JSF + Tomahawk component NullPointerException

Hi All,
I made a sun JSF portlet by using the tomahawk 1.1.3 file upload component. The bean "UploadedFile myFile" is not getting set in the "MyBean.java" file. I get a java.lang.NullPointerException when I am trying to myFile.getName() or myFile.getInputStream().
The inputFileUpload method should set the myFile Bean but it seems like its not getting set
2 <t:inputFileUpload id="myFileId"
3            value="#{myBean.myFile}"
4 storage="file"
5 required="true"/>
6 <h:message for="myFileId"/>
I am attaching the whole code below
Can somebody please help me. I have tried various versions of tomahawk and still not able to figure out the problem.
I am using JSF 1.1.0 and tomahawk 1.1.3
Please let me know if you need some more information from me
  2======== index.jsp ==============
  4<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
  5<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
  6<%@ taglib uri="http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk" prefix="t" %>
10<h:form id="MyForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
12    <h:messages globalOnly="true" styleClass="message"/>
14    <h:panelGrid columns="3" border="0" cellspacing="5">
16        <h:outputLabel for="myFileId" value="File: "/>
17        <t:inputFileUpload id="myFileId"
18            value="#{myBean.myFile}"
19            storage="file"
20            required="true"/>
21        <h:message for="myFileId"/>
23        <h:outputLabel for="myParamId" value="Param: "/>
24        <h:selectOneMenu id="myParamId"
25                value="#{myBean.myParam}"
26                required="true">
27            <f:selectItem itemLabel="" itemValue=""/>
28            <f:selectItem itemLabel="MD5" itemValue="MD5"/>
29            <f:selectItem itemLabel="SHA-1" itemValue="SHA-1"/>
30            <f:selectItem itemLabel="SHA-256" itemValue="SHA-256"/>
31            <f:selectItem itemLabel="SHA-384" itemValue="SHA-384"/>
32            <f:selectItem itemLabel="SHA-512" itemValue="SHA-512"/>
33        </h:selectOneMenu>
34        <h:message for="myParamId"/>
36        <h:outputText value=" "/>
37        <h:commandButton value="Submit"
38            action="#{myBean.processMyFile}"/>
39        <h:outputText value=" "/>
41    </h:panelGrid>
48==========  MyBean.java ==============
50<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
51<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
52<%@ taglib uri="http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk" prefix="t" %>
56<h:form id="MyForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
58    <h:messages globalOnly="true" styleClass="message"/>
60    <h:panelGrid columns="3" border="0" cellspacing="5">
62        <h:outputLabel for="myFileId" value="File: "/>
63        <t:inputFileUpload id="myFileId"
64            value="#{myBean.myFile}"
65            storage="file"
66            required="true"/>
67        <h:message for="myFileId"/>
69        <h:outputLabel for="myParamId" value="Param: "/>
70        <h:selectOneMenu id="myParamId"
71                value="#{myBean.myParam}"
72                required="true">
73            <f:selectItem itemLabel="" itemValue=""/>
74            <f:selectItem itemLabel="MD5" itemValue="MD5"/>
75            <f:selectItem itemLabel="SHA-1" itemValue="SHA-1"/>
76            <f:selectItem itemLabel="SHA-256" itemValue="SHA-256"/>
77            <f:selectItem itemLabel="SHA-384" itemValue="SHA-384"/>
78            <f:selectItem itemLabel="SHA-512" itemValue="SHA-512"/>
79        </h:selectOneMenu>
80        <h:message for="myParamId"/>
82        <h:outputText value=" "/>
83        <h:commandButton value="Submit"
84            action="#{myBean.processMyFile}"/>
85        <h:outputText value=" "/>
87    </h:panelGrid>
94=========== faces-config.xml ==========
96<?xml version="1.0"?>
97<!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.1//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-facesconfig_1_1.dtd">
99<faces-config xmlns="http://java.sun.com/JSF/Configuration">
100    <managed-bean>
101        <managed-bean-name>user</managed-bean-name>
102        <managed-bean-class>com.sample.jsfsun.bean.UserBean</managed-bean-class>
103        <managed-bean-scope>session</managed-bean-scope>
104    </managed-bean>
105    <managed-bean>
