JSF selectOneMenu valueChangeListener not firing

I am using JDeveloper
I am trying to select a value from a list when that value is selected it will fire a valuechangelistener that will call another list that will be populated based on the selected value.
The valuechangelistener never fires.
Here is my selectonemenu:
<h:selectOneMenu binding="#{backing_careerPreparation.selectOneMenu1}"
id="selectOneMenu1" value="#{backing_careerPreparation.testvalue}"
<f:selectItems value="#{backing_careerPreparation.allMItems}"
binding="#{backing_careerPreparation.selectItems1}" id="selectItems1"/>

Hi twolf,
I am testing this on JDev 11g and notice that the selectOneMenu component do not have a autoSubmit attribute.
Are you using ADF Faces or Trinidad components? I've never used the selectOneMenu component but hopefully you can substitute it with the selectOneChoice component. You can then set the autoSubmit attribute to true and have the valueChangeListener event fire as soon as you select a different value.
In your current case, the valueChangeListener do fire. Unfortunately, it doesn't fire immediately after selecting a different value. Try clicking a submit button or something that calls an action to the server. You will notice that the valueChangeListener does get fired then.
Chan Kelwin

Similar Messages

  • ValueChangeListener not firing when iterator set to refresh=never

    I have an iterator that I have recently added a child node to. This child node is tied to a view object without a backing entity. The fields in that view can contain user supplied data that I persist through a stored procedure. This mechanism works great accept when the page is refreshed. When that happens the fields in the child node are lost due to the view being reexecuted.
    To fix this problem, I thought I could set the iterator to refresh=”never” and then programmatically refresh it when I need to. This solution appears to work but with one small problem, a valueChangeListener in one of the parent iterator fields fails to execute when it is supposed to.
    It is very weird. I can remove the refresh=”never” from the iterator and the valueChangeListener functions properly, but if I add it back, it fails to get called. I have compared the html source on the browser and the element is generated the same in both instances, so it is definitely some issue on the server side.
    Anyone ever run into a similar problem?
    <af:table rows="#{bindings.ItemCountrySystemsVO.rangeSize}"
              emptyText="#{bindings.ItemCountrySystemsVO.viewable ? \'No rows yet.\' : \'Access Denied.\'}"
       <af:selectBooleanCheckbox  id="selectDesc"
                                  valueChangeListener="#{itemItemCountryDataActionBean.onChangeSystemDescCheckBox}" />
    <iterator id="ItemCountrySystemsVOIterator" RangeSize="10"
                  Binds="ItemCountrySystemsVO" DataControl="RMSItemAMDataControl" Refresh="never"/>
    <tree id="ItemCountrySystemsVO" IterBinding="ItemCountrySystemsVOIterator">
            <Item Value="Item"/>
            <Item Value="CountryId"/>
            <Item Value="SystemCd"/>
            <Item Value="Status"/>
            <Item Value="StatusDate"/>
            <Item Value="PrimarySupp"/>
            <Item Value="CheckBox"/> 
          <nodeDefinition DefName="od.adf.mp.datamodel.views.item.ItemCountrySystemsVO"
              <Item Value="Item"/>
              <Item Value="CountryId"/>
              <Item Value="SystemCd"/>
              <Item Value="Status"/>
              <Item Value="StatusDate"/>
              <Item Value="PrimarySupp"/>
              <Item Value="CheckBox"/> 
              <Item Value="ItemCountrySystemsLangVO"/>
          <nodeDefinition DefName="od.adf.mp.datamodel.views.item.ItemCountrySystemsLangVO"
              <Item Value="Item"/>
              <Item Value="System"/>
              <Item Value="Lang"/>
              <Item Value="LangDescription"/>
              <Item Value="CountryId"/>
              <Item Value="ItemDescription"/>
              <Item Value="OrigItemDescription"/>

    Using the refresh condition was definitely the better approach and it worked great. Unfortunately not refreshing the parent iterator did not prevent the reexecuting of the child node. I am at a loss on how to prevent this from happening. I am at a loss to explain why the reexecuting of the child view object happens at all when the parent hasn't changed.
    Any help is appreciated.

