keyboard shortcut, if you set one up in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services).
    That's it. Less then five minutes' one-time set-up work and you've got a menu pick for a transpose functionality that is as convenient as Excel's.

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    FYI   I was looking for information in these old posts on the Freeze function in Numbers.  
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    I am not an Apple representative, but the only way to fix this and other flaws in Number 08 is to upgrade to 09 for $19.99.   Hope this helps.

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    Here is a script doing all the job for us.
    Just select one or several cells in a table and run the script.
    It duplicates it, add an header row, an header column, insert the needed labels and fill the other cells with a formula grabbing the contents of the original table.
    --[SCRIPT build a table with headers]
    Enregistrer len tant que Script: build a table with headers.scpt
    déplacer le fichier créé dans le dossier
    Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Numbers et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
    Selectionner une cellule dans la table à dupliquer
    menu Scripts > Numbers > build a table with headers
    Le script duplique la table et crée des en-têtes de lignes et colonnes.
    L'aide du Finder explique:
    L'Utilitaire AppleScript permet d'activer le Menu des scripts :
    Ouvrez l'Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
    Cochez la case "Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus".
    Save the script as Script: build a table with headers.scpt
    Move the newly created file into the folder:
    <startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Numbers:
    Maybe you would have to create the folder Numbers and even the folder Applications by yourself.
    Select a range of cells in the table to 'duplicate'
    menu Scripts > Numbers > build a table with headers
    The script duplicate the table and inserts columns/rows headers.
    The Finder's Help explains:
    To make the Script menu appear:
    Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
    Select the "Show Script Menu in menu bar" checkbox.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)
    property theApp : "Numbers"
    my activateGUIscripting() (* to be sure than GUI scripting will be active *)
    set {d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name} to my getSelection()
    if r_Name is missing value then
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "No selected cells"
    error "Il n'y a pas de cellule sélectionnée !"
    end if
    end if
    set new_Table to t_Name & "_#"
    my duplicateTable(s_Name, t_Name, new_Table)
    set delim to my getLocalizedDelimiter()
    (* grab localized function names and add an open parenthesis at end *)
    set IF_loc to my getLocalizedFunctionName("Numbers", "IF") & "("
    set CHAR_loc to my getLocalizedFunctionName("Numbers", "CHAR") & "("
    set INT_loc to my getLocalizedFunctionName("Numbers", "INT") & "("
    set MOD_loc to my getLocalizedFunctionName("Numbers", "MOD") & "("
    set INDIRECT_loc to my getLocalizedFunctionName("Numbers", "INDIRECT") & "("
    set ADDRESS_loc to my getLocalizedFunctionName("Numbers", "ADDRESS") & "("
    (* grab localized function names and add a couple of parenthesis at end *)
    set ROW_loc to my getLocalizedFunctionName("Numbers", "ROW") & "()"
    set COLUMN_loc to my getLocalizedFunctionName("Numbers", "COLUMN") & "()"
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document d_Name to tell sheet s_Name to tell table new_Table
    if column count = 256 then
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "Oops, already 256 columns !"
    error "Désolé, il y a déjà 256 colonnes !"
    end if
    end if
    if row count = 65536 then
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "Oops, already 65536 rows !"
    error "Désolé, il y a déjà 65536 lignes !"
    end if
    end if
    add row above row 1
    on error
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "Oops, already five header row !"
    error "Désolé, il y a déjà cinq rangs d’en tête !"
