JSP Calendar Wizard/PopUp Window

I am looking for a Calendar Wizard that I can include into my JSP,
with the ability to scroll between months, and have the user select a specific date that can be returned to the calling JSP.
I do not want to use an Applet, it must be pure JSP/Java code.
Can you please make some suggestions.
Thank you.

Thank you, I used your solution/code.
I required a pop/up calendar for a multi-language application, and the days and month names had to be langauge specific based on the locale.
Herewith is my solution:
1). Code from the calling JSP
function openPopupCalendar(urlToOpen)
     var window_width = screen.availWidth*1/3;
     var window_height = screen.availHeight/2.8;
     var window_left = (screen.availWidth/2)-(window_width/2);
     var window_top = (screen.availHeight/2)-(window_height/2);
     var winParms = "resizable=yes" + ",height="+window_height+
                    ",width="+window_width + ",left="+window_left+
<input type="text" id="calendarPopUp" name="valueFrom" size="25" onDblClick="openPopupCalendar('../Cal/Cal.jsp?formName=form1&where=valueFrom')">
2). The Calendar/Pop-up JSP
File: Cal.jsp
Description: pop up Calendar
<!-- Standard Jsp stuff -->
<% response.setHeader("Cache-control","no-cache"); %>
<%@ page
<%@ taglib uri="/RubicoTaglib1" prefix="r" %>
<r:resource resource="Calendar" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../StyleSheets/RGStyle.css">
function gotoPage(){
var year = document.selectdate.year.value;
var month = document.selectdate.month.options[document.selectdate.month.selectedIndex].value;
if ((month=="")||(month==null)) {
alert("Please enter a month and year.");
return false;
if ((year=="")||(year==null)) {
alert("Please enter a month and year.");
return false;
document.location = 'Cal.jsp?year='+year+'&month='+month+'&formName=<%= request.getParameter("formName")%>&where=<%= request.getParameter("where")%>';
<FORM NAME="selectdate">
<!--<h3>Please select a date.</h3>-->
Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
Date trialTime = new Date();
Calendar calendar2 = new GregorianCalendar();
calendar2.set(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR), calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH), 1);
int today = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
int currentYear = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
String Month = "";
String ymd = "";
String formatDate = "";
int daynum= 1;
int column = 1;
int row = 1;
int year = 0;
int month = 0;
int monthPlus = 0;
Locale theLocale = (Locale)session.getAttribute("localeObj");
DateFormat sdf = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM,theLocale);
java.util.Date pass_in_to_date = null;
SimpleDateFormat sdf2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
String y = request.getParameter("year");
if (y==null) {
year = calendar2.get(Calendar.YEAR);
year = Integer.parseInt(y);
String m = request.getParameter("month");
     if (m==null) {
     month = calendar2.get(Calendar.MONTH);
     month = Integer.parseInt(m);
int firstDay = calendar2.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
monthPlus = month;
monthPlus = ++monthPlus;
switch (month) {
     case Calendar.JANUARY: Month = "JANUARY";break;
     case Calendar.FEBRUARY: Month = "FEBRUARY";break;
     case Calendar.MARCH: Month = "MARCH";break;
     case Calendar.APRIL: Month = "APRIL";break;
     case Calendar.MAY: Month = "MAY";break;
     case Calendar.JUNE: Month = "JUNE";break;
     case Calendar.JULY: Month = "JULY";break;
     case Calendar.AUGUST: Month = "AUGUST";break;
     case Calendar.SEPTEMBER: Month = "SEPTEMBER";break;
     case Calendar.OCTOBER: Month = "OCTOBER";break;
     case Calendar.NOVEMBER: Month = "NOVEMBER";break;
     case Calendar.DECEMBER: Month = "DECEMBER";break;
<TABLE border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" WIDTH="200" ALIGN="CENTER" >