  • ActionListener not firing within panelGrid (which is within a dataTable)

    I have a page with several forms on it:
    ... commandLinks here are working
    ...the actionListener here is firing
    ... commandLinks here are working
    <h:dataTable value="#{collection}" var="item">
    ...actionListeners here ARE NOT FIRING!
    I've tried many things to get this to work. I've checked spelling at least 10 times. I've put the whole page in a single form. Nothing seems to work. The bean associated with the actionListener is not even being instantiated unless I include a value binding expression in the form somewhere, but even then the listener is still not fired.
    So, please tell me if this is a known bug, or if it should work. I'm using JSF 1.1_1.
    All the data and form fields get displayed correctly, just the actionListeners are not firing. I've tried both methods of triggering an actionListener. Neither work.
    Why doesn't anyone from Sun post here anymore?????

    Could you please copy/paste the whole jsp page?I had to abandon the previous page structure due to time constraints. But, now I am having the same problem on another page, pasted below. In this case, the contactInfoForm.populate actionListeners are not firing:
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <jsp:root version="2.0"
      <f:subview id="content">
        <htm:div styleClass="heading">
             <h:outputFormat value="#{msgs[heading]}">
                <f:param value="#{param.firstName}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.lastName}" />
        <htm:div styleClass="contentContainer">
          <h:commandLink id="backToPersons" styleClass="commandLink1" action="section.persons">
             <h:outputText value="#{msgs['persons.common.command.backToPersons']}"/>
        <h:form style="padding-top: 10px">
          <h:commandLink id="newContactInfo" styleClass="commandLink1" action="/persons/contactInfo/newContactInfo">
             <h:outputText value="#{msgs['persons.person.contactInfo.list.command.new']}"/>
             <f:param name="personId" value="#{param.personId}"/>
             <f:param name="firstName" value="#{param.firstName}"/>
             <f:param name="lastName" value="#{param.lastName}"/>
           <h:dataTable value="#{contactInfoForm.contactInfoList}" var="contactInfo" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" styleClass="dataTable" headerClass="dataTableHeader" rendered="#{contactInfoForm.hasContactInfo}">
                <f:facet name="header">
                   <h:outputText value="#{msgs['persons.person.contactInfo.list.header.contactInfoId']}"/>
                <htm:center><h:outputText value="#{contactInfo.contactInfoId}" styleClass="dataTableContent"/></htm:center>
                <f:facet name="header">
                   <h:outputText value="#{msgs['persons.person.contactInfo.list.header.description']}"/>
                <h:outputText value="#{contactInfo.description}" styleClass="dataTableContent"/>
                <f:facet name="header"></f:facet>
                   <h:commandLink styleClass="commandLink1" action="/persons/contactInfo/viewContactInfo" actionListener="#{contactInfoForm.populate}">
                      <f:param name="firstName" value="#{param.firstName}"/>
                      <f:param name="lastName" value="#{param.lastName}"/>
                      <f:param name="contactInfoId" value="#{contactInfo.contactInfoId}"/>
                      <h:outputText value="#{msgs['command.view']}"/>
                <f:facet name="header"></f:facet>
                   <h:commandLink styleClass="commandLink1" action="/persons/contactInfo/editContactInfo" actionListener="#{contactInfoForm.populate}">
                      <f:param name="firstName" value="#{param.firstName}"/>
                      <f:param name="lastName" value="#{param.lastName}"/>
                      <f:param name="contactInfoId" value="#{contactInfo.contactInfoId}"/>
                      <h:outputText value="#{msgs['command.edit']}"/>
           <h:outputText value="#{msgs['persons.person.contactInfo.list.noRecords']}" styleClass="copy2" rendered="#{not contactInfoForm.hasContactInfo}"/>

  • Popup not firing on closing browser or refreshing

    Hi ADF experts,
    I have set the af:document tag uncommittedDataWarning="on". But my popup not firing.
    I have made inputText's autoSubmit="true"
    Please help me out.