    end if
    end try
    add column before column 1
    on error
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "Oops, already five header columns !"
    error "Désolé, il y a déjà cinq rangs d’en tête !"
    end if
    end try
    set nbr to row count
    set nbc to column count
    (* =IF(COLUMN()<28,CHAR(COLUMN()63),CHAR(INT((COLUMN()-2)/26)+64)&CHAR(MOD(COLUMN()-2,26)65)) *)
    set theFormula to "=" & IF_loc & COLUMN_loc & "<28" & delim & CHAR_loc & COLUMN_loc & "+63)" & delim & CHAR_loc & INT_loc & "(" & COLUMN_loc & "-2)/26)+64)&" & CHAR_loc & MOD_loc & COLUMN_loc & "-2" & delim & "26)+65))"
    tell row 1
    repeat with c from 2 to nbc
    set value of cell c to theFormula
    end repeat
    end tell -- row 1
    (* =ROW()-1 *)
    set theFormula to "=" & ROW_loc & "-1"
    tell column 1
    repeat with r from 2 to nbr
    set value of cell r to theFormula
    end repeat
    end tell -- column 1
    (* =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW()-1,COLUMN()-1,,,"Tableau 2")) *)
    set theFormula to "=" & INDIRECT_loc & ADDRESS_loc & ROW_loc & "-1" & delim & COLUMN_loc & "-1" & delim & delim & delim & quote & t_Name & quote & "))"
    repeat with r from 2 to nbr
    repeat with c from 2 to nbc
    set value of cell r of column c to theFormula
    end repeat -- with c
    end repeat -- with r
    end tell -- Numbers
    Set the parameter delimiter which must be used in Numbers formulas
    on getLocalizedDelimiter()
    if character 2 of (0.5 as text) is "." then
    return ","
    return ";"
    end if
    end getLocalizedDelimiter
    on getLocalizedFunctionName(theApp, x)
    local p2bndl
    set p2bndl to (path to application support as text) & "iWork '09:Frameworks:SFTabular.framework:Versions:A:Resources:"
    return my getLocalizedName(theApp, x, p2bndl)
    end getLocalizedFunctionName
    on getLocalizedName(a, x, f)
    tell application a to return localized string x from table "Localizable" in bundle file f
    end getLocalizedName
    on getSelection()
    local _, theRange, theTable, theSheet, theDoc, errMsg, errNum
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1
    repeat with i from 1 to the count of sheets
    tell sheet i
    set x to the count of tables
    if x > 0 then
    repeat with y from 1 to x
    (selection range of table y) as text
    on error errMsg number errNum
    set {_, theRange, _, theTable, _, theSheet, _, theDoc} to my decoupe(errMsg, quote)
    return {theDoc, theSheet, theTable, theRange}
    end try
    end repeat -- y
    end if -- x>0
    end tell -- sheet
    end repeat -- i
    end tell -- document
    return {missing value, missing value, missing value, missing value}
    end getSelection
    on decoupe(t, d)
    local l
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
    set l to text items of t
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    return l
    end decoupe
    on isItAsheet(s)
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1
    count of tables of sheet s (*
    Post an error if s is not a sheet *)
    end tell
    return true
    on error
    return false
    end try
    end isItAsheet
    on activateGUIscripting()
    tell application "System Events"
    if not (UI elements enabled) then set (UI elements enabled) to true (* to be sure than GUI scripting will be active *)
    end tell
    end activateGUIscripting
    on duplicateTable(sourceSheet, sourceTable, newName)
    local lesFeuilles, lesTables1, found, listOfRows, cor, i, isSourceSheet, nameI, j, lesTables2
    tell application "Numbers"
    tell document 1
    set lesFeuilles to name of sheets
    if sourceSheet is in lesFeuilles then
    tell sheet sourceSheet to set lesTables1 to name of tables
    if sourceTable is not in lesTables1 then
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "The sheet “" & sourceTable & "” of sheet “" & sourceSheet & "” is unavailable ! "
    error "La table “" & sourceTable & "” de la feuille “" & sourceSheet & "” n'existe pas ! "
    end if
    end if -- sourceTable is not
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "The sheet “" & sourceSheet & "” is unavailable ! "
    error "La feuille “" & sourceSheet & "” n'existe pas ! "
    end if