<SELECT NAME="month" SIZE="1" ONCHANGE="gotoPage();return false;">
<OPTION VALUE="0" <% if (month==0){%>SELECTED<% } %>><r:l>JAN</r:l></OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="1" <% if (month==1){%>SELECTED<% } %>><r:l>FEB</r:l></OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="2" <% if (month==2){%>SELECTED<% } %>><r:l>MAR</r:l></OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="3" <% if (month==3){%>SELECTED<% } %>><r:l>APR</r:l></OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="4" <% if (month==4){%>SELECTED<% } %>><r:l>MAY</r:l></OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="5" <% if (month==5){%>SELECTED<% } %>><r:l>JUN</r:l></OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="6" <% if (month==6){%>SELECTED<% } %>><r:l>JUL</r:l></OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="7" <% if (month==7){%>SELECTED<% } %>><r:l>AUG</r:l></OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="8" <% if (month==8){%>SELECTED<% } %>><r:l>SEP</r:l></OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="9" <% if (month==9){%>SELECTED<% } %>><r:l>OCT</r:l></OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="10" <% if (month==10){%>SELECTED<% } %>><r:l>NOV</r:l></OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="11" <% if (month==11){%>SELECTED<% } %>><r:l>DEC</r:l></OPTION></SELECT>
<input type="text" name="year" size="7" value="<%=year %>" ONCHANGE="gotoPage();return false;">
<TR valign="top" >
<TD valign="top" align="left" class="header" WIDTH="20%"><IMG SRC="../images/cal.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="20" HEIGHT="20"> </TD>
<TD valign="middle" colspan="2" ALIGN="CENTER" class="header" WIDTH="60%"><r:llabel><%= Month %></r:llabel> <%= year %></TD>
<TD valign="top" align="right" class="header" WIDTH="20%"><IMG SRC="../images/cal.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="20" HEIGHT="20"> </TD>
<TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" WIDTH="100%" >
<%= Month %> <%= year %></B></TD>
<TD ALIGN=center CLASS="header2"><r:l>SUN</r:l></TD>
<TD ALIGN=center CLASS="header2"><r:l>MON</r:l></TD>
<TD ALIGN=center CLASS="header2"><r:l>TUE</r:l></TD>
<TD ALIGN=center CLASS="header2"><r:l>WED</r:l></TD>
<TD ALIGN=center CLASS="header2"><r:l>THU</r:l></TD>
<TD ALIGN=center CLASS="header2"><r:l>FRI</r:l></TD>
<TD ALIGN=center CLASS="header2"><r:l>SAT</r:l></TD>
int maxdays = calendar2.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
String max = String.valueOf(maxdays);
while (daynum<=maxdays) {
if (row==1) {
     for (int j=1; j<firstDay; j++) {
while ((column<8)&&(daynum<=maxdays)) {
     ymd = (year + "-" + monthPlus + "-" + daynum);
     pass_in_to_date = sdf2.parse(ymd);
     formatDate = sdf.format(pass_in_to_date);
<TD ALIGN="CENTER" CLASS="FORMTABLE"><B><a href=" ONCLICK="sendDate('<%= formatDate %">'); return false;" <% if ((calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH))==(calendar2.get(Calendar.MONTH))&&(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR))==(calendar2.get(Calendar.YEAR))&&(calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))==daynum) { %>CLASS="RED"<% } %>><%= daynum %></A></B></td>
<input TYPE="hidden" ID="hidDate<%= daynum %>" NAME="hidDate<%= daynum %>" value="<%=formatDate %>">
if (column!=8) {
for (int j=column; j<8; j++) {
%></TR><% if (daynum<maxdays) { %><TR><% } %><%
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="LEFT" CLASS="FORMTABLE" ><IMG SRC="../images/cal.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="20" HEIGHT="20"> </TD>
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="RIGHT" CLASS="FORMTABLE" ><IMG SRC="../images/cal.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="20" HEIGHT="20"> </TD>
function sendDate(date){
opener.document.<%=request.getParameter("formName")%>['<%= request.getParameter("where")%>'].value = ""+date+"" ;