106        <managed-bean-name>myBean</managed-bean-name>
107        <managed-bean-class>com.sample.jsfsun.bean.MyBean</managed-bean-class>
108        <managed-bean-scope>request</managed-bean-scope>
109    </managed-bean>
110    <navigation-rule>
111        <from-view-id>/index.jsp</from-view-id>
112        <navigation-case>
113            <from-outcome>submit</from-outcome>
114            <to-view-id>/welcome.jsp</to-view-id>
115        </navigation-case>
116    </navigation-rule>
117    <navigation-rule>
118        <from-view-id>/welcome.jsp</from-view-id>
119        <navigation-case>
120            <from-outcome>back</from-outcome>
121            <to-view-id>/index.jsp</to-view-id>
122        </navigation-case>
123    </navigation-rule>
126============= web.xml =============
129<?xml version="1.0"?>
130<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd">
133    <display-name>friend_info_portlet</display-name>
134    <context-param>
135        <param-name>company_id</param-name>
136        <param-value>liferay.com</param-value>
137    </context-param>
138    <context-param>
139        <param-name>javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD</param-name>
140        <param-value>client</param-value>
141    </context-param>
142    <context-param>
143        <param-name>javax.faces.application.CONFIG_FILES</param-name>
144        <param-value>/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml</param-value>
145    </context-param>
146    <context-param>
147        <param-name>com.sun.faces.validateXml</param-name>
148        <param-value>false</param-value>
149    </context-param>
150    <filter>
151        <filter-name>ExtensionsFilter</filter-name>
152        <filter-class>org.apache.myfaces.component.html.util.ExtensionsFilter</filter-class>
153        <init-param>
154            <param-name>uploadMaxFileSize</param-name>
155            <param-value>10m</param-value>
156        </init-param>
157        <init-param>
158            <param-name>uploadThresholdSize</param-name>
159            <param-value>100k</param-value>
160        </init-param>
161    </filter>
162    <filter-mapping>
163        <filter-name>ExtensionsFilter</filter-name>
164        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
165    </filter-mapping>
166    <filter-mapping>
167        <filter-name>ExtensionsFilter</filter-name>
168        <url-pattern>/faces/myFacesExtensionResource/*</url-pattern>
169    </filter-mapping>
170    <filter-mapping>
171        <filter-name>ExtensionsFilter</filter-name>
172        <url-pattern>*.jsf</url-pattern>
173    </filter-mapping>
174    <listener>
175        <listener-class>com.liferay.portal.kernel.servlet.PortletContextListener</listener-class>
176    </listener>
177    <listener>
178        <listener-class>com.liferay.util.jsf.sun.faces.config.LiferayConfigureListener</listener-class>
179    </listener>
180    <servlet>
181        <servlet-name>friend_info_portlet</servlet-name>
182        <servlet-class>com.liferay.portal.kernel.servlet.PortletServlet</servlet-class>
183        <init-param>
184            <param-name>portlet-class</param-name>
185            <param-value>com.sun.faces.portlet.FacesPortlet</param-value>
186        </init-param>
187        <load-on-startup>0</load-on-startup>
188    </servlet>
189    <servlet>
190        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
191        <servlet-class>javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet</servlet-class>
192        <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
193    </servlet>
194    <servlet-mapping>
195        <servlet-name>friend_info_portlet</servlet-name>
196        <url-pattern>/friend_info_portlet/*</url-pattern>
197    </servlet-mapping>
198    <servlet-mapping>
199        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
200        <url-pattern>/faces/*</url-pattern>
201    </servlet-mapping>
202    <servlet-mapping>
203        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
204        <url-pattern>*.faces</url-pattern>
205    </servlet-mapping>
206    <welcome-file-list>
207        <welcome-file>index.jsp</welcome-file>
208    </welcome-file-list>
209    <taglib>
210        <taglib-uri>http://java.sun.com/portlet</taglib-uri>
211        <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/tld/liferay-portlet.tld</taglib-location>
212    </taglib>