    Hi Frank,
    Yes I made a POJO in model layer and created a datacontrol from that. After that I dragged to the jsff as a table with 2 columns.
    The 2 columns are inputText.
    The below scenario happened
    Created a sample taskflow and a jsff page fragment
    Created model based on POJO.
    The POJO datacontrol dragged onto a jsff page as a table with 2 fields.(The fields made inputtext).
    First field I kept autoSubmit=”true” and added a valuechangeListener
    Second field kept as it is.
    Tested as below:
    I tried entering a value in the first textbox. And closed the browser it got closed(No warning message)
    Second textbox after I entered value and closed browser(warning message shown)
    Difference: valuechangeListener implemented in first.
    public class Product {
        private String productId;
        private String productName;
        public Product() {      
        public Product(String productId,String productName) {      
        public void setProductId(String productId) {
            this.productId = productId;
        public String getProductId() {
            return productId;
        public void setProductName(String productName) {
            this.productName = productName;
        public String getProductName() {
            return productName;
    public class ProductBean {
        private List<Product> products=new ArrayList();
        public ProductBean() {
        private void createData(){
            products.add(new Product("101","Alto"));
            products.add(new Product("102","Benz"));
            products.add(new Product("103","Chevrolet"));
            products.add(new Product("104","Cruze"));
            products.add(new Product("105","Accord"));
        public List<Product> findAllProducts() {
            return products;
    <af:table value="#{bindings.Product.collectionModel}" var="row"
                  emptyText="#{bindings.Product.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                  fetchSize="#{bindings.Product.rangeSize}" rowBandingInterval="0"
                  filterVisible="true" varStatus="vs"
                  rowSelection="multiple" id="t1">
          <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.Product.hints.productId.name}"
                     filterable="true" sortable="true"
                     headerText="#{bindings.Product.hints.productId.label}" id="c1">
            <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.productId.inputValue}"
                     valueChangeListener="#{pageFlowScope.managedBean1.sdas}"     autoSubmit="true" id="it2">
              <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.productId.validator}"/>
          <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.Product.hints.productName.name}"
                     filterable="true" sortable="true"
            <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.productName.inputValue}"
              <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.productName.validator}"/>
    Please help..Shall I raise it as a bug.

  • Partial triggers not Fired on partial submit when invalidate component

    Can somebody tell me why Partial triggers are not Fired on partial submit when invalidate component in the validator. Neither error message next to the component is displayed.
    Does somebody has an idea how can i solve this?
    Thank you very much in advance

    Hi, that is a test case which i have promised you:
    The .jspx page contains two fields , one of which has autosubmit = true; You will see, that when invalidate test field 2 partial triigers on field 1 are not fired neither faces message next
    to the field 2 appears.
    If you add programatically Field 1 and Field 2 partial trigerrs this solve the problem.
    I'm waiting for your response.
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1251'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.0"
    <jsp:output omit-xml-declaration="true" doctype-root-element="HTML"
    doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"/>
    <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1251"/>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
    content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"/>
    <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="Test Field 1">
    <af:outputText binding="#{testBean.testField1Comp}"
    <af:inputText label="Test Field 2"
    validator="#{testBean.testField2_validator}" />
    import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
    import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXInput;
    import oracle.adf.view.faces.component.core.input.CoreInputText;
    import oracle.adf.view.faces.component.core.output.CoreOutputText;
    import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage.Severity;
    public class TestBean {
    private CoreOutputText testField1Comp;
    private CoreInputText testField2Comp;
    public TestBean() {
    public void testField2_validator(FacesContext facesContext,
    UIComponent uiComponent, Object value) {
    // If input equals "invalidate" set value of the
    // testField1Comp on "Component is invalid"
    // Invalidate input and add an error message
    if (((String)value).equals("invalidate")) {
    testField1Comp.setValue("Component is invalid");
    invalidateInput( (UIXInput)uiComponent,"TestField2","Test Field 2 is invalid!");
    // If input not equals "invalidate" set value of the
    // the testField1Comp on "Component is valid"
    testField1Comp.setValue("Component is valid");
    //Dynamic adding of the partial targets , solves the problem
    // with losing of partial triggers
    public void setTestField1Comp(CoreOutputText testField1Comp) {
    this.testField1Comp = testField1Comp;
    public CoreOutputText getTestField1Comp() {
    return testField1Comp;
    public void setTestField2Comp(CoreInputText testField2Comp) {
    this.testField2Comp = testField2Comp;
    public CoreInputText getTestField2Comp() {
    return testField2Comp;
    public static void invalidateInput(UIComponent uiComp,String compName, String message) {
    showErrorMessage(uiComp , message);
    if (uiComp instanceof UIXInput){
    ((UIXInput) uiComp).setValid(false);
    public static void showErrorMessage(UIComponent component, String message) {
    showMessage(component, message, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR);
    private static void showMessage(UIComponent component, String message, Severity severity) {
    String compId = component.getId();
    FacesContext ctx = JSFUtils.getFacesContext();
    FacesMessage facesMessage = new FacesMessage(
    severity, component.getId() , message);
    ctx.addMessage(compId,facesMessage );