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    Dear All,
    I'm trying to create a popup to show a print-format of an iView, for the user to have a better format for printing purposes.
    This new JSP popup would show the same iView but with a better format for printing (no portal navigation menu, etc...)
    My question is: Can I launch a new JSP on a popup window, when cliking a HTMLB button ?
    Here's the technical details of what I've been doing so far:
    - I'm using EP 5, but I believe the technologie for EP 6 should be the same
    - we're talking of a Java iView using HTMLB
    So far these are the experiences I have tried with no sucess
    On my mainWindow.jsp I have this piece of code, but it doesn't work:
    ResourceBundle res = componentRequest.getResourceBundle();
    IResource rs = componentRequest.getResource(IResource.JSP, "printFormat.jsp");
    String JSP_URL = rs.getResourceInformation().getURL(componentRequest);
      text="Print Format"
    <script language="Javascript">
    function showPopup(){
    mywindow = window.open ("<%=JSP_URL %>","mywindow","location=0,status=1, menubar=1, scrollbars=1, scrollbars=1, menubar=1,
    resizable=1, width=600,height=400");
    Thank you very kindly for your help.

    Hi Kiran,
    sorry for the late reply.
    Thank you so much for your JAR file.
    Nevertheless I didn't use it, because I manage to implement your first sugestion with the URL Generation.
    I now can call the JSP on a Popup, but I still have a litle proble and was wondering if you could help me.
    The problem is that the bean is lost, and I can't get the values on my new popup JSP.
    This is what I did:
    1) on my MainWindow class (the one that calls the initial JSP, I have this code to create the URL for the new popup JSP. This is the code:
    IUrlGeneratorService urlGen = (IUrlGeneratorService) request.getService(IUrlGeneratorService.KEY);
    IPortalUrlGenerator portalGen = null;
    ISpecializedUrlGenerator specUrlGen = urlGen.getSpecializedUrlGenerator(IPortalUrlGenerator.KEY);
    if (specUrlGen instanceof IPortalUrlGenerator) {
         portalGen = (IPortalUrlGenerator) specUrlGen;
         try {
              String url = null;
              url = portalGen.generatePortalComponentUrl(request, "Forum_IS.popvalues");
         } catch (NullPointerException e) {
              log.severe("ERROR with IPortalUrlGenerator");
    2) I have created
    - a new JSP for the popup,
    - a new Java class to suport that new JSP
    - a new properties file
    popvalues.properties with the following code:
    ServicesReference=htmlb, usermanagement, knowledgemanagement, landscape, urlgenerator
    MyPop is the new class that is associated with the new JSP popup.
    The problem now is that the bean was lost.
    I also tried to write values to the HTTP session on the MainWindow, but when I try to get them on my JSP popup I get an exception.
    How can I pass the values (or beans) to my new popup JSP ?
    Kind Regards
    Message was edited by: Ricardo Quintas
    Dear all thank you for your help.
    I have managed to solve the problem I had.
    Here's the problem + solution sumary.
    I have to remind you that we are talking of EP 5, PDK 5 (Eclipse version 2.1.0), with JAVA JDK 1.3.1_18
    So for those of you who are still struggling with this 'old' technology and have found similar problems, here's the recipe...
    I had a problem with launching a new JSP when clicking a HTMLb button.
    I wanted to create a JSP to present a 'print-format' of an iView.
    This new popup should present data in a simple format, and for that to happen it should use the same bean used by the 'parent' iView
    To create the new JSP popup I did the following:
    1) Create the PopWindow.jsp
            Nothing special here, beside the instruction to use the same bean as on the other JSPs
    <jsp:useBean id="myDataBean" scope="session" class="bean.DataBean" />
       2) Create the associated JAVA class
    MyPop.java.      This class will be used to call the PopWindow.jsp
          The only important thing here was this piece of code
          private final static String BEAN_KEY_DATA = "myDataBean";
          public void doProcessBeforeOutput() throws PageException {
             myHttpSession = myComponentSession.getHttpSession();
             myDataBean = (DataBean) myHttpSession.getAttribute(BEAN_KEY_DATA);