jabalsad wrote:
contents of /WEB-INF/lib
You cannot mix differnet JSF implementations. Use the one or the other.
As you stated that you're "using" Mojarra, get rid of those myfaces jars.

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    The Scales and Tomahawk libraries provides a tabbed panel.
    But basically tabs are nothing less or more than a bunch of block elements layered over each other with the same amount of buttons or links at the top. If a tab click doesn't require a trip to the server, then you can just load all tab blocks at once and use Javascript+DOM to switch between tab blocks, e.g. one block should be displayed using element.style.display='block' and all other blocks should be hidden using element.style.display='none'. If a tab click require a trip to the server (to preinitialize stuff or so), then you can use the 'rendered' property of the tab block element (which can be <h:panelGroup style="display:block;" rendered="#{myBean.showTab == 1}" /> or so).
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    abulseed wrote:
    I need to find a JSF Menu component that i can use in my app.You would be better off creating your menus using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). JSF menuing often involves JavaScript of some sort which won't work if the user has JavaScript turned off. CSS menuing guarantees that your menu always work (even with Javascript turned off) and it's better by design, not to mention less annoying to users.
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    Thanks for the answer.
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    // for all the other months????
    function ui_Calendar_setCurrentValue() {
        var curDate = this.field.value;
        var matches = true;
    but cant see Feb month there...
    It the problem with the code in teh JS file that they are using to generate the component...
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    <t:panelTab id="tab22" label="Tab2" >
    <h:commandbutton action="" />

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         for (int i = 0 ; i< list.size() ; i++)
              String abc = "name"+ i;
    <d:pane_tab id="<%= abc %>" >
    <f:facet name="label">
    <d:pane_tablabel label="test" commandName="third"/>
    <jsp:include page="addMaintenence.jsp"/>
    It gives duplicate id error. Now I am not sure if my approach is right or not. Also if it not correct what should I try ??
    Any pointers would be helpful.
    Thanks in advance.

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    I am able to follow the article in this link:
    I can get the table generated, but it occurred to me that the example in this article does not include logic to close the statement, resultset, and connection. Sure enough, I jumped out to the database and there were numerous inactive connections hanging around from my application.
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    finally {
    try {
    catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("after close");
    So I need to know the proper procedure to closing the resultset, statement, and connection using a jsf datatable component.

    You need to make sure you're using the Oracle9i JDBC driver, or using the Oracle JDBC driver as I mentioned above.
    If you are using JDeveloper9i release 9.0.2 or 9.0.3, the driver you need is in <jdevhome>\jdbc\lib
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    3. There is a default constructor (no args) for the component class, which also sets the renderer type
    4. TLD with tag is correct
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    Any ideas would be appreciated.
    Shawn Bertrand
    Tyco Electronics

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    You normally use the HTML 'title' attribute for this. Almost every JSF HTML component also supports it.

  • Tomahawk DataScroller - NullPointerException with navigation panel

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to implement navigation on a dataTable with DataScroller. Except from the dataTable content the jsp is a copy / paste from the tomahawk cars example.
    My jsp structure has 3 main elements
    - datatable
    - scroller one for datatable navigation (next, previous, ...)
    - scroller two for datatable statistics (pages counts)
    When page is loaded there is a fatal error (NullPointerException)
    If I delete the scroller one definition in my jsp there is no error, data table is correctly populated with 10 first rows and scroller two information is correct.
    I tried with a simple ArrayList or with a DataModel in my backing bean. In both cases the NullPointerException happens.
    I checked web.xml, faces-config, ... can't find a reason.
    Any idea someone please? See stacktrace here under and sample of my jsp
    Thank you very much for any help.
    // here is my jsp extract:
    <h:panelGroup id="body">
         <t:dataTAble id="data" ... >
         <h:panelGrid columns="1" ... >
              <t:dataScroller id="scroll_1" for="data" ... >
                   <f:facet name="first" >
                        <t:graphicImage url="images/arrow-first.gif" border="1" />
                   // (other facets same principle...)
              <t:dataScroller id="scroll_2" for="data" ... >
         <h:outputFormat ... >
                        <f:param value="#{rowsCount}" />
                        <f:param value="#{displayedRowsCountVar}" />
                        <f:param value="#{firstRowIndex}" />
                        <f:param value="#{lastRowIndex}" />
                        <f:param value="#{pageIndex}" />
                        <f:param value="#{pageCount}" />
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: null
    caused by (root error?):