  • Key-nextrec not firing in forms 10g

    I have a code in the above trigger, but it is not firing, I have it in the block property and no other place in the form
    message('In key next rec----'); message(' ');
    IF :SYSTEM.Last_Record = 'TRUE' Then
    End If;

    when-new-record-instance runs when you navigate to the next record.
    Key-Nxtrec (Nxtrec is the correct spelling) only runs when you press the key assigned to call that trigger. In my environment, it is the Shift+ Down-Arrow key, but it could be just Down-Arrow -- it all depends on what key sequence is assigned to Forms Function Number 67 in your Forms Resource file, FMRWEB.res (or fmrusw.res).
    So if the trigger runs when you press the correct keyboard key, and you issue the message but do not call the Next_Record; built-in, focus will not navigate to the next record in your running form.

  • Output--- automatic mail is not firing to sold to party.

    Dear Gurus,
        My client requirement is to sent mail to sold party when saving a sales order.
      For this I creted a new output type with following assignments
    In General data tab:acess sequence assigned and Access to conditions is checked
    In Default values tab: Dispatch time(send immadiately), transmission medium(External send), partner function(Sp
    ),Communication strategy(CS01) assigned.
    In Time tab: no information given
    In Storage system tab :Storage mode(print and archive),Document type(SDOORDER) info given.
    In Print tab: print parameters(sales org) assigned.
    In mail tab: nothing assigned.
    In sort order tab:nothing assigned
    In mail title and texts: En and DE languages are assigned.
    in processing routines: program and form routine is assgned.
    in partner functions: External send+ SP is maintained.
    and in condtion record maintained in VV11 tcode with details
    Partner function and in communication assigned printer and  selected check box print immadiately and release after out.
    But automatic mail is not firing when saving the sales order, but in change sales order in menu bar selected sales document and issue output to and selected print then mail is firing to the sold to party, pls tell me where i had done the mistake.
    Edited by: kishore gopala on Sep 13, 2008 1:42 PM

    Check whether you have maintained the email address in the customer master of Sold to party in the General Data>Address Tab> Under Communication Area??
    In the SCOT Transaction, check under SMTP (SMTP Mail Server)-->under INT (Internet) --> an  '*' asterisk has been maintained or not.
    Check the status of the email output in the Sales Order, is it showing with a green traffic light???
    If it is showing with a green traffic light you can manually see the status of the mail mesages in Transaction SOST.(by executing, by putting the Sender Id)
    If they have not gone you will be able to see them queued up there.
    Select the individual messages and press execute button. By doing this email outputs will be released.
    Hope this helps you.
    Caution: One word of caution is that SCOT is a very critical transaction. And if you are working on a live server, do not play with it as it controls the entire SAPconnect Administration Nodes.
    Hope this helps.