             myComponentSession.putValue(BEAN_KEY_DATA, myDataBean);
          Here you can see that I'm doing 2 diferent things:
          a) get the bean from the HttpSession
          b) and then kick it back again, but this time into this component session
       3) Created a new properties file
    popvalues.properties.      This file contains the follwing code:
          Contrary to some opinions on this discussion,
    you can't call a component in EP 5 by using ComponentName.JSPname.
    Or at least that didn't work for me.
    You nee to use an aproach like this one ComponentName.NewProperiesFileName
    4) On my main class MainClass.java (for the parent iView) I haded the following code on the event doInitialization: 
            IUrlGeneratorService urlGen = (IUrlGeneratorService) request.getService(IUrlGeneratorService.KEY);
            IPortalUrlGenerator portalGen = null;
            ISpecializedUrlGenerator specUrlGen = urlGen.getSpecializedUrlGenerator(IPortalUrlGenerator.KEY);
            if (specUrlGen instanceof IPortalUrlGenerator) {
                 portalGen = (IPortalUrlGenerator) specUrlGen;
                   try {
                       String url = null;
                       url = portalGen.generatePortalComponentUrl(request, "MyMainApplication.popvalues");
                       } catch (NullPointerException e) {
          The idea here was to build dinamicaly a URL to call the popup.
          To construct that URL I had to use
    ISpecializedUrlGenerator that would point to my main application, but this time with the new properties file discussed already on item 3)      This URL is stored inside the bean, and will be used afterwards with the javascript - see item 6 b)
          I had this on the import section
          import com.sapportals.portal.prt.service.urlgenerator.IUrlGeneratorService;
          import com.sapportals.portal.prt.service.urlgenerator.specialized.IPortalUrlGenerator;
          import com.sapportals.portal.prt.service.urlgenerator.specialized.ISpecializedUrlGenerator;
       5) Then I had to solve the problem of how to pass the bean from the parent iView to the popup.
          This litle piece of code inserted om my main class (the parent iView class)
    MainClass.java solved the problem: 
          import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
          request = (IPortalComponentRequest) getRequest();
          session = request.getComponentSession();
          session.putValue(BEAN_KEY_DATA, myDataBean);
          myHttpSession = session.getHttpSession();
          myHttpSession.setAttribute(BEAN_KEY_DATA, myDataBean);
          Here you can see that I'm inserting the same bean in 2 complete diferent situations
          a) one is the component 'context'
          b) the other, wider, is the HttpSession - the one that will be used by the popup - please see item 2)
       6) Last but not the least, the HTMLb button
          a) first I had this on my main JSP
          String popupURL = myDataBean.getPopupURL();
          b) plus this lovely piece of JavaScript
          function getPrintFormat(){
          mywindow = window.open ("<%=popupURL%>","mywindow","location=0,status=1, menubar=1, scrollbars=1, scrollbars=1, menubar=1, resizable=1, width=600,height=400");
          c) the HTMLb button was created like this
             text="Formato para Impressão"
           As you can see there's no event catch or call to the server. The only thing to consider is a call to the JavaScript function
           Está todo lá dentro.
           That's all there is to it.

  • Close the ADF popup window from deployed JSP in other server

    I am attempting to open jsp page which one is deployed on tomcat server in adf pop up window from cmd button event.and this first jsp will forward to second jsp and i should able to close from pop window from second jsp close button.
    This is what i did:
    1) created pop-up window and run the delployed jsp on pop up page
    2) i used window.close script in second jsp but not popup window is not get closed .
    help me to achieve this pblm ....

    i was trying to open &close other server's jsp from ADF pop-up window ... so base is internal window (pop-up) only ,
    and already i used onclick="window.close();" in command button...but its not closeing the adf pop-up window ... how that jsp cmd button onclick event take control of adf pop-up to close ?
    help me ???