    Hi all,
    I found out a solution (after many hours of cursing!): Better to enclose DataScroller inside a form.
    I don't understand why tomahawk example works fine without it (!!!)
    If someone has an explanation he is welcome
    And if someone explains me how to get more than 24 lines of stacktrace on windows 98 he is welcome too! (Unable to start tomcat from IDE because of wrong memory size), so have to start it from dos...
    Sincerely yours... tired sunjavero

  • JSF Iterator Component

    I was looking for a quick solution for a JSF iterator, because i dont want to use the h:dataTable i have to write my own component, and here is what i came up with.
    public class JSFUIDataIterator extends UIData{
        public void encodeChildren(FacesContext oContext) throws IOException {
          if (oContext == null){
            throw new NullPointerException();
          int iProcessed = 0;
          int iRowIndex = getFirst() - 1;
          int iRows = getRows();
          Iterator oKids = getChildren(this);
            if(iRows > 0 && ++iProcessed > iRows)
            if (!isRowAvailable())
            for(; oKids.hasNext();){
              UIComponent oKid = (UIComponent)oKids.next(); 
          } while(true);
        protected Iterator getChildren(UIComponent oComponent){
            List oResults = new ArrayList();
            for(Iterator oKids = oComponent.getChildren().iterator(); oKids.hasNext();){
              UIComponent oKid = (UIComponent)oKids.next();
            return oResults.iterator();
        private void encodeRecursive(FacesContext oContext,UIComponent oComponent) throws IOException{
           if (!oComponent.isRendered()){
           if (oComponent.getRendersChildren()){
             Iterator oChildren = getChildren(oComponent);
               UIComponent oChildComponent = (UIComponent)oChildren.next();
    }not want to be bothered by creating a renderer this component will render itself, but there is a problem, even though its iterating all the data elements its displaying the first data item. i missed something minor that i cant figure out. can anyone help?

    I haven't got a reply so i went to look at my code again, and i managed to identify the problem.
    I hope this code will help all those who want to use the iterator tag in JSF.
    this simple custom component will give you more control over your data elements
    here is the code for the custom component.
      public class DataIterator extends UIData{
        public void encodeChildren(FacesContext oContext) throws IOException {
          if (oContext == null){
            throw new NullPointerException();
          int iProcessed = 0;
          int iRowIndex = getFirst() - 1;
          int iRows = getRows();
            if(iRows > 0 && ++iProcessed > iRows)
            if (!isRowAvailable())
            Iterator oKids = getChildren(this);
            for(; oKids.hasNext();){
              UIComponent oKid = (UIComponent)oKids.next(); 
          } while(true);
        protected Iterator getChildren(UIComponent oComponent){
            List oResults = new ArrayList();
            for(Iterator oKids = oComponent.getChildren().iterator(); oKids.hasNext();){
              UIComponent oKid = (UIComponent)oKids.next();
            return oResults.iterator();
        private void encodeRecursive(FacesContext oContext,UIComponent oComponent) throws IOException{
           if (!oComponent.isRendered()){
           if (oComponent.getRendersChildren()){
             Iterator oChildren = getChildren(oComponent);
               UIComponent oChildComponent = (UIComponent)oChildren.next();
      }you only need these three methods in your component, i have stripped out logging and comments to keep the size of this post smaller, the rest is pretty straight forward.
    you need a CustomTag class for the component and it should at least take two attributes : items and var.
    your tag library should look something like this:
        </attribute>in the jsp page here is my sample file:
    <%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/data-iterator.tld" prefix="tbc" %>
         <tbc:forEach items="#{myCollection.musicTitles}" var="oRow">
            <tr style="background-color:#EEEEEE;">
          <html:outputText value="#{oRow}"/>

  • JSF Tomahawk Dynamic Menu jsCookMenu Param Passing Question .. Help Please!