    We are upgrading to R12, when-new-item-instance trigger written for radio group not firing. using USO-821 Order Administrator Responsibility the function order capture.After clicking on actions push button
    opening Copy Quote for this Form Personalization written.
    For Radio Group Copy-Group when-new-item-instance trigger written but this trigger not firing,but In 11i Instance its Firing.
    trigger-event: when-new-item-instance
    condition:when copy_group='ALL'
    Action: showing message.
    The same when-new-instance trigger written in form item level and trigger execution hierarchy properties 'OVERRIDE'.
    Just I am thinking this overriding by Item level trigger of form.
    Please kindly help me quickly .What I need to do?
    How can I make trigger to Fire?
    Please kindly give solution.....Its very urgent Requirement.pls help me.

    Please kindly help me quickly .What I need to do?
    > Please kindly give solution.....Its very urgent Requirement.pls help me.
    Kindly log a SR for urgent issues.


    We are upgrading to R12, when-new-item-instance trigger written for radio group not firing. using USO-821 Order Administrator Responsibility the function order capture.After clicking on actions push button
    opening Copy Quote for this Form Personalization written.
    For Radio Group Copy-Group when-new-item-instance trigger written but this trigger not firing,but In 11i Instance its Firing.
    trigger-event: when-new-item-instance
    condition:when copy_group='ALL'
    Action: showing message.
    The same when-new-instance trigger written in form item level and trigger execution hierarchy properties 'OVERRIDE'.
    Just I am thinking this overriding by Item level trigger of form.
    Please kindly help me quickly .What I need to do?
    How can I make trigger to Fire?
    Please kindly give solution.....Its very urgent Requirement.pls help me.

    Please kindly help me quickly .What I need to do?
    > Please kindly give solution.....Its very urgent Requirement.pls help me.
    Kindly log a SR for urgent issues.

  • Breakpoints not firing

    Hello Dev's,
    I am having a problem in only one project and I have even tried to recreate the project with no success but previous projects created years prier (made with previous versions of FB) are not experiencing this.
    I am trying to place breakpoints on functions in deep rooted classes (a class that is loaded by a class by a class, its a smaller component from a greater project) which I know is firing as I see the results on the screen.
    However the break point does not fire and remains a blue circle, indicating it won't fire. If I remove and re add the break point while the app is running, it will become checked but once I run the debugger the break point turns back into a blue dot.
    If I put a break point in one of the first lines of the application class, like in it's constructor, it will trigger and then my deeper break points will fire. But if I don't make this out of the way break point (in the main class) the following break points are not firing.
    Flex Builder 4.5
    SDK 4.5.1
    Debugger (in FireFox)

    I haven’t seen that before, but in theory would be possible if several SWFs are being loaded and you get a class collision and the breakpoint in the app changes the timing of the loaded SWFs.

  • OnRowUpdating Event not firing in my DataGrid in custom web part in my production SharePoint 2013 Foundation instance

    I have a custom visual web part that I've developed for SharePoint 2013 Foundation.  I am using Visual Studio 2013 to develop this web part. 
    In my visual web part I have GridView that I use to update data in a SQL 2008 R@ Server Database.  In dev and test the OnRowUpdatingEvent fires properly, but in production it does not.  I have the same version of SharePoint running on dev/test/prod. 
    The main difference between the three environments is the hardware.  Production has a much beefier sever than dev and test.  Dev and test are also virtual machines where production is.
    At first I thought my problem was cache related, and I made adjustments per this article:
    That didn't help because the event is still not firing.  I took my test application and pointed it to the production database, and that event still fires in test but not in production. So I believe that eliminates database permission errors since I'm
    using the same credentials in both instances.
    My guess is that I need to change some settings in the production environment, but I'm not sure at this point what that might be.
    Any suggestions on what settings to look at?
    Brian Hochgurtel
    My blog

    Try this solution :