  • Passing Value from a Popup Window Back to the Parent Window

    I am using JSF. I try to pass a value that is entered by users in the popup window back to a text field in the parent window.
    quote: document.forms[ ].elements[ ] is null or not an object.
    The relevant code snippets are shown below. The screen1.jsp is the parent window:
             <script language="JavaScript1.1">
               function doPopup(source)
                    popup = window.open("externalFilePopup.jsp",
                         "height=300,width=200,toolbar=no,menubar=no,"                    + "scrollbars=yes");
                    popup.openerFormId = source.form.id;
    <h:outputText value="Enter the external system file name"/>        <h:inputText value="#{dataManagementBean.ip}" size="18" />
    <h:commandButton value="..." onclick="doPopup(this); return false;" />
    ..........The externalFilePopup.jsp is the popup window:
            <script language="JavaScript1.1">
                function doSave( value )
                   var formId = window.openerFormId;
                   opener.document.forms[ formId ].elements[ formId + ":ip" ].value = value;
         <h:outputText value="IP Address: "/>
         <h:inputText size="25" value="#{dataManagementBean.ip }" required="true"/>
         <h:commandButton value="OK" onclick="doSave('#{dataManagementBean.ip}');"/>
            .......... The script error occurs when I click on this OK button.
    Please point out the mistakes in my code. Thank you.

    I have made some modifications to the code in the popup window. The error reported in my previous posting is gone. But, I still have several problems:
    1. syntax error in the popup window jsp page: line 45, char 21, syntax error, ..., Do you want to continue running script on this page?2. The popup window does not close after I click on the OK button that I coded in the popup window jsp.
    3. The value that I entered in the popup window eventually gets passed back to the text field in the parent window only if I re-run the application.
    The relevant JavaScript code snippets are:
            <script language="JavaScript1.1">
                function doSave( value )
                   var formId = window.openerFormId;
                   opener.document.forms[ formId ].form[ formId + ":ip" ].value = value;
                                       <h:outputText value="IP Address: "/>
         <h:inputText size="25" id="ip" value="#{dataManagementBean.ip }" required="true"/>
         <h:commandButton value="OK" onclick="doSave('ip'); return=false;"/>
    ......What are the mistakes that I made?

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    I upgraded to Mountain Lion (MacbookPro). Now when I open ical I get a popup window with a list I had added to Reminders app with the message 'Your calendar couldn't be refreshed' i--t won't go away-'delete' is greyed out--can't access calendar! Help!

    I upgraded to Mountain Lion (MacbookPro). Now when I open ical I get a popup window with a list I had added to Reminders app with the message 'Your calendar couldn't be refreshed' i--t won't go away-'delete' is greyed out--can't access calendar! Help!

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    Hi experts,
    I have strange behavior of input field with data element of type DATS assigned. Field is on popup window and when I try to pick a date value calendar input help blinks and hide, so it is not possible to pick a value. Any ideas why? Thank you.

    solved, when popup window is smaller than calendar input help it blinks.

  • Calendar popup  window

    I have searched the forums to try to find an answer to my question with no luck.
    In our application, the reps need to be able to use the date popup window to specify a date range. We need the ability to choose a date range for last year and this year. We are using a model node for our data. When we select the date pop up the window only shows 3 weeks of dates. We can scroll forward and backward by months, but the buttons are not visible. We found this by accident. Is there a way to control the size, functionality and visibility of the calendar pop up window?

    Thanks for your response.
    The fields we are using are of type date.
    I also tested the change in a test project. I created a value attribute of type date. I created an input field on my view and use bound the field to the date attribue (I hope I said that right. I am fairly new to web dynpro).  When I executed the test view, I got the same result. The arrows are not present and the 4th week is half cut off.
    Another developer has also been researching the issue. He believes there may be a bug with the java version we are using. Is this possible? We are using Java 1.4.2 and the Web Dynpro version is 7.0.09

  • Open popup window and bring text to opener window jsp [help~]

    how to click a button then open popup window.
    and add somthing in the popup window, that can bring the text in the popup window to opener window in jsp.

    This is a javascript/html question, and has nothing to do with Java/JSP.
    You could do it with plain javascript/html using window.opener.
    I would recommend using something like a [YUI 2 Panel|http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/container/panel/] to do it.
    Opening new windows is a thing of the past.

  • I'm using "window.open()" to show one Calendar in a popup window. I can see that the popup is re-sizable. How can I prevent the user from re-sizing the popup?

    I'm using "window.open()" to show one Calendar in a popup window. I can see that the popup is re-sizable. How can I prevent the user from re-sizing the popup? I have tried "resizable=yes|no|1|0" and that seems to be not working.

    You can't prevent users from resizing a pop-up.

  • Bc4j jsp calendar deployment problem

    Using jdeveloper 9.02 I made a simple webapplication with bc4j jsp's and deployed it to oc4j ( directly from jdeveloper as described in the help. This works fine, except for the calendar (datepicker). When the calendar is loading in a separate frame I become an 'access is denied' error. In the http-web-access.log the following line shows up: - - [25/Nov/2002:15:52:54 +0100] "GET /webapp/jsp/calendar.jsp?redirect=/webapp/jsp/calendar.jsp&locale=de_AT&enc=windows-1252&origValue=1980-12-24&format=yyyy-MM-dd&formatter= HTTP/1.1" 500 383
    The application runs fine on the oc4j inside jdeveloper, so I assume it is a configuration problem. However, so far I couldn't find out what is wrong.
    If I make a simple application using the wizards for the emp table, and deploy it with standard settings to the local oc4j, I have exactly the same problem.
    does anybody have a suggestion?
    thanks, Cor

    problem is solved.
    Webapp and cabo are installed as applications in their own directory structures. However, the required libraries are not deployed automatically in the web-inf/lib directory. They are present in the main application web-inf/lib, but these are apparently not accessable. Copying the libraries solves the problem.
    I'm still wondering whether I did something wrong. Simply deploying the bc4j.ear to oc4j is obviously not enough, but that is what the jdeveloper help is saying. Did I misunderstand something?

  • Opening Date Picker in popup window

    Hi All,
    I'd like to be able to use a Date Picker in a custom popup window that I've developed. When I open the date picker however, because I'm already in a popup window the date picker fills the whole of the custom popup, rather than opening in its own window.
    Is there a way to force the date picker into using a new window?

    Hi Mike;
    Thanks for the responce. My Tabular (Popup) form is wizard generated. This is the code I use to call the Popup:
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function callACNEPopup (formItem1) {
    var formVal1 = document.getElementById(formItem1).value;
    var url;
    url = 'f?p=&APP_ID.:60:&FLOW_SESSION.::::P60_ACAC_UID:' + formVal1;
    wACNE = open(url,"winLov","Scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=675,height=300");
    if (wACNE.opener == null)
    wACNE.opener = self;
    The Calendar is simply a date picker.

  • How to alter text after Calendar Wizard script creates a calendar

    I mainly work with Photoshop, so I'm new to the InDesign world.  I set my options for the Calendar Wizard script, it goes through the motions, makes the calendar, and then shows my finished product.  The problem is that it lists the year next to each month:  May 2012, June 2012, etc., and I need to remove "2012" from all of them.  I know the font styles will update the entire calendar when they are applied, so I hope this works in a similar way.  I'm guessing this is a very simple task if you're familiar with the program, haha! 
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    It sounds more like you are asking how to remove 2012 from several pages, rather than how to edit the script to not put 2012 in to begin with. If I'm wrong about that, you might want to ask over at the scripting forum.
    One easy way to remove 2012 is to use Find/Change. If you search for 2012 and leave the change field blank, it will replace 2012 with nothing. In the Find/Change window, there is a field that will let you search from the cursor location to the end of the current story, the whole story, all stories in the document, or all open documents. If you set it to Document, you can use the find button to find the first instance, and if you want to delete it, you can hit either Change, Change/Find (which will change it and look for the next instance), or Change All. I'd use Change/Find, in the event you have 2012 on another part of the calendar that you want to keep. You can also have it look for the text only when it has a particular paragraph or character style, and change to the same or a different paragraph or character style. To do that, click in the Find Format and Change Format boxes. To clear them out, hit the little trash can icon next to the field.