    Hello everyone,
    Thank you again for your help. Let me explain what my issue is.
    I am currently developing a JSF 1.2 application using WDSC 7 (RAD 7). I am trying to
    develop a shopping cart application. The part I am stuck on is the menu.
    I need to draw a menu with drop downs with multiple levels. The first level is the category
    and the second level is the item name. The menu must be dynamically built from a Database table.
    After searching high and low I came across jsCookMenu component which requires Tomahawk to be installed.
    I installed this ontop of my IBM JSF implementation and it seems to be working fine.
    I currently have a MenuBean which calls a database and populates a NavigationMenuItems array and passes
    that to the jsCookMenu component which then renders that to the client.
    This works fine.
    Here is my question. When the user selects the first level of the menu, I want to call a page called
    GetCategory.jsp?catID=num num being the category id selected. When they select the second level of the
    menu, I want it to then call GetItem.jsp?itemID=num. I know I can use the action attribute of the menu
    item or a direct URL (which pops it up in a new window).
    Basically, I need to pass a parameter to an action (again I am somewhat new to JSF) or I need
    to call the page directly passing the request parameter.
    Am I going about this the wrong way, and if so, what way should I be going?
    Secondly, is there a better, cleaner implementation or component I can use instead.
    I'm using Tomahawk just for the one component.. That's it.
    Any help anyone can provide I would greatly appreciate it.
    Thanks so much!

    That is correct.
    I have the menu populating dynamically built from a JavaBean.
    It works beautifully.
    Level 1 is the Category - the action is DisplayCategory
    Level 2 is the Item - the action is DisplayItem
    Level 3 is the Style - the action is DisplayStyle
    My problem is, on each page, DisplayCategory/DisplayItem/etc how do I know which menu item was clicked?
    Anyone have any idea?

  • JSF custom component: value not binding to component

    I have a custom UIInput component which is not able to bind to the value of the component from a backing bean. Here is the JSF code snippet:
    <tw:validateInputText id="locationIdStopInput" table="location" column="location" styleClass="wideSingleInput" value="#{currentStop.customer.customer}" rendered="#{loadTypeView.renderWarehouse or (currentStop.stopNumber gt 1 and loadTypeView.renderOutbound) or (currentStop.stopNumber eq 1 and loadTypeView.renderInbound)}"/>
    tw is the custom tag and validateInputText is the custom UiInput component.
    On posting the form the decode method is not able to get the value from the requestParameter map. Following is the decode() I wrote:
    public void decode(FacesContext context,
    UIComponent component) {
    // assertValidInput(context, component);
    if (context == null || component == null) {
    throw new NullPointerException();
    ValidateInputTextComponent map = (ValidateInputTextComponent) component;
    String key = map.getId();
    if (component instanceof UIInput) {
    UIInput input = (UIInput) component;
    String clientId = input
    Map requestMap = context
    String newValue = (String) requestMap
    if (null != newValue) {
    Also providing the setProperties() from the custom tag class:
    protected void setProperties(UIComponent component){
    if (getValue()!=null){
    if (isValueReference(getValue())){
    ValueBinding vbTarget = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().
    component.setValueBinding(VB_VALUE, vbTarget);
    } else{
    ((UIInput) component).setValue(value);
    // component.getAttributes().put("value",getValue());
    if (getCompValue()!=null){
    if (isValueReference(getCompValue())){
    ValueBinding vbCompTarget = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().
    component.setValueBinding(VB_COMPONENT_VALUE, vbCompTarget);
    } else{
    // ((UIInput) component).setValue(compValue);
    if (getTable() != null && isValueReference(getTable())){
    ValueBinding vbTable = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().
    component.setValueBinding(VB_TABLE, vbTable);
    } else{
    component.getAttributes().put(VB_TABLE, getTable());
    if (getColumn() != null && isValueReference(getColumn())){
    ValueBinding vbColumn = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().
    component.setValueBinding(VB_COLUMN, vbColumn);
    } else{
    if (getStyleClass() != null && isValueReference(getStyleClass())){
    ValueBinding vbClass = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().
    component.setValueBinding(VB_STYLE_CLASS, vbClass);
    } else{
    component.getAttributes().put(VB_STYLE_CLASS, getStyleClass());
    if(getRendered() != null && isValueReference(getRendered())){
    ValueBinding vbRendered = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().
    component.setValueBinding(VB_RENDERED, vbRendered);
    } else{
    Boolean a = new Boolean(getRendered());
    component.getAttributes().put(VB_RENDERED, new Boolean(getRendered()));
    Please let me know If I am missing something here to retrieve the value from the component.

    See this tutorial:

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