  • KEY-COMMIT not firing

    I am working on an Oracle 10g database and am using Oracle Forms Developer 10g to create forms. I have created a new 2 field table in my database:
    CREATE TABLE career_cluster
    (career_cluster_code VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL
    ,CONSTRAINT career_cluster_pk
    PRIMARY KEY (career_cluster_code)
    ,career_cluster_desc VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL
    TABLESPACE galaxy;
    I have also created a form so that users can enter data into this table. I have a career_cluster data block in my form with two items: career_cluster_code (set with a maximum length of 3 in my property palette) and career_cluster_desc (set with a maximum length of 30 in my property palette). Both items are also set in the property palettes to a char data type. In my SQL code (in the form) I always have these two items set as varchar2 with (3) and (30), respectively.
    The form opens fine when I run it, however when I click on my SAVE button my KEY-COMMIT trigger is not fired -- it jumps directly to my ON-ERROR trigger and I get an Oracle ORA-06502 error message. I don't see any inconsistencies in my data types or lengths. Below is my KEY-COMMIT code:
    DECLARE hold_item varchar2(30) := :system.cursor_item;
    hold_record varchar2(10) := :system.cursor_record;
    mess_name varchar2(80);
    mess_text varchar2(80);
         if (error_code = 40202) then
              goto end_of_trigger;
         end if;
    if :system.block_status = 'CHANGED' then null;
    if FORM_SUCCESS then null;
    mess_name := 'Transaction Complete';
    mess_text := 'Career Cluster(s) committed to the database';
    end if;
    else null;
    mess_name := 'No changes to commit';
    mess_text := 'No changes have been made to the Career Cluster Code Table';
    end if;
    I put in a DISP_ALERT message right after the BEGIN statement but it never displayed so I don't think this trigger is firing. I also put a similar DISP_ALERT message in my ON-ERROR trigger and that does display, so I know it is going right to my ON-ERROR trigger. Does anyone have any ideas what might be triggering the ON-ERROR?

    ORA-06502 is a numeric or value error string which is raised when an arithmetic, numeric, string, conversion, or constraint error occurrs. For example, this error occurs if an attempt is made to assign the value NULL to a variable declared NOT NULL, or if an attempt is made to assign an integer larger than 99 to a variable declared NUMBER(2).
    I would suggest you to look at the columns definitions in the table and the form fields/variables data types and lengths and make sure they are same as the backend table columns.
    Also, you don't need to put NULL; after each IF ELSE conditions if you have any other statements.
    I would also suggest that you handle any errors in either exception handler of the block or in the ON-ERROR triggers.
    Try this:
        hold_item varchar2(30) := :system.cursor_item;
        hold_record varchar2(10) := :system.cursor_record;
        mess_name varchar2(80);
        mess_text varchar2(80);
        IF :system.block_status = 'CHANGED' THEN
                mess_name := 'Transaction Complete';
                mess_text := 'Career Cluster(s) committed to the database';
            END IF;
            mess_name := 'No changes to commit';
            mess_text := 'No changes have been made to the Career Cluster Code Table';
        END IF;

  • Sharepoint 2013 document library incoming email without attachment not firing event and not getting email

    sharepoint document library incoming email without attachment not firing event and not getting email
    If email contains attachment it works. Is there any setting in document library that will allow emails and eventhandler to fire with out attachment?
    MCTS Sharepoint 2010, MCAD dotnet, MCPDEA, SharePoint Lead

    What is the purpose of email sent to document library if no attachment. What document library will do what that email if it cant find attachment to save and create a spdoc object. If you want to store email/communication body then opt for site mailbox
    Please 'propose as answer' if it helped you, also 'vote helpful' if you like this reply.

  • On New Instance computation not firing if user fails authorisation

    Hi there,
    In my Apex 4 application I have:
    - An application-level field
    - An On New Instance computation that computes the above field (no conditions or authorisations set on it)
    - A public page
    - A secure page to which the user I use to log in doesn't have access
    If, after logging in, I go straight to the public page and then to the secure page, I get the error "user not authorised" but the application item is computed.
    However, if I go straight to the secure page after logging in the application I get the error message but item is not computed! (I know that because I am displaying the item in the error page template using the format &F_FIELD.)
    I thought On-New-Instance-Anything should always be executed.. but that does not seem to be the case... Or am I missing something?
    How to fix this? I need the on new instance computation to always execute even if the user fails authorisation.