    end if -- sourceSheet is in
    end tell -- document
    end tell -- application
    if newName is not in lesTables1 then (*
    Now, an ugly workaround to duplicate the sheet *)
    set isOS4 to (system attribute "sys2") < 5
    tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Numbers"
    set docWindow to false (* CAUTION, an inspector ("AXFloatingWindow") or a Find/Search ("AXDialog") window may be open *)
    repeat with i from 1 to (count of windows)
    if subrole of window i is "AXStandardWindow" then
    set docWindow to i (* got the document's window *)
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    if docWindow is not false then
    tell outline 1 of scroll area 1 of splitter group 1 of splitter group 1 of window docWindow
    select row 1
    set value of attribute "AXFocused" to true
    set found to false
    set listOfRows to name of static text of every row
    set cor to count of rows (* equal count of listOfRows *)
    if isOS4 then (*
    for mac Os X 10.4.11
    CAUTION, listOfRows it's a list of lists !
    {{"Feuille 2"}, {"Tableau 1"}, {"theSheet"}, {"Feuille 1"}, {"Tableau 2"}, {"Clément"}, {"Feuille 4"}} *)
    repeat with i from 1 to cor (*
    Scan the thumbnails *)
    set nameI to item 1 of item i of listOfRows
    set isSourceSheet to (sourceSheet = nameI) and my isItAsheet(nameI)
    if isSourceSheet then
    select row i
    if (i < cor) and not my isItAsheet(item 1 of item (i + 1) of listOfRows) then (*
    Here we may scan the thumbnails of tables of sourceSheet *)
    repeat with j from i + 1 to i + (count of lesTables1)
    if sourceTable = item 1 of item j of listOfRows then
    select row j
    set found to true
    exit repeat
    end if -- sourceTable
    end repeat
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "The sheet “" & sourceTable & "” of sheet “" & sourceSheet & "”" & return & " is not revealed in thumbnails ! "
    error "La table “" & sourceTable & "” de la feuille “" & sourceSheet & "”" & return & " n'est pas affichée dans les vignettes ! "
    end if -- my parleFrancais
    end if -- (i < cor)
    end if -- isSourceSheet
    if found then exit repeat
    end repeat -- i
    else (*
    for mac Os X 10.5.x
    CAUTION, listOfRows is a list of lists !
    {{}, {"Tableau 1"}, {"theSheet"}, {}, {"Tableau 2"}, {"Clément"}, {}}
    With 10.5.x, the names of sheets are empty *)
    repeat with i from 1 to cor
    set isSourceSheet to (class of UI element 1 of row i is group) and (get value of static text 1 of group 1 of row i) is sourceSheet
    if isSourceSheet then (*
    Here we may scan the thumbnails of tables of sourceSheet *)
    if value of UI element 1 of group 1 of row i is 0 then (*
    reveal the tables's thumbnails and adjust the list accordingly *)
    click UI element 1 of group 1 of row i (* click the black triangle to reveal tables *)
    delay 0.1
    set listOfRows to name of static text of every row (* update the list accordingly *)
    end if -- value of UI…
    repeat with j from i + 1 to i + (count of lesTables1)
    if sourceTable = item 1 of item j of listOfRows then
    select row j
    set found to true
    exit repeat
    end if -- sourcetable
    end repeat -- with j
    end if -- isSourceSheet
    if found then exit repeat
    end repeat -- with i
    end if -- check OS
    end tell -- outline …
    keystroke "d" using command down
    end if -- docWindow
    end tell -- System Events…
    if docWindow is not false then (*
    Rename the new table according to the passed name: newTable *)
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1 to tell sheet sourceSheet
    set lesTables2 to name of tables
    repeat with i in lesTables2
    if i is not in lesTables1 then (*
    Here i is the name of the newly created table *)
    set name of table i to newName
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell
    end if -- docWindow
    end if -- newName is not…
    end duplicateTable
    on parleAnglais()
    local z
    tell application theApp to set z to localized string "Cancel"
    on error
    set z to "Cancel"
    end try
    return (z is not "Annuler")
    end parleAnglais
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 19 septembre 2009 17:33:59