  • How to disable parent window while popup window is coming

    I am working on Oracle Applications 11i.
    I am able to get the popup window using the Java script in the controller.
    Please see the below code for the reference.
    String pubOrderId = pageContext.getParameter("orderId");
    StringBuffer l_buffer = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer l_buffer1 = new StringBuffer();
    l_buffer.append("javascript:mywin = openWindow(top, '");
    String url = "/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?page="+l_buffer1.toString();
    OAUrl popupUrl = new OAUrl(url, OAWebBeanConstants.ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_SAVE );
    String strUrl = popupUrl.createURL(pageContext);
    l_buffer.append("', 'lovWindow', {width:750, height:550},false,'dialog',null);");
    But here the problem is, even though popup window is there, i am able to do the actions on the parent page.
    So how to disable the parent page, while getting the popup window.
    Thanks in advance.

    You can use javaScript for disabling parent window as well.
    Refer below link for the same:

  • RE: Getting multiple values from more than one multiple select popup window

    I have a button on a JSP of mine that when clicked creates a popup window (right now it is called popup.html) with a multiple select menu.
    My question is how do I get all the values selected from the menu into my JSP (sample.jsp) so that I can set each of the values for my bean.
    The other problem is that I have more than one select multiple menu.
    Please help if you can. Any advice or suggestions here would be greatly appreciated!
    Thank you!

    I realize that I can use request.getParameterValues to get the values selected from my html because I am passing them to the hidden inputs I have and then using the request.getParameterValues to get each of the values.
    MY PROBLEM IS WHAT IF I HAVE 4 MULTIPLE SELECTS??? How can I use the same html popup menu to get the values from the 4 different multiple selects????
    I look forward to your response.
    This code is from my JSP:
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Field1" SIZE="15">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="F1Rad1">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="Permission">
    <input type=button name=choice onClick="window.open('optionPicker.html','popuppage','width=250,height=100');" value="Options"></TD>
    Here is my optionPicker.html code for the pop up menu:
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function sendValue(s)
    var boxSize= s.options[0].value;
    var restrict     = s.options[1].value;
    window.opener.document.addNewForm.F1Rad1.value = boxSize;
    window.opener.document.addNewForm.Permission.value = restrict;
    <form name=selectform>
    <select multiple name=selectmenu size="2">
    <option value="large">Large Text Input Area
    <option value="restrict">Restricted Access
    <input type=button value="Select Option(s) For Field" onClick="sendValue(this.form.selectmenu);">

  • How to pass the values from popup window to parent's window

    Hi Experts,
    in my application i need to develop one popup window in that i have created 4 dropdowns and one ok button , if i willl click on that ok  button the values should pass to parent window dropdownlistboxes
    can any body suggest how i will get the popup window values
    thanks in advance,

    Hi Ramani,
    I can provide few inputs on how can we control JSP 2 from JSP1.
    Here is the code. Check if you can convert this to make useful to you. I am not passing values but control.
    here it is:
    JSP 1.
    <h1>Page One</h1>
    <a href="/irj/portalapps/<PAR_FILE_NAME>/images/<HTML_PAGE_NAME>.html#part1">part 1</a>
    <a href="/irj/portalapps/<PAR_FILE_NAME>/images/<HTML_PAGE_NAME>#part2">part 2</a>
    <a href="/irj/portalapps/<PAR_FILE_NAME>/images/<HTML_PAGE_NAME>#part3">part 3</a>
    JSP 2.
    <h1>Page Two</h1>
    <a name="part1">
    <h3>Part 1</h3>
    <a name="part2">
    <h3>Part 2</h3>
    <a name="part3">
    <h3>Part 3</h3>
    This way you can move from one JSP to other.
    -Kedar Kulkarni
    reward points if useful.
    Message was edited by:
            Kedar Kulkarni

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