    - If I understand you correctly, you are suggesting to move the application computation into the login page, as a page computation?An assignment statement in a PL/SQL process that runs after the login process could work, but it would be safer to use an application-level computation that fires only after APP_USER is definitely set to the authenticated username. The condition would be something like "if :MY_USER_ID_ITEM is null and :APP_USER not in ('nobody', 'HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER','APEX_PUBLIC_USER','ANONYMOUS')...". Then your application will work if you decide not to have a login page someday, e.g., if you switch to SSO.
    If the computation point is "after submit", why do I need to worry about "per session"? It will be fired only when the user enter/re-enter the system, right?Yes.
    My logout URL was constructed by page wizard. I don't see any session id there. Should I look anywhere specific?If you still have problems with an on-new instance event not firing after a logout URL results in a new session being created let me know. It may be moot for this case.

  • SP Not firing

    I am new to SP.I written a code which is executed at back end succesfully but its not firing at front end.
    I used this SP to restrict the user to change the unit price(Comes automatically from item master) for a particular item group in PO.its not showing the error message when i change the unit proce of PO.Can anyone suggest me on how to proceed?
    @object_type nvarchar(25), -- SBO Object Type
    @transaction_type nchar(1), -- [A]dd, pdate, [D]elete, [C]ancel, C[L]ose
    @num_of_cols_in_key int,
    @list_of_key_cols_tab_del nvarchar(255),
    @list_of_cols_val_tab_del nvarchar(255)
    -- Return values
    declare @error int -- Result (0 for no error)
    declare @error_message nvarchar (200) -- Error string to be displayed
    select @error = 0
    select @error_message = N'Ok'
    IF(@object_type='22') and (@transaction_type IN ('A','U'))
    IF Exists(select T0.Price from POR1 T0 INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T0.ItemCode = T1.ItemCode INNER JOIN ITM1 T2 ON T1.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode where T0.ItemCode = T1.ItemCode AND T1.ItmsGrpCod = '126' AND T0.Price <> T2.Price AND T0.DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del)
    SET @error = 30
    SET @error_message =N'You are not authorized to change the price'

    Hi Kamdasan,
    Try this.
    USE [Cmp_Test]
    /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[SBO_SP_TransactionNotification]    Script Date: 06/23/2011 10:58:51 ******/
    ALTER proc [dbo].[SBO_SP_TransactionNotification]
    @object_type nvarchar(20),                     -- SBO Object Type
    @transaction_type nchar(1),               -- [A]dd, <u>pdate, [D]elete, [C]ancel, C[L]ose
    @num_of_cols_in_key int,
    @list_of_key_cols_tab_del nvarchar(255),
    @list_of_cols_val_tab_del nvarchar(255)
    -- Return values
    declare @error  int                    -- Result (0 for no error)
    declare @error_message nvarchar (200)           -- Error string to be displayed
    select @error = 0
    select @error_message = N'Ok'
    --     ADD     YOUR     CODE     HERE
    IF (@object_type = '22') and (@transaction_type IN ('A', 'U'))
    IF exists (SELECT T1.[Dscription], T4.[ItmsGrpNam], T4.[ItmsGrpCod], T3.[PriceList], T1.[Price]
    FROM OPOR T0  INNER JOIN POR1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry
    INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T1.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode
    INNER JOIN ITM1 T3 ON T2.ItemCode = T3.ItemCode
    INNER JOIN OITB T4 ON T2.ItmsGrpCod = T4.ItmsGrpCod
    INNER JOIN OPLN T5 ON T3.PriceList = T5.ListNum
    WHERE T4.[ItmsGrpCod] = '130'
    and  T3.[PriceList] = 40 
    and T3.[Price] <>  T1.[Price])
    Select @error = -1,
    @error_message ='You are not authorized to change Unit Price For This Item Group'
    -- Select the return values
    select @error, @error_message

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