  • How to keep the horizontal top column letters and left row numbers????

    When working on a table, there is a vertical column on the left of the row numbers and a row across the top with letters that identify columns. I would like to keep this (as in Appleworks) but whenever I click on the table, or use Print View, or Print, these two identifying features disappear! I have tried everything to keep them, but no luck. Is there any way to do this?

    may you take care of the existence of the Search field on the right side of this forum?
    may you also look at the already existing threads (at least in the first two pages).
    Your question is available four or five rows below yours.
    Using it with the button more options and selecting The Numbers forum
    enter the keywords lock AND title .
    You will discover that yoy may get quick respnce to a lot of questions without asking for them in the forums.
    I know that some posters dislike this kind of response.
    I think that it's more useful to teach how to fish than to give a fish
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mercredi 23 janvier 2008 15:52:01)

  • Displaying row numbers in tables

    Is there a way to get JTable to display row numbers on the left-most side of the table? Are there any functions in JTable that will allow you to do this?
    I am thinking that to do this, I will probably need to add a column to my table model and make the first column and uneditable JLabel that shows the row number.
    Thanks for any help.
    Mike Ryan

    Ok , the class i am pulling this code from is 500+ lines of code, so I will try to pull out only the important pieces.
    private DefaultTableModel theNorthernModel;
    private JTable theNorthernTable;
    private DefaultTableCellRenderer[] theRenderer;
    private JScrollPane theNorthernPane;
    private Object[] rowTitles = {"1", "2", "3",  "4", "5",  "6", "7"};//
    private Object[] colTitles  = {"one","two","three","four","five","six"};
         theNorthernModel = new DefaultTableModel(rowTitles.length,colTitles.length);
              theNorthernTable = new JTable(theNorthernModel);
              theNorthernPane  = new JScrollPane(theNorthernTable);
              theNorthernPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 150));
    //this is the stuff you want          
    ListModel listModel = new AbstractListModel() {
                 public int getSize() {
                         return rowTitles.length;
                public Object getElementAt(int index) {
                     return rowTitles[index];
            JList rowHeader1 = new JList(listModel);
            rowHeader1.setCellRenderer(new RowHeaderRenderer(theNorthernTable));
    theRenderer = new DefaultTableCellRenderer[6];
              for(int i = 0; i< 6; i++) {
                   theRenderer[i] = new DefaultTableCellRenderer();     
    theColumnModel = (DefaultTableColumnModel)theNorthernTable.getColumnModel();
    * RowHeaderRenderer renders the panel's rows
    class RowHeaderRenderer extends JLabel implements ListCellRenderer {
         * Constructor creates all cells the same
         * To change look for individual cells put code in
         * getListCellRendererComponent method
        RowHeaderRenderer(JTable table) {
            JTableHeader header = table.getTableHeader();
         * Returns the JLabel after setting the text of the cell
        public Component getListCellRendererComponent( JList list,
        Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {
            setText((value == null) ? "" : value.toString());
            return this;

  • White row numbers in rowheader when scrolling

    I'm using a JTable as a row header in a JScrollPane. When i scroll the data table, header table scrolls but row numbers looks bad repainted white squares. I found some posts talking about this issue but I didn't find the answer, could anyone tell me if i'm missing something?
    here's my code
    Header class:
    public class JPdfSelectionTableRowHeader extends JTable {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 9074507882735673054L;
         private JTable mainTable;
         public JPdfSelectionTableRowHeader(JTable table){
              mainTable = table;
              addColumn(new TableColumn());
         public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column){
              return false;
         public Object getValueAt(int row, int column){
              return new Integer(row + 1);
         public int getRowHeight(int row){
              return mainTable.getRowHeight();
         public boolean isFocusTraversable(){
              return false;
    }and how i'm using it:
    JViewport viewPort = new JViewport();
                  viewPort.setView(new JPdfSelectionTableRowHeader(mainTable));
                  tableScrollPane.setRowHeader(viewPort);Thank you

    Well it looks like you copied my "Line Number Table" (without the spaces) example, which works fine for me.
    I have no idea why your code won't work given that the code you posted is not compileable and therefore not executable.

  • How to print a report without row numbers or grid lines?

    Is there a way to print a Discoverer report without row numbers or grid lines?
    Thank you.

    Hi Blake
    You're not doing anything wrong.
    The settings made when you use Tools | Options | Sheet are global settings that are only applied to new workbooks and worksheets going forwards. These have no impact on existing worksheets or even the one you currently have open. This is because Discoverer does not know whether your original worksheets were setup in a certain way deliberately as opposed to inheriting the global settings as they were at that time. What this also means, reading between the lines, is that these settings must then be stored within the worksheet itself, and this is exactly what happens.
    Thus, to edit an existing worksheet's settings you need to open the worksheet, right-click in the sheet and from the popup select either Format Table or Format Crosstab depending upon the type of worksheet you are working with. After making any necessary changes you will need to save or re-save the workbook in order for those settings to be remembered for the next time.
    Best wishes

  • I see people from different ages at my work and every month I need to count how many people from each age I've seen that month. How can I do to give the entries to numbers in a single cell and make numbers count them for me?

    I see people from different ages at my work and every month I need to count how many people from each age I've seen that month. How can I do to give the entries to numbers in a single cell and make numbers count them for me? The final result would be a spreadsheet telling there were 8 people from 20 to 39 years old, 14 peolple from 40 to 59 and so on...

    jpqcampos wrote:
    This appears to be an 'input form' using 'Radio Buttons' to select the category. Neither of these features are supported in Numbers '09.
    You can input the data on one table and summarize it on a second table, but the input table will continue to hold data for each event.
    And by using the Reorganize button, you can hide all but two rows of that table to approximate the appearance and performance of an input form.
    Here are the two tables, Data on the left and Summary on the right. Notes below.
    The grey-filled columns in both tables are 'working' columns, and may be hidden (as shown in the image below).
    Data table:
    D1 contains the word "TRUE" (in capital letters). (This row is always shown.)
    D2 is empty, or may contain any value except "TRUE" (This row is always hidden under the Reorganize rule.)The rest of Row 2 of this table requires the data shown: a number outside the range to be counted (999), and two checkboxes, both checked.
    D3 (and filled down the rest of column D):   =AND(OR(B2,C2),NOT(OR(B3,C3)))
    The formula returns TRUE only for the first unused row in the table (ie. the first row for which neither checkbox has been checked)
    Summary table:
    Column A contains labels for the age ranges to be counted.
    Column B contains the same information in the form necessary for the formulas in columns C and D. They need a numeric value, and that value must be the largest acceptable value in the range to be counted.
    C2 (and filled right to column D, then both filled down to row 5):
        =COUNTIFS(Data :: $A,"<="&$B,Data :: B,TRUE)-SUM(C$1:C1)
    Two changes from the previous example:
    COUNTIFS is used to separate the Native and Foreign counts as well as the age range to be counted.
    The amount subtracted from each result is the SUM of the earlier results, and includes the text value in the first cell of the column (which is interpreted by SUM as a zero).
    See note below regarding my earlier formula.
    When the greyed columns are hidden and the checkbox in the Reorganize pane is checked, the two tables will appear as shown below:
    Close the reorganize pane, and the 'data entry form' is ready to use.
    To use, enter the age first, then check one of the boxes.
    As soon as one box is checked, the row will be hidden, and the next (unused) row will be shown.
    Note regarding formula in my earlier post:
    The earlier formula will give erroneous results as it subtracts only the count directly above it from its count of persons in the age range 0-n.
    In E2 of that table, replace "-E1" with "-SUM(E1:E$1)
    Fill down to E8.
    Ignore the instructions (in that post) following "Fill down to E8."

  • Is there a way to have a Numbers spreadsheet show the row numbers on ipad?

    I am have a spreadsheet I am using for keeping count of the current people registered for an event.
    If there a way to have one of the columns automatically show the row numbers so I can easily see the amount of people confirmed for the event without having to manually count them? Also, I will be adding and deleting lines and need Numbers to automatically show the row numbers without me having to change it.

    I found it out:
    inserted a new column A
    a --
    In A1 type 1
    in A2 type 2
    select the pair A1:A2
    drag the circular handle from the bottom right of A2 thru the very bottom of the column.
    b --
    in A1 type =ROW()
    select the cell A1
    drag the circular handle from the bottom right of A1 thru the very bottom of the column.

  • Using row numbers in sql

    I want to do a select query based on row numbers and was wondering if its possible.
    for example,
    select * from TABLE where rownumber = x;

    There is one special case where
    SELECT * FROM table WHERE rownum = x
    will work, x = 1. Note, the proper psuedo column name is ROWNUM.
    You can do something like:
    SELECT *
    FROM (SELECT *,rownum rn
          FROM table)
    WHERE rn = xfor any value of rownum up to the number of rows in table.

  • Excel 2010 Row numbers disappearing

    Question: Bit of an odd one here.
    Running Excel 2010 on a WinXP Sp3 box. Issue is only affecting one user and one of his spreadsheets. Sporatically, the actual numbers within the row identifier boxes vanishes, along with the data in the affected rows. The rows are still there, and the rows
    above and below are still numbered in the same sequencial order as if the affected rows were still numbered. If we do not notice this before saving spreadsheet, data is lost. If we unhide all cells, the numbers come back, as does the data. The odd thing is,
    as I said, the rows are NOT actually hidden, only the row identifier numbers and the data are gone.
    Please help! Critical order tracking sheet.

    Using  Windows 7 Professional ver 6.1 (Build 7601 : Service Pack 1) and Excel version 14.0.6112.5000 (32 bit)
    A large spreadsheet some 8MB and formatted as an xls file.
    I experienced a similar problem  with some  row  numbers and data missing together with some rows being expanded to a height of  550 pixels.
    Highlighting the whole row and automatically resetting the height (double clicking bottom edge ) sometimes resets the height, row numbers and data.
    Strangely highlighting the row and clicking the bold button also resets the the height, row numbers and data.
    Unfortunately these remedy’s do not persist after saving the file and reopening it.
    If I resave the "corrupted" xls version  as a Macro-Enabled Worksheet .xlsm file all of the issues above disappear.
    I hope this helps some